I live in Seoul and I just got the e-mail confirming my invitation to the Code A qualifiers next week.
Since it is very difficult to find an actual practice partner (100% of the people I get in contact with only want to play just one game to see if they are better than me or not, after which they just go away and never talk to me again), I am willing to paypal $1 USD per practice game that I can play with someone.
I figure that this might turn the tables a bit: instead of me spending day after day trying to find people, perhaps people might come to me and say "hey i'll do it [because you're offering $1 per practice game]..." and it'd give people a reason not to just play 1 game and then rage/lol at me about how i suck or whatever compared to them.
Important information in case you're interested:
I can play NA, EU, and KR.
I will paypal the amount immediately after we finish playing whatever number of games it is for that "session" or whatever.
They will rarely just be "okay you do whatever build you want and I'll do whatever I want." I'll actually have requests/demands (which I think is okay since I'd be giving you money to do this with me) such as "I will do this build and I want you to do that other build to try and fight me with it X times in a row," which will probably be the most common request/demand that I'll have.
Obviously, the better quality player you are the more interested I'd be.
In case it matters to you, I will play Terran for this qualifier.
I'm interested in having at least one person per race to play against to help me practice as much as possible.
My available times (in KST) are from 3pm to 11pm on weekdays and all day on the weekends.
I would only like your help until September 12th and 13th, which is when the Code A qualifiers will happen at 신도림 in Seoul.
Anyway, just thought I'd leave a mark here. I'm going to bed now but I'll check again in the morning. This is just an idea I came up with while going to sleep and I think it would not only get me to play a lot more, but it'd motivate me a lot more to practice when I have people actually coming to me instead of me chasing after random people who may or may not respond to my PMs and Skype requests.