SKT vs Team 8
Fantasy vs Jaehoon (BW) - in which Jaehoon Jaehoons as only Jaehoon can.
n.Die_soO vs Sea (BW) - geez Sea is bad. Also build turrets in your min-line plzkthx.
BeSt vs Sang (SC2) - Hey, PvP has potential! - but the clumping, it hurts the eyes.
Weather vs Jaedong (SC2) - Nice micro from JD but clearly no idea what he was doing. FF sucks.
I actually almost like the format for the league. I still think that the game split is weird and pure SC2 would have been a better choice, but the double-Bo3 format is kind of cool.
CJ vs KT
Horang2 vs Stats (BW) - first high-level game of the night. Horang2 stil PvP bonjwa.
Leta vs Wooki (BW) - early push accomplished nothing; when Wooki macro'd up ten minutes later Leta just sort of died
Hydra vs Crazy-Hydra (BW) - CH with 4 bases and 120 supply. Woah.
BByong vs Lizzy (SC2) - High tech units? What are those? Some neat micro though.
herO[jOin] vs BarrackS (SC2) - BW players really like their sentries. Also unscouted expos are imba.
EffOrt vs Flash (SC2) - Flash got badly outplayed.
EffOrt vs Lizzy (SC2) - This looks weird. Actually it kind of looks like Starcraft.
CJ's black shirt might be the best uniform out there right now. Bizarre builds from our KeSPA players. Sentry-heavy, and we're now at 5 Protoss in 5 games with 0 colossus. TBH, the low-tech compositions make it look a lot more like BW.
great vs Juni (BW) - ZvZ... base race... wait, Juni won a game?
Kal vs TurN (BW) - nice micro moving away only one goon at a time... Kal rejects the first attack but lost a ton... decent reaver drop, but dying to the next push... tries a break but too many vultures... nexus goes down and I'm calling fantasy gg timing here.
M18M vs RorO (SC2) - early aggression with zealots? does nothing -> stargates... white guy hand over face micro is poor... Windows FAIL... M18M going up to 4 stargates, what is this, BGH? - and now with the cannons too... that's a truly silly number of VRs... lings vs cloaked cannons LOL... manner nexuses, geez.
Iris vs JangBi (SC2) - Jangbi builds KeSPA's first Colossus... nice stim snipe of a stalker by Iris... pure marine kind of terrible vs Protoss tech... well, that ended fast.
firebathero vs Reality (SC2) - I am twitching because FBH is playing Protoss. Colossus not enough by themselves, apparently.
These games have mostly been kind of silly but the commentary and observing is top-notch: OGN > all for entertainment value. I think the Colossus is a terrible unit because the Protoss army looks more "normal" without it. This is entirely a legacy of watching lots of BW. I assume I will eventually adjust.
STX vs Stars
Calm vs Light[aLive] (BW) - Light mechs. Calm loses half his drones to a two vulture runby. Goliaths finish the job.
mini vs ZerO (BW) - 2 gate! ZerO has no idea it's coming, double expands. Nice defense + poor decisions from mini and ZerO holds. 3 base to one but ZerO is way behind on tech and drones. Reavers eventually end it. Beautiful game.
Last vs free[gm] (BW) - free proxies robo vs rax-expand. Elevators in everything for the win.
Bogus vs sHy (SC2) - Terran keep trying to play with these all-tier-one armies and it's just not working. Also expanding helps.
Trap vs Neo.G_Soulkey (SC2) - Roaches. Please someone besides EffOrt show some creativity... base race? not really much of a contest but the hatch in P main was funny.
Classic vs Flying (SC2) - Classic looks like the "better" player but can't touch Flying's Colossus groups. At least he made a game of it - probably the best of the night.
So that's Proleague now. Honestly a bit better experience than I expected after the stupidity of the format etc.
I do have a challenge for Terrans. After the marines for the bunker, build a tank before any other unit. This infantry thing isn't going so well.