Thanks a lot This video's just as sweet as the first!
Also, sucks how he totally wrote "MVP" when he meant "MMA" :p
:/ over the top, and not that great of clips to be honest...
Still very cool though.
Sick! Thanks for sharing.
very well done ! good job man and please make more
As mentioned before I think 1st one was better, but still very impressive and appreciated imo
I kind of like the ''IN YOUR FACE PEW BANG POOF FIRES EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!sadGEGR'' style, but I feel like there are clips that are waaay more impressive and/or cooler than those you chose for the video.
That said, this was fucking awesome, and the fact that it gives off such an exciting actiony style is great for a strategy game. Will certainly make things more exciting for people generally not that interested in strategy games because they're ''slow''
Within Temptation when we see HerO, favourite music with excellent protoss player
Didnt get any nerd chills in this one, i definately did in the first one tho, like puma and kiwikaki.
the overeditting is so lame and i dislike the player intro sound. good clips though.
The last part was kind of meh, otherwise FUCKING AWESOME!! :D
Way too many lights and blinking.... pretty annoying
Holy shit! This was badass. Great job.
Sound quality is fucked, had to watch with low volume without killing my ears.
Still was pretty cool
The first one was better. It was hard to watch this one without blinking every time the screen flashed or getting dizzy from all the camera panning.
Probably been said already but they spelled "MMA" as "MVP"
This time the effects were REALLY overdone (too much lense flare) but I still support the concept and enjoyed the video so good on these guys for putting hard work into this kind of thing.
this video was impossible for me to watch, felt like i was gonna get a seizure or something from the overuse of effects and flashes/blinking.. had to shut it off after DRG's part which was basically 2 minutes in..
nice editing and effects and stuff but SC2 "skill" movies are just so ... meh
I aint going to lie, not as good as the first one there wasn't any outstanding clips of micro (like pumas motherfucking godly splits) or any clutch plays (like Kiwikakis vortex) or just well played fights (stephanos fungal brood micro). The overediting might have worked if the clips were really fucking good but for such subpar clips didn't seem to pull it off