On June 20 2012 21:36 ThE)ShoWTimE wrote:Show nested quote +On June 20 2012 10:28 Sufficiency wrote: I don't see why you shouldn't run flat MP/5 runes. so more mpen? i run mpen reds and ap per level blues, is it worth to get mpen yellows as well as you say? for now i run mana regen yellows because i'm using an old rune setup but i wanna make a page specifically for ahri, that's why i was asking if hp/level yellows are still viable or the best choice..
Sry I meant by mana regen per 5 yellow. My bad.
Just recently bought Ahri, and I'm wondering what the best build for her is.
After reading some guides and discussion, this is the build I've been using:
boots 3pot -> 2x dorans -> kage's lucky pick -> sorc boots -> negatron cloak -> abyssal -> DFG
Not sure what I should get after DFG. Rylai's and rabadon's both sound good. Zhonya's as well (armor synergizes with spell vamp from passive).
Also, I've seen multiple guides say to get hextech/WotA on ahri. This doesn't seem to do much except for the fact that since Ahri is more of a sustained damage champ, she will make more use of the spell vamp. But she already has spell vamp from her passive. You don't synergize with spell vamp by building MOAR spell vamp, you get resists so that your passive gives you more EHP.
Or am I dumb and missing something here?
Revolver has fallen out of favour on Ahri. It used to be that EVERYONE built Doran x2 -> Revolver -> Rylai. Nowadays everyone build Doran x2 -> Abysal.
I believe Rylai's is still better on Ahri than DFG. It gives her so much utility in fights it's crazy.
On July 30 2012 03:09 BlasiuS wrote: Just recently bought Ahri, and I'm wondering what the best build for her is.
After reading some guides and discussion, this is the build I've been using:
boots 3pot -> 2x dorans -> kage's lucky pick -> sorc boots -> negatron cloak -> abyssal -> DFG
Not sure what I should get after DFG. Rylai's and rabadon's both sound good. Zhonya's as well (armor synergizes with spell vamp from passive).
Also, I've seen multiple guides say to get hextech/WotA on ahri. This doesn't seem to do much except for the fact that since Ahri is more of a sustained damage champ, she will make more use of the spell vamp. But she already has spell vamp from her passive. You don't synergize with spell vamp by building MOAR spell vamp, you get resists so that your passive gives you more EHP.
Or am I dumb and missing something here?
Only match up I would consider early spell vamp is against huekaiser, other than that, kages >>> 2x dorans is the way to go imo. You should be able to 1 shot ranged creeps @ lvl 9 up till ~ lvl 11. And hopefully by lvl 11, you have enough money for your needlessly large rod + sorc booties.
My build deviates into dcap first then dfg then abyssal.
On July 30 2012 03:30 Sufficiency wrote: Revolver has fallen out of favour on Ahri. It used to be that EVERYONE built Doran x2 -> Revolver -> Rylai. Nowadays everyone build Doran x2 -> Abysal.
I believe Rylai's is still better on Ahri than DFG. It gives her so much utility in fights it's crazy.
As with everything, it depends. Want to nuke squishy targets? DFG. Want to kite bruisers? Rylais. I find myself going different builds on Ahri all the time and she is versatile enough that you can.
On July 30 2012 12:03 h3r1n6 wrote:Show nested quote +On July 30 2012 03:30 Sufficiency wrote: Revolver has fallen out of favour on Ahri. It used to be that EVERYONE built Doran x2 -> Revolver -> Rylai. Nowadays everyone build Doran x2 -> Abysal.
I believe Rylai's is still better on Ahri than DFG. It gives her so much utility in fights it's crazy. As with everything, it depends. Want to nuke squishy targets? DFG. Want to kite bruisers? Rylais. I find myself going different builds on Ahri all the time and she is versatile enough that you can.
I know a lot of people disagree with me on this, but if you play Ahri for burst you are playing the wrong champion. Her so-called burst isn't that great and it is extremely tricky to land.
Max W instead of Q and you can burst.
Doesn't really matter that Ahri isn't a burst champion, DFG is just such a good item (especially with lucky pick) that it's a good idea to get it as first or second big item anyway
United States9958 Posts
i feel like some people wont get wota. i feel like wota is a must have item on ahri unless extremely situational.
i always max q for the lovely farming you get with it :D w is a good skill, max it next then e.
Yeah Ahris burst is nothing like Veigar or LB:s, but still, its pretty decent. And i dont know what is all this talk about burst being tricky to land, even at top levels i see people just stand there against Ahri, getting R+E:d to the face all the time, and hitting your RE is a guaranteed full combo. In my low level games its even easier, Ahri so good at low level stomping, imho the best AP for it... 75% winrate @ 1500, even though i can hardly get any other champ to 60.
How would an Ahri handle a Katarina mid? I have a tough time staying in lane as her jumps make me miss my skillshots.
On September 06 2012 01:50 capnspiff46 wrote: How would an Ahri handle a Katarina mid? I have a tough time staying in lane as her jumps make me miss my skillshots.
There really isn't much IMO. Ahri vs Katarina is a skill matchup for Ahri (not so much for Katarina). You can try to auto her as much as possible in the earlier levels, but otherwise Katarina can fairly easily win if you make mistakes.
On September 06 2012 02:22 Nos- wrote: Trying maxing W
Kat will still win trades because of her innate high MR and her E's damage reduction.
Is the double dorans abyssal build still good on Ahri after the abyssal nerf? I feel like it's still useful for the MR and the close up trades when using her ultimate.
Abyssal isnt worth it anymore in my opinion. With deathcap, wota and dfg you have a lategame build and afterwards you can get banshees + probably void for a 6 item build.
Abyssal is still pretty good as a laning item defensively but harassment doesn't benefit from the aura, I get it against diana, akali and katarina since they're bursty and melee but I'm leaning far more towards rylais as a general item after the abyssal nerf. I personally like the double dorans kages -> dfg -> rylais/dcap route build path. Because of the inherent level advantage you get as a solo lane, it allows you to pretty safely wander to bottom lane and 100-0 someone down there the second your dfg is finished and the burst allows you to pretty safely towerdive with W>R>DFG>E>Q>R being generally more than enough to gib someone.
Against katarina, I feel it's a battle to crush her before she hits 6. She automatically pushes the lane if she tries to last-hit with her Q or W so don't be afraid to Q her right back and trade a few autos. I generally have little trouble forcing her to use one or two pots by level 3. Abuse the fact that you have a bit of sustain outside of pots in the early levels and don't be afraid to blow your ignite at level 2 if you hit a charm. It'll be back up the next time you need it at 6 and will actually improve your last hitting.
On September 06 2012 03:26 Lmui wrote: Abyssal is still pretty good as a laning item defensively but harassment doesn't benefit from the aura, I get it against diana, akali and katarina since they're bursty and melee but I'm leaning far more towards rylais as a general item after the abyssal nerf. I personally like the double dorans kages -> dfg -> rylais/dcap route build path. Because of the inherent level advantage you get as a solo lane, it allows you to pretty safely wander to bottom lane and 100-0 someone down there the second your dfg is finished and the burst allows you to pretty safely towerdive with W>R>DFG>E>Q>R being generally more than enough to gib someone.
Against katarina, I feel it's a battle to crush her before she hits 6. She automatically pushes the lane if she tries to last-hit with her Q or W so don't be afraid to Q her right back and trade a few autos. I generally have little trouble forcing her to use one or two pots by level 3. Abuse the fact that you have a bit of sustain outside of pots in the early levels and don't be afraid to blow your ignite at level 2 if you hit a charm. It'll be back up the next time you need it at 6 and will actually improve your last hitting.
From experience, if you end up going all in at such an early level, your cooldowns are so long that kat can easily out trade you in terms of damage Especially when her W gives her additional movespeed to allow her to keep up and auto you.
Personally, I think the best way to beat Kat is to force a passive lane until you both hit 6. Once you both hit 6 and hopefully isn't at full hp. (Should be able to Q her whenever she shumpos for last hit) and she tries to trade EQW against you, just pop your ulti and W and Q her. Force her to pop her ulti/flash out or you'll easily land the kill. Of course save charm to cc her out of her ulti
On September 06 2012 02:58 Cloud wrote: Abyssal isnt worth it anymore in my opinion. With deathcap, wota and dfg you have a lategame build and afterwards you can get banshees + probably void for a 6 item build.
Yeah i've stopped getting abyssal pretty much entirely now. Usual build is dring + kage's into dcap and then DFG/rylai.
On September 06 2012 07:10 Soloside wrote:Show nested quote +On September 06 2012 03:26 Lmui wrote: Abyssal is still pretty good as a laning item defensively but harassment doesn't benefit from the aura, I get it against diana, akali and katarina since they're bursty and melee but I'm leaning far more towards rylais as a general item after the abyssal nerf. I personally like the double dorans kages -> dfg -> rylais/dcap route build path. Because of the inherent level advantage you get as a solo lane, it allows you to pretty safely wander to bottom lane and 100-0 someone down there the second your dfg is finished and the burst allows you to pretty safely towerdive with W>R>DFG>E>Q>R being generally more than enough to gib someone.
Against katarina, I feel it's a battle to crush her before she hits 6. She automatically pushes the lane if she tries to last-hit with her Q or W so don't be afraid to Q her right back and trade a few autos. I generally have little trouble forcing her to use one or two pots by level 3. Abuse the fact that you have a bit of sustain outside of pots in the early levels and don't be afraid to blow your ignite at level 2 if you hit a charm. It'll be back up the next time you need it at 6 and will actually improve your last hitting.
From experience, if you end up going all in at such an early level, your cooldowns are so long that kat can easily out trade you in terms of damage Especially when her W gives her additional movespeed to allow her to keep up and auto you. Personally, I think the best way to beat Kat is to force a passive lane until you both hit 6. Once you both hit 6 and hopefully isn't at full hp. (Should be able to Q her whenever she shumpos for last hit) and she tries to trade EQW against you, just pop your ulti and W and Q her. Force her to pop her ulti/flash out or you'll easily land the kill. Of course save charm to cc her out of her ulti
Laning as ahri, it's pretty easy to get a few autoattacks on her before she has because unless she's going to not take any cs, she has to walk in range for you to auto her and using her Q on you pushes the lane in addition to making sure that she can't get any ranged creeps for the next 10s. She can't effectively all-in you until level 4 because shunpoing onto you before that is just asking for an easy charm and Q and also, you have ranged creeps helping you while she has no creeps attacking you. At level 2/3, creeps do a huge amount of damage. A charm -> Q + autos + ignite is enough to force out a lot of pots. Obviously a kill from it is nice but your main objective is to abuse katarina hard before she has terrible early laning. If she all-ins you afterwards, you already have the advantage of having chunked her down beforehand and also, your cooldowns are actually shorter than hers are. With ranged creep assistance, you shouldn't lose to any followup from katarina.