About the Show! SC2 Up & Coming is a weekly podcast, dedicated to the up and coming Starcraft II scene. Each week we will focus on the players, teams, and leagues. Our plan is to shed some light on some of the lesser known players and teams. We will also keep you up to date on qualifying events, LAN events, as well as major tournaments.
When Every Monday at 9:00pm EST Here!
Episode 69 goes live Tuesday, Jan 21 1:00am GMT (GMT+00:00)
Where: www.Twitch.tv/TheRealNanMan Also check us out on Twitter! Be sure to check out our MP3 Files located here!
About the hosts!
NanMan - Nathanial "NanMan" Johnson is the manager of the LXG Clan and up and coming caster. 11 Years ago he was introduced to Starcraft Brood War through his cousins. At the time he learned Zerg playing in 6 player team games and FFA on Big Game Hunters. Fast forward to 2010 when NanMan got accepted into the second round beta of Starcraft II. At the time he was playing on an old laptop and decided to play as terran to mess around with strats like reaper rushes and floating your command center to the gold mineral patches. When the game was released he switched back to his original race zerg. In November 2010 NanMan started casting amateur tournaments and random matches for his YouTube. 2011 was spent focusing on improving his casting and in November he hosted NanMan's Week of Show Matches! NanMan's main focus in 2012 is to get to know the up and coming teams and players more. He's been able to cast the local DC LAN, ePi Opens, Playhem Sponsor me tournament, SC2Clans Team League, ESEA, and many other events. NanMan has always had the mindset that you don't have to be a top tier player to show entertaining games.
MasterDalK - Salil "MasterDalK" Gupta is the caster for Team oGaming. Salil started his journey through eSports when he began play DotA1 with a few friends, after enjoying it a lot he found 4 other guys through b.net and started playing semi-professionally (hitting B- at one point). He started with StarCraft when he first recieved his battle chest back in 2009 on a trip to Future Shop one day. He enjoyed watching the GomTV Avartec Intel Classics a lot, and looks up very much to Tasteless and Grr... Because of this he's a Protoss in both BW and SC2. DalK started his venture into casting in June 2012, and has ramped up his skill very quickly since then.
Place Holder For Episode List!
All VODs are now located on SC2Links.com
Check the spoilers below for a small summary of the episodes as well as links to the YouTube VODs.
I'm currently breaking up all the episodes into different parts to upload to YouTube for now you can see a link to the Twitch.tv VOD below! You can now find all of the VODs on YouTube here: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1084217805CE5C10
Now with a mp3 be sure to keep an eye on http://sc2upandcoming.podbean.com/ for all mp3 files! You can also find the podcast on iTunes!
EPISODES+ Show Spoiler +Episode 1: --- SuppyMP3 + Show Spoiler +VOD + Show Spoiler +Episode 1: Introduction about the hosts/show with special guest xSix Suppy to talk about the ESEA VOD: Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: Episode 2: --- LuckyFool, CSN John Clark, & Sasquatch+ Show Spoiler + Episode 2: With orginally planned with 2 guests! NrG LuckyFool to talk about setting up and running LANs & CSN John Clark to talk about the AGL Partnership. But we also had a 3rd special guest, compLexity Academy's Sasquatch to talk about the compLexity house! VOD: Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: Part 5: Part 6: Episode 3: --- Drogith Semi Pro Gaming League+ Show Spoiler + Episode 3: Talking about the Semi-Pro League with special guest Drogith. VOD: Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Episode 4: --- LuckyFool & Sasquatch+ Show Spoiler +Episode 5: --- Gemini, Pyre, & SethN Power Overwhelming Recap+ Show Spoiler + Episode 5: So much to talk about tonight, lots of qualifers going on, (NASL4 IPL5) the next season of team leagues are starting up (ESEA ISTL) we will be having a couple guest from the Power Overwhelming LAN in NY/NJ as well. Guest included Robot eSports Gemini, Infinity Seven Pyre, & Impressive Play SethN! VOD: http://www.twitch.tv/therealnanman/b/327707172 Episode 6: --- Glon+ Show Spoiler + Episode 6: This week we have on special guest vVvGlon. We talk about the WCS Austriallian and Oceanic events. We go over a few qualifiers events such as the NASL Season 4, ESWC, and WCG. Like always we go over up and coming events like the ESEA and Local LANs.
Episode 7: --- Insur & Sasquatch MLG/WCS Preview+ Show Spoiler + Episode 7: This week is going to be dedicated to MLG Summer Championship and the NA WCS Finals. We will be having on a lot of guests this week. Including Infinity Seven Insur(3rd Place WCS US Nationals) CompLexity Academy Sasquatch(MLG Summer Arena) VOD: http://www.twitch.tv/therealnanman/b/329363805 Episode 8: --- Insur & Sasquatch MLG/WCS Recap+ Show Spoiler + Episode 8: This week will be dedicated to our MLG Summer Championship and NA WCS Recap. We will have our two guest from our preview on, CompLexity Academy Sasquatch(Top 16 MLG Summer Championship) & Infinity Seven Insur(5th/6th place finish WCS, qualifying for WCS World Championship in China) http://www.twitch.tv/therealnanman/b/330316626 Episode 9:+ Show Spoiler +Episode 10:+ Show Spoiler + Episode 10: This week we'll have on LgNAvilo and FiNLuckyFool to talk about the HotS Beta! VOD:http://www.twitch.tv/therealnanman/b/331887926
Episode 11:+ Show Spoiler +Episode 12:+ Show Spoiler + [/b]
This seems like a pretty cool idea. With shows like The Executives helping out up and coming players/teams/even organizers to understand the business side of esports, and shows like this one highlighting those same people who are starting to make a splash in the esports scene, it should help promote the growth of esports to new heights. And what's really awesome is that growth is in a sector that is very accessible to the majority of SC2 players.
Should be a lot of fun and I look forward to listening to the first episode.
Good luck!
Hoping this is going to be a mature professional show like the Executives and not sink to the childish level of constant pantomine of SoTG
This looks exciting! Can't wait to see how this show turns out :D:D
I hope it does very well sounds like a good idea.
Make a mp3 feed and I'll listen =)
good show tonight some advice i have is to prepare what you want to talk about with and without the guest before the show. it didn't seem so structured. you didn't have many questions for suppy when theres so much to talk to him with.
What a great show! Can't wait for next week I was very impressed both with the hosts and the awesome guest Suppy!! :D shoutout to suppy :D thanks for the hard work keep up the great stuff guys!
On July 10 2012 12:23 johnnywup wrote: good show tonight some advice i have is to prepare what you want to talk about with and without the guest before the show. it didn't seem so structured. you didn't have many questions for suppy when theres so much to talk to him with. We actually did have a structure. It just happened to unintentionally be expanded to two hours when we only prepared for one.
Episode 2 will have two guest this week, LuckyFool and CSN's John Clark!
Do you guys have a RSS for mp3 download?
On July 14 2012 01:20 Dreadwolf wrote: Do you guys have a RSS for mp3 download?
It isn't set up yet, but it will be soon, I've got a bunch of casting stuff to do this weekend so I sadly wont be able to work on it until next week T_T
Show is live!! come check out the action now! Sick show!
A great idea, and the hosts seem pretty likeable.
Finally got around to listening to the 2nd episode. Good stuff! I felt like it went much better than the first episode.
Just a tiny bit of advice, and it may not be feasible, but when you (Nan) added the guests to the call and had to readjust everything to look right and make sure they are there, etc., it may not be a bad idea to instead just take a quick break. You could put back up the main overlay and play music (like you do before the show starts) while you get it all set up perfectly and then comeback. It would take the same amount of time but it would look more 'produced'. Just a thought.
Keep up the good work!
Thanks for all of the suggestions so far guys! I just got a new overlay with a slot for guests so if they have a webcam that will make things easier as well
Be sure to tune in tonight for episode 3, we will focus on the STL, MLG Arena, and the Semi Pro league among other things. We have plans for guests tonight but no one has been confirmed yet. Keep an eye out on the twitters for more updates ^_^