Hey guys making this thread because i have heard many different opinions on mouse speed/dpi etc.
I know of course it is partially preference, but also im sure there are certain reasons for certain settings!
So my question is, what DPI do you guys recommend? And what speeds in starcraft and control panel settings, also mouse acceleration setting (yes or no?)
Thanks for everyone who helps! :D
Well .. I don't think there's a special mouse configuration, which is the best, soo .. I'm just going with mine:
Deathadder: 3500 DPI (Sensivity about 8/10) and NO mouse acceleration .. only that word lets me cringe up my chair. In game I just turned the custom mouse settings off, so my desktop and ingame settings are the same.
I think the most important thing is, how comfortable it is TO YOU, and that you are used to it. So it's actually not a good idea to change the configuration too often, because you have to get used to it, to become good with it.
Yeah mine is similar to the above guy's, I use a Abyssus 3500 DPI with sensitivity 7.5/10
Mouse acceleration is bad...it means exactly what it says:
Your mouse will accelerate (or increase in velocity) the longer and faster you move it.. which is pretty bad for being precise.. because it's random as to how fast you move and how far etc
As far as DPI/Speed.. most people I've talked to recommend Speed 6 and then changing DPI settings to work on your sensitivity. (As well as in game in StarCraft)
Okay, I keep posting this in these threads (use the search bar, it's been asked over and over).
DPI is just a sensitivity tool, not an accuracy tool. Do not use 3500 DPI and lower SC2 ingame sens to accomodate for it, use 51-54% in game SC2, 6/11 in Windows or lower (higher is less accurate), and set your DPI to whatever you feel comfortable with. And for goodness sake, don't even think about accceleration.
Most pro players would use a rather fast speed, but some don't.
If you feel that you have to use the max DPI of your mouse, AND increase your windows cursor speed above 6/11, chances are you are way too fast imo and on the extreme ends of effective control. For example, I can comfortably use 6/11 and a DPI of 500-600. Yes, that low, and I can use it pretty fast too given I'm a fps whore..
Thank you for the feedback so far! :D
As far as DPI goes, I've heard a few pros say it doesn't really matter at all. It's all about what you find comfortable and what you're accustomed to.
1000DPI $10 Dynex 6/11 windows sensitivity, sc2 sensitivity off, Windows mouse acceleration off (the enhanced precision thingy) and regedited windows mouse acceleration off.
I think the biggest thing you can do to improve accuracy is turn off ALL mouse acceleration, but that requires some registry editing.
Also there is a thread on TL on how to edit out the mouse acceleration.
EDIT: When you adjust SC2 sensitivity you are OVERRIDING windows sensitivity, so its best to just leave it off.
I think its more likely to try some settings, and use whatever you feel more comfortable. Me, for instance, use a Microsoft Optical Mouse 1000 (a $15 mouse) with sensitivity on 6/11, SC2 sensitivity off and enhanced precision on (acceleration).
I tried without acceleration, but not being able to adjust DPI made me feel slower, so I just use 6/11 and acceleration .
I've always preferred higher sensitivities. It's possible to reach the same accuracy you would with a low sensitivity, but impossible to reach the same speed you would have with a high sensitivity. This may be an impractical reason, but it's what I tell myself anyway.
i play on 800 dpi, 7/11 sensitivity, and 70% in game. i guess it's about the same in and out of game.
2000 DPI, 50 or 51% on sc2 and whatever is the middle for windows settings (6/11?). Used 800 DPI for a long time, then one day I decided to slowly increase it over time and maxed out my mouse at 2000 after a while.
I found that that the Deathadder and a mac are really finicky together. The sensitivity changes drastically when you move the slider for any sensitivity setting (deathadder driver, mac mouse settings, sc2 ingame sensitivity). So I play on 3% ingame sensitivity, minimum mac setting, and adjust my sensitivity with the driver and keep that my manipulated and the other my constants. 3500 dpi btw.
Logitech g9x, no grip, 800 dpi, no acceleration. Mvp style.
People are actually playing sc2 with 3500 dpi? Are you guys playing on a 40inch monitor or are you just insane?
Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure you'd rarely be able to accurately click on a worker/zergling/marine without having to slow down your entire gameplay trying to steer your cursor onto the target.
FYI I've spoken to alot of people who think because they are using the Razer DA 3500DPI edition that their DPI is 3500 when it's actually on 800-1200. If you're going to post your mouse settings please makes sure you actually know them guys!
United States11 Posts
4000 dpi, 4 sens in razer driver, 6/11 sens in windows, sens disabled in sc2 24inch lcd
But it has been said and will be said again, what is most important is what is comfortable. You can reliably get effective with any combination of settings, really
For SC2, the only important mouse settings are to make sure that windows mouse settings is 6/11 and SC2 ingame sensitivity is 51%. That's the best way to make sure that your mouse doesn't skip any pixels.
After you got those settings locked down, play around with your DPI * DriverSensitivity in order to determine how fast you want your cursor to move. It's almost completely personal preference. Low DPI * DriverSensitivty produces high accuracy, but slow speed, and causes more fatigue. High DPI * DriverSensitivity produces low accuracy, but fast speed, and causes less fatigue.
It all depends upon how you play your SC2. Do you play short, intense game sessions? Then probably low DPI * DriverSensitivity is good for you. Do you play long, grueling game sessions? Then probably high DPI * DriverSensitivity is good for you.
It also depends upon the size of your monitor and its resolution. If you're a QXC or Axslav who play on a low resolution 4:3 monitor, then you need less DPI than people who use high resolution 16 : 9 monitors.
These are my personal settings: Razer Deathadder 3.5G Monitor: 16 : 9 1920x1080p Windows Sensitivity: 6/11 SC2 ingame Sensitivity: 51% DPI * DriverSensitivity: 3500 base DPI * 55% Driver Sensitivity = 1950 effective DPI
Use 400-1000 dpi depending on your resolution and preference. Keep 1:1 ratio. You're welcome.
Don't listen to the people saying higher dpi or lowering windows/in-game/driver settings.
1600 dpi, no acceleration, 51% ingame speed. 1920x1080, windows 6/11
unplayable for fps and i lower ingame settings speed in fps games. For browsing and osu it's must for me and I prefer it on sc2 too.