A last minute call turned this into my own Blog that I know from experience that no one will damn read but at least it's less embarrassing for TL and I authorize full power to mods to edit or delete this if they see it fit. Because I am speaking the truth of how I feel, I doubt I can handle the reactions if they are negative.
I've been coming to TL since 05 I think, BW seems so long ago, the pro-gaming highlights/videos on youtube, Boxer, iloveoov, Nada, Jaedong, Flash and the like. It was all so fascinating to watch as a spectator even thou I was alone, I knew others shared the same passion. Yet despite that I've still always been and felt completely alone and detached from the rest of the community as just another insignificant spec of dust among legends.
Over the years I always kept coming back to BW, playing on Bnet/Iccup but never really getting into 1v1 since it was just to hard to become a pro and thus pointless to try. There's much I could write or say about my history, but my attempts to connect with a few of the community on TL/Bnet has never succeeded regardless of how nice or forthcoming I tried to be. Some half a year ago I PM'ed ONE person on TL I knew from BW but I've never really meet anyone else who played BW on SC2-EU.
In all I've meet some good people and had my fair share of good times in BW but after SC2, progressively over a year I realized that this place wasn't for me any-more (the community deteriorated whilst SC2 grew back into the mass media spotlight) and I didn't feel the same way for the sequel as the original, the magic just wasn't there and my giving up on Blizzard after WoW was finally confirmed with Bnet 2.Fail and further with D3.
On SC2-EU, few people speak proper English or speak at all and it's become god-damn boring, I miss the intense strategic or social discussions there would always be in BW, rarely would there be a dull game when playing with the old generation, my years of online magic with BW is full of memories, replays and conversations.
Anyway I've had my fair share of posting here on TL, yet for all my long posts the only time anyone would respond to it is if they where incapable of understanding what I wrote, disagreed or lacked the intellect. In the end, I've stopped posting since over half a year ago, stopped playing SC2 and moved on with my life. Rarely do I try and watch streams or visit the site but I won't forget this place, the Final Edits, StarCraft or the old members of this site for many years to come.
In the end, I'm part of a dying breed now, it's going to be sad to see another decade pass and know that I am one of the few who will cherish the gaming glory of the late 90's/early millennium, all of my favourite games of all time are on the PC & PS1, Metal Gear Solid, Grandia, Lunar, Valkyrie Profile, Fallout, Red Alert 2, Heroes 3, System Shock 2, Baldur's Gate 2, Planescape Torment and of course StarCraft (These games are as bloody mind-blowing as they are timeless) and a hundred others.
5 days from now I will start my secondary education as a candidate in a nearby town, this will be the beginning of a new life for me where I'll be taking 6 courses to exam over a year all at once. And this is after not being in school for 6 years (since I was 16.) thus I will have to dedicate myself fully to succeed, this will be my main focus in the future as-well as a farewell to gaming. There will be only nostalgia waiting for me as I get older if I ever try to re-experience the games of the past.
As for the Staff, you guys may be harsh on moderation on TL, but FAIR (Most of the time...*thinks of my own 2 day ban* xD). It's a very simple thing to act polite against others, and erase the insulting/cursing parts of what you write with a second thought.
I guess being young means you lack impulse control and post before thinking it over, that and some people are just plain stupid or intentionally trolling/being a-holes thus the need for harsh moderation and someone making a one-time mistake being burned as a result.
But as long as you act with respect towards others and ignore those who do not repay the respect (let the mods deal with it) there really is NOTHING to fear from the mods, some of them are great guys who will give you a pardon if you deserve it. (Hi Nazgul you awesome guy you )
TeamLiquid is just about the most resourceful site I know of on the internet, the staff and some talented members alike, are bloody detectives and inventive writers and minds. Who contribute and who have created so much over the years that has been spread through this site for all to share, it's really incredible to see sometimes. Real life events, gaming, streaming, TSL!, all the huge databases, everything can be found here with a simple click and search.
I think I was planning my 1000th post to be my last long ago, but I figured nobody would give a rats ass, so this is it, goodbye TL, Mani you are just awesome (I remember an interview you had with Artosis years ago and man some of your posts are just hilarious.)
Rekrul you and your crazy threads stirring the place up back in the day haha xD, Plexa I've always liked reading your blogs (I said goodbye in your last post thread but I figured you'd come back after all...)
Day[9] you are the #1 entertainer and mentor this community has ever had (Sean your Life of SC video on youtube is an inspiration to the gaming culture, I'd love to meet you and Nick in an alternate timeline of a universe that doesn't exist...)
Tyler I've always liked your intelligence (Fight that depression...change your life, you are capable of doing anything.) HUK, TLO, JINRO! Oh man you guys are some nice personalities and talented players, best of luck with your careers!
And Tasteless you've been my favourite caster since WCG 2006, I just AdoRE you man! (and I respect the choice you made to postpone your education in order to move to Korea for what you love doing.)
You and Artosis have been amazing at GomTV, when I've been watching it live, it's like being with old friends that understand you. And the atmosphere/chemistry between you two is always wonderful, what a joy, what a passion, god I miss watching you two ballers casting.
Yeah I know none of the above will actually read this, but it's about expressing some of what I hypothetically feel even if exaggerated, sorry to anyone who feels left out (not that you really want me to write about you xD) now that I've written all of that weirdness and embarrassed myself to seek refuge in a cave on the Atlantic, I'm going to click post and move on and away from StarCraft...
If I where to think of one of my best posts, this comes to mind: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=192576¤tpage=12#236
Good luck to everyone who actually read this, in your life, in gaming, doing what you love, finding your path, being with whom you love, sharing your passion, achieving your goals, unlocking the mysteries of the cosmos and the inner workings of the human brain...
And living life to the fullest, Farewell!