I have been in a slump. It's the craziest feeling cause you don't understand why you suck while your playing then you watch the replay and it makes you sick to your stomach cause your retarted... I am currently -18 win percentage used to be high masters now mid/low I just make tiny mistakes and can't make up for it. I wondered why I kept playing but then randomly I would play at full skill and demolish my opponent making me think that everything is ok again.
I feel like an addicted gambler trying to find my system so that I can play at my best ability. Tried playing with music without waiting a day 2 days 3 days. I tried vetoing different maps. None of it sticks I was thinking of just taking the rest of the season off. Though I love laddering and I love the competition but it hurts when your making really stupid mistakes and losing games because of dumb mechanic issues.
As sad as it makes me it's been allowing me to play all these games I have put off so I could keep playing Starcraft. Have all 3 Mass Effect games and never played any of them. Ahhh what do you do TL when your in a slump and just suck at Starcraft? I just want to start over need a new season lol!!
Thanks for reading my sorrow working through it.. Then again Tyler said a good way is to drink while you play... will have to try that I got some
Maybe go pop that shit open and build some arbiterssss!
gl man. Gl. By the way, being drunk and trying to play good is not gonna happen.
also are you playing protoss? The decrease in APM because of the alcohol would not matter then. Since... Protoss doesnt require APM. Damn i hate protoss.
I was in a slump not long ago so i went a few days playing 20=30 games a day, out of it now, there was a time before that when i was in a HUGE slump, so i went to strat forums, picked one, and just did that, worked quite well. So in my experience either mass games or pick a good strategy. you can even just copy a pro strat u see or smthn.
On March 22 2012 19:36 Steglich wrote: also are you playing protoss? The decrease in APM because of the alcohol would not matter then. Since... Protoss doesnt require APM. Damn i hate protoss.
Yea slumps suck but you gotta just keep on going. There are day where i lose every game and then the next day i win every game, i don't seem to do anything different either it just happends
Yeah, Slumps are really Irritating. The feeling when you suddenly lose multiple times when you are favored.
On March 22 2012 19:34 Steglich wrote: gl man. Gl. By the way, being drunk and trying to play good is not gonna happen. Eh, true, but I remember back in BW I'd play smashed games all the time with my friends and while my apm was always lower I had a much easier time picking out what to concentrate on and multitasking.
Guess it depends what the problem is. I have a tendency when things go wrong to lose sight of what I was trying to do and realize it a few minutes too late and then I have to play from behind where I should be, so alcohol actually made my play a bit smoother because I just went with my decisions much more seamlessly.
Yeah mean I feel you, but don't worry one day you'll randomly get over your slump. One time I was high plat and looking for a promotion into diamond since the season was about to end and as if I jinxed it, when I decided to grind out a few hours to get my MMR higher, I literally lost every game. I don't know whether it was because I had that extra pressure that I self-imposed on myself with my goal, but my MMR went down past low plat, past high gold, and stopped around low gold/high silver. I even lost to a silver once, and that was a really traumatic experience let me just say that much. So new season comes around, I get placed in gold. So I'm thinking of quitting starcraft, but decide 'fuck it, it can't get any worse at this point'. So I play a few games and absolutely destroy everyone I come across. I literally went on a win-streak of 25 killing all low gold-high plat nerds along the way and stealing their ladder points. I was actually afraid that Blizzard might ban me on suspicion of purposeful losing to win/portrait farm at lower leagues lol. And now, I'm sitting nice and comfy in diamond league.
Moral of the story/ tl;dr : Slumps suck, but they happen. Don't give up, you'll recover from your slump eventually and you'll come back stronger than ever!
Jack Daniels will get you through any slump. :D
starcraft 2 - $60 A bottle of jack - $20 (depending on size etc.) Advice given by Liquid`Nony (Tyler) - Priceless :D for everything else there is Team Liquid`
On March 23 2012 02:33 docvoc wrote: starcraft 2 - $60 A bottle of jack - $20 (depending on size etc.) Advice given by Liquid`Nony (Tyler) - Priceless :D for everything else there is Team Liquid`
Should have added that you sir are awesome!!