Community News: Staff Changes
and GOMTV Appreciation
and GOMTV Appreciation
Since we receive regular feedback and questions about staff additions here’s some quick updates to the roster. Ill start out with the older staff changes that most of you are probably aware of followed by some new ones.
Staff Changes
Staff Hirings
Plexa – If you haven’t been reading his blog, you’ve really been missing out. His mini TLFE like entries really caught our attention and his work and dedication shone through. Plexa has been brought on as a writer to work with Manifesto7 on OSL coverage. He is also a contributor to TLFEs.
Semioldguy – This one has been in the works for a while. Infact, I think we told Semioldguy that we were promoting him back in December – Perhaps comparing the slow process to a fine wine but semioldguy stuck with us the whole way. He will be doing MSL coverage with Live2Win. Semi is also working on a new TLFE series with fusionsdf – Starcraft Playback.
Daigomi – This is the man behind much of the proleague coverage from last season and has been brought on staff to do official work for the site. You can read his first TLFE article “Maps in the Balance” in the TLFE section. When we were looking for some new writers Daigomi was right up there on our list and is a valuable addition to the team.
R1CH – R1CH has set a record with being the lowest post count member ever to be hired (96!!!). That being said, the amazing work that R1CH has done in his short time is has really aided in live streaming of matches. His knowledge and skills will be incredibly helpful for the site as a whole. R1CH will be helping execute and program some projects we have on the go.
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Staff Promotions
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As most of you are aware by now, InControl has been uploading a number of replays to our database. While not officially staff, he brings with him not only a wealth of replay sources but also insight into why they are so good. Inc came forward and volunteered for this position so that he could give back to the community - a great quality for any Teamliquid member. If you haven't yet, check out the new uploads here
Final Thoughts on Staff
These new staff and promotions all deserve a big pat on the back. Taking on a staff role is just that much more responsibility and these guys put in a ton of extra effort to keep the site flowing day to day. Let me take this time to publicly thank all the staff for the incredible work they do. The news posts, graphics ,maintenance and moderation of this site aren't always easy and you guys do an incredible job – keep it up.
GOMTV Appreciation: Letter from Project Lead
I’d like to draw the community's attention to an email we received a today. For those of you who don’t know, Joy (Liquid`Meat) is the original programmer and cofounder (with Liquid`Nazgul) of this site. He received an email from JP who is the project manager for the GOMTV Star Invitational.
Dear Joy and fans of Starcraft,
I would like to officially thank all of you guys at Teamliquid and fans of starcraft for your warm support and cheers. GOM TV international project team is trying hard to make this event go on constantly for a long time. If GSI(GOM TV Star Invitational) ends successfully, we'll be able to pursuit the whole season of the next upcoming GSL(GOM TV starcraft league) to be broadcasted in English and even other languages to all over the world. As the head of this project, I even personally wish to invite players from other countries and create an international event in the future. Our team also wants to help fans in other countries build an official E-sports association like the one that's in Korea.
It's our first time, so please watch us with forgiving heart for unexpected technical problems. We'll still do our very best to keep good qualities.
Thank you once again and please let us know if you guys have any questions regarding this project or our future plans.
Your support and cheers help us very much.
Project Head of GSI
I’m sure you guys know that unique feeling that separates this community from any other – the desire to contribute and be part of this great environment in our shared passion for e-sports. So I’d like to add to what this letter said by thanking you Teamliquid, for your continued commitment and support of this site. You don’t have to be staff or a “veteran” to add your piece, and our combined efforts are noticed not only by other starcraft sites, but by large corporations like Blizzard and now GOMTV. These new developments in English commentary are something that a year ago most of us would only have dreamed of (Anyone remember THIS!?). This new interest from Korea is really exciting so lets give GOMTV and GSI all the critical support and feedback we can to make this successful - we are entering a great new age of coverage.
As a site, we have some big projects on the go to aid and entertain the community even further – stay tuned, your going love them

That’s all for now. Keep your heads up and be proud of what this community is accomplishing.