For a while, it really felt like things were getting better. I was winning 7-8 out of 10 games when I'd play. Then through season 3 and 4, I've just been getting slammed. I thought I was getting better - maybe even ready for a promotion, since I play maybe a silver every five games or so - but clearly I was deluding myself.
I stopped 4gating. Maybe that's the problem. I was sick of having seven minute games and really wanted to get into things. Started 3gate robo, but I seem to have problems getting it down, and I have terrible transitions and general responses. I feel like I don't know when to attack, when to pressure (I always worried about getting stomped), and just... sigh. And somehow, it feels like my macro is getting worse than before.
I love this game, but rage has been more the common denominator of my matches lately, instead of having fun or at least feeling like I'm progressing.
Here are some of my replays as of late. Only one is as recent as I'd like, but I can link more when I get home - might be good for some constructive criticism.
Game vs ghostoffish on TDA- first things first, nice win but in my own protoss play (plat level random player) i prefer to get my second gas sooner after the core (like as soon as i can afford it after building my cy. core) then that way I build my 1st gate then my robo followed by my other 2 gates. also if you find yourself floating ~400 minerals just build a nexus, goal 1 should be to keep money under 400~500 at all times
overall considering the level of the game a decent TvP I am going to watch the PvZ and PvP now and see if anything else sticks out to me
PvZ vs hungry taco on TDA- okay, if you build 2 robo's build out of them 100% of the time (and get an obs sooner they are almost free) i'm not gonna say anything that i'm sure you haven't heard but hotkey dem gatewayzzzz because if you would've been making more units out of them you would've had almost no money, on 2 base 7 gateways and 2 robos and a forge should leave you POOR (as in like there is no way to support that much on 2 base usually) but those are rather easy things to fix imho if you do just these things that i mentioned here you'll hit gold in no time
I would look at your pvp but i figure either someone else can or you can just copy whatever build beats you, thats the best part of mirror matchups
if you have any questions feel free to PM me either here or in game my ID is rOBinary CC 420
I just took a look at the most recent replay vs the Zerg on Tal Darim. I play terran but my opinion is you were doing fine until 11:10. At this point I stopped watching because the game could have ended. Why you harrassed with the pylon in his/her third I don't know. The proxy pylon is very useful for re-enforcing an attack, but if you are planning to harrass you need to use positioning and surprise to your advantage. You simply sent bits and pieces to the front of his base. On balance, you would have been far better off waiting for all your forces to attack at once, which probably would have won the game there.
The last game you played against hungry taco, you won, but still, there's plenty of room for improvement. I would focus on not getting supply blocked and spending all your money. If that means building more production facilities than necessary then so be it.
In your last PvP against Luliboy, your money just got way too high. Again, I think you should focus on keep building pylons and keep checking your warpgates. If that 2k in the bank had been in zealots, then you would have roflstomped his army.
And yeah this seems to be the common theme in all your games. For a girl you really are terrible at spending your money.
Just spend your money and you will get promoted in no time.
A good general rule of thumb is to know when your money is low, that means your army size is maximized. If your money is low and you didnt fall behind expanding or making probes, that means your army is at least or better than your opponents. If you had some money that means potentially if your opponent spent their money then their army is bigger. Again assuming economy is on par.
Keep that in mind and you shouldn't be so fearful of being attacked or under attack. Also try to keep your eye on the minimap and get an obs outm if you can at some point, where you can see the army move towards you. That is a very good advantage of going an obs opening.
I'm currently about a high master/GM player. Feel free to PM me if you ever need some ingame advice or anyother small things.
On January 17 2012 05:37 slained wrote: A good general rule of thumb is to know when your money is low, that means your army size is maximized. If your money is low and you didnt fall behind expanding or making probes, that means your army is at least or better than your opponents.
Isn't that the problem that bronze players have in the first place?
The dApollo video lessons someone linked above are fantastic, definitely watch those
This game has a very hard time showing you that you are improving, especially if you are low bronze or high masters.
If you have been in bronze for longer than 1 season though there is something critical about the basics of starcraft 2 that you are failing to do on a consistent basis.
It is most likely one of these things:
Consistently build workers, should not stop until 22 if you are 1 base all inning off of 2 gas, 60-80 if you are playing a real game. (Taking small breaks to get out units to stop timing pushes is nitpicking if you are in bronze)
Scouting your opponent and understanding the basics of what they are doing. Do you see a spawning pool and do they only have 6 or 7 workers? Is your opponent almost full on chronoboost and only using it on his cyber core? Does the terran have more than 1 barracks building? These are red flags early game that you are probably going to be the victim of a poorly executed 1 base attack.
Does your minerals trail into the thousands while you are busy with your units. Hell, I know master level players who consistently fail to spend their money, this is a very common problem. Best solution is to hotkey your production facilities and check them every so often and if you have to queue up pylons before you move out so you don't get instantly supply blocked when you stop looking at your base.
Are you stuck at 18 supply for an more than a few seconds? did you forget to build 1, 2 or maybe 5 pylons when you were supply blocked during the game?
Aim for a strong versatile build order that can progress smoothly into late game against each race. practice practice practice it. Watch every replay you lose and write down one to two sentence on paper why you lost, re-read these after your ladder session and before the next one. Also something that I found really useful when I was a beginner was to aim for 45 supply at the 7 minute mark. Try to get there every game, I know some people will criticize this suggestion but trust me it will help you.
I don't get i played like 80 1v1's on ladder im diamond im sry but how can you be in bronze? Like the game really aint hard at all. But meh i too rage not so much at my losses tho more at when im winning. I know i suck so everytime i win i hate it i win and still do mistakes fucking anoyys me-.-
On January 18 2012 12:01 Flippin1337 wrote: I don't get i played like 80 1v1's on ladder im diamond im sry but how can you be in bronze? Like the game really aint hard at all. But meh i too rage not so much at my losses tho more at when im winning. I know i suck so everytime i win i hate it i win and still do mistakes fucking anoyys me-.-
Does writing that make you feel good?
Well here's a tip from a beginner who knows only how to do one thing. I literally bought the game two weeks ago. I don't know any real concrete build orders. My tactics are shot to hell because I hardly know the counters. And I only beat the campaign, played a dozen games against the AI before playing my placement matches.
And I got placed in platinum.
For me, the only reason I win my games right now is because I can macro better than my opponents, and that's really it. I just make sure to always build workers, make sure I'm not supply blocked, ensure that my minerals and gas are always low, and expand whenever possible. But in the end my minerals and gas always shoot above 1k and around 2k by end game. This is despite being overly defensive with bunkers and turrets and using scans instead of mules all the time (I stopped using mules after the first one or two call downs recently because I always tend to have more minerals than necessary anyway). I generally don't really have a clue what my opponent is doing (well I know whether I need to get air or ground defense), and the positioning of my units are always sub par. I just build a lot of marines and medivacs, or marines, medivacs, and tanks, and a-move over my opponent. And it magically works a lot of the time sheerly by force of numbers. Even if I lose most of my army, I don't really care because I always have another one ready to go.
I know that I pretty much suck at everything else, and I'm starting to learn about BOs, counter builds, and general scouting tells, but from my own (limited) experience it seems that macro is a very very important part of the game.
Take it with a grain of salt since I'm a newbie to the game, but my advice is to focus on macro first then slowly move towards multitasking into tactics and micro. Intuitively it makes sense to me since it's better to get a feel for the game before you're able to fully understand and utilize any BOs or tactics that are used by higher level players (as opposed to mindlessly memorizing them for online play).
On January 17 2012 05:08 Jakesully wrote: Lauren here. Things seem to have gotten worse.
For a while, it really felt like things were getting better. I was winning 7-8 out of 10 games when I'd play. Then through season 3 and 4, I've just been getting slammed. I thought I was getting better - maybe even ready for a promotion, since I play maybe a silver every five games or so - but clearly I was deluding myself.
I stopped 4gating. Maybe that's the problem. I was sick of having seven minute games and really wanted to get into things. Started 3gate robo, but I seem to have problems getting it down, and I have terrible transitions and general responses. I feel like I don't know when to attack, when to pressure (I always worried about getting stomped), and just... sigh. And somehow, it feels like my macro is getting worse than before.
I love this game, but rage has been more the common denominator of my matches lately, instead of having fun or at least feeling like I'm progressing.
Here are some of my replays as of late. Only one is as recent as I'd like, but I can link more when I get home - might be good for some constructive criticism.