I usually don't post too much cz I'm lazy, some comments now and then but today something flashed through my head.
Make #ESPORT trendy on tweeter for weeks and even months.
How hard can it be to really do this if we join forces.
Every game that is competitive, promote news, create communities, companies that really love esport and all that jazz. Imagine all the FPS (HALO, GOW3, CS:GO, All COD/MW ppl, etc, etc), all the MOBAS? (Dota2, LOL, HON, etc, etc), Fighting Games (MVC Series, SF, MK9, KOFXIII, etc), all the RTS (SC2 only ? rofl i don't know any other :o). All the random games (IMHO) like Guitar Hero that was at the WCG for 3 times in a ROW and all that stuff.
#ESPORT concept can only win and it will promote it beyond.
Twitt #ESPORT when you talk about esport related stuff (almost every time)
Twitt #ESPORT when you have space in your tweets (Cz sometimes news/announcements are too big hehe).
*Insert idea*
I'll try to go for it Latinamerica and say it every time we have room for it.
I think it's important for all of us who try our best to promote #ESPORT and honestly. If it was so awesome we can make it trendy really fast.
Experiment ? Challenge Accepted.
More Games ? Please add your thoughts :D.
If its not crazy to think that #GSL or #MLG can be trendy, then #ESPORT potentially can have 20x chances to be trendy.
I'm thinking from the POV of gaming communities, not only TL, and how it would improve the image of esport in front of the sponsors. There is nothing to lose from my point of view.
Users that consumes Steelseries tweet at @steelseries because it support esport and all that stuff that incontrol told, and its absolutely true, it does help the gaming community, as a whole.
But Communities that can't promote Steelseries because of sponsorship issues can still promote ESPORT, as a term related to professional online gaming and also related to fun, to what the community really is.
I think that is not to reach the ones that already know esport, but to make it a front page for all those compulsive twitter users to know about it and maybe try to find out more about it.
Seriously, I don't see a loss in this idea, but well, I never expected to be understood by everyone ^^.
If you think it's stupid and it wouldn't help at all PLEASE leave your thoughts
In latinamerica is hard to get it trendy but I want to try. How's in other countries ?