As far as the online tournaments though it seems as if every time i hit a zerg from EU/KOR I lose. I'm not sure why but it seems like the zerg players which aren't from NA are on average much stronger than the NA counterparts.
Today, I went through my bracket in the Nese qualifiers tearing through my first few NA zerg opponents. Eventually I hit an EU zerg BLY and yet again I get crushed when I hit a high level zerg. 2-0 each time, not even close with both times being heavy ling pressure on my two gate expo doing more damage than it should and eventually I lose the game. This leaves me with some tough decisions regarding maps with wide naturals. It seems like every time I play a strong opponent, my build gets stomped but at the same time it works just fine at the highest levels on NA server. Do I use a build that may not be viable but is in a sense viable on NA server? I'm happy with my Ro16 placement in the qualifiers and my very good results lately but it's insane how high the mountain seems when you come up against these strong players.
My standard build has been,
9 pylon
14 gate
15 gas
17 pylon
18 core
19 zealot
23 gas
23 pylon (on the low ground)
24 sentry
27 gate (on the low ground as well)
31 pylon
38 nexus
Lastly, another upside i've had lately is some improvements in my sleep patterns and diet. I've been raging less on ladder, started season 3 on a very good streak and felt much more focused in my tourneys/ladder sessions.'
So much progress made with so much progress to go.......