TL;DR Tobi, a very well known DOTA caster basically tells a story about how Kelly once during a shoutcast event when he was working with her just basically dogged him, turned off her mic and started playing with her phone while he had to cast himself. Also talks about her walking off stage midcast, and her allegedly dumping Moonglade the day before he was about to play his first match on GSL.
Prior to reading and watching all this I didn't mind Kelly too much. People complained that they couldnt understand what she was saying but as a Chinese-Australian with immigrant parents, I was more than used to "chinglish" so it never bothered me, and I have never been really picky about casters, but if everything in the video is true, she seems to be truly a Class A bitch.
EDIT: I know there will be some white knights around that will say Tobi is talking shit about her just dogging Tobi, but this video of the DOTA tournament shows it all, including her just playing with the phone instead of casting, and midway through the stream you can hear the cheer from the crowd he talks about when someone takes over the obs camera