Author: LastShadOw
Current Patch: 1.15.1
Date: 2007 Year
To: TeamLiquid.Net
Updates: 3
Last Update: November 26th, 2007 10:12 A.M. Eastern Time Zone
Next Update Roughly: November 26th/27th 2007 P.M. Time.
Hello, or Other. This is a guide I wrote up, based on and threw studies I have taken during the match-up Terran vs Protoss. This guide will explain the generics of Terran vs Protoss, and hopefully be helpful to all Terrans. And possibly Protoss’ as well.
I want to make clear, I would hope and do state I want NO FLAME in this thread. Constructive criticism is acceptable.
I also want to make clear, that these strategies do not imply win or loss, for sometimes factors can play into that: macro/micro/timing. All these will form together around the strategy and wrap around the final note, and the final note is the outcome. I am writing these based off a fair view of TvP.
Thank you - lastshadow
Terran vs Protoss:
The Terran vs Protoss has been a match-up seemed throughout the years as, well, balanced. In this match-up the Terran player, will usually opt for mechanic or “mech” builds. The match-up can be engaged in either aggressive or passive format, depending on the style of play you wish to play. This match-up is heavily based on macro and micro even.
Players that exhibit macro based styles: [ReD]NaDa ; IlOveOOv ;
Players that exhibit micro based style(Timing Attacks): InteR.Mind ; Perfective ; By.FlaSh ; STX_HwaSin
In this guide, we will go over the topics of aggressive format and passive format of play. Both of which, are unique in their own way.
Definitions in Terran vs Protoss:
Midas FD – Fake Double, Generally a 6marine 1 tank 1 vulture rush fast expo. Used to fact so many units that it seems like you have 2 factories.
2Fact – 2 factories
Fact/Port – Factory / Starport
MnM – Marine / Medic in Terran vs Protoss
BioMech – Using Marine/Medic and Siege Tanks in Terran vs Protoss
1Fact Multi/FE – 1Factory, followed by Command Center.
Double Multi/FE – Taking 2 expos at once.
Turtle – Sitting with a large base count and fortifying a very large and impenetrable defense.
Contain – A “turtle” however, located at the Protoss’ choke.
Push – An attack consisting of lots of spider mine defense / Siege Tank / turret attack, attempting to reach the Protoss’ base.
Han Bang – A 6-7 factory timing push off 2 Base. Meaning “One-shot” / “One punch”, sacrifices economy, in exchange for superiority on the battlefield.
Tornado(a) – A timing attack when the Protoss’ takes his 3rd base. Generally an attack to cripple the 3rd Base. Uses 5 Factories generally, and provides optimal and even support throughout SCV economy / unit production.
Raids – Constant Vulture Attacks on Probes.
3Fact – Using 3 factories off 1 base in an attempt for a hardcore timing Attack on the Protoss’
Proxy – Using hidden or extended-from-base building placement in order to gain speed for a rush.
Tech – Climb to, go to.
CC – Command Center
Scout – Send SCV to search for opponent base.
Power Expo - Taking 2 bases at once off a superior unit count.
THE TRANSITION – Jump from early game to mid-game play.
FORMAT: #Rush/Strategy ; Map possibilities ; Can expand to ______ Style of play.
Build order.
#1 Midas FD – All Maps – aggressive or passive.
9Supply Depot
11 Barracks
12 Gas
15 Supply Depot
16 Factory / 16 Scout
(Constant marine production upon finished Barracks, until 6marines)
23 Supply Depot
24 Machine-Shop.
27 Tank / Spider Mine.
-Upon Tank finishing, move out 6 Marine 1 Tank, 2Vultures que’d in Factory, and send SCV to natural to prepare for CC.
The opening to the FD is fairly simple, when you open with this build, it provides on-field marines that can aid vs potential zealot rush. In addition, when the rush opts to move out, it grants you Spider Mines to deal with potential Dark Templar, and an expo/multi.
Generally the build order is fairly simple, and one of the most common Terran vs Protoss openings.
Here is what it can grant:
-1: The FD will encounter Protoss Dragoons at your choke. You should engage in combat, microing your marines properly is very important, and making sure to sandwich the Dragoons with the reinforcing Vulture is key. Standard rule is FD can only combat 4 Dragoons MAX, anything else is run and lay mines and hide behind them.
-2: The FD will reach the Protoss’ base and encounter a robotic build(reaver), wait for the reinforcing Vulture, then try to pierce the ramp, make sure to run the vulture up in the Dragoons faces, and to run the Marine/Tank force up as well. Be careful to not minebomb yourself.
-3: The FD will be forced back due to 3-Gate Power Dragoon(6-7goons near your natural or midpoint between bases), in this case, simply lay mines at your choke and reinforce 3 Vultures instead of 2. Then proceed to your second Tank/ Siege upgrade. This could be a possible bulldog however, so be careful.
-4: Upon moving out and reaching the Protoss’ base, you will see a “blurry” image. This is in fact a Dark Templar. Simply retreat, and again, reinforce 3-4 vultures instead of 2. Constant mine laying in a defensive manor is key. From there play standard.
~THE TRANSITION: Generally you will build 1 or 2 factories about 1minute prior to your FE finishing:
Upon the following “grants” here is what you may or may not do:
Upon 1: You may jump to 4-6 factory Timing push, or simply 4factory 3-4 base turtle style, either way you can play passive or aggressive due to optimal Factory count. However, keep in mind the Protoss will respond to your FE with a Double FE of his own generally, hence a “Han Bang” is quite good.
Upon 2: You can break the ramp, and jump to 5 Factory tornado style to counteract his panic double FE response. OR you may move very fast to 3base, and force him to make up his strategy fast.
Upon 3: You should generally want to play a turtle style, I highly do not recommend timing push, due to the large number count of units by the Protoss. Play safe, and make sure to take a giant economy lead, remember, he MUST sacrifice economy for the goon count he will have early on.
Upon 4: You can jump to 5 Factory tornado style to counteract his panic double FE response. OR you may move very fast to 3base, and force him to make up his strategy fast. Remember, his very fast tech will lower his unit count, but provide him with Arbiter / High Templar.
Overview: The most common / standard play in Terran vs Protoss today. Can win you games right off the bat or just force standard play. I rate it 10/10.
#2 1 Factory Command Center – Any Map – aggressive or passive
NOTE: This is with a Barracks/Supply Depot/Command Center wall-in.
9 Supply Depot
12 Barracks
12 Gas
16 Supply Depot
16 Factory
16 1 Marine
24 Supply Depot
24 Machine Shop
25 Command Center
26 Engineering bay or Academy.
27 Siege Tank
28 Siege Mode
29 Supply Depot
31 Siege Tank
-Upon reaching 200/100 (minerals/gas) with constant SCV / Tank production, place your second Factory.
NOTE: Again, this is one of the most common openings in Terran vs Protoss. It provides very good economy, and is considered the safest of all openings in Terran vs Protoss. It can move to Han Bang, Turtle, or simply Tornado. This build is also very simple, and can be used by Terrans of all ranks.
Here is what it grants:
1: You will simply see the Protoss react with a double FE, in response to this, you may get 4 Factories and take a 3rd base, However the 3rd base will generally lead to a long macro game involving use of Vessle/Goliath/Raids and combat vs Arbiter/Carrier.
BUT, it allows for very strong economy, and allows a Terran to truly demonstrate and test his/her macro capabilties vs the opposing Protoss’
2: You will simply see the Protoss react with a double FE, in response to this, you may Han Bang style him. Now, some may say “Han Bang is toooo risky”, when in fact, if you are confident in your macro or micro, it is very viable. The Han Bang style BO is as follows:
-Very little scv(about 19 per base main/natural)
-As soon as you have 2 factories, you start adding 2 factories at a time, until 6 factories.
-Constant supply depot production / constant Vulture/Tank production
-Armory for +1 Atk upgrade for Tanks/Vultures.
-Move out at 10 Tank 24 Vulture, with 6 Vulture reinforce constantly.
-Take a 3rd after the first battle engages.
The Han Bang allows for a quick 12-14minute victory, and generally can scare a Protoss when he sees a 150-170PSI Terran at 10:30-11:30minutes.
3: You will simply see the Protoss react with a double FE, in response to this, you may react with a tornado style push. The push IF and I mean IF microed properly should take down the 3rd expansion of the Protoss’ (depending on if the protoss is equal level or not). The difference between this and the Han Bang/turtle, is that is mix’s both into one, while balancing out the effects.
4: The Protoss will respond with an all-in(sort-of) 3Gate + Shuttle full of Zealots attack on your FE. With proper micro and siege you CAN hold this attack. If you must, drag ALL scvs off the expo and use them to fight back. Generally the attack consists of:
10 Dragoon + 1Shuttle full of Zeals vs 1 turret + 6-7 Tank. 4 Tanks on a cliff sieged can manhandle the Dragoons, and the remaining Tank can take care of the zeals. However, I heavily suggest the Barracks/Engineering bay wall-in if you expect an attack like this.
5: The Protoss will go Reaver. You counter-act this with A: Good defense(turret/tanks) and B: 4 Factory Timing push, when he opts for his 3rd.
~THE TRANSITION: Generally you will build 1 or 2 Factories about 1minute prior to your FE finishing:
Upon your following “grants”, here is what you may or not may not do.
Upon 1:Do not try to rush this, if you take your 3rd very fast, do not DARE to try a timing push, your unit count is too low, and your economically is vulnerable during this stage of transition. Carefully jump to 8 Factories w/ dual armory and max up. The earliest your allowed to push out(situational dependant) is 160-170 PSI.
Upon 2: Do not try to implicate your own little mix into this style, if your unsure on how to do this, please do not attempt it, it is VERY Difficult and VERY hard. Or go find replays of Perfective vs any Protoss, especially Perfective vs Nal_Draco @ RushHour 3 / Luna. Also, do not build more than scvs needed, and do not waste units carelessly, and for that matter scvs.
Upon 3: With the Tornado, make sure to set up a static defense on the outskirts of the Protoss’ 3rd. This should include Mines / turrets / Siege Tanks. Constantly reinforce VULTURES only, make sure not to let your initial tanks die. Do not however try to push all the way to the natural of the Protoss’ for losing this army is all you have, and 5 Factories(Only 1 has machine-shop) isn’t good for reinforcement. Play safe, and micro hard.
Upon 4: Do NOT try to take this attack head-on, also don’t overextend on that amount of turrets you need, 2 is content. Also, after this attack, I would suggest to go for either the tornado style or the turtle style, definitely not Han Bang, since you will be low on units from early on hits. However, if you win the fight with very minor damage, then Han Bang is in the view.
Upon 5: Do not try to sit and turtle this one out, Protoss’ now adays are known for 2base Reaver -> Carrier, hence the speedy 4Factory timing push. If you wish to try to turtle, make sure you opt for a very speedy timing attack RIGHT before carriers or arbiter tech could kick in(160-170 PSI).
Overview: This build is very very safe, and provides good play and is easy to learn/play for every terran. I rate it 10/10.
#3 [ReD]NaDa’s 2005 Blizzcon 2factory Rush – Any map - aggressive
NOTE: Wall-in works best for surprise factors
9 Supply Depot
12 Barracks
12 Gas
15 Supply Depot
15 1 Marine
16 Factory
20 Factory (hidden or not hidden, up to you)
23 Supply Depot
24 Machine-Shop add-on
27 Tank
27 Ion Thruster upgrades
28 Supply Depot
29 Vulture
-Keep up constant Tank production, along with vulture production. Upon ION finishing, research Spider Mines, make sure to keep the depots 4-6 supply ahead at all times.
NOTE#2: If the map is non-ramp, Siege -> Mine.
3Tank 4Vulture -> Move out, constant vulture reinforcement, expo.
The NaDa Rush I recommend for Terrans, this rush is the perfect counter to fast expanding Protoss’ for usually they won’t have the unit count to combat such a force, however micro can change anything. The NaDa rush is a fairly simple build order, but after the start, is a difficult game if you let it get going.
Here is what it grants:
1: You will encounter a Protoss’ FEing, if you have decent to good micro or equal to him, you should win the game right then and there. simple as that. Keep reinforcing vulture to aid the tanks and soak up dragoon shots.
2: You will encounter a Dark Templar build. NOT TO WORRY. You do have mines researching, instead hold the blockade and wait for mines, lay them in a good manor and opt to expo, while adding another machine-shop for Dual Tank production. Afterwards, your initial 4-6 vulture can do a Raid.
3: You will encounter 3 Gate Dragoon Range, in which case you can either a)Combat it or b) Retreat and opt to turtle mode.
4: The Protoss’ will be going 2gate Range Observer, hence retreat to his choke, and opt for a contain, or in fact make the game even and just take an expo and set up defensive mines in a strategic way across the map.
NOTE: You must take into account that this is a 2factory build none the less, hence aggressive play should be constant, especially with the Dual-Upgrade(Mine/Ion).
~THE TRANSITION: The transition is fairly simple for this build, either opt for an FE of your own, or jump to 4factories, yes I said 4factories and go for a VERY aggressive early game.
Here is what the “grants” may or may not allow you to do.
Upon 1: You should win the game, if in fact the Protoss’ does succeed in the micro battle, reinforce Vultures and keep the harassment up, for that is key.
Upon 2: Opt to turtle and FE asaply, you can then just go to 3 Factory timing push w/ dual scanner. With this, you should have generally more unit count and be superior in terms of tech due to the dual-upgrade. JUST To be safe however, get an armory and a Goliath or two.
Upon 3: You can go either way with this one, you can combat it, and try to win the battle, hence almost locking away the win, or you can simply retreat behind a sea of spider mines, and put the protoss at an economical disadvantage. From there a FE turtle style into Tornado is very viable and precise.
Upon 4: This is generally up to the Terran’s preference, he/she can opt for Contain or just equalize the game and take an FE, as the protoss’ reacts the same way. From there transition to Han Bang / Turtle / Tornado are all acceptable, or even the daring 4factory off 1 base: See #2 1fact CC Grants.
Overview: Since build is heavy into micro and timing sense, I would recommend it to Terrans trying to increase those areas, it will help with multitask as well, so again this build I'd rate 10/10 for instrumental purposes.
#4 2 Factory Vulture – Ramp maps – aggressive
9 Supply Depot
12 Barracks
12 Gas
15 Supply Depot
15 Marine
16 Factory
19 Factory
23 Supply Depot (make sure to have 3 Marines now)
24 Machine-Shop add-on
27 Tank
27 Ion Thruster upgrades
-Upon second Factory finishing, make sure to get another Machine-shop and then produce 2 Vultures from both Factories, the second Nachine- shop will upgrade Spider Mines.
-Move out with 4vultures
-Make up till 5 tanks and gain Siege and again move out for an attack, follow this up with vulture reinforcement constantly.
Generally this build, is pretty micro intensive in itself, and does in fact require much multitask once the battles engage, however the build order is simple, and can viewed as “safe” by some Terrans, but vs power hungry Protoss Dragoons, this build can be hectic, especially versus Reaver.
Here is what it grants:
1: It will encounter 2Gate Dragoon Range expo, In which Vultures vs 4 Dragoon is sometimes hard, make sure to try to wrap around the Dragoons and sandwich them in between mines, if so, try to sneak into the main and devastate the probes and lay mines around the gateway / probe paths to prevent Dragoon safety. However, if your initial 4 vultures die, remember to eound-up the attack with the 5 Siege Tanks to apply pressure
2: It will encounter 1 Gate Range Observers, in which still 3dragoon vs 4 vulture isn’t bad, but Observers do pose a threat, my best suggestion to opt to run by the Dragoons and head straight for probe kills. Follow this up with the 5 Tank attack, and it should ensure victory due to low Dragoon count.
3: It will encounter Dark Templar, lay mines at your natural and proceed to gain an FE, meanwhile multitask an all-on press attack to your opponent with the vultures. Instead of getting 5 tanks, instead constantly reinforce vultures and punish the protoss for lack of observers, it will grant you greater tech, and a superior economy.
4: It will encounter reaver, In this case, make sure to get the 2 new Tanks from the Factories + the initial one surrounding the SCVs fast, meanwhile try to breakdown the simple 2 Dragoons at the protoss ramp, after that it will come down to who has the better harass, the Reaver and his Zealot buddies or the 4 Vultures from the Terran dominion.
THE TRANSITION: Generally you SHOULD opt for the 5 Tank follow-up attack, however under certain circumstances (see #3) you will need something else. Remember to jump to 4 Factories after the FE and keep up the assault on the Protoss, don’t let the harass stop (if you can).
Here is what your “grants” may or may not allow you to do.
Upon 1: You will lose all the Vultures, in which case you will purely rely on the Tanks to basically sum up for their demise. After this, reinforce vulture, and try to snipe away as many probes or units as possible from the protoss’ keep reinforcing effectively and constant SCV production is very good, make sure to FE after the 5 tanks move out.
Upon 2: If you win the battle vs the Dragoons, go straight for the probes, make sure to shift+target them and return to macroing scvs/tanks. After this, the 5 Tank attack CAN seal the game.
Upon 3: Generally the Protoss will be very low in unit count, so even 3 Tanks will be very hard for him to work around, you can get ebay and or academy to support a little timing push when he attempts to take his natural.
Upon 4: This is probably the worst situation, it will come down to the better microer, in which case I can’t help you, except for suggesting to surround the the enemy and engulf him with your units and mines. However, just keep up Tank production at this point, or Vulture if your harassment is working well and your situation is under control. Then FE and turret up into Tornado push.
Overview: Like I said, it’s a pretty safe build overall and really fun to play and maneuver, however for some Terrans that have sloppy or weak micro areas, it can get a little dangerous, I would recommend this build especially on ladders however, due to cheese factors and this being anti-cheese .
#5 Vulture Drop – Any map – aggressive or passive
9 Supply Depot
12 Barracks
12 Gas
15 Supply Depot
15 1 Marine
16 Factory
17 Marine
19 Marine
23 Supply Depot
24 Machine-Shop
24 Starport
25 Marine
27 Vulture + Mine upgrade.
-Keep up SCV production, and Vulture production (max at 6 Vultures). As soon as mines are done, lay 3 in a defensive position at the top of your ramp, pull back the 4 marines to basically “invite” your opponent in. Make sure you take the dropship straight to the P’s base, meanwhile the 2 vultures from the factory can engage the natural’s Probes, while the main is under attack from the 4 vultures.
This build is pretty simple, but also simply beaten, it can severely depend on the player your playing and on your micro. But if this rush connects, it’s a very very big lead guaranteed.
Here is what it grants:
1: You will safely get into the Protoss main, lay mines everywhere, and win the game. True story.
2: The protoss will be awaiting your arrival, hence you can either a) turn back and just FE or drop the 4 Vultures and be confident in micro, meanwhile the 2 vultures from your main should be reinforcing the battle and attempting to snag many probes.
3: The Protoss will be going Reaver, you will most likely lose.
THE TRANSITION: Obviously the “grants” are all rather risky, they are all win or die pretty much, however #2 provides for an actual game. If the drop succeed’ but doesn’t WIN the game, just get a second Factory and a take a 3rd, make sure to turtle and really grasp your economical advantage, from there 8 Factories / dual armory seals the game.
NOTE: Tau Cross allows for 4 base.
Here is what your “grants” may or may not allow.
Upon 1:Its self-explanatory.
Upon 2: If you do in fact need to retreat, make sure you remember you have the Dropship, now that is always on the Protoss’ mind, and you can use it later for a pincer attack, example: Tornadoing and dropping Vultures in the main to kill Probes and force high speeded multitask from the protoss. Otherwise, if your micro succeeds, follow “THE TRANSTION” for the game.
Upon 3: You most likely will lose.. they will see the dropship first, be prepared, and their reaver is more than enough for your 4 vultures. If you beat the reaver, hope to god your drop works then. Otherwise FE abd get Tanks + Siege mode to combat the on-coming Observer/Dragoon force
Overview: I recommend this for all Terrans, its a good build, however do or die it might be vs Reaver, it provides very strong defense and aggression vs other builds. 9/10.
#6 Tri-Upgraded Timing Push(ex Shadow Rush) - Any map - aggressive
9 Supply Depot (wall-in)
12 Barracks (wall-in)
12 Gas
15 Supply Depot (wall-in complete)
15 Marine (Put at ramp to block scouting probe.. if you can)
16 Factory
19 Factory (Hide near CC)
23 Supply Depot
24 Machine-Shop add-On
27 Siege Tank
27 Siege Mode Upgrade
!-Upon second factory finishing constantly produce vultures, meanwhile the main Factory will produce pure Siege tank, then float rax to choke and siege (FAKE FE so P takes a 3rd). Maintain constant tank production and vulture production, remember to keep supply depots 4-6 Supply ahead of your PSI Limit. The upgrade orders go Siege -> Mines -> Ion. Upon Siege finishing, get an academy for scanners or ebay if you know he isn't DTing.
!-The moveout force consists of 4 Siege Tank, 7 Vulture, 1 Marine, 3SCV, and constantly reinforce Vultures. Meanwhile, either opt for a 3rd Factory or just FE.
This build is fairly simple, and quite easy to control, when you move out the protoss should be like "O_O WTF!? I THOUGHT HE FE'D". Now unless they have robotic-in-human micro like Bisu, your good to go! Make sure to sandwich the dragoons with your Vulture/Tank and enswarm them with reinforcements. If you must, push to his base.
Here is what the rush grants:
1: You can possibly engage the Protoss just as he opts for his 3rd base, having this advantage due to your deceptive rush, you can simply micromanage your away around his army and just sandwich his units with Vulture/Tank and SCV combo, thus winning you the game.
2: The Protoss will have yet to expand to his 3rd, and will be at roughly 4 Gateways or 2 Gateways + Reaver, this could cause some dilemma but not too much. Simply start a push near his base with good turret/mining, and use those 4 Tanks to constantly inch your way up to his base, now if he is at in 2 fact 2-3 Gates, reinforce to a total of 13Vulture, and then opt for 1Tank/1Vulture to get reinforced. Keep the push up and you can win.
3: The Protoss will be doing Dark Templar, no worry you have scanner! Simply scan properly and make sure to KO his natural expo, from there constantly Vulture reprodruction is the key element and will win you the game, mine up the map and make sure you know everything he is doing, then you can double FE and sit pretty with 6 Tanks.
4: The protoss will have been going 3Gate Dragoon robo from the start, hence you will need to engage in him micromangement, make sure to use your Vultures as sponges for the Tanks/Goon fight, and try to lay mines constantly to intercept his Dragoons, thus you should win the battle, if you do not, remember your not behind, because he too had to sacrifice an FE in exchange for the superior unit count. Keep mining and pushing with your force, and try to set up a contain to give you the advantage.
THE TRANSITION~ Generally the Tri-U. Rush should encounter 1 or 2, this rush basically allows for good timing senses and will help a Terran learn multitask / micro aspects that he/she might not have seen before. However, lets see what happens if scenarios don't pan out or what to do if they do.
Upon 1: The rush will in fact do what I stated, and should clench you the game, its really a luck factor though, but it is common. If however your rush somehow fails to him, just get to 5-6Factories and go for a Tornado or Han Bang, up to you.
Upon 2: Don't neccassarily panic, in fact I did state to get Ebay, so Reaver isn't TOO big of a problem, you can also lay mines around your base if your cautious, in fact however if he sees your rush come out he will most likely want to engage your army, rather than aim for SCV kills, due to the fact that your army is PRETTY DAMN SCARY for 7 1/2 minutes. Set up a push, and make sure to kill your own mines if needed to advance tanks forward, 1-2 tanks at a time, and remember to reinforce a 5th Tank along with the 14th total Vulture.
If he has 4 Gateways, then just micro and engage him at his choke and set up a contain, now you may FE if you kill his FE. Then jump to 4Factories due to lack of scvs.. or well just jump to 4 Factories.
Upon 3: If the Protoss is in fact going Dark Templar, you should have scan + mine/ion, which means you have the 'Perfect Answer' to him, along side having engineering bay. HOWEVER if he plays his DT's right, and
makes sure to make good use of them (forcing waste of scans), then you will need to double FE in response to his double FE, your at the same gate/factory count, so just use your advantage: Mines, due to his lack of gas, he won't have observers soon, if he opts to get them, then you punish him with Tri-Scanner timing push.
Upon 4: In this situation is comes down to micro/multitask, after the battles engage, I'd suggest to opt for a FE an then jump to 4 factories with a +1 Armory attack upgrade, for a little tornado when he opts to take his 3rd at roughly 9minutes or so. From there, you can just play the game standard and keep up constant aggression and mining up the map to know where and when he is going somewhere.
NOTE: If your REALLY ballsy, instead of taking an FE to go with the flow, go to 4factories upon moving out and skip the first 2 reinforcing vultures, then reinforce 4 vultures at a time or 1 tank 3 vultures, from there CONSTANT attack is needed.
Overview: Basically this rush is pretty cool, and generally very fun to watch happen (if your observer), it provides for a nice fun game and REALLY helps the terran out with multitask/macro/micro, 3 of the most important aspects of the game ^_^. I'd suggest trying this for every Terran, even if you fail, you learn something. And repeating this rush is often sometimes scary for protoss. I rate it 10/10.
NOTE: Early 2gate zeal rush SHOULDN'T work.. however if it does, screw the 4 tanks, and go for 16vulture.
#7 Marine/SCV Cheese - Any Map - All-In
9 Supply Depot
10 Barracks
11 Barracks(Hidden)
12 Scout Scv
15 Supply Depot
15 Marine
2nd Barracks Finish
16/17 Marine/Marine
19/20 Marine/Marine
-Upon scv scouting the protoss, hotkey 12 scvs and send all the rines to the protoss' base, Drill all 12 scvs to the protoss base, and start a bunker near the pylon of the gateway/cyber core. Micro the first battle(5-6 Marines + 13 scv vs 1 goon + 16 Probes) STALL for the bunker.. LEAVE 3-4 SCVS AT HOME.
Here is what this rush Grants
1: You will successfully finish the bunker and seal the game upon having 4 marines inside it, from there return all but 4 scvs home to mine, keep up marine production.
2: You and your opponent will both lose ALOT, keep up marine production and try to get back in the game with constant harass, once you have 8 scvs + 6 marines, again go all-in, this is your last attempt most likely.
3: Your opponent will fight you off and have 2 dragoons with range + very little probe, if you have at least 7 scvs at home, stay, if not, leave the game.
4: Your opponent will "trade bases" and try to drill your base and attack you, forcing the unloading of marines, DO NOT UNLOAD, instead all scvs mine from his base, lift CC + Raxes and "base exchange".
THE TRANSITION~: This rush is fairly simple and only allows about 6minute games.. There is no transition to mid game really.. But here is what you would do.
Here is what your "grants" may or may not allow you to do.
Upon 1:You win!
Upon 2: Try to reinforce the rush, if you can and are daring, take EVERYTHING you have and just reinforce it, all-in. If you win the micro, you win the game!
Upon 3: If you don't have more scvs than probes, leave the game, his tech is much higher advanced, otherwise keep up marine production and opt for Marine/Medic + Optical flare (yes I said it Optical Flare). REMEMBER to get Ebay for +1 Armor (forcing 5 dragoon hits).
Upon 4: The trading of bases, generally will leave you in a better position, your "base" is up, and he lost EVERYTHING he has except maybe for dragoons / probes. You win.
Overview: If your scared of the protoss your playing, you can use this rush, its VERY deadly and generally can be seen as very hard to beat/see coming. Its even better if you allow him to gas steal. I'd rate it 8/10 due to the lack of IT CAN FAIL. For a VOD : Midas vs Reach SKT1 vs KTF @ Neo Requiem.
#8 3Factory Timing Push - Any Map - Aggressive
9 Supply Depot (start wall-in)
12 Barracks ( add-to wall-in)
12 Gas
15 Supply Depot (wall-in complete)
15 Marine
16 Factory
19 Factory
23 Supply Depot
24 Machine-Shop
27 Tank
29 3rd Factory
-Upon your factories finishing, the one with the add-on keeps up constant Tank production (until 5tanks), the others keep up vulture production. Acquire scanner and then push out (5Tank 12 vulture 6 scv).
This rush REALLY hits your economy hard, therefore you have to make SURE that you win the battle that will ensue. From there on out, your demonic 3vulture reinforcement every 40seconds is very annoying / hard on the protoss.
Here is what this rush grants:
1: You will engage the protoss, if you have proper mining / sieging and pushing forward, you SHOULD win the game, your unit count is VERY scary, but remember this is all-in, even though you have 3 factories, if you don't knock him to 1 base and maintain a few units, your very far behind, since you only have 22> Scvs vs his 35+ Probes and tech.
2: The Protoss will be going Bulldog style (3gate + 4robo). This means a proper push is needed, start in front of his choke, and slowly push your way to his main or natural, secure it and lock it down, then take an FE and get armory to deal with shuttle(goliaths)Generallly the Protoss can win, but its pretty much even, with the T getting an advantage about 60/40.
3: The Protoss will be sitting there at 1 base with DT tech trying to push you back constantnly, scanner should allow for 1-2 scans.. but sometimes its not enough and you'll be forced backwards due to good Dark Templar usage.
4: The Protoss will be using Reaver like a whore and will try to kill your already low scv count, hence forcing you to make your rush connect. However, I've seen Reaver -> Dark Templar.. so your fate may already be sealed, but you have time, move in fast, no sieging, his units are too weak, surround the dragoons and kill them, swarm the gateways before probes and make sure no reinforcements are possible, if your base is under siege still from reaver(s) then...
[b]THE TRANSITION~: Generally this game ends or starts with the rush, this rush teachs pretty good pressure and micro, a must for know for some Terrans. However the mid-game is usually scary and full of battles. You'll want to get to 4 factories and 2 bases, and start small Tornado's aimlessly around the map, with constant mining.
Here is what your "grants" may or may not allow you to do.
Upon 1: You win! I'm not trying to be stupid or just lack information, the rush is THAT powerful. If you don't win right away, reinforce 3 vultures at a time, and try to snipe probes if you can in the main, otherwise slow-push to his main from his natural.
Upon 2: If you do encounter a Bulldoging Protoss, make sure to use your [VULTURES] properly, they are the key unit now, wether they soak up dragoon fire, or lay waste to the zealots being dropped, they are needed to enfury this attack. Run about 6 vultures in front to lay mines(manually control them to lay the mines 1 by 1 very fast, if you can't no worries, just use the "Magic Boxes") Meanwhile, the other 6 vultures + 6 scvs stay back with the tanks to repair/deal with the zealots, after this, push forward and keep up the reinforcing 3 vultures, constantly lay mines in front of the dragoons, and siege/ unsiege your way to his main. From there, use barracades such as supply depots / turrets / ebays(if you must).
Upon 3: If you do get forced back due to Dark Templar, get ready to reinforce ALOT of vultures, save up scanner and try to use your Spider Mines to take out the lone DT's on the map, from there contain him with spider mines and prepare for a push out with Tank/Scv, the mines at his choke will not allow reinforcement of DT and your push should grant you the game, if it doesn't, save up minerals and get your natural, and then get 1tank + 2 vultures at a time to play safe.
Upon 4: In case of Reaver vs 3Factory Timing Push, make sure to not siege when you fight the Protoss, simply keep pushing forward with constant attack, the vultures that are reinforcing should not try to fight the reaver, instead bring ALL scvs to the Protoss' base and lift your CC(this is a very epic situation), go all-in on his gateways, then his probes. If this is a map with Islands(python, lt) make sure to float 1 Rax 1 Factory 1 Ebay to the possible locations, and make a rine/vulture to stop possible probes with the shuttle. From there, turtle at his virgin of a natural and go into turtle-mode, take his main and sit there at 2 base, acquire an armory and make sure to control his harassment well, and you should win the game.
Overview: This rush is very very fun, BUT hard to handle, therefore I wouldn't suggest it unless its unexpected, it can be beat normally, but its rare, and usually will require mine bombs / use of probes. I'd suggest Terrans to use this on Protoss' that know their style (as long as this isn't often used), it'd be a pretty cool "I didn't expect that" from the Protoss, and generally a win for you!. I rate it 9/10
#9 Tank Rush - Any Map - Aggressive or Passive
9 Supply Depot
12 Barracks
12 Gas
15 Supply Depot
15 Marine
16 Factory
19 Factory (Hidden or not, your choice)
Keep up marines till 4
23 Supply Depot
24 Machine-Shop
27 Tank
27 Machine-Shop
Now keep making more marines(HIDDEN!!!!!!) Keep the 4 rines at ramp
29 Supply Depot
31 Tank
33 Tank
34 Siege-Mode
-Fake an FE is possible if you want a slower Tank in exchange for a possibilty at an attempted Superior Army count, otherwise get 5 tanks, 8 marines, and 4 scv with Ebay and move out, keep reinforcing tanks and push the Protoss' all the way back to his main. Or "power expo" with this unit count.
Here is what this opening grants you:
1: You'll encounter a Protoss that has about 6-7 dragoons, no problem you have that many tanks! Siege and unsiege once you reach his choke, build turrets/bunkers and keep repairing the tanks to make them last long, take down his natural and hopefully he'll suicide his dragoons to try to save it. ~_^ Too many tank for a normal 2gate to handle though, GG.
2: The Protoss will be taking a 3rd.. you win. His unit count is too low, and his economy just took a giant hit. NOTE: The probabilty to this is more likely if you sacrifice the 5th tank, for a faster siege (Fake FE)
3: The Protoss will be going Bulldog, in this case, make sure to have the marines target the shuttle and have the scvs repair the tanks very fast. Siege only 3 out of the 5 tanks, and try to combat the Dragoon/zeal force, after the shuttle dies, have the marines target zealots individually to stop tank splash, remember to manually control your Tank fire so that the enemy forces die down fast, afterwards depending on your unit count, I'd suggest either pushing into his natural or going home and FEing.
4: The Protoss will be going Dark Templar... I'm sorry, but for this rush to impact like it's supposed to, there is no way for academy or ebay, unless you want to take an economy hit, then there is(I'd suggest it), otherwise.. its VERY diffucult for you to win.
5: The Protoss will be going 3 Gate Power Dragon or Strong 1 Base (2gate Range Obs and holding the ramp). Instead of attacking, Power expo, jump to 6-8 factories after economy is content, and wait for a 160 PSI Tornado.
THE TRANSITION~: Generally this rush is mean't to end the game immediately, and often times will, however if it fails your very far behind, and usually must play very safe/critical to make a comeback. Going to 4 factories off 2base is very safe and good for vulture/tank tornado.
Here is what your "grants" may allow
Upon 1: You win the game!
Upon 2: You win the game!
Upon 3: Generally when a battle like this ensues, you will want to control the battle with micro, it would be wise to cut down on tank production and opt to get dual vulture upgrades along with reinforcing vultures, keep the intial remains of the 8 tank alive, and possibly go in for another attack assuming you have at least 4-5 Tank and 7-11 vultures.
Otherwise, take an FE and opt to turtle mode. Then from there either take a 3rd, or go for a timing attack.
Upon 4: I'm not trying to discourage you, but if the Protoss goes Dark Templar and you don't scout it in time to change your build, well.. to say the least your probably going to lose, but don't give up right away, make a wall-in of 2 supply depots/ barracks right away and have 6-8 scvs there ready to repair, while you stall for turret/scanner. Then take an expansion and turtle until a sizeable force is compiled, then I'd suggest a timing push or Power Expo.
Upon 5: Generally Power Expoing would be very good at this point, taking a natural plus your 3rd with a good amount of tank/turret would definately hold vs these kind of things. From there get 6-8factories OR a 4th base and 12 factories, macro up and then constant attacks are very viable. Make sure to use pushes for greater results.
Overview: Basically this rush is pretty viable as long as the Protoss isn't a cheese whore. It can seal games right off the bat, and provides 2 Factories for good reinforcement / macro. Very easy for terrans, and very basic. I'd rate it 8/10.
#9 - #12
BioMech Rush
The Proper 200/200 Turtle game.
14cc TvP
Question 1 - Handling 200/200 Terran armies.
nice guide. perhaps you could include some information about late game tvp. when i'm 200/200 vs a 200/200 zeal/dragoon army, maybe arb/temp (lets leave them out for now) i have no idea how to play. i hear 200/200 terran is supposed to win 200/200 toss, but i get crushed. personally i think its my own mines that're killing me. but how exactly are you supposed to micro 3 groups of vulture and 1 group of tank vs 2 group of zeal and 2 group of goon, assuming i only have +1 weapons.
Replays will be provided soon hopefully, along with an audio commentary on the guide, to further explain things in the best of my ability.
First off let me state that I think you have too little unit count. 36 Vulture + 12 Tank = 96 PSI. So I think you can reduce SCV count, especially as a macro-oriented player, you should have good base count and decent scv count to support them.
Now onto the question, 200/200 T v 200/200 P pure ground, is always supposed to favor the Terran. Your stating your using mines? Don't. Mines are not needed at this level of the fight. Your army itself is strong enough. Maybe 16-18 tanks is content though. Make sure to siege before the battle engages, and then unsiege if he runs, and repeat. Mainly this attack if I'm correct is meant to take out several expos, not entirely win the game. From there, I'd suggest High goliath count in your units, due to the needed Arbiter or Carrier he will need to clutch victory. But remember, no more mines for attacking, laying them around the map is good, but do not fight on top of them.
Question #2 - Countering the Shadow Rush
I have an important question:
What is the counter to the Shadow Rush? Does a counter even exist?
The "Shadow Rush" doesn't nessacarily have a counter persay, however it has things that work against it better than others. An example would be Reavers or Dark Templars, for they force a delay, in what is supposed to be a fast paced attack. This allows the Protoss to have some time to gather units and devise a plan to attack this force head-on.
Besides that, the "Shadow Rush" has all capabilties of Terran tech, scanner ; all 3 factory upgrades ; turrets. It's a pretty scary attack in itself.[/spoiler]
You stay classy ~_^.
- lastshadow