To occupy myself, I'll be streaming multiple games a TON this weekend and as much as I can during the week/the next weekends. Starcraft II (though I haven't actually played in about a year!), Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, might try DotA 2 since I was gifted it, playing through LA Noire in my spare time.
Feel free to stop by and offer words of encouragement, or to share similar stories. Or, as Ret said, to make fun of me. It doesn't really matter.
I'm hitting the gym tomorrow morning and will be streaming as soon as I get home (and shower of course). Will attempt to provide commentary where I can. I'm terrible at Starcraft but really enjoy the game. I'm decent at CS and played competitively for years, so I'll probably be able to provide more insight there.
Hope to see you there! See you on the other side. Here's to smelling better, breathing easier, and living independent of this addiction!
EDIT: If I remember correctly, my is DarK.1264 unless they changed all that around. Feel free to friend me if you want to play some, or mess around in team games, etc. I play Zerg.
EDIT 2: does anyone know whether SC2 performs better using something like Dxstory or should I just use screen region in xsplit?