Thread Rules 1. This is not a "do my homework for me" thread. If you have specific questions, ask, but don't post an assignment or homework problem and expect an exact solution. 2. No recruiting for your cockamamie projects (you won't replace facebook with 3 dudes you found on the internet and $20) 3. If you can't articulate why a language is bad, don't start slinging shit about it. Just remember that nothing is worse than making CSS IE6 compatible. 4. Use [code] tags to format code blocks. |
I return with JDeveloper questions:
Inside JDeveloper you can run a few steps to export either an offline database or the objects inside a database diagram (in the latter case, you're basically taking a subset of that offline database) to an existing database. That is, you can instantly replicate what you have done in your offline project onto an actual database.
Is there a way to externally call this process, such as via a batch script or Ruby? Simply generating the SQL script remotely would be fine. I'm basically just looking for a way to ultimately spin this process off from a C#.NET application without needing to first load up JDeveloper and manually export the SQL script.
I'm a computer scientist since 2010, and I never understood two things about the C++ language: what does using namespace std; do? What exactly does the static keyword do? I will now go hide in shame.
On November 16 2012 02:56 Nausea wrote:Show nested quote +On November 16 2012 00:15 Nausea wrote:On November 16 2012 00:05 Bigpet wrote:On November 15 2012 23:47 Nausea wrote:On November 15 2012 23:39 netherh wrote:On November 15 2012 22:59 Nausea wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On November 15 2012 22:45 Bigpet wrote:Show nested quote +On November 15 2012 22:22 Nausea wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On November 15 2012 22:07 Schokomuesli wrote:Just to get it right... What you are doing is: { (...) C_Player player; Shade.OnLoad(&player, 0.5f); (...) }
and inside Shade.OnLoad() you copy a value in player to a local variable in Shade, right? Furthermore: is the pointer you passed into OnLoad still valid when using it? In particular: do you use if after leaving the scope in which you created player (that is: the closing curly brace just below OnLoad ^)? Because after this brace, player does not exist anymore if you create it on the stack as you did in the example above... If you do _excatly_ this: { C_Player player; Shade.OnLoad(&player, 0.5f); }
^and never again use anything inside Shade which refers to the pointer you passed you are fine and all of this should work. If you do this: { { C_Player player; C_Player* player2 = new C_Player(); Shade.OnLoad(&player, 0.5f); Shade.OnLoad(player2, 0.5f); } Shade.asdf1(); // asdf1 uses the pointer to player you passed /w onLoad before - this breaks Shade.asdf2(); // asdf2 uses the pointer to player2 you passed /w onLoad before - this works because due to heap construction, the object player2 points to still exists... }
This will not work... player does not exist anymore but you still have the adress where it used to reside before leaving the scope you created it in. BTW, this is just guesswork without seeing the methods and the surrounding code... Thanks, but C_Player player is from C_Application.h and then implemented inside applications OnInit funktion. This should lead player to "die" at the end of the program, like every entity in my entitylist. I have tried making player dynamic, this did not work either. This is why I am confused atm. Then what exactly is strange in your program then? Explaining it in words is kind of hard to understand. You should post some code example. Btw. if your problem is that the pointer is slightly offset then that may be due to multiple inheritance if you use that. Don't let us puzzle, post a self contained example. #include <iostream>
class Base{public: long padding;}; class Base2{}; class Derived : public Base, public Base2{};
int main(){ Derived d; Derived *ptr = &d; Base2 *bas = static_cast<Base2 *>(ptr); if((void *)ptr != (void *)bas){ std::cout << "the wonders of multiple inheritance" << std::endl; } return 0; }
Ok, here goes then. Adding some example code to show you what is happening. + Show Spoiler +C_Application.h
class C_Application : public C_Event {
private: C_Player player;
bool C_Application::OnInit() {
player.OnLoad("player.png", 0, 0); C_PlayerShade* shadeptr = new C_Shade;
shadeptr->OnLoad(&player, 0.5);
C_Player inherits C_Entity, C_PlayerShade inherits C_Entity. C_PlayerShade.h
class C_PlayerShade : public C_Entity {
private: C_Entity* parentptr;
public: bool OnLoad(C_Entity* parent, float delay); (...)
bool C_PlayerShade::OnLoad(C_Entity* parent, float delay) {
parentptr = parent;
this->X = parentptr->X; // Does not work. Gives wrong value.
Hope that helps, If you want to know more let me know. I think we might need to see C_Player and C_Entity and where / how you set the value of X to be certain what's going on. It's possible that you're defining X in both the player and entity class, and only set the value in the player class. Then when you try to fetch it from your entity pointer, you get the value of X from the entity class, and not the player class. But that's just a guess without seeing the other things. The X var is only defined in C_Entity, neither C_Player or C_PlayerShade defines it, they just use it through C_Entity. Whatever the problem is, it doesn't appear to originate in the snippets you posted, have you tried setting breakpoints and checking the value of the member X at different points (mainly before and after passing the pointer to OnLoad)? Well I will have to code it again since I decided to remove it yesterday after hours of trial and error and memory errors making my computer wanna kill itself, so I ended up restarting my computer and reverting all that stuff. If anyone want to take a look and see if something looks glaringly wrong, please do so. + Show Spoiler +class C_Entity {
public: static std::vector<C_Entity*> EntityList;
C_Animation Anim_Control;
SDL_Surface* Surf_Entity;
public: float X; float Y; (...)
#include "C_Entity.h"
std::vector<C_Entity*> C_Entity::EntityList;
C_Entity::C_Entity() {
Surf_Entity = NULL;
X = 0; Y = 0;
Width = 0; Height = 0;
MoveLeft = false; MoveRight = false;
Dead = false; Flags = ENTITY_FLAG_NONE;
SpeedX = 0; SpeedY = 0;
AccelY = 0;
MaxSpeedX = 13; MaxSpeedY = 10;
Col_X = 0; Col_Y = 0;
Col_Width = 0; Col_Height = 0; (...)
class C_Player : public C_Entity {
unsigned int LastSlide; bool Sliding; bool SlidingRight; bool SlidingLeft; bool JumpedOnSlide;
bool CanJump; bool Jumping; bool FirstJump;
bool Shooting; bool ChargeShot;
C_Player::C_Player() {
MaxSpeedY = 10.5; X = 0; Y = 0;
LastSlide = 0; Sliding = false; SlidingRight = false; SlidingLeft = false; JumpedOnSlide = false;
CanJump = false; Jumping = false; FirstJump = true;
Shooting = false; ChargeShot = false;
Dead = false;
} class C_PlayerShade : public C_Entity {
private: C_Entity* target;
float SpeedDelay;
public: C_PlayerShade(); C_PlayerShade(C_Entity* parent, float delay); (...)
C_PlayerShade::C_PlayerShade() { SpeedX = 0; SpeedY = 0; SpeedDelay = 0;
AccelY = 0;
X = 0; Y = 0;
target = NULL;
Dead = false;
C_PlayerShade::C_PlayerShade(C_Entity* parent, float delay) {
target = parent;
AccelY = target->AccelY;
X = target->X; Y = target->Y;
SpeedX = target->SpeedX; SpeedY = target->SpeedY; SpeedDelay = delay;
Dead = false;
bool C_PlayerShade::OnLoad() {
C_Frameset CharJumpRight( "JUMPINGRIGHT" ); CharJumpRight.AddFrame(0, 188, 25, 48); CharJumpRight.AddFrame(25, 187, 23, 51); CharJumpRight.AddFrame(48, 189, 23, 55); CharJumpRight.AddFrame(71, 187, 23, 57); CharJumpRight.AddFrame(94, 190, 27, 53); CharJumpRight.AddFrame(121, 191, 34, 50);
C_Frameset CharJumpLeft( "JUMPINGLEFT" ); CharJumpLeft.AddFrame(0, 245, 25, 48); CharJumpLeft.AddFrame(25, 244, 23, 51); CharJumpLeft.AddFrame(48, 246, 23, 55); CharJumpLeft.AddFrame(71, 244, 23, 57); CharJumpLeft.AddFrame(94, 247, 27, 53); CharJumpLeft.AddFrame(121, 248, 34, 50);
C_Frameset CharFallRight( "FALLINGRIGHT" ); CharFallRight.AddFrame(155, 190, 32, 52); CharFallRight.AddFrame(187, 189, 29, 54);
C_Frameset CharFallLeft( "FALLINGLEFT" ); CharFallLeft.AddFrame(155, 247, 32, 52); CharFallLeft.AddFrame(187, 246, 29, 52);
C_Frameset CharSlideRight( "SLIDINGRIGHT" ); CharSlideRight.AddFrame(0, 301, 34, 44); CharSlideRight.AddFrame(34, 301, 46, 44, 10); CharSlideRight.AddFrame(80, 301, 53, 44, 20); CharSlideRight.AddFrame(133, 301, 57, 44, 20); CharSlideRight.AddFrame(190, 301, 38, 44, 10); CharSlideRight.AddFrame(228, 301, 30, 44, 10); CharSlideRight.AddFrame(258, 301, 41, 44, 10); CharSlideRight.AddFrame(299, 301, 43, 44, 10);
C_Frameset CharSlideLeft( "SLIDINGLEFT" ); CharSlideLeft.AddFrame(0, 345, 34, 44); CharSlideLeft.AddFrame(34, 345, 46, 44); CharSlideLeft.AddFrame(80, 345, 53, 44); CharSlideLeft.AddFrame(133, 345, 57, 44); CharSlideLeft.AddFrame(190, 345, 38, 44); CharSlideLeft.AddFrame(228, 345, 30, 44); CharSlideLeft.AddFrame(258, 345, 41, 44); CharSlideLeft.AddFrame(299, 345, 43, 44);
C_Frameset Transparent("TRANSPARENT"); Transparent.AddFrame(500,0,0,0);
Anim_Control.AddFrameset(CharJumpRight); Anim_Control.AddFrameset(CharJumpLeft); Anim_Control.AddFrameset(CharFallRight); Anim_Control.AddFrameset(CharFallLeft); Anim_Control.AddFrameset(CharSlideRight); Anim_Control.AddFrameset(CharSlideLeft); Anim_Control.AddFrameset(Transparent);
if(C_Entity::OnLoad("./gfx/megaman/shade.png") == false) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to load shade.png: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); return false; }
X = target->X; Y = target->Y;
SpeedX = target->SpeedX; SpeedY = target->SpeedY;
AccelY = target->AccelY;
return true;
You should use accessor methods instead of public member variables. That's just asking for trouble. Also I'm concerned about the possibility of null pointers in the OnLoad method. Although a pointer to a deleted object is just as bad or worse :/
On November 16 2012 10:15 EsX_Raptor wrote:I'm a computer scientist since 2010, and I never understood two things about the C++ language: what does using namespace std; do? What exactly does the static keyword do? I will now go hide in shame.
using namespace std; imports the namespace "std" into your current namespace, so that you can write
#include <string> #include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char **argv) { { using namespace std; string s = string("this be text"); cout << s << endl; } //string s2; //<---this would result in a compile error, string is unknown here, it's std::string { std::string s = std::string("this be text"); std::cout << s << std::endl; } }
As for static ho boy, where do I begin, I guess "make this value constant across the whole program"
int increment(){ static int f=0; //initialization will only be run the first time return ++f; }
class A{ public: int a; //this isn't static and each instance of A will have its own int a static int b;//this will exist globally and have the same value for all instances of A static void function(){ //a++; //this is a compile error, a does not exist in a static context b++; } };
int A::b=1;//initialize the static value
int main(int argc, char **argv){ increment();//returns 1 increment();//returns 2, etc for successive calls
A::function(); //call function and set A::b to 2, we don't need and instance of A to call this because it's a static function A::b=7;//we can also access static data members without instantiating A //A::a; // compile error, a is a non-static member , we need an instance of A
A obj; obj.function();//increases A::b from 7 to 8 //there's no difference between obj.function() and A::function() obj.a=5; }
This is the shortest way in which I can describe those concepts.
On November 16 2012 10:15 EsX_Raptor wrote:I'm a computer scientist since 2010, and I never understood two things about the C++ language: what does using namespace std; do? What exactly does the static keyword do? I will now go hide in shame. What is your definition of "being a computer scientist?" Do you mean you started your education in 2010 or that you've been professionally developing for 2 years?
On November 16 2012 11:52 Bigpet wrote:Show nested quote +On November 16 2012 10:15 EsX_Raptor wrote:As for static ho boy, where do I begin, I guess "make this value constant across the whole program" int increment(){ static int f=0; //initialization will only be run the first time return ++f; }
class A{ public: int a; //this isn't static and each instance of A will have its own int a static int b;//this will exist globally and have the same value for all instances of A static void function(){ //a++; //this is a compile error, a does not exist in a static context b++; } };
int A::b=1;//initialize the static value
int main(int argc, char **argv){ increment();//returns 1 increment();//returns 2, etc for successive calls
A::function(); //call function and set A::b to 2, we don't need and instance of A to call this because it's a static function A::b=7;//we can also access static data members without instantiating A //A::a; // compile error, a is a non-static member , we need an instance of A
A obj; obj.function();//increases A::b from 7 to 8 //there's no difference between obj.function() and A::function() obj.a=5; }
This is the shortest way in which I can describe those concepts.
Static in the context of C++ doesn't have anything to do with constant-ness/immutability; that's what const is for. Your examples illustrate what static means, though. Static affects the lifetime of an object in C++ as well as its linkage (i.e., if the value is visible outside of the file). The meaning of static depends on what is being declared static. For example:
+ A global variable marked as static explicitly has internal linkage. That is, the variable (precisely, its name) is not visible outside of the file it is declared in. + A field (in a class) marked as static has the same meaning as in Java. That field is shared among all instances of that class.
"Consistent" would be a better term, though it does not entirely cover the meaning.
+ Show Spoiler +On November 16 2012 12:09 Kambing wrote:Show nested quote +On November 16 2012 11:52 Bigpet wrote:On November 16 2012 10:15 EsX_Raptor wrote:As for static ho boy, where do I begin, I guess "make this value constant across the whole program" int increment(){ static int f=0; //initialization will only be run the first time return ++f; }
class A{ public: int a; //this isn't static and each instance of A will have its own int a static int b;//this will exist globally and have the same value for all instances of A static void function(){ //a++; //this is a compile error, a does not exist in a static context b++; } };
int A::b=1;//initialize the static value
int main(int argc, char **argv){ increment();//returns 1 increment();//returns 2, etc for successive calls
A::function(); //call function and set A::b to 2, we don't need and instance of A to call this because it's a static function A::b=7;//we can also access static data members without instantiating A //A::a; // compile error, a is a non-static member , we need an instance of A
A obj; obj.function();//increases A::b from 7 to 8 //there's no difference between obj.function() and A::function() obj.a=5; }
This is the shortest way in which I can describe those concepts. Static in the context of C++ doesn't have anything to do with constant-ness/immutability; that's what const is for. Your examples illustrate what static means, though. Static affects the lifetime of an object in C++ as well as its linkage (i.e., if the value is visible outside of the file). The meaning of static depends on what is being declared static. For example: + A global variable marked as static explicitly has internal linkage. That is, the variable (precisely, its name) is not visible outside of the file it is declared in. + A field (in a class) marked as static has the same meaning as in Java. That field is shared among all instances of that class. Yeah, used the wrong word. I was looking for "consistent across the program" not constant.
Dangit got ninja'd, well mods you might as well delete this post now
On November 15 2012 23:55 kaykaykay wrote: Is there anybody decent with Object oriented programing eclipse java here? :D Depends on your definition of "decent," but yea probably.
On November 16 2012 02:56 Nausea wrote:Show nested quote +On November 16 2012 00:15 Nausea wrote:On November 16 2012 00:05 Bigpet wrote:On November 15 2012 23:47 Nausea wrote:On November 15 2012 23:39 netherh wrote:On November 15 2012 22:59 Nausea wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On November 15 2012 22:45 Bigpet wrote:Show nested quote +On November 15 2012 22:22 Nausea wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On November 15 2012 22:07 Schokomuesli wrote:Just to get it right... What you are doing is: { (...) C_Player player; Shade.OnLoad(&player, 0.5f); (...) }
and inside Shade.OnLoad() you copy a value in player to a local variable in Shade, right? Furthermore: is the pointer you passed into OnLoad still valid when using it? In particular: do you use if after leaving the scope in which you created player (that is: the closing curly brace just below OnLoad ^)? Because after this brace, player does not exist anymore if you create it on the stack as you did in the example above... If you do _excatly_ this: { C_Player player; Shade.OnLoad(&player, 0.5f); }
^and never again use anything inside Shade which refers to the pointer you passed you are fine and all of this should work. If you do this: { { C_Player player; C_Player* player2 = new C_Player(); Shade.OnLoad(&player, 0.5f); Shade.OnLoad(player2, 0.5f); } Shade.asdf1(); // asdf1 uses the pointer to player you passed /w onLoad before - this breaks Shade.asdf2(); // asdf2 uses the pointer to player2 you passed /w onLoad before - this works because due to heap construction, the object player2 points to still exists... }
This will not work... player does not exist anymore but you still have the adress where it used to reside before leaving the scope you created it in. BTW, this is just guesswork without seeing the methods and the surrounding code... Thanks, but C_Player player is from C_Application.h and then implemented inside applications OnInit funktion. This should lead player to "die" at the end of the program, like every entity in my entitylist. I have tried making player dynamic, this did not work either. This is why I am confused atm. Then what exactly is strange in your program then? Explaining it in words is kind of hard to understand. You should post some code example. Btw. if your problem is that the pointer is slightly offset then that may be due to multiple inheritance if you use that. Don't let us puzzle, post a self contained example. #include <iostream>
class Base{public: long padding;}; class Base2{}; class Derived : public Base, public Base2{};
int main(){ Derived d; Derived *ptr = &d; Base2 *bas = static_cast<Base2 *>(ptr); if((void *)ptr != (void *)bas){ std::cout << "the wonders of multiple inheritance" << std::endl; } return 0; }
Ok, here goes then. Adding some example code to show you what is happening. + Show Spoiler +C_Application.h
class C_Application : public C_Event {
private: C_Player player;
bool C_Application::OnInit() {
player.OnLoad("player.png", 0, 0); C_PlayerShade* shadeptr = new C_Shade;
shadeptr->OnLoad(&player, 0.5);
C_Player inherits C_Entity, C_PlayerShade inherits C_Entity. C_PlayerShade.h
class C_PlayerShade : public C_Entity {
private: C_Entity* parentptr;
public: bool OnLoad(C_Entity* parent, float delay); (...)
bool C_PlayerShade::OnLoad(C_Entity* parent, float delay) {
parentptr = parent;
this->X = parentptr->X; // Does not work. Gives wrong value.
Hope that helps, If you want to know more let me know. I think we might need to see C_Player and C_Entity and where / how you set the value of X to be certain what's going on. It's possible that you're defining X in both the player and entity class, and only set the value in the player class. Then when you try to fetch it from your entity pointer, you get the value of X from the entity class, and not the player class. But that's just a guess without seeing the other things. The X var is only defined in C_Entity, neither C_Player or C_PlayerShade defines it, they just use it through C_Entity. Whatever the problem is, it doesn't appear to originate in the snippets you posted, have you tried setting breakpoints and checking the value of the member X at different points (mainly before and after passing the pointer to OnLoad)? Well I will have to code it again since I decided to remove it yesterday after hours of trial and error and memory errors making my computer wanna kill itself, so I ended up restarting my computer and reverting all that stuff. If anyone want to take a look and see if something looks glaringly wrong, please do so. + Show Spoiler +class C_Entity {
public: static std::vector<C_Entity*> EntityList;
C_Animation Anim_Control;
SDL_Surface* Surf_Entity;
public: float X; float Y; (...)
#include "C_Entity.h"
std::vector<C_Entity*> C_Entity::EntityList;
C_Entity::C_Entity() {
Surf_Entity = NULL;
X = 0; Y = 0;
Width = 0; Height = 0;
MoveLeft = false; MoveRight = false;
Dead = false; Flags = ENTITY_FLAG_NONE;
SpeedX = 0; SpeedY = 0;
AccelY = 0;
MaxSpeedX = 13; MaxSpeedY = 10;
Col_X = 0; Col_Y = 0;
Col_Width = 0; Col_Height = 0; (...)
class C_Player : public C_Entity {
unsigned int LastSlide; bool Sliding; bool SlidingRight; bool SlidingLeft; bool JumpedOnSlide;
bool CanJump; bool Jumping; bool FirstJump;
bool Shooting; bool ChargeShot;
C_Player::C_Player() {
MaxSpeedY = 10.5; X = 0; Y = 0;
LastSlide = 0; Sliding = false; SlidingRight = false; SlidingLeft = false; JumpedOnSlide = false;
CanJump = false; Jumping = false; FirstJump = true;
Shooting = false; ChargeShot = false;
Dead = false;
} class C_PlayerShade : public C_Entity {
private: C_Entity* target;
float SpeedDelay;
public: C_PlayerShade(); C_PlayerShade(C_Entity* parent, float delay); (...)
C_PlayerShade::C_PlayerShade() { SpeedX = 0; SpeedY = 0; SpeedDelay = 0;
AccelY = 0;
X = 0; Y = 0;
target = NULL;
Dead = false;
C_PlayerShade::C_PlayerShade(C_Entity* parent, float delay) {
target = parent;
AccelY = target->AccelY;
X = target->X; Y = target->Y;
SpeedX = target->SpeedX; SpeedY = target->SpeedY; SpeedDelay = delay;
Dead = false;
bool C_PlayerShade::OnLoad() {
C_Frameset CharJumpRight( "JUMPINGRIGHT" ); CharJumpRight.AddFrame(0, 188, 25, 48); CharJumpRight.AddFrame(25, 187, 23, 51); CharJumpRight.AddFrame(48, 189, 23, 55); CharJumpRight.AddFrame(71, 187, 23, 57); CharJumpRight.AddFrame(94, 190, 27, 53); CharJumpRight.AddFrame(121, 191, 34, 50);
C_Frameset CharJumpLeft( "JUMPINGLEFT" ); CharJumpLeft.AddFrame(0, 245, 25, 48); CharJumpLeft.AddFrame(25, 244, 23, 51); CharJumpLeft.AddFrame(48, 246, 23, 55); CharJumpLeft.AddFrame(71, 244, 23, 57); CharJumpLeft.AddFrame(94, 247, 27, 53); CharJumpLeft.AddFrame(121, 248, 34, 50);
C_Frameset CharFallRight( "FALLINGRIGHT" ); CharFallRight.AddFrame(155, 190, 32, 52); CharFallRight.AddFrame(187, 189, 29, 54);
C_Frameset CharFallLeft( "FALLINGLEFT" ); CharFallLeft.AddFrame(155, 247, 32, 52); CharFallLeft.AddFrame(187, 246, 29, 52);
C_Frameset CharSlideRight( "SLIDINGRIGHT" ); CharSlideRight.AddFrame(0, 301, 34, 44); CharSlideRight.AddFrame(34, 301, 46, 44, 10); CharSlideRight.AddFrame(80, 301, 53, 44, 20); CharSlideRight.AddFrame(133, 301, 57, 44, 20); CharSlideRight.AddFrame(190, 301, 38, 44, 10); CharSlideRight.AddFrame(228, 301, 30, 44, 10); CharSlideRight.AddFrame(258, 301, 41, 44, 10); CharSlideRight.AddFrame(299, 301, 43, 44, 10);
C_Frameset CharSlideLeft( "SLIDINGLEFT" ); CharSlideLeft.AddFrame(0, 345, 34, 44); CharSlideLeft.AddFrame(34, 345, 46, 44); CharSlideLeft.AddFrame(80, 345, 53, 44); CharSlideLeft.AddFrame(133, 345, 57, 44); CharSlideLeft.AddFrame(190, 345, 38, 44); CharSlideLeft.AddFrame(228, 345, 30, 44); CharSlideLeft.AddFrame(258, 345, 41, 44); CharSlideLeft.AddFrame(299, 345, 43, 44);
C_Frameset Transparent("TRANSPARENT"); Transparent.AddFrame(500,0,0,0);
Anim_Control.AddFrameset(CharJumpRight); Anim_Control.AddFrameset(CharJumpLeft); Anim_Control.AddFrameset(CharFallRight); Anim_Control.AddFrameset(CharFallLeft); Anim_Control.AddFrameset(CharSlideRight); Anim_Control.AddFrameset(CharSlideLeft); Anim_Control.AddFrameset(Transparent);
if(C_Entity::OnLoad("./gfx/megaman/shade.png") == false) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to load shade.png: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); return false; }
X = target->X; Y = target->Y;
SpeedX = target->SpeedX; SpeedY = target->SpeedY;
AccelY = target->AccelY;
return true;
^^sorry, in a bit of an hurry but I saw one thing: you might want to start using initialization Lists for your constructors - this yields less unnecessary constructor calls. Example:
class A { public: A(int i, const Widget& w); private: int m_i; Widget m_widget; };
Constructors: Option 1: A::A(int i, const Widget& w) : m_i(i), m_widget(w) {}
Option 2: A::A(int i, const Widget& w) { m_i = i; m_widget = w; }
- Constructing A using Option 1 yields two constructor calls (copy constructors both, once for m_i, once for m_widget. Those occur in place where they are needed, that is: no copying involved.
- Constucting A using Option 2 yields four constructor/method calls (default constructors for both m_i and m_widget and then assignment (most likely involving copying stuff between memory locations)).
Otherwise, the code behaves exactly the same, so there is no need to do it like this :-) (Btw: if you do so, do it in order, so that if m_i is declared before m_widget, use that order in initialization. Makes it easier on the caches if you do not need to jump between adresses).
C++11 expands on those options, you might want to look into this as well if your compiler supports it... (/edit: here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C++11#Object_construction_improvement )
And to the guy asking about goto... here is the original article on why goto is considered harmful - written by Dijkstra in 1968: http://www.u.arizona.edu/~rubinson/copyright_violations/Go_To_Considered_Harmful.html
On November 16 2012 10:27 meatpudding wrote:Show nested quote +On November 16 2012 02:56 Nausea wrote:On November 16 2012 00:15 Nausea wrote:On November 16 2012 00:05 Bigpet wrote:On November 15 2012 23:47 Nausea wrote:On November 15 2012 23:39 netherh wrote:On November 15 2012 22:59 Nausea wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On November 15 2012 22:45 Bigpet wrote:Show nested quote +On November 15 2012 22:22 Nausea wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On November 15 2012 22:07 Schokomuesli wrote:Just to get it right... What you are doing is: { (...) C_Player player; Shade.OnLoad(&player, 0.5f); (...) }
and inside Shade.OnLoad() you copy a value in player to a local variable in Shade, right? Furthermore: is the pointer you passed into OnLoad still valid when using it? In particular: do you use if after leaving the scope in which you created player (that is: the closing curly brace just below OnLoad ^)? Because after this brace, player does not exist anymore if you create it on the stack as you did in the example above... If you do _excatly_ this: { C_Player player; Shade.OnLoad(&player, 0.5f); }
^and never again use anything inside Shade which refers to the pointer you passed you are fine and all of this should work. If you do this: { { C_Player player; C_Player* player2 = new C_Player(); Shade.OnLoad(&player, 0.5f); Shade.OnLoad(player2, 0.5f); } Shade.asdf1(); // asdf1 uses the pointer to player you passed /w onLoad before - this breaks Shade.asdf2(); // asdf2 uses the pointer to player2 you passed /w onLoad before - this works because due to heap construction, the object player2 points to still exists... }
This will not work... player does not exist anymore but you still have the adress where it used to reside before leaving the scope you created it in. BTW, this is just guesswork without seeing the methods and the surrounding code... Thanks, but C_Player player is from C_Application.h and then implemented inside applications OnInit funktion. This should lead player to "die" at the end of the program, like every entity in my entitylist. I have tried making player dynamic, this did not work either. This is why I am confused atm. Then what exactly is strange in your program then? Explaining it in words is kind of hard to understand. You should post some code example. Btw. if your problem is that the pointer is slightly offset then that may be due to multiple inheritance if you use that. Don't let us puzzle, post a self contained example. #include <iostream>
class Base{public: long padding;}; class Base2{}; class Derived : public Base, public Base2{};
int main(){ Derived d; Derived *ptr = &d; Base2 *bas = static_cast<Base2 *>(ptr); if((void *)ptr != (void *)bas){ std::cout << "the wonders of multiple inheritance" << std::endl; } return 0; }
Ok, here goes then. Adding some example code to show you what is happening. + Show Spoiler +C_Application.h
class C_Application : public C_Event {
private: C_Player player;
bool C_Application::OnInit() {
player.OnLoad("player.png", 0, 0); C_PlayerShade* shadeptr = new C_Shade;
shadeptr->OnLoad(&player, 0.5);
C_Player inherits C_Entity, C_PlayerShade inherits C_Entity. C_PlayerShade.h
class C_PlayerShade : public C_Entity {
private: C_Entity* parentptr;
public: bool OnLoad(C_Entity* parent, float delay); (...)
bool C_PlayerShade::OnLoad(C_Entity* parent, float delay) {
parentptr = parent;
this->X = parentptr->X; // Does not work. Gives wrong value.
Hope that helps, If you want to know more let me know. I think we might need to see C_Player and C_Entity and where / how you set the value of X to be certain what's going on. It's possible that you're defining X in both the player and entity class, and only set the value in the player class. Then when you try to fetch it from your entity pointer, you get the value of X from the entity class, and not the player class. But that's just a guess without seeing the other things. The X var is only defined in C_Entity, neither C_Player or C_PlayerShade defines it, they just use it through C_Entity. Whatever the problem is, it doesn't appear to originate in the snippets you posted, have you tried setting breakpoints and checking the value of the member X at different points (mainly before and after passing the pointer to OnLoad)? Well I will have to code it again since I decided to remove it yesterday after hours of trial and error and memory errors making my computer wanna kill itself, so I ended up restarting my computer and reverting all that stuff. If anyone want to take a look and see if something looks glaringly wrong, please do so. + Show Spoiler +class C_Entity {
public: static std::vector<C_Entity*> EntityList;
C_Animation Anim_Control;
SDL_Surface* Surf_Entity;
public: float X; float Y; (...)
#include "C_Entity.h"
std::vector<C_Entity*> C_Entity::EntityList;
C_Entity::C_Entity() {
Surf_Entity = NULL;
X = 0; Y = 0;
Width = 0; Height = 0;
MoveLeft = false; MoveRight = false;
Dead = false; Flags = ENTITY_FLAG_NONE;
SpeedX = 0; SpeedY = 0;
AccelY = 0;
MaxSpeedX = 13; MaxSpeedY = 10;
Col_X = 0; Col_Y = 0;
Col_Width = 0; Col_Height = 0; (...)
class C_Player : public C_Entity {
unsigned int LastSlide; bool Sliding; bool SlidingRight; bool SlidingLeft; bool JumpedOnSlide;
bool CanJump; bool Jumping; bool FirstJump;
bool Shooting; bool ChargeShot;
C_Player::C_Player() {
MaxSpeedY = 10.5; X = 0; Y = 0;
LastSlide = 0; Sliding = false; SlidingRight = false; SlidingLeft = false; JumpedOnSlide = false;
CanJump = false; Jumping = false; FirstJump = true;
Shooting = false; ChargeShot = false;
Dead = false;
} class C_PlayerShade : public C_Entity {
private: C_Entity* target;
float SpeedDelay;
public: C_PlayerShade(); C_PlayerShade(C_Entity* parent, float delay); (...)
C_PlayerShade::C_PlayerShade() { SpeedX = 0; SpeedY = 0; SpeedDelay = 0;
AccelY = 0;
X = 0; Y = 0;
target = NULL;
Dead = false;
C_PlayerShade::C_PlayerShade(C_Entity* parent, float delay) {
target = parent;
AccelY = target->AccelY;
X = target->X; Y = target->Y;
SpeedX = target->SpeedX; SpeedY = target->SpeedY; SpeedDelay = delay;
Dead = false;
bool C_PlayerShade::OnLoad() {
C_Frameset CharJumpRight( "JUMPINGRIGHT" ); CharJumpRight.AddFrame(0, 188, 25, 48); CharJumpRight.AddFrame(25, 187, 23, 51); CharJumpRight.AddFrame(48, 189, 23, 55); CharJumpRight.AddFrame(71, 187, 23, 57); CharJumpRight.AddFrame(94, 190, 27, 53); CharJumpRight.AddFrame(121, 191, 34, 50);
C_Frameset CharJumpLeft( "JUMPINGLEFT" ); CharJumpLeft.AddFrame(0, 245, 25, 48); CharJumpLeft.AddFrame(25, 244, 23, 51); CharJumpLeft.AddFrame(48, 246, 23, 55); CharJumpLeft.AddFrame(71, 244, 23, 57); CharJumpLeft.AddFrame(94, 247, 27, 53); CharJumpLeft.AddFrame(121, 248, 34, 50);
C_Frameset CharFallRight( "FALLINGRIGHT" ); CharFallRight.AddFrame(155, 190, 32, 52); CharFallRight.AddFrame(187, 189, 29, 54);
C_Frameset CharFallLeft( "FALLINGLEFT" ); CharFallLeft.AddFrame(155, 247, 32, 52); CharFallLeft.AddFrame(187, 246, 29, 52);
C_Frameset CharSlideRight( "SLIDINGRIGHT" ); CharSlideRight.AddFrame(0, 301, 34, 44); CharSlideRight.AddFrame(34, 301, 46, 44, 10); CharSlideRight.AddFrame(80, 301, 53, 44, 20); CharSlideRight.AddFrame(133, 301, 57, 44, 20); CharSlideRight.AddFrame(190, 301, 38, 44, 10); CharSlideRight.AddFrame(228, 301, 30, 44, 10); CharSlideRight.AddFrame(258, 301, 41, 44, 10); CharSlideRight.AddFrame(299, 301, 43, 44, 10);
C_Frameset CharSlideLeft( "SLIDINGLEFT" ); CharSlideLeft.AddFrame(0, 345, 34, 44); CharSlideLeft.AddFrame(34, 345, 46, 44); CharSlideLeft.AddFrame(80, 345, 53, 44); CharSlideLeft.AddFrame(133, 345, 57, 44); CharSlideLeft.AddFrame(190, 345, 38, 44); CharSlideLeft.AddFrame(228, 345, 30, 44); CharSlideLeft.AddFrame(258, 345, 41, 44); CharSlideLeft.AddFrame(299, 345, 43, 44);
C_Frameset Transparent("TRANSPARENT"); Transparent.AddFrame(500,0,0,0);
Anim_Control.AddFrameset(CharJumpRight); Anim_Control.AddFrameset(CharJumpLeft); Anim_Control.AddFrameset(CharFallRight); Anim_Control.AddFrameset(CharFallLeft); Anim_Control.AddFrameset(CharSlideRight); Anim_Control.AddFrameset(CharSlideLeft); Anim_Control.AddFrameset(Transparent);
if(C_Entity::OnLoad("./gfx/megaman/shade.png") == false) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to load shade.png: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); return false; }
X = target->X; Y = target->Y;
SpeedX = target->SpeedX; SpeedY = target->SpeedY;
AccelY = target->AccelY;
return true;
} You should use accessor methods instead of public member variables. That's just asking for trouble. Also I'm concerned about the possibility of null pointers in the OnLoad method. Although a pointer to a deleted object is just as bad or worse :/ I guess the pointer to the player might be dangerous, but it will only ever point to the player, and the shades are destroyed before the player every time. And ye I will start using accessor methods, just hacked this stuff together to see if i could make it work.
And to the other one talking about initializer lists, I might start doing that. Guess it clarifies it some.
Thank you both.
On November 15 2012 23:55 kaykaykay wrote: Is there anybody decent with Object oriented programing eclipse java here? :D How can we help?
Edit: nm. Looked it up instead.
Have a nice day everyone!
I have a fairly specific problem in php. I started teaching myself php a short while ago by writing an IRC gatherbot for CSGO gathers, however, i now want to get the serverlog from the CSGO server, and parse it. But i am having issues with both the socket connections needing data for the while loop to continue. There should be a way around this, but i have yet to understand how to do it properly.
On November 16 2012 20:52 flabbert wrote: I have a fairly specific problem in php. I started teaching myself php a short while ago by writing an IRC gatherbot for CSGO gathers, however, i now want to get the serverlog from the CSGO server, and parse it. But i am having issues with both the socket connections needing data for the while loop to continue. There should be a way around this, but i have yet to understand how to do it properly.
you should really ask a question if you want an answer
On November 16 2012 21:22 MisterD wrote:Show nested quote +On November 16 2012 20:52 flabbert wrote: I have a fairly specific problem in php. I started teaching myself php a short while ago by writing an IRC gatherbot for CSGO gathers, however, i now want to get the serverlog from the CSGO server, and parse it. But i am having issues with both the socket connections needing data for the while loop to continue. There should be a way around this, but i have yet to understand how to do it properly.
you should really ask a question if you want an answer dumb of me!
how do i manage 2 sockets in 1 while loop?
example: + Show Spoiler + $socket = ircconnection; $socket2 = csgoserverconnection;
while (!feof($socket) || !feof($socket2)) { do stuff }
Thank you, Bigpet, I now understand how these things work (I copy-pasted and compiled your code, too). You rock! :D
To Craton, I graduated in 2010 and have been working as a software engineer since... using a different language. That's why I said I'd go hide in shame.
wtf is happening
i change code in my compiler and run it but nothing has changed in the program im using bloodsomething with C++
like i change the first sentence to qsoijaoijasoi in the code but when it runs it hasnt changed
+ Show Spoiler + #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <iomanip> #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
float glossCost = 4.00; float emulsionCost = 3.50; float doorPaintRequirement = 1; float windowPaintRequirement = 0.5; float vat = 0.2; float start = 0; float goAgain; float roomLength; float roomHeight; float roomWidth; string customerFirstName; string customerSurname; char wallsPainted; float wallpaperRollCount; float wallpaperRollCost; float doorNumber; float windowNumber;
SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),15); cout<<endl<<"Welcome to Blake's Estimator."<<endl<<endl; SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),233); cout<<"1 - Begin estimate."<<endl; cout<<"2 - Display instructions."<<endl; SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),15); char startInput[256]; cin>>startInput; start = atoi (startInput); while (start !=1 && start !=2) { SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),233); cout<<"Please enter 1 to begin an estimate or 2 to display instructions."<<endl; cin>>startInput; start = atoi (startInput); } if (start == 2) { cout<<endl<<"This program will calculate the estimated cost of decorating a room based on "<<endl<<"the input you provide. Units of length are in centimetres. Quantity of "<<endl<<"wallpaper rolls must be a whole number."<<endl; SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),233); cout<<endl<<"Enter '1' to continue."<<endl;
cin>>start; while (start !=1) { SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),233); cout<<"Enter '1' to continue."<<endl; cin>>start; start = atoi (startInput); } }
if (start == 1) { do { SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),15); cout<<"Enter customer first name."<<endl; cin>>customerFirstName; SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),15); cout<<"Enter customer surname."<<endl; cin>>customerSurname; char roomLengthInput[256]; cout<<"Enter room length."<<endl; cin>>roomLengthInput; roomLength = atoi (roomLengthInput); while (roomLength < 45 || roomLength > 1000) { SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),233); cout<<"Please enter a numerical room length in cm between 45 and 1000."<<endl; SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),15); cin>>roomLengthInput; roomLength = atoi (roomLengthInput); } char roomWidthInput[256]; cout<<"Enter room width."<<endl; cin>>roomWidthInput; roomWidth = atoi (roomWidthInput); while (roomWidth < 45 || roomWidth > 1000) { SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),233); cout<<"Please enter a numerical room width in cm between 45 and 1000."<<endl; SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),15); cin>>roomWidthInput; roomWidth = atoi (roomWidthInput); } char roomHeightInput[256]; cout<<"Enter room height."<<endl; cin>>roomHeightInput; roomHeight = atoi (roomHeightInput); while (roomHeight < 45 || roomHeight > 1000) { SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),233); cout<<"Please enter a numerical room height in cm between 45 and 1000."<<endl; SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),15); cin>>roomHeightInput; roomHeight = atof (roomHeightInput); }
cout<<"Are walls painted (p) or wallpapered (w)?"<<endl; cin>>wallsPainted; while (wallsPainted !='p' && wallsPainted !='w') { SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),233); cout<<"Enter 'p' if walls are painted or 'w' if walls are wallpapered."<<endl; SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),15); cin>>wallsPainted; } if (wallsPainted == 'w') { char wallpaperRollCountInput[256]; cout<<"Enter required number of wallpaper rolls."<<endl; cin>>wallpaperRollCountInput; wallpaperRollCount = atoi (wallpaperRollCountInput); while (wallpaperRollCount < 1 || wallpaperRollCount > 70) { SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),233); cout<<"Wallpapers rolls must be greater than 0 and less than 70."<<endl; SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),15); cin>>wallpaperRollCountInput; wallpaperRollCount = atoi (wallpaperRollCountInput); } char wallpaperRollCostInput[256]; cout<<"Enter cost of each roll in pounds."<<endl; cin>>wallpaperRollCostInput; wallpaperRollCost = atof (wallpaperRollCostInput); while (wallpaperRollCost < 1 || wallpaperRollCost > 30) { SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),233); cout<<"Cost of roll must be greater than 0 and less than 30 pounds."<<endl; SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),15); cin>>wallpaperRollCostInput; wallpaperRollCost = atof (wallpaperRollCostInput); } } char doorNumberInput[256]; cout<<"Enter number of doors."<<endl; cin>>doorNumberInput; doorNumber = atof (doorNumberInput); while (doorNumber < 1 || doorNumber > 10) { SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),233); cout<<"Number of doors must be greater than 0 and less than 11."<<endl; SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),15); cin>>doorNumberInput; doorNumber = atof (doorNumberInput); } char windowNumberInput[256]; cout<<"Enter number of windows."<<endl; cin>>windowNumberInput; windowNumber = atof (windowNumberInput); while (windowNumber < 1 || windowNumber > 10) { SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),233); cout<<"Number of windows must be less than 11."<<endl; cin>>windowNumberInput; windowNumber = atof (windowNumberInput); } float ceilingLitres = (roomLength/100)*(roomWidth/100)/8; float ceilingCosts = ceilingLitres*emulsionCost; float wallsLitres = ((roomLength/100*roomHeight/100)+(roomWidth/100*roomHeight/100)*2)-(doorNumber*2)-(windowNumber*2) /8; float totalWallsPaintedCost = wallsLitres*emulsionCost; float totalWallpaperCost = wallpaperRollCount*wallpaperRollCost; float woodworkLitres = (doorNumber*doorPaintRequirement)+(windowNumber*windowPaintRequirement); float totalWoodworkCost = woodworkLitres*glossCost; cout << string(49, '\n'); SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),15); cout<<endl<<"Joe Stevens Painting & Decorating Tel: 01522 522522"<<endl; cout<<endl<<endl<<"Estimate costs for "<<customerFirstName<<" "<<customerSurname<<"."<<endl<<endl; cout<<"MATERIALS"<<endl; cout<<"Ceiling: "<<setiosflags(ios::fixed)<<setprecision(2)<<ceilingLitres<<" @ "<<setiosflags(ios::fixed)<<setprecision(2)<<(char)156<<emulsionCost<<" per litre "<<(char)156<<ceilingCosts<<endl;
switch (wallsPainted) { case 'p': cout<<"Walls: "<<setiosflags(ios::fixed)<<setprecision(2)<<wallsLitres<<" @ "<<setiosflags(ios::fixed)<<setprecision(2)<<(char)156<<emulsionCost<<" per litre "<<(char)156<<totalWallsPaintedCost<<endl; break; case 'w': totalWallsPaintedCost == 0; cout<<totalWallsPaintedCost<<endl; cout<<"wtf"<<endl; cout<<"Walls: "<<setiosflags(ios::fixed)<<setprecision(2)<<wallpaperRollCount<<" @ "<<setiosflags(ios::fixed)<<setprecision(2)<<(char)156<<wallpaperRollCost<<" per roll "<<(char)156<<totalWallpaperCost<<endl; break; } cout<<"Woodwork: "<<setiosflags(ios::fixed)<<setprecision(2)<<woodworkLitres<<" @ "<<setiosflags(ios::fixed)<<setprecision(2)<<(char)156<<glossCost<<" per litre "<<(char)156<<totalWoodworkCost<<endl<<endl; float subtotal = totalWallsPaintedCost+totalWallpaperCost+totalWoodworkCost+ceilingCosts; float subtotalVat = subtotal*vat; float finalTotal=subtotal+subtotalVat;
cout<<" SUB TOTAL "<<setiosflags(ios::fixed)<<setprecision(2)<<(char)156<<subtotal<<endl; cout<<" VAT @ 20% "<<setiosflags(ios::fixed)<<setprecision(2)<<(char)156<<subtotalVat<<endl; cout<<" FINAL TOTAL "<<setiosflags(ios::fixed)<<setprecision(2)<<(char)156<<finalTotal<<endl<<endl; if(ceilingLitres < 0.1 || wallsLitres < 0.1 || woodworkLitres < 0.1) { SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),12); cout<<"WARNING: You may have doors or windows that use total paint quantities in "<<endl<<"excess of the total room size."; } SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),15); char goAgainInput[256]; cout << string(4, '\n'); cout<<"What would you like to do now?"<<endl<<endl; SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),233); cout<<"1 - Begin a new estimate."<<endl; cout<<"2 - Exit the program."<<endl; cin>>goAgainInput; goAgain = atoi (goAgainInput);
while (goAgain != 1 && goAgain != 2) { SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),233); cout<<"Please enter 1 to begin again or 2 to quit."<<endl; cin>>goAgainInput; goAgain = atof (goAgainInput); } } while (goAgain == 1); system("PAUSE"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } }
edit ok i opened a new compiler application and copy pasted, working again....
User was temp banned for this post.
On November 17 2012 04:17 FFGenerations wrote:wtf is happening i change code in my compiler and run it but nothing has changed in the program im using bloodsomething with C++ like i change the first sentence to qsoijaoijasoi in the code but when it runs it hasnt changed + Show Spoiler + #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <iomanip> #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char *argv[] {
float glossCost = 4.00; float emulsionCost = 3.50; float doorPaintRequirement = 1; float windowPaintRequirement = 0.5; float vat = 0.2; float start = 0; float goAgain; float roomLength; float roomHeight; float roomWidth; string customerFirstName; string customerSurname; char wallsPainted; float wallpaperRollCount; float wallpaperRollCost; float doorNumber; float windowNumber;
SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),15); cout<<endl<<"Welcome to Blake's Estimator."<<endl<<endl; SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),233); cout<<"1 - Begin estimate."<<endl; cout<<"2 - Display instructions."<<endl; SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),15); char startInput[256]; cin>>startInput; start = atoi (startInput); while (start !=1 && start !=2) { SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),233); cout<<"Please enter 1 to begin an estimate or 2 to display instructions."<<endl; cin>>startInput; start = atoi (startInput); } if (start == 2) { cout<<endl<<"This program will calculate the estimated cost of decorating a room based on "<<endl<<"the input you provide. Units of length are in centimetres. Quantity of "<<endl<<"wallpaper rolls must be a whole number."<<endl; SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),233); cout<<endl<<"Enter '1' to continue."<<endl;
cin>>start; while (start !=1) { SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),233); cout<<"Enter '1' to continue."<<endl; cin>>start; start = atoi (startInput); } }
if (start == 1) { do { SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),15); cout<<"Enter customer first name."<<endl; cin>>customerFirstName; SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),15); cout<<"Enter customer surname."<<endl; cin>>customerSurname; char roomLengthInput[256]; cout<<"Enter room length."<<endl; cin>>roomLengthInput; roomLength = atoi (roomLengthInput); while (roomLength < 45 || roomLength > 1000) { SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),233); cout<<"Please enter a numerical room length in cm between 45 and 1000."<<endl; SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),15); cin>>roomLengthInput; roomLength = atoi (roomLengthInput); } char roomWidthInput[256]; cout<<"Enter room width."<<endl; cin>>roomWidthInput; roomWidth = atoi (roomWidthInput); while (roomWidth < 45 || roomWidth > 1000) { SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),233); cout<<"Please enter a numerical room width in cm between 45 and 1000."<<endl; SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),15); cin>>roomWidthInput; roomWidth = atoi (roomWidthInput); } char roomHeightInput[256]; cout<<"Enter room height."<<endl; cin>>roomHeightInput; roomHeight = atoi (roomHeightInput); while (roomHeight < 45 || roomHeight > 1000) { SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),233); cout<<"Please enter a numerical room height in cm between 45 and 1000."<<endl; SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),15); cin>>roomHeightInput; roomHeight = atof (roomHeightInput); }
cout<<"Are walls painted (p) or wallpapered (w)?"<<endl; cin>>wallsPainted; while (wallsPainted !='p' && wallsPainted !='w') { SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),233); cout<<"Enter 'p' if walls are painted or 'w' if walls are wallpapered."<<endl; SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),15); cin>>wallsPainted; } if (wallsPainted == 'w') { char wallpaperRollCountInput[256]; cout<<"Enter required number of wallpaper rolls."<<endl; cin>>wallpaperRollCountInput; wallpaperRollCount = atoi (wallpaperRollCountInput); while (wallpaperRollCount < 1 || wallpaperRollCount > 70) { SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),233); cout<<"Wallpapers rolls must be greater than 0 and less than 70."<<endl; SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),15); cin>>wallpaperRollCountInput; wallpaperRollCount = atoi (wallpaperRollCountInput); } char wallpaperRollCostInput[256]; cout<<"Enter cost of each roll in pounds."<<endl; cin>>wallpaperRollCostInput; wallpaperRollCost = atof (wallpaperRollCostInput); while (wallpaperRollCost < 1 || wallpaperRollCost > 30) { SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),233); cout<<"Cost of roll must be greater than 0 and less than 30 pounds."<<endl; SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),15); cin>>wallpaperRollCostInput; wallpaperRollCost = atof (wallpaperRollCostInput); } } char doorNumberInput[256]; cout<<"Enter number of doors."<<endl; cin>>doorNumberInput; doorNumber = atof (doorNumberInput); while (doorNumber < 1 || doorNumber > 10) { SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),233); cout<<"Number of doors must be greater than 0 and less than 11."<<endl; SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),15); cin>>doorNumberInput; doorNumber = atof (doorNumberInput); } char windowNumberInput[256]; cout<<"Enter number of windows."<<endl; cin>>windowNumberInput; windowNumber = atof (windowNumberInput); while (windowNumber < 1 || windowNumber > 10) { SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),233); cout<<"Number of windows must be less than 11."<<endl; cin>>windowNumberInput; windowNumber = atof (windowNumberInput); } float ceilingLitres = (roomLength/100)*(roomWidth/100)/8; float ceilingCosts = ceilingLitres*emulsionCost; float wallsLitres = ((roomLength/100*roomHeight/100)+(roomWidth/100*roomHeight/100)*2)-(doorNumber*2)-(windowNumber*2) /8; float totalWallsPaintedCost = wallsLitres*emulsionCost; float totalWallpaperCost = wallpaperRollCount*wallpaperRollCost; float woodworkLitres = (doorNumber*doorPaintRequirement)+(windowNumber*windowPaintRequirement); float totalWoodworkCost = woodworkLitres*glossCost; cout << string(49, '\n'); SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),15); cout<<endl<<"Joe Stevens Painting & Decorating Tel: 01522 522522"<<endl; cout<<endl<<endl<<"Estimate costs for "<<customerFirstName<<" "<<customerSurname<<"."<<endl<<endl; cout<<"MATERIALS"<<endl; cout<<"Ceiling: "<<setiosflags(ios::fixed)<<setprecision(2)<<ceilingLitres<<" @ "<<setiosflags(ios::fixed)<<setprecision(2)<<(char)156<<emulsionCost<<" per litre "<<(char)156<<ceilingCosts<<endl;
switch (wallsPainted) { case 'p': cout<<"Walls: "<<setiosflags(ios::fixed)<<setprecision(2)<<wallsLitres<<" @ "<<setiosflags(ios::fixed)<<setprecision(2)<<(char)156<<emulsionCost<<" per litre "<<(char)156<<totalWallsPaintedCost<<endl; break; case 'w': totalWallsPaintedCost == 0; cout<<totalWallsPaintedCost<<endl; cout<<"wtf"<<endl; cout<<"Walls: "<<setiosflags(ios::fixed)<<setprecision(2)<<wallpaperRollCount<<" @ "<<setiosflags(ios::fixed)<<setprecision(2)<<(char)156<<wallpaperRollCost<<" per roll "<<(char)156<<totalWallpaperCost<<endl; break; } cout<<"Woodwork: "<<setiosflags(ios::fixed)<<setprecision(2)<<woodworkLitres<<" @ "<<setiosflags(ios::fixed)<<setprecision(2)<<(char)156<<glossCost<<" per litre "<<(char)156<<totalWoodworkCost<<endl<<endl; float subtotal = totalWallsPaintedCost+totalWallpaperCost+totalWoodworkCost+ceilingCosts; float subtotalVat = subtotal*vat; float finalTotal=subtotal+subtotalVat;
cout<<" SUB TOTAL "<<setiosflags(ios::fixed)<<setprecision(2)<<(char)156<<subtotal<<endl; cout<<" VAT @ 20% "<<setiosflags(ios::fixed)<<setprecision(2)<<(char)156<<subtotalVat<<endl; cout<<" FINAL TOTAL "<<setiosflags(ios::fixed)<<setprecision(2)<<(char)156<<finalTotal<<endl<<endl; if(ceilingLitres < 0.1 || wallsLitres < 0.1 || woodworkLitres < 0.1) { SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),12); cout<<"WARNING: You may have doors or windows that use total paint quantities in "<<endl<<"excess of the total room size."; } SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),15); char goAgainInput[256]; cout << string(4, '\n'); cout<<"What would you like to do now?"<<endl<<endl; SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),233); cout<<"1 - Begin a new estimate."<<endl; cout<<"2 - Exit the program."<<endl; cin>>goAgainInput; goAgain = atoi (goAgainInput);
while (goAgain != 1 && goAgain != 2) { SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),233); cout<<"Please enter 1 to begin again or 2 to quit."<<endl; cin>>goAgainInput; goAgain = atof (goAgainInput); } } while (goAgain == 1); system("PAUSE"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } }
edit ok i opened a new compiler application and copy pasted, working again....
Some IDEs only recompile new parts for performance reasons unless you explicitely say "Rebuild All". Check for such a menu option. Alternatively, some IDEs also have a "clean all", which removes all previously compiled executeables.
thanks, there is a rebuild all option iirc got my first coding assignment in anyway yay