Hi folks,
I've been playing WOL since start. Zerg, platinum. Loved to watch MLG, GOM etc. However, lately I start to lose interest in the game, as well as watching streams or VOD's. This are starting to get repetitive and I have a feeling less people are online as well.
Now my question is: Did any of you experience this sudden decrease in SC2 enthusiasm, and if so, did you quit or find a way to stay interested?
Yes. It gets boring after a long while. The biggest problem is the horrible BNet UI and no clan system etc, you log in and feel like a ping pong ball in outer space. Empty. Lonely. edit: happy birthday btw
Play random man
That's what I do since beta, and the only ting keeping me from ladderring some time (less and less btw) is ladder anxiety.
Designing "your" build (or at least your version of existing ones) and testing them is what will keeps you in the game. Works for me at least.
well i go on and off alot, ill play like crazy for a month and a half then stop for 3 4 weeks strait. what usually gets me back going is watchin a BIG LAN event.
but what i would recomend to keep your intrest, (if your just REALLY trying to get better) is to get a practice team/ parners or something like that. Get 4 5 people that are either you skill level or better then you and just practice... i wish i had some good firends to play with localy..... ever 1 i know is gold ot silver
i got 1 friend who is dia but he just 6 pooled his way to it and is garbo... so he does not count ^_^
On April 08 2012 17:24 Hetz wrote: Hi folks,
I've been playing WOL since start. Zerg, platinum. Loved to watch MLG, GOM etc. However, lately I start to lose interest in the game, as well as watching streams or VOD's. This are starting to get repetitive and I have a feeling less people are online as well.
Now my question is: Did any of you experience this sudden decrease in SC2 enthusiasm, and if so, did you quit or find a way to stay interested?
I've been watching a lot of Brood War, and that's motivated me to play more SC2.
Happy Birthday
Find a team. People to play, chat and practice with.
I've quit months ago since I discovered BW and because of bnet 0.2. This game it's not as exciting to spectate as BW though.
after my friend stopped playing sc2, my motivation to play went away. none of my other friends would even consider it since theyd much rather play CoD or Madden. so i think having friends to play with is a huge factor. however, finding sc2 players to be friends with can be very hard
You need to set goals in Sc2 for example getting into higher league and focus on it. The feeling of getting promoted is unbelievable :D
i got bored last summer. what can i say, game didnt entertain me and i didnt enjoy playing it. had a lot of friends playing it. i play with some of them time to time though. I got into diamond and wanted to get to masters but decided not to. I moved on to League of Legends and i enjoy it more lol . There is no specific reason for me quiting. Battle.net sucked, i couldnt turn to map making, etc.etc.
Yeah, one of the things that kept me going in WC3 was the fact that we had a place to hang out between games, chat with other people, friends clanmates etc. This led to random games, UMS, bets, obs games, just overall fun. I met tons of new people this way.
Bnet 2.0 doesn't really seem to allow this. It's great if you just want to log in and play some games, but it doesn't feel like a whole experience. My experience is that friends are made in chatrooms, and not so much in 1v1 games. So basically you meet noone new, which leads to things becoming dull. Or that's how it went for me anyway. Nowadays I have no motivation to play ladder anymore, just the occasional UMS with friends who have quit ladder as well. I still watch the big tournaments though.
Firstly, happy birthday!
There was a time where I used to watch every single game on GSL live, even up and downs, and first rounds of code A. After a while this kinda got boring (about a month or two ago for me), so now I only watch games of favourite players live or watch VODs of highly recommended games (based on LR thread voting). I think the reason it can become boring is that after becoming familiar with what standard play looks like, you know what to expect, and when you see exactly what you expect, you get bored. To answer your question, I don't have a magic formula to offer to make you suddenly more interested. But I must say that after taking a break from watching, when I tune into a 'standard' game, I find a few interesting changes to people's builds that can have a large impact to the game. Don't mass consume, but pick and choose what to watch.
Edit: game-play wise, try something different! play random, or choose to play another race for a while. Or keep playing your race, but do ridiculous non-standard play/cheese. Terran cheese in particular is fun imo.
Take a break, you'll want to return to it eventually.
Getting some friends to play with. Battle net alone is quite boring and not really social. And while laddering its hard to make friends, because not a lot of time to talk inhale and half the people are raging regards.
Only reason I occcasionally logon is to play some monobattles or teamgames.
On April 08 2012 17:32 OneObsession wrote: You need to set goals in Sc2 for example getting into higher league and focus on it. The feeling of getting promoted is unbelievable :D
I also did that. However, I'm master now, so I'm losing interest.
Battle.net needs a revamp.
Right now it doesn't promote any longevity into the game at all.
I've been getting bored of watching and playing Zerg lately, so I'm in the midst of switching to Terran... I went 2-6 on mid-plat ladder, so not TOO bad so far considering how little I've played T. TvP early game is tough.
Anyways, I always used to watch GSL and other events looking for Zerg games, and having seen hundreds it just got old... Now I'm watching from the Terran perspective and I'm excited again.
Yea im on a break now. I'm just sick of people only playing shattered in customs which is all bnet 0.2
Doesnt bother me, ill be back for hots at the latest but it's just a game
Playing random got me back into it! Turned out to be really fun to fail with a new race lol
I'm having also huge motivation dumb towards sc2... I just feel that no matter what I do it is always in vain. I dont even see statistics. I don't see win rates ZvX. I just would like to see so much more statistics in the bnet but I guess it is just a stupid wish.
Been playing LoL with friends, just casual since sc2 makes me so frustrated.