rofl poor fisheye...after that loss with Echo I have some doubts about him now Edit: I'm not saying echoofdream is a bad player, it just so happens fisheye is disappointing in his last performances. Voted for Sen.
hmm I wonder if anyone will bring anything about magic~phil up to this :/ (sorry I hope no harm will be inflicted )
I voted PJ since he has the most to prove, but how is Sen last? T_T
I would think either Eri or Fisheye should be last... not because they're not great players, but because I don't see either putting a lot of effort into doing well (granted both players do extremely well with little practice anyways).... maybe I'm wrong though.
judging from the matchups i gotta say fisheye PvP foreigners have a chance i dont see sen winning a ZvP maybe a ZvT not zvp though eri is just fucked doesnt have a chance ( perfect ur cheese is all i can say =/ nada is a fucking machine ) yellow is on a different level then PJ and PJ will try to out play him which isnt going to happen.