On September 20 2011 21:09 Roggay wrote: Why are people commenting on ghost vs HT like it was the deciding factor in this game? Bomber was 50 supply ahead (almost all of them in army count), ofc he should win this game.
The Ghost/HT moments in that game existed in a vacuum outside of the obvious supply difference.
...You really called someone a classless trash street thug for dropping some MULEs, a taunt that is not even remotely original nor viewed as particularly mean-spirited? Jesus man, lighten up.
On September 20 2011 21:07 The KY wrote: Why even try and feedback ghosts.
You never know, the Terran might not be paying attention.
Seems a silly risk to take 6 times in a row.
Nothing much else you can do with High Templar. If you just leave them with your army hoping to Storm later you'll get laminated by EMP.
If you spread them in the army you at least get some storms off. Put em in a warp prism. Keep a couple on the high ground.
But he just gave them away.
Regardless it just seemed like Bomber's army was twice the size of Puzzles. It's annoying to me that 'protoss is UP' is now so accepted after such a short amount of time that any time a protoss loses anything people don't look beyond the immediately obvious.
On September 20 2011 21:09 Asha` wrote: Bomber destroying Puzzle as expected too.
Ryung vs Bomber should be good, if it's a macro game I don't really see Bomber losing but maybe he goes for something funky or Ryung manages to get something done early.
Poor Puzzle is going to have to handle some kind of all in to stay alive.
This was like when the little picked on kid gets balls and goes to confront the bully.
He appropriately gets his ass handed too him! Then his parents stop givin him food and he starves
oh wait, this is the 21st century, so his parents would probably give him a courage trophy or some bullcrap.
On September 20 2011 21:06 darkest44 wrote: ghost vs HT is so frustrating to watch :-/
This. how to micro against superior range.
Well from now on we should just research Hallu, send to 2 HT to feedback and 50 hallucinated HTs and play find the real HT.
Not a bad idea. That way you could at least force scans from the Terran, though at the cost of a considerable amount of Force Fields and Guardian Shields.
This is why Genius does Void ray openings. He has been doing Void ray FE with only Void rays and sentries while FFing Terrans ramps. It sucks vs cloak banshee though, butyou can use the void ray to scout for that.