On September 09 2011 01:23 Drorctopus wrote:
Well while i do think you are at fault, you shouldn't be sued. I mean why would you want to ruin a young person's life. And you are unlucky that she is old, a younger person would probably have a lot less injuries
Well while i do think you are at fault, you shouldn't be sued. I mean why would you want to ruin a young person's life. And you are unlucky that she is old, a younger person would probably have a lot less injuries
He is most definitely 100% at fault. Regardless of circumstance, whenever a vehicle hits a pedestrian, the vehicles insurance will take the hit. It's also important to understand that suing the guy is not meant to ruin his life, and it's not like she's going to sue for "emotional damage" or anything. All she can get from him is essentially whatever it takes to get her back to where she was prior to the accident.