Nice post, however I gave up any hope for blizzard to actually innovate and meet our expectations.
Add the following features: From WC3, automated tournaments. Brower basically said that it is something that they plan on adding into... Legacy of the Void. Yes, it's going to take then 5 years to do something that was already implemented in warcraft 3. I know blizzard hasn't been known for being being an innovative company for quite a long time now, rather relying on very polished games, but seriously going backward like that? I feel that they lost a big opportunity with blizzard, and that the company as a whole is going to change a lot in the future if they don't want to become obsolete. Good post nonetheless.
That's quite the efford; well done, OP. Don't agree with absolutely everything but it doesn't matter.
Hope Blizzard give this a serious read.
On December 10 2012 06:16 Ero-Sennin wrote:Show nested quote +This option allows a player to leave their league. This is a very bad feature. There is no legitimate use of this feature. Players with MMR near the boundary of promotion could abuse this feature to make it easier to get promoted. If the goal is to make promotions easier, then do this by increasing the uncertainty threshold of MMR required for promotion.
If instead the goal is to make it easier to change divisions, there is no point in changing divisions. Divisions are already meaningless. Allowing division hopping would make the division rank even more meaningless for absolutely no reason at all, since players could “choose” newer and easier divisions.
Allowing people to leave their league also resets their points to 0 and refunds their entire bonus pool. So this hurts casuals who aren’t aware that using this option requires them to start from scratch.
Moreover, it makes points a worse measure of skill, because the player would have to use up their entire bonus pool again in order for points to correctly measure skill, even if the system already has an accurate MMR for players who were active enough to use up their previous bonus pool. This wouldn’t be an issue if joining a new league after leaving a league retained the player’s previous points and bonus pool, accounting for time elapsed. But then, players could abuse this as a way of hiding their stats and ladder standing by leaving their league after each game. I'd have to disagree. Now I haven't played HOTS yet so I may be wrong, but if you're right that leaving the league resets points to zero and gives back your bonus pool..... THIS IS GOOD! But I would say that it should only be able to be used once a week. Say you're in whatever league it doesn't matter, and you're concerned with your wins/losses or points, whatever, and you go on a massive losing streak. You know the kind, where sometimes people want to break their CDs and all that fun stuff. Well guess what. Rage reset, BOOM! Clean slate. Or if they have a different account they can hop on there, but instead of looking at an ugly 15 game losing streak and dropping from top 20 in their division to rank 70, they can /clearstats and start from scratch. This is a good feature to have. But how will we know who the good people are? Most pros already have a good idea through playing people and through tournament play. Judging skill based solely on ladder hasn't worked yet anywhere, so why try to force it to work now?
Then just give players a number of smurfs. Having a limited number of smurfs is still better than giving players the ability completely reset their skill rating.
Very detailed, all very valid points :D, I didn't even realize how many inconsistencies there were in the UI O.o
Very well done! In regards to 15.c I believe that has something to do with maps specifically made for casting (in and upcoming patch the spectating UI is going to be easily changed in the editor). I do not believe it has anything to do with casual spectating.
jesus tittyfucking christ
That is really throughout and detailed feedback. I think one of the most important aspect of a game in terms on attracting new players is how easy it is to look at a game and not bee confused. Looking at LoL i have no clue what is going on and I get lost in its interface, and its something that has really prevented me from playing the game. Also as much as i feel like blizzard wants to put out a perfect game, there is so much that the community is demanding atm, but blizzard seems as though they might not have the manpower to take on everything at once.
good catches on the inconsistencies. I would never have been arsed to go though them like you did, so well done.
Wow, thank you so much for taking the time to put all of this together. Blizzard should subscribe to this thread imo.
Making the UI look unified/polished like this is something a lot of people overlook and is very important. Thanks for pointing this out!
Great work, are you looking for a job? Let's spread the word to let Blizzard see this!
Wow this is really good. There are people like you who companys hire to get their products better, and you did it all for free just because you love the game.
I hope blizzard will use this.
holy shit, well done good sir. someone make sure blizz sees this.
I love this. Amazing job! I really hope Blizzard reads this and listens!
On December 10 2012 00:31 Snowbear wrote: Sick post, wow. I hope that blizzard reads this. The should hire you! Well done!
They won't if it doesn't go into their forum.
wow. this is a lot of work.
A lot of this is good but some of it is just nitpicking.
Fucking awesome feedback post, detailed and with some great examples what to do instead.
Love it
very impressive! i'd love to see the UI changed in this direction