On October 15 2011 05:30 OpticalShot wrote: I mentioned this back in Kona's thread and I'm going to mention it again as a personal comment (therefore not going to add it to the OP, which should be just news). My suggestion for spicing it up next season is:
Set 3: random vs. random
Okay, so this may require KeSPA to really bend against their iron will. Random vs. random has a crazy element of luck, or rather, a lot of luck-based elements everywhere in every dimension. But come on, wouldn't this be a heck lot of fun? Who wants to see Stork 4pool Hyun's 12nex (I DO I DO I DO)? This is going to require revolutionary changes in record-keeping (possibly the need to report all 9 possible match-ups for each player) if it is meant to be recorded. But that's too complicated, right? So I'm suggesting that this game to only count towards the game's score, but not towards the personal score (even if both players land their main races). This way: players don't feel bad about playing this coin-toss set because their personal records won't be ruined, a TON of hilarious cheese and failures are going to entertain everyone, and maybe random rookies that are good at all 3 races will get a spot. Keep this for WL format, and now you got a whole new meaning to "all-kill."
Just an idea *shrug* anybody got opinions on this?
I agree with this idea but no so sure about putting set 3 at R vs R though lol
I think that PL have to add in new ideas. Like sending out who to play at REAL time.
So like no pre-selected players to play on the map. This could potentially increase the drama on the team, coaches saying "By the way XXXX you are going next." This will allow the team to adjust their plan accordingly to the current result. To make it fair on the players, they should have 3 person deciding on who to send out so the decision won't be monopolized.
Also I could just see this, coaches going into the back room discussing strategies with the players and the camera just zoom on them. They come out and player go up to the booth, this creates suspense and drama.
Another thing I wanted for so long is that the players should be allowed to have more freedom in race choosing. For example, if player X tell player Y that he is planning on choosing Zerg on this map (when he was originally a Terran), if player Y confirms and give permission to player X, then this should be allowed. I can see Jaedong going offrace vs Flash offracing at the same time.
More flexibility in the matches, create that drama going, fans will appreciate that. Do we still have that anti-ceremony rule on? If yes, take it off. I've noticed that back in the old days when legends would win a game, they would show GENUINE joy instead of that -_- face (recently watched Jaedong vs Calm, not the Avalon MSL one but after the winner won, I really couldn't tell by their facial expression which Zerg pulled through). When a player is happy, I feel warm and fuzzy inside lol
I also want them to re-experiment 2 vs 2 games. I absolutely do feel the potential in that matchup. Maybe a whole separate round containing it.
Holy, that's a lot of rambling by me. But for TL;DR guys, I want to say that PL/WL needs variability, flexibility, emotions and drama.
On October 15 2011 09:33 OpticalShot wrote: PWG article summarized. Uh, more like 75% translated lol. Please save me from the wrath of Fomos (if it ever happens)!
I truly appreciate your hard work translating that most excellent article.
PWG basically speaking common sense in a diplomatic, unbiased fashion. He seems like such a pleasant, appreciative person, and I wish more fans of esports could be as open and frank as him.
Man, I really enjoyed reading that summary of that article, and I'll be really sad if the semi-translation gets taken down, as there just so much good content in there.
On October 15 2011 09:33 OpticalShot wrote: PWG article summarized. Uh, more like 75% translated lol. Please save me from the wrath of Fomos (if it ever happens)!
These pwg guy I have my respects for him especially these part
PWG recognizes the OGN broadcast of WCG Korea SC2 tournament as an important, symbolic step towards growth of eSports. He is thankful that BoxeR stepped up to give a special commentating appearance in the tournament. BoxeR and YellOw are perhaps the two leading figures that can help this growing scene the most.
He made it clear about his views regarding the governing/managing bodies in the scene. He demands that Blizzard Entertainment, KeSPA, OGN, and other team managers and sponsors to each compromise their greed and work cooperative for the benefit of the scene. KeSPA should have reacted more professionally and promptly to the intellectual property rights dispute. They have to learn to publicly apologize for their past mistakes and earn back the trust of the fans. Blizzard needs to step out of their western world business shell and recognize eSports something beyond simple gaming content. eSports would not be here without the countless years of dedication from Korean progamers, broadcasting stations, and the fans - and Blizzard needs to show that they respect that. OGN needs to play more of an active role in the decision-making process and tie all the relations together between the aforementioned parties.
On October 15 2011 08:07 Hinanawi wrote: I want to see an offracing tournament. I hear Flash's Protoss is pretty scary.
Reach said that Flash's muta micro is the best in the team.
He did not say that. After saying that Flash was the best off-race player on KT, he further clarified it by saying he is the best at offrace Z and offrace P. Then, anecdotally, he said that Flash sometimes beats the zergs on the team at muta micro. Sometimes being the operative word. It's still fucking impressive but he's definitely not the best at muta micro in KT; That would be ridiculous and basically confirmation that KT zergs are completely awful at ZvZ.
Thanks for these translations, OpticalShot <3
Pretty grim stuff from PWG but hopefully it can motivate some kespa people or team staff into making SCBW even better.
I think what we need is some additional leagues that stray away from normal proleague, while keeping the number of games in proleague lower.
as mentioned in this thread, kinda like non-ranked fun leagues but still with prize pools like: 1) random race league 2) off-race league 3) intra-team games 4) forced to play on ridiculous maps (DMZ, Battle Royale) as showmatches 5) map-test (why isn't this broadcast yet?????)
On October 15 2011 12:13 konadora wrote: I think what we need is some additional leagues that stray away from normal proleague, while keeping the number of games in proleague lower.
as mentioned in this thread, kinda like non-ranked fun leagues but still with prize pools like: 1) random race league 2) off-race league 3) intra-team games 4) forced to play on ridiculous maps (DMZ, Battle Royale) as showmatches 5) map-test (why isn't this broadcast yet?????)
1. Would be very viable and actually something they could consider. 2. I'm not sure how this will work; so since players have a declared main-race with KeSPA, they're not allowed to use that race? If yes, I want to see Flash's P, and the hilariousness that is FBH and Fantasy's Z. 3. KotH specials could showcase intra-team games. 4. Definitely workable, use Proleague/Starleague maps from 3 years ago or further in random drawings to prevent practice. 5. Probably won't happen since some teams use map-tests for their exploratory planning for map strategies.
On October 15 2011 09:33 OpticalShot wrote: PWG article summarized. Uh, more like 75% translated lol. Please save me from the wrath of Fomos (if it ever happens)!
The problem is that OGN's schedule is absolutely packed for the upcoming season. With all the other esports leagues being broadcast, there's no room left for new SC events.