Hi TeamLiquid! Recently I had a few posts where you guys helped me a lot and I got to high diamond pretty fast I think. Now my practice parteners are on vacation and I played two games in a row which I lost
The reason I think this happened is the 5 expansion map >_> lol But I don't play that much starcraft now and the ZvP I play I won till it gets to late game or lose. So I can't practice lategame. Please watch the following two replays and please tell me how could I play better.
I think I couldn't won this regardless that last archon toilet. Air toss is so lol
I don't know what could've gone better, I lost my expansion but no problem. On bigger maps I can handle toss death ball ezpz.
Thanks for your help I really appreciate it!! Cheers TL!!
United States8476 Posts
Please add additional analysis to your games in accordance with the strategy forum guidelines.
This is a help thread, not a guide. I'm curious how could i won it, there are the replays
I haven't watched your replays (I'm sorry not enough time) but I can offer a couple suggestions as a protoss player. It seems that in the late late game in PvZ, zerg should be banking a ton of minerals and gas as well as massive amounts of larvae. The problem is that BLs take a long long time to morph, so usually if protoss can get a favorable engagement (archon toilet etc.) then they have a good minute and half to do as much damage to the zerg infrastructural before a sizeable late game zerg army can be recreated. Thus, it seems like your focus as zerg should be to try to engage the protoss deathball in a good position to avoid losing all of your BLs.
I think one really easy way to help do this is to keep doing run-by's with small packs of zerglings. This will either force the protoss to devote some (or all) of his army to move back to defend his base(s) while buying you time to move out on the map into a place where you feel comfortable setting up your BLs. The other thing that this might force the toss to do is go all in and ditch his base. This should also be favorable to you as you should already be set up in a comfortable position over your spine crawler wall with all your units in place.
Another thing you should be doing EVERY game is make sure you spread out your BLs. WAY too many zergs move their BLs and forget to unclump them after they naturally clump when they move. Spend some time spreading your BLs into at least a few seperate groups so that you can't lose everything in one big vortex. Often protoss players (myself included) will happily throw all of our archons into the first vortex we land. Take this time to kill all of the stalkers with your remaining BLs that have split, and even though you will lose a significant amount of your army, a protoss army without stalkers is completely unable to aggressively push, so you should have plenty of time to rebuild and even punish his edge expansions.
This suggestion is a little more out there, but in the late game it doesn't cost that much to grab neural parasite. It won't be a go to strategy that works every game, but if you can land a neural on the mothership its almost and instant gg. Land the neural and burn all the energy on vortex, and also enjoy all the time that your units are now cloaked if protoss forgot to bring and observer or if you have managed to snipe it (you should already be bringing overseers to deal with the original cloaking of the mothership).
Finally, I think that an effective way to deal with the protoss death ball is to snipe the mothership with corruptors. This is probably more useful if you are a little behind on tech and the protoss goes for a fast mothership, as you will still have a lot of corruptors, but consider keeping a larger number of your corruptors unmorphed until you need them. Motherships are really really slow and will often lag behind a protoss army as they move around (combine this with run by's) and with a large number of corruptors you can quickly snipe the mothership then return home to safely morph into BLs. Motherships take FOREVER to remake and then even more time to get enough energy to be useful. This should buy you plenty of time to be aggressive.
I hope that some of this is helpful, or at least drew your attention to some things that can help your own mind figure out some solutions. I apologize for not watching the replays (I'm lazy, I admit it), but I think that this should hopefully provide some answers to the general question you are asking.
United States8476 Posts
[H] Help Thread: Post a replay, give your own analysis, get help! Aka "Why did I lose?" Posting a [H] Thread: - It is absolutely required that you post a replay. No exceptions. Nobody is going to be able to help you if you won’t post a replay.
- Additionally, first put some thought into what happened in the game, and include your own analysis into the thread. It might be wrong, but try your best. It doesn't have to be long; just a few lines is enough to give people a starting point to give you advice. The more analysis you give, the better advice you will get in return. Your thread will be closed if you won’t put any effort into it.