![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/tBeA2.jpg)
I have been doing AD bot at high elo for about 6-8 months now. I started playing this game more seriously during season 2 (season 1 i still played dota 1 and SC2 primarily). In this guide i hope to cover alot of the basics and subtleties to the role. I feel i have a pretty strong grasp on AD and hope to share this knowledge with you, the best community in the gaming world, TL.
In this guide I will not explain the heroes' movesets or passives, or what the described items do. I expect most of you have played this game, know the items, and know the heroes. I instead will explain the thought process of WHY things are done, what they plan to achieve, and certain build orders / tactics / strategies to use.
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The primary role of the AD carry is to
1. Farm / maintain high CS
2. Deal most of the consistent dps during team fights / objectives
That's really it. The job is simple in text, but much more complicated in nature. The AD carry builds next to no base resistances and is fully reliant on their own kit and team to stay alive while also slip in the needed amount of auto attacks and damage to turn the tide of teamfights in your team's favor.
1. In explaining on how to maintain farm / high CS it is critical that you build up your core mechanics of the game. Last hitting and map awareness become key with step 1. The best thing to do is practice. You want to ideally kill the creeps when it would only take 1 hit to kill it. BUT it is not uncommon to wittle it down to a certain health to where you have control on when and how it dies. It is important to recognize WHICH CREEPS YOUR CREEPS are focus firing and how they are spreading their dps so you do not miss CS that is maybe being wittled down at the same time. 1 way to prevent missing cs when 2 are losing hp at the same rate is to hit 1 twice, so it is sure to die first, leaving enough time for the second one to die by your next auto attack.
2. This is harder to explain through text, but I will try to lay down some simple ground rules and things to pay attention to.
a. Positioning is KEY. Be sure to never be in the front of the fight, and be sure to get a read of who will want to kill you, and who your team is going to be focusing. Typically team fights go one of 2 ways (if the fight is not a landslide). Your team peels real well for you and its a giant defensive crawl to see if you can wittle their bruisers / ap away before you die. OR Your team is doing their best to instantly kill their ap / AD while you maybe have your support and jungler to help peel for you. You should also recognize where you are in the power scale of your team. If your AP mid has most the kills and is most of your dps it would be wise to stay near them and do your best to protect them.
b. You do no damage if you do not AUTO ATTACK. There is a reason AD bot is called AD carry, and its because your auto attack damage scales the hardest in the game. The inclusion of attack speed and crits just makes AD carries down right scary as they get more items (This is why its important to get PD, no crit effectively makes you scale terribly and you do considerably less DPS. And attacks peed feeds the amount of crits). You must learn to kite and hit / run at the same time. Be sure to recognize when you can just go in and auto attack. Find any opportunity to just slip in attacks. If you spend literally the entire fight running, your team will lose. This is a reason why well timed flashes can win the game. If bruisers dive you, you flash, that 1-2 seconds of distance from them can be enough to kill them with auto attacks (So try not to burn flashes on stupid moments of getting caught while farming, remember map awareness!). This step is also very reliant on your team peeling and protecting you. But make it easy for them by not suiciding into their carry, being split off, or putting yourself in easy to reach areas by the enemy AP.
c. Never face check. Maintain red buff (in the mid / late game). Be aware when you are farming lanes in the mid - late game if there is ANY ward coverage behind you. If the river is dark and you have no vision, just leave the creeps. Odds are the enemy is after you (this is assuming there is no vision of where the enemy is on the map).
1. Farm / maintain high CS
2. Deal most of the consistent dps during team fights / objectives
That's really it. The job is simple in text, but much more complicated in nature. The AD carry builds next to no base resistances and is fully reliant on their own kit and team to stay alive while also slip in the needed amount of auto attacks and damage to turn the tide of teamfights in your team's favor.
1. In explaining on how to maintain farm / high CS it is critical that you build up your core mechanics of the game. Last hitting and map awareness become key with step 1. The best thing to do is practice. You want to ideally kill the creeps when it would only take 1 hit to kill it. BUT it is not uncommon to wittle it down to a certain health to where you have control on when and how it dies. It is important to recognize WHICH CREEPS YOUR CREEPS are focus firing and how they are spreading their dps so you do not miss CS that is maybe being wittled down at the same time. 1 way to prevent missing cs when 2 are losing hp at the same rate is to hit 1 twice, so it is sure to die first, leaving enough time for the second one to die by your next auto attack.
2. This is harder to explain through text, but I will try to lay down some simple ground rules and things to pay attention to.
a. Positioning is KEY. Be sure to never be in the front of the fight, and be sure to get a read of who will want to kill you, and who your team is going to be focusing. Typically team fights go one of 2 ways (if the fight is not a landslide). Your team peels real well for you and its a giant defensive crawl to see if you can wittle their bruisers / ap away before you die. OR Your team is doing their best to instantly kill their ap / AD while you maybe have your support and jungler to help peel for you. You should also recognize where you are in the power scale of your team. If your AP mid has most the kills and is most of your dps it would be wise to stay near them and do your best to protect them.
b. You do no damage if you do not AUTO ATTACK. There is a reason AD bot is called AD carry, and its because your auto attack damage scales the hardest in the game. The inclusion of attack speed and crits just makes AD carries down right scary as they get more items (This is why its important to get PD, no crit effectively makes you scale terribly and you do considerably less DPS. And attacks peed feeds the amount of crits). You must learn to kite and hit / run at the same time. Be sure to recognize when you can just go in and auto attack. Find any opportunity to just slip in attacks. If you spend literally the entire fight running, your team will lose. This is a reason why well timed flashes can win the game. If bruisers dive you, you flash, that 1-2 seconds of distance from them can be enough to kill them with auto attacks (So try not to burn flashes on stupid moments of getting caught while farming, remember map awareness!). This step is also very reliant on your team peeling and protecting you. But make it easy for them by not suiciding into their carry, being split off, or putting yourself in easy to reach areas by the enemy AP.
c. Never face check. Maintain red buff (in the mid / late game). Be aware when you are farming lanes in the mid - late game if there is ANY ward coverage behind you. If the river is dark and you have no vision, just leave the creeps. Odds are the enemy is after you (this is assuming there is no vision of where the enemy is on the map).
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![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/sQY0p.jpg)
This is what i typically run. This page uses progressive MR blues over flat MR because I feel the difference is minimal as you typically don't encounter their AP until level 9ish anyway in most standard games, and most burst lanes at bot would kill you anyway. The progressive helps mitigate aoe damage in fights.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/lmRLX.jpg)
This is the same page but with MR flat blues. This allows for more magic resilience in the early game giving you more ability to shrug off support harass or early AP dives / ganks. Both are good imo.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/1SEqP.jpg)
This is a good mix of AD and ArmPen, typically for urgot games, or when I verse tarics or a team with characters that typically build little armor.
Notice how neither page uses Armor Pen. AD flats overall are better as the DPS difference between armor pen and AD is barely noticable where as AD flats have the added bonus of making last hitting easier and making abilities with AD scaling stronger.
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![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/7GN0b.jpg)
This is your standard mastery page, especially if you are running ignite on your carry (which is almost every carry except for maybe ashe / kog / Cait/ vayne / Urgot on occasion.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/FCMBy.jpg)
This is a page used when the enemy lane has a considerable power advantage over you and you want that early survivability bonus., or if you just want to be beefier to make good trades and survive early ganks better. Pick either 3/3 in MR or Armor to better fit your situation. This is the page i use when wanting defense + im using heal or cleanse. If you want this page, but are using ignite, just take the 1 point out of the defensive summer and put it into the improved offensive summoner in the offensive tree and take out the 1/2 slot for +2 damage to creeps. Its real flexible that way.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/bWxP5.jpg)
This is my typically Ezreal / Corki page. Utilizing their mix of magic / ad damage early, some CDR. Although sacrificing 3% lifesteal, and 20% longer buff time.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/QiL9A.jpg)
This page is used when i am playing characters that i get defensive summoners on (heal or cleanse) but also need the mana to harass / make plays.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/eanRh.jpg)
This is a page I use when i do heal / ignite on Tristana. I only suggest this build for under 1800s.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/BP3Xk.jpg)
This is the urgot page i rune, getting some CDR while staying beefy..
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The main downside to AD carry is that there is next to no variability in your item builds. You typically build the same thing every game. There is a reason for that though, and it is because the raw dps power the same build gives is just uncomparable. But there are subtleties on build orders, and item timings that can vary from carry to carry.
IE = Infinity's Edge
PD = Phantom Dancer
LW = Last Whisper
BT = Blood Thirster
QSS = Quick Silver Sash
GA = Guardian's Angel
FH = Frozen Heart
Vamp = Vampiric Scepter
BV = Banshee's Veil
Boots 3 = Boots + 3pots (or 4 pots if you wait until 1:30 sec), NOT swiftness boots
The Holy Trinity of AD: Infinity's Edge / Phantom Dancer / Last Whisper
This is basically the core of what you want entering the late game. These 3 items will effectively kill anyone with any amount of items, if you're given enough seconds / breathing time to actually hit them. Now to go into main openers.
Basic opener 1: Boots 3 --> 2x Dorans Blade / Berserkers / Vamp
This is your cookie cutter opener and is very safe. This typically happens on both carries if there is NO kills or any big early fights in the bot lane.
Basic opener 2: Boots 3 ----> Dorans Blade / Early big item (BF sword, pickaxe, zeal)
This typically happens when you get first blood, early double kill, or whatever. OR if the early farming goes for so long that you go back with about 2k gold, allowing a dorans and a BF. Now typically you want to get BF as early as possible, and if you are confident in your ability to not get too phased by harass then get the early BF.
Basic opener 3: Boots 3 ---> Dorans / vamp ---> wriggles / berserks / dorans ---> PD ---> IE and LW
This opener is used when you are either a.) being heavily harassed in lane and need wriggles for added sustain / advantage in trades or b.) want that early power push to win trades easier. This build delays your core damage by a decent bit and if you don't score early kills or zone them with the added strength of wriggles then your dps will be much farther behind theirs entering the mid game / late game.
What both openers 1&2 will do is then go into
Opener ---> BF sword ---> IE ---> zeal ---> PD or LW first then PD(if they went LOTS of early armor) --> QSS / GA (QSS if they have dangerous CC that MUST avoided, or GA if they just dive hard and you need that small window of extra life to do damage) ---> BT is last. BUT you grab BT right after PD if and only if they show no signs of really building into armor. You do this because BT is a much larger dps increase than LW if they are not armor heavy. Or, if you feel Attack Speed and Crit will benefit you more, get another PD instead of BT or LW if they are low on armor. But get LW if their main divers have like 115 armor or more.
Typical midgame items to have are:
Zerkers / Dorans (1 or 2) / Vamp / IE / Zeal
Zerkers / Dorans (1 or 2) / BT / PD
Zerkers / Dorans (1 or 2) / TF / BF Sword (or about to get one) / Vamp
If it is not one of these three by the midgame, odds are you are playing very uncoventional, behind, or doing a sub optimal build.
Note you always start Boots 3, if you want success you do this. VERY RARELY i will start dorans blade when i have a soraka. But even then, its very risky. Boots 3 allows you to rectify mistakes in trades, allow more farm time when under harass, support your jungler if hes goin big, and mobility to dodge harass / make engagements.
Typically you only want 1 defensive item, whether it be GA / QSS / or BV. Any more and it wittles your dps too much. Get QSS if you keep dying to 1 or 2 core CC's that always result in your death, or if the enemy has Warwick, Malzahar, Skarner, or Urgot. Get GA if you are dying alot to excessive dives or focus fire. If the peel on your team is weak, or they go balls to the wall on you, GA is a good choice. BV is a good inbetween, giving decent MR and hp. If GA isn't cutting it because you are resurrecting in shitty situations anyway, i'd suggest BV.
Now to get more hero specific:
Ashe: Open either 1 or 2 and build standard (IE / PD / LW).
Caitlyn: Open either, preferably 2 though. The faster she gets BF, the better her sick early game harass damage is. Also if you have to choose between getting a second dorans or berserkers on her, get the berserkers. This is because that movement bonus + atk speed bonus allows you to better auto attack harass with less worry about retaliation.
Corki: Either openers are great. Now alot of people like to open Boots 3 ----> double dorans, phage, vamp. This obviously leads into the Berserkers / Trinity / LW / IE or BT build. Now I would like to clarify that trinity DOES NOT do as much damage as IE / PD, PD gives more raw damage output through the attack speed and crit. What trinity does is allow you to become better at small skirmishes and duels, and gives a bit of added utility. You pick trinity if you want a stronger mid game / plan to roam a bit. Another variation of the strong mid game / dueling build is to go Boots 3 ---> Dorans x 2, Phage, Vamp, then Black Cleaver. This leads into Trinity / Black Cleaver / IE, a build for mid game dominance. But the enemy AD will scale harder and WILL out dps you in team fights if not put enough pressure on. I always go IE -> Pd -> LW. But if you want to BT / trin / LW, or trin / BT / LW just be aware of this note. Now, to clarify, Trinity over IE shouldn't be suggested, but Trinity as a replacement for PD is typically ok (although its ~1500 gold more expensive). I typically like to open Boots 3 / Phage / Vamp / IE / Trinity.
Ezreal: Very similar to corki. It depends on the lane, but if i go back and have enough for phage, i get that first in place of 2 dorans, and then build IE, then trinity. They have basically identical builds, but corki is better consistent dps where as Ezreal has slightly stronger burst, a steroid, and better escape. On both Ezreal and corki another thing I like to do, after i get my Zerks/vamp/IE/Trin, i tend to get a PD afterwards if i can forgo the LW. The reason is because Trin only has 15% crit, where PD has 30%. The added crit and attack speed /movespeed allows for great consistent damage and mobility. So if they aren't stacking armor, i'd suggest that.
Graves: Open either 1 or 2, get IE as quick as possible, then build into PD / LW / standard. This is the standard, but recently i've been liking getting BT first, PD, then LW or IE (depending on their armor). The BT gives graves amazing push ability, dueling skill, survivability, and adds numbers to his QR combo. It also abuses his unbeatable midgame. So if i can get away with it, i go BT PD, but if I get behind or way ahead I just rush that IE and go standard, because its still the most DPS.
Kog'maw: This is where builds diverge. I consider Kog / Vayne very different because their built in DPS is so sick with on hits. I open boots 3 ---> double dorans and then get zeal first and vamp if needed. Slip in Beserkers when money allows. Now from zeal i gauge the flow of the lane. If I need some mobility and then havent gotten BF yet i go PD. If they got their BF then i also get BF, then finish PD, THEN finish IE. PD just scales so well with Kog'maw and is honestly his best item imo. It allows you to hit more with your W, and gives your obnxious range the ability to crit. It also allows you to kite harder with W range and E.
Miss Fortune: Open any of the builds and build standard (IE/PD/LW)
Sivir: Open either 1 or 2 then build standard
Tristana: Open either 1 or 2 then build standard. As trist do your absolute best to NEVER get wriggles. Her mid game is already awful, getting wriggles just makes you basically obsolete until deep late game.
Twitch: Open either 2 and then build standard.
Urgot: He builds the strangest of them all. Typically its Boots 3 ---> 2x Dorans Blade, Brutalizer, Glacial shroud ---> FH. GA, BT, LW. That is standard urgot. Ente made a good argument for getting Black Cleaver and Frozen Mallet as opposed to maybe LW and GA, this is fine too. Some go manamune, i think that item sucks personally. The main reason you get brut / FH is 1. great harass and inherent tankiness, 2. it comes real close to maxing your Cooldown Reduction, allowing you to get in as many missles in during an acid splash.
Varus: Open either 1 or 2 then build standard.
Vayne: Same as kog'maw. The exception is that i like to often build BT on her first THEN zeal ---> PD. This is because she has so much damage built in, and has to be in the thicket of the fight, that bonus damage / lifesteal helps her to stay alive. But going standard IE --> PD is fine too, but BT first has been too dependable on her.
IE = Infinity's Edge
PD = Phantom Dancer
LW = Last Whisper
BT = Blood Thirster
QSS = Quick Silver Sash
GA = Guardian's Angel
FH = Frozen Heart
Vamp = Vampiric Scepter
BV = Banshee's Veil
Boots 3 = Boots + 3pots (or 4 pots if you wait until 1:30 sec), NOT swiftness boots
The Holy Trinity of AD: Infinity's Edge / Phantom Dancer / Last Whisper
This is basically the core of what you want entering the late game. These 3 items will effectively kill anyone with any amount of items, if you're given enough seconds / breathing time to actually hit them. Now to go into main openers.
Basic opener 1: Boots 3 --> 2x Dorans Blade / Berserkers / Vamp
This is your cookie cutter opener and is very safe. This typically happens on both carries if there is NO kills or any big early fights in the bot lane.
Basic opener 2: Boots 3 ----> Dorans Blade / Early big item (BF sword, pickaxe, zeal)
This typically happens when you get first blood, early double kill, or whatever. OR if the early farming goes for so long that you go back with about 2k gold, allowing a dorans and a BF. Now typically you want to get BF as early as possible, and if you are confident in your ability to not get too phased by harass then get the early BF.
Basic opener 3: Boots 3 ---> Dorans / vamp ---> wriggles / berserks / dorans ---> PD ---> IE and LW
This opener is used when you are either a.) being heavily harassed in lane and need wriggles for added sustain / advantage in trades or b.) want that early power push to win trades easier. This build delays your core damage by a decent bit and if you don't score early kills or zone them with the added strength of wriggles then your dps will be much farther behind theirs entering the mid game / late game.
What both openers 1&2 will do is then go into
Opener ---> BF sword ---> IE ---> zeal ---> PD or LW first then PD(if they went LOTS of early armor) --> QSS / GA (QSS if they have dangerous CC that MUST avoided, or GA if they just dive hard and you need that small window of extra life to do damage) ---> BT is last. BUT you grab BT right after PD if and only if they show no signs of really building into armor. You do this because BT is a much larger dps increase than LW if they are not armor heavy. Or, if you feel Attack Speed and Crit will benefit you more, get another PD instead of BT or LW if they are low on armor. But get LW if their main divers have like 115 armor or more.
Typical midgame items to have are:
Zerkers / Dorans (1 or 2) / Vamp / IE / Zeal
Zerkers / Dorans (1 or 2) / BT / PD
Zerkers / Dorans (1 or 2) / TF / BF Sword (or about to get one) / Vamp
If it is not one of these three by the midgame, odds are you are playing very uncoventional, behind, or doing a sub optimal build.
Note you always start Boots 3, if you want success you do this. VERY RARELY i will start dorans blade when i have a soraka. But even then, its very risky. Boots 3 allows you to rectify mistakes in trades, allow more farm time when under harass, support your jungler if hes goin big, and mobility to dodge harass / make engagements.
Typically you only want 1 defensive item, whether it be GA / QSS / or BV. Any more and it wittles your dps too much. Get QSS if you keep dying to 1 or 2 core CC's that always result in your death, or if the enemy has Warwick, Malzahar, Skarner, or Urgot. Get GA if you are dying alot to excessive dives or focus fire. If the peel on your team is weak, or they go balls to the wall on you, GA is a good choice. BV is a good inbetween, giving decent MR and hp. If GA isn't cutting it because you are resurrecting in shitty situations anyway, i'd suggest BV.
Now to get more hero specific:
Ashe: Open either 1 or 2 and build standard (IE / PD / LW).
Caitlyn: Open either, preferably 2 though. The faster she gets BF, the better her sick early game harass damage is. Also if you have to choose between getting a second dorans or berserkers on her, get the berserkers. This is because that movement bonus + atk speed bonus allows you to better auto attack harass with less worry about retaliation.
Corki: Either openers are great. Now alot of people like to open Boots 3 ----> double dorans, phage, vamp. This obviously leads into the Berserkers / Trinity / LW / IE or BT build. Now I would like to clarify that trinity DOES NOT do as much damage as IE / PD, PD gives more raw damage output through the attack speed and crit. What trinity does is allow you to become better at small skirmishes and duels, and gives a bit of added utility. You pick trinity if you want a stronger mid game / plan to roam a bit. Another variation of the strong mid game / dueling build is to go Boots 3 ---> Dorans x 2, Phage, Vamp, then Black Cleaver. This leads into Trinity / Black Cleaver / IE, a build for mid game dominance. But the enemy AD will scale harder and WILL out dps you in team fights if not put enough pressure on. I always go IE -> Pd -> LW. But if you want to BT / trin / LW, or trin / BT / LW just be aware of this note. Now, to clarify, Trinity over IE shouldn't be suggested, but Trinity as a replacement for PD is typically ok (although its ~1500 gold more expensive). I typically like to open Boots 3 / Phage / Vamp / IE / Trinity.
Ezreal: Very similar to corki. It depends on the lane, but if i go back and have enough for phage, i get that first in place of 2 dorans, and then build IE, then trinity. They have basically identical builds, but corki is better consistent dps where as Ezreal has slightly stronger burst, a steroid, and better escape. On both Ezreal and corki another thing I like to do, after i get my Zerks/vamp/IE/Trin, i tend to get a PD afterwards if i can forgo the LW. The reason is because Trin only has 15% crit, where PD has 30%. The added crit and attack speed /movespeed allows for great consistent damage and mobility. So if they aren't stacking armor, i'd suggest that.
Graves: Open either 1 or 2, get IE as quick as possible, then build into PD / LW / standard. This is the standard, but recently i've been liking getting BT first, PD, then LW or IE (depending on their armor). The BT gives graves amazing push ability, dueling skill, survivability, and adds numbers to his QR combo. It also abuses his unbeatable midgame. So if i can get away with it, i go BT PD, but if I get behind or way ahead I just rush that IE and go standard, because its still the most DPS.
Kog'maw: This is where builds diverge. I consider Kog / Vayne very different because their built in DPS is so sick with on hits. I open boots 3 ---> double dorans and then get zeal first and vamp if needed. Slip in Beserkers when money allows. Now from zeal i gauge the flow of the lane. If I need some mobility and then havent gotten BF yet i go PD. If they got their BF then i also get BF, then finish PD, THEN finish IE. PD just scales so well with Kog'maw and is honestly his best item imo. It allows you to hit more with your W, and gives your obnxious range the ability to crit. It also allows you to kite harder with W range and E.
Miss Fortune: Open any of the builds and build standard (IE/PD/LW)
Sivir: Open either 1 or 2 then build standard
Tristana: Open either 1 or 2 then build standard. As trist do your absolute best to NEVER get wriggles. Her mid game is already awful, getting wriggles just makes you basically obsolete until deep late game.
Twitch: Open either 2 and then build standard.
Urgot: He builds the strangest of them all. Typically its Boots 3 ---> 2x Dorans Blade, Brutalizer, Glacial shroud ---> FH. GA, BT, LW. That is standard urgot. Ente made a good argument for getting Black Cleaver and Frozen Mallet as opposed to maybe LW and GA, this is fine too. Some go manamune, i think that item sucks personally. The main reason you get brut / FH is 1. great harass and inherent tankiness, 2. it comes real close to maxing your Cooldown Reduction, allowing you to get in as many missles in during an acid splash.
Varus: Open either 1 or 2 then build standard.
Vayne: Same as kog'maw. The exception is that i like to often build BT on her first THEN zeal ---> PD. This is because she has so much damage built in, and has to be in the thicket of the fight, that bonus damage / lifesteal helps her to stay alive. But going standard IE --> PD is fine too, but BT first has been too dependable on her.
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This is primarily playstyles in laning phase / midgame. Because when objectives and team fighting starts the general playstyle of almost every carry is do not die, auto attack, kite, and focus fire / positioning. All carries will have Flash, except for 1 specific trist build.
I'm going to add a specific note here in that Exhaust / Flash both on the AD carry and support can be ok IF the enemy is running 2 very hard bruisers that cannot be dealt with otherwise, or if that small bit of relief would save you. Typically you do not want it as you shouldn't be that close to the bruisers, but if your team thinks double exhaust is fine, then go ahead. Your support should never have heal, as the aoe heal makes next to no difference when it comes to life or death for you.
Ashe: With Ashe you primarily want Heal / Flash or Cleanse / Flash. Ashe has no inherent escapes and is fully reliant on her kite ability and her team to keep her alive. Ignite is real akward on her because you never really want to be that close to use it, and she is really bad at finishing combos compared to Graves/Corki/Trist, etc. In lane you typically want to control the flow of the lane with your W, manipulating whether you want it pushing or not. W also makes for good cheap harass, especially under level 4. At level 1 if possible try to use your first hit crit passive on the enemy to gain a steady HP advantage over them, giving you some temporary lane dominance. Ashe typically wants to avoid aggressive plays in lane as she has a poor ability on closing kills. In team fights you must abuse your ability to kite and are expected to help initiate with your arrow. A money arrow wins games. Ashe has that added advantage of having such great utility with mid / late game damage. Her early laning phase should focus on farming. At 6 you can begin to make plays.
You want to max W first, then Q, then E. Be sure to get first rank of E at either lvl 2 or 4.
Best Supports: Alistar (kill lane / peel), Soraka (super sustain, spam 4 sec volley), Janna (super slow, kite, and peel ability), Sona (Good kite, poke)
Caitlyn: You want to usually run either Heal / Flash or Cleanse / Flash because her range makes it so that ignite won't be very useful. Caitlyn needs you to start abusing her range and auto attack harass enemy bot lane starting at LEVEL 1. You need to constantly be pecking at them while balancing cs-ing at the same time. The goal is to use the harass to make them so weak so they CANNOT engage you directly. The harass isn't meant to kill them, but to make it so that if they engage they lose and to zone cs. Use traps to either give you an easy disengage opportunity while harassing or to zone the enemy carry from last hitting (really good under their tower). Typically do not use traps to act as pseudo wards in river / tribush. These are wasted and should be used in lane. Your support should have ward coverage already. Traps can also make great anti-gank locations. Refer to trap pics later in the guide. Caitlyn has a weak mid - early late game because she has no steroid and is pretty pathetic damage wise until she gets IE / PD. Even then her kit is pretty mediocre in team fights, but her passive and built in escape / range makes for good late. She is an amazing kiter though, so abuse that, and use her range to stay safe while chipping away squishies in team fights. Its hard to catch a good Cait in a teamfight.
You want to max Q first, then its preference. I max W if laning phase goes on forever, but if not i then start to max E second then W.
Best supports: Nunu (makes up for her having no steroid, and kite), Janna (great poke power and peel), Soraka (super sustain and endless harass), Sona (Strong poke and zoning power), Taric (Good stun / set up burst)
Corki: You want to use Ignite / Flash for strong aggression. Corki has a strong early / mid / and late game. His passive makes it easy to last hit and gives huge dps bonuses as the game progresses. You have a good escape, an armor shred, and amazing poke with R. Corki can dominate early game by abusing his kit to burst down enemy bot lanes. Corki works best with an aggressive lane due to his high kill potential. His combo is typically EQRRR with auto attacks in between R shots. Never use your W to enter into a fight unless you can score a quick kill and get out, the exception is laning phase when you can score kills, though beware of river counter ganks when your W is down. Always save it to fly away.
You want to max Q first, then E then W. Some people max W second for shorter cooldown on escape, thats fine too.
Best Supports: Blitzcrank (great kill lane), Alistar (also great kill lane), Soraka (great sustain and can abuse corki's mana intensive harass kit). Leona (Amazing kill lane going with his aoe spells).
Ezreal: On Ezreal you want to use Ignite / Flash. Ezreal focuses alot on early aggression and has a great early game. His E is also strange in that it takes priority over many spells. Example: If blitz grabs you and you use E, your E overpowers grab and you instead land where you used your E. This has also worked with things like nautilus hook. Ezreal wants to try to dominate the early game with his bursty kit and focus on zoning if you can't land kills. Your mid game is rather strong and you are also hard to kill. Your late game is strong as your ult does TONS of aoe damage, instantly applies 50% steroid, and your E makes you real slippery in a team fight. The amazing thing about Ezreal is that he has an anti-steroid, which allows you to come out ahead in most trades. Not only does his W go through creeps, it is aoe, and hurts the opponents chance to do early auto attack damage to you, guaranteeing at least 1-2 more hits for you. Be aggressive, hit them with W / Q whenever they try to last hit, and abuse your decent range.
Max W, Q, then E.
Best Supports: Taric(Good kill lane), Leona (Great kill lane, works well with his aoe kit making it easy to proc her passive), Blitzcrank (Good kill lane), Soraka (Super sustain and endless farming with Q), Janna (AD steroid, adds to his slipperiness).
Graves: You want to get Ignite / Flash. Graves is very dominant and arguably has the strongest laning phase of all the carries. You have the strongest burst, an escape, and your W effectively shuts down auto attacks from the enemy for a few seconds. Your passive also makes trades easy. Your E allows to fix positioning mistakes and unlike other AD carry escapes, your E's cooldown is decreased when you hit enemies. So you can E in, do damage, and E out pretty quickly. Your W is very very overpowered, do not underestimate it. Always start team fights with tossing W on either their AD carry or their AP carry, this minor bit of disruption could decide doom for them very quickly. In lane you typically want to coordinate with your support on doing one HUGE burst blast, instantly killing them by using W ---> EQR + ignite to their face.
Max Q first, then E, then W.
Best supports: Blitzcrank (great kill lane), Leona (great kill lane, works well with his aoe), Soraka (super sustain / zoning power through your Q, and can push like mad), Taric (Super strong burst, and his armor shred works well with your full AD burst spells).
Kog'maw: You want Heal / Flash or Cleanse / Flash on Kog'maw since you are a mid/late game king with weak early game and no escapes. Your early game is pretty mediocre as you have no ad ratios except your R, have weak range when W is not on, and are sort of easy to bully. BUT the lane changes pace almost immediately when you turn 6. Your R does HUGE damage to enemy heroes, and if you are good at it, can make for great burst with your QWER / auto attack combos. It also allows you to start harassing / zoning. Mid / Late game you have amazing range and damage with W, so just use that to stay safely in the back and have your team peel for you as you eat the enemy alive.
Max W first, then max Q, then E.
Best Supports: Janna (since i like to go PD first, janna's shield gives you nice AD and great peel for "protect the kog"), Nunu (Kog scales AMAZINGLY with attack speed, blood boil and kite ability come with nunu), Blitzcrank (surprisingly strong burst when you hit 6), Soraka (super sustain, he has 3 nukes).
Miss Fortune: You want Ignite / Flash or Heal / Flash on MF. MF is a very aggressive laner with a strong presence. You decide the pace because of your speed and zoning potential. Your auto attacks are always stronger cuz of W, you get an auto reset due to Q, and you get heal reduction on your auto attacks making enemy pots / heals less effective. Abuse your speed and constantly peck at them with your increased damage from W, this forgoes armor runes and almost always guarantees advantage in trades, especially with health reduction. Hit em once or twice, use Q, hit em again, then back off. Sometimes i'll not even put points in E until level 13. Your ult is powerful for pushing and team fights, and can make funny plays when abusing bushes or towers during lane phase. You have a good steroid and your movement speed makes you tricky to engage in teamfights during mid/late game.
I max W first, then Q, then E. Many max Q first then W, but i like W better. Honestly its preference, maxing Q has slightly better burst, but i just use it as an attack reset, W allows me to have more consistant harass, better last hitting, and not have to waste mana on harass.
Best Supports: Alistar (good kill lane), Blitzcrank (Great kill lane), Leona (great kill lane, works good with ult too), Nunu (super movement / attack speed and kite), Janna (strong engages and disengage due to both of your speeds, slows, and shield.)
Sivir: On Sivir you want Ignite / Flash, Heal / Flash, or Cleanse / Flash. Sivir is strange because she has an AMAZING kit, but her only downside is her attack range. Her passive makes it so if you want to dedicate into a fight its easy, but disengaging or fighting off harass can be awkward due to your low range and low mana pool. If you are good with your E, you can make very smart trades by negating a buckshot or some spell and getting mana. A fun trick is using E to swallow Cait traps for free mana. Your boomerang makes for STRONG burst, but be careful with harassing with it as it is pricey. Your R is great, and i prefer to use sivir in comps with a bruiser jungler and bruiser top lane. Her W is also great because it resets your attack, making good auto attack burst.
Max Q first, then W, then E.
Best Supports: Leona (amazing kill lane with your Q), Soraka (super sustain and super push), Taric (his stun and armor shred make your boomerang terrifying, and both your ults are auras).
Tristana: You want either Ignite / Flash or Heal / Ignite on Trist. The Heal / Ignite build is risky, but because her W resets on a kill, and if you play smart, you can be SUPER aggressive and will almost always win every lane trade. Tristana has a very aggressive kit and has a heal reduction making her dangerous in lane. To play her in lane you gotta act similar to graves, in where you coordinate with your support to do one giant burst. Your support will go in with a stun / grab, then you jump on them with W (and while in mid jump you can STILL CAST), then cast E and auto attack them. Try using R as either a finishing move, or using it to knock them into a wall for longer CC or backwards so they have farther to run. You also have the best steroid for mid / late game and your ult is a great built in peel. You also have the best AD passive with free range. You want to do your best to abuse your early game burst until you're like level 9-10, then start maxing Q to prep for mid / late game. Your mid game is weak due to no AD ratios, but your Q and passive makes for a monstrous late mid game / late game.
Max W first, and get E to level 2. Then max Q after that. If you are winning lane easily do this.
If the lane is sorta even, or if you are starting to win / slightly winning do this
Best Supports: Alistar (A terrifying kill lane), Blitzcrank (also scary kill lane), Taric (decent kill lane), Leona (Kill lane).
Urgot: On Urgot you want either Ignite / Flash, Exhaust / Flash, or Heal / Flash. Now urgot i have the least experience with as I play him the least. He just isn't my style. But from what I know you aren't are "true" AD carry, and instead work like an AD caster with tons of tankiness. You have HUGE lane dominance early and can typically out harass or bully the other bot lane with acid splash / missiles. When harassing in lane toss your E on them and spam Q on their target. At levels 1-6 you'll only be able to get like 1-2 rockets off in 1 acid splash, but as you get brutalizer / glacial shroud you can then do 3.. Also when fighting turn on W so your attacks slow them. Your ult makes for great initiations and is one of the reason you want an early GA, so that you can start fights with ult (swapping in preferably their Ad or AP), then survive and continue the fight. Urgot is very much like Ashe in where you are very reliant on your team, you truly become less of the "carry" and more of a core part of the team working as a whole. Urgot becomes a dps monster who disrupts the enemy with his slow, heavy armor reduction, gradual damage, and his amazing ult initation. This is why GA is important to get as your next big item after glacial or FH, because it makes it so focusing you is just suicide on the enemy team's part.
Max Q first, then W, then E.
Best supports: Leona (great kill lane / zoning), Blitzcrank (great kill lane), Soraka (super sustain and crazy harass), Taric (tons of armor shred, and good kill potential), Janna (Good Ad for missles and MS)
Varus: You want Ignite / Flash on Varus. Varus has some pretty good burst and has the added perk of having an immobilizing R that can spread in a team fight. The main downside is that he has no built in escapes. His burst is strong, but sort of awkward. What makes him amazing is the reason why i like MF, is his W's poke ability. Utilize this and his decent range to poke your enemy to death, acting like a cait, to where if they engage you head on they will lose because you wittled them down. In lane you act like Cait from 1-6, but when 6 happens the lane changes. Then pretend your graves, coordinate with your support. You open the fight with your Ult, then hit them 3 times, use E, then keep hitting them, and hit them with a quick Q (don't charge it, just use it to proc your W), you can slip in ignite during this. If they stun or grab or whatever AFTER you ult, the CC is like 4 seconds, the enemy is typically dead. He has amazing team fight presence due to his R, and his passive makes him snowball in teamfights after 1 kill. Your W makes you a good tank killer and strong lane presence.
Max W first, then E, then Q. Some prefer Q over E, but the charge time loses auto dps, so i prefer E.
Best Supports: Alistar (good kill lane), blitzcrank (good kill lane), Janna (strong poke power / peel), Taric (good kill lane), Nunu (good kite / poke power), Sona (Strong poke and good ult combination).
Vayne: You want Ignite / Flash or Cleanse / Flash on Vayne. Vayne is the definition of a hyper carry. She has the weakest early game but has the most POTENTIAL late game. She is, in my opinion, fully dependent on your team. If your team dives and ganks for your lane, feeding you, you become an unstoppable monster. If they can't peel properly for you, you are useless. Vayne has some rough subtleties to her. Always have your side bushes warded so you can use your Q to position for your E's wall stun. When you see your opponent has overextended and you and your support can score a kill, pop R and try to use Q to get better positioning and set up stuns. Otherwise just farm and prepare for your late game.
Max Q first, then W, then E. Some max E over Q first, but i feel thats too risky.
Best supports: Alistar ( perfect mix of kill lane / sustain), Taric (same as alistar), Soraka (super sustain for farming), Janna (decent mix of defense / peel, and scoring kills with her shield and your Q / R), Nunu (allows for easy positioning and Vayne scales amazingly with attack speed).
I'm going to add a specific note here in that Exhaust / Flash both on the AD carry and support can be ok IF the enemy is running 2 very hard bruisers that cannot be dealt with otherwise, or if that small bit of relief would save you. Typically you do not want it as you shouldn't be that close to the bruisers, but if your team thinks double exhaust is fine, then go ahead. Your support should never have heal, as the aoe heal makes next to no difference when it comes to life or death for you.
Ashe: With Ashe you primarily want Heal / Flash or Cleanse / Flash. Ashe has no inherent escapes and is fully reliant on her kite ability and her team to keep her alive. Ignite is real akward on her because you never really want to be that close to use it, and she is really bad at finishing combos compared to Graves/Corki/Trist, etc. In lane you typically want to control the flow of the lane with your W, manipulating whether you want it pushing or not. W also makes for good cheap harass, especially under level 4. At level 1 if possible try to use your first hit crit passive on the enemy to gain a steady HP advantage over them, giving you some temporary lane dominance. Ashe typically wants to avoid aggressive plays in lane as she has a poor ability on closing kills. In team fights you must abuse your ability to kite and are expected to help initiate with your arrow. A money arrow wins games. Ashe has that added advantage of having such great utility with mid / late game damage. Her early laning phase should focus on farming. At 6 you can begin to make plays.
You want to max W first, then Q, then E. Be sure to get first rank of E at either lvl 2 or 4.
Best Supports: Alistar (kill lane / peel), Soraka (super sustain, spam 4 sec volley), Janna (super slow, kite, and peel ability), Sona (Good kite, poke)
Caitlyn: You want to usually run either Heal / Flash or Cleanse / Flash because her range makes it so that ignite won't be very useful. Caitlyn needs you to start abusing her range and auto attack harass enemy bot lane starting at LEVEL 1. You need to constantly be pecking at them while balancing cs-ing at the same time. The goal is to use the harass to make them so weak so they CANNOT engage you directly. The harass isn't meant to kill them, but to make it so that if they engage they lose and to zone cs. Use traps to either give you an easy disengage opportunity while harassing or to zone the enemy carry from last hitting (really good under their tower). Typically do not use traps to act as pseudo wards in river / tribush. These are wasted and should be used in lane. Your support should have ward coverage already. Traps can also make great anti-gank locations. Refer to trap pics later in the guide. Caitlyn has a weak mid - early late game because she has no steroid and is pretty pathetic damage wise until she gets IE / PD. Even then her kit is pretty mediocre in team fights, but her passive and built in escape / range makes for good late. She is an amazing kiter though, so abuse that, and use her range to stay safe while chipping away squishies in team fights. Its hard to catch a good Cait in a teamfight.
You want to max Q first, then its preference. I max W if laning phase goes on forever, but if not i then start to max E second then W.
Best supports: Nunu (makes up for her having no steroid, and kite), Janna (great poke power and peel), Soraka (super sustain and endless harass), Sona (Strong poke and zoning power), Taric (Good stun / set up burst)
Corki: You want to use Ignite / Flash for strong aggression. Corki has a strong early / mid / and late game. His passive makes it easy to last hit and gives huge dps bonuses as the game progresses. You have a good escape, an armor shred, and amazing poke with R. Corki can dominate early game by abusing his kit to burst down enemy bot lanes. Corki works best with an aggressive lane due to his high kill potential. His combo is typically EQRRR with auto attacks in between R shots. Never use your W to enter into a fight unless you can score a quick kill and get out, the exception is laning phase when you can score kills, though beware of river counter ganks when your W is down. Always save it to fly away.
You want to max Q first, then E then W. Some people max W second for shorter cooldown on escape, thats fine too.
Best Supports: Blitzcrank (great kill lane), Alistar (also great kill lane), Soraka (great sustain and can abuse corki's mana intensive harass kit). Leona (Amazing kill lane going with his aoe spells).
Ezreal: On Ezreal you want to use Ignite / Flash. Ezreal focuses alot on early aggression and has a great early game. His E is also strange in that it takes priority over many spells. Example: If blitz grabs you and you use E, your E overpowers grab and you instead land where you used your E. This has also worked with things like nautilus hook. Ezreal wants to try to dominate the early game with his bursty kit and focus on zoning if you can't land kills. Your mid game is rather strong and you are also hard to kill. Your late game is strong as your ult does TONS of aoe damage, instantly applies 50% steroid, and your E makes you real slippery in a team fight. The amazing thing about Ezreal is that he has an anti-steroid, which allows you to come out ahead in most trades. Not only does his W go through creeps, it is aoe, and hurts the opponents chance to do early auto attack damage to you, guaranteeing at least 1-2 more hits for you. Be aggressive, hit them with W / Q whenever they try to last hit, and abuse your decent range.
Max W, Q, then E.
Best Supports: Taric(Good kill lane), Leona (Great kill lane, works well with his aoe kit making it easy to proc her passive), Blitzcrank (Good kill lane), Soraka (Super sustain and endless farming with Q), Janna (AD steroid, adds to his slipperiness).
Graves: You want to get Ignite / Flash. Graves is very dominant and arguably has the strongest laning phase of all the carries. You have the strongest burst, an escape, and your W effectively shuts down auto attacks from the enemy for a few seconds. Your passive also makes trades easy. Your E allows to fix positioning mistakes and unlike other AD carry escapes, your E's cooldown is decreased when you hit enemies. So you can E in, do damage, and E out pretty quickly. Your W is very very overpowered, do not underestimate it. Always start team fights with tossing W on either their AD carry or their AP carry, this minor bit of disruption could decide doom for them very quickly. In lane you typically want to coordinate with your support on doing one HUGE burst blast, instantly killing them by using W ---> EQR + ignite to their face.
Max Q first, then E, then W.
Best supports: Blitzcrank (great kill lane), Leona (great kill lane, works well with his aoe), Soraka (super sustain / zoning power through your Q, and can push like mad), Taric (Super strong burst, and his armor shred works well with your full AD burst spells).
Kog'maw: You want Heal / Flash or Cleanse / Flash on Kog'maw since you are a mid/late game king with weak early game and no escapes. Your early game is pretty mediocre as you have no ad ratios except your R, have weak range when W is not on, and are sort of easy to bully. BUT the lane changes pace almost immediately when you turn 6. Your R does HUGE damage to enemy heroes, and if you are good at it, can make for great burst with your QWER / auto attack combos. It also allows you to start harassing / zoning. Mid / Late game you have amazing range and damage with W, so just use that to stay safely in the back and have your team peel for you as you eat the enemy alive.
Max W first, then max Q, then E.
Best Supports: Janna (since i like to go PD first, janna's shield gives you nice AD and great peel for "protect the kog"), Nunu (Kog scales AMAZINGLY with attack speed, blood boil and kite ability come with nunu), Blitzcrank (surprisingly strong burst when you hit 6), Soraka (super sustain, he has 3 nukes).
Miss Fortune: You want Ignite / Flash or Heal / Flash on MF. MF is a very aggressive laner with a strong presence. You decide the pace because of your speed and zoning potential. Your auto attacks are always stronger cuz of W, you get an auto reset due to Q, and you get heal reduction on your auto attacks making enemy pots / heals less effective. Abuse your speed and constantly peck at them with your increased damage from W, this forgoes armor runes and almost always guarantees advantage in trades, especially with health reduction. Hit em once or twice, use Q, hit em again, then back off. Sometimes i'll not even put points in E until level 13. Your ult is powerful for pushing and team fights, and can make funny plays when abusing bushes or towers during lane phase. You have a good steroid and your movement speed makes you tricky to engage in teamfights during mid/late game.
I max W first, then Q, then E. Many max Q first then W, but i like W better. Honestly its preference, maxing Q has slightly better burst, but i just use it as an attack reset, W allows me to have more consistant harass, better last hitting, and not have to waste mana on harass.
Best Supports: Alistar (good kill lane), Blitzcrank (Great kill lane), Leona (great kill lane, works good with ult too), Nunu (super movement / attack speed and kite), Janna (strong engages and disengage due to both of your speeds, slows, and shield.)
Sivir: On Sivir you want Ignite / Flash, Heal / Flash, or Cleanse / Flash. Sivir is strange because she has an AMAZING kit, but her only downside is her attack range. Her passive makes it so if you want to dedicate into a fight its easy, but disengaging or fighting off harass can be awkward due to your low range and low mana pool. If you are good with your E, you can make very smart trades by negating a buckshot or some spell and getting mana. A fun trick is using E to swallow Cait traps for free mana. Your boomerang makes for STRONG burst, but be careful with harassing with it as it is pricey. Your R is great, and i prefer to use sivir in comps with a bruiser jungler and bruiser top lane. Her W is also great because it resets your attack, making good auto attack burst.
Max Q first, then W, then E.
Best Supports: Leona (amazing kill lane with your Q), Soraka (super sustain and super push), Taric (his stun and armor shred make your boomerang terrifying, and both your ults are auras).
Tristana: You want either Ignite / Flash or Heal / Ignite on Trist. The Heal / Ignite build is risky, but because her W resets on a kill, and if you play smart, you can be SUPER aggressive and will almost always win every lane trade. Tristana has a very aggressive kit and has a heal reduction making her dangerous in lane. To play her in lane you gotta act similar to graves, in where you coordinate with your support to do one giant burst. Your support will go in with a stun / grab, then you jump on them with W (and while in mid jump you can STILL CAST), then cast E and auto attack them. Try using R as either a finishing move, or using it to knock them into a wall for longer CC or backwards so they have farther to run. You also have the best steroid for mid / late game and your ult is a great built in peel. You also have the best AD passive with free range. You want to do your best to abuse your early game burst until you're like level 9-10, then start maxing Q to prep for mid / late game. Your mid game is weak due to no AD ratios, but your Q and passive makes for a monstrous late mid game / late game.
Max W first, and get E to level 2. Then max Q after that. If you are winning lane easily do this.
If the lane is sorta even, or if you are starting to win / slightly winning do this
Best Supports: Alistar (A terrifying kill lane), Blitzcrank (also scary kill lane), Taric (decent kill lane), Leona (Kill lane).
Urgot: On Urgot you want either Ignite / Flash, Exhaust / Flash, or Heal / Flash. Now urgot i have the least experience with as I play him the least. He just isn't my style. But from what I know you aren't are "true" AD carry, and instead work like an AD caster with tons of tankiness. You have HUGE lane dominance early and can typically out harass or bully the other bot lane with acid splash / missiles. When harassing in lane toss your E on them and spam Q on their target. At levels 1-6 you'll only be able to get like 1-2 rockets off in 1 acid splash, but as you get brutalizer / glacial shroud you can then do 3.. Also when fighting turn on W so your attacks slow them. Your ult makes for great initiations and is one of the reason you want an early GA, so that you can start fights with ult (swapping in preferably their Ad or AP), then survive and continue the fight. Urgot is very much like Ashe in where you are very reliant on your team, you truly become less of the "carry" and more of a core part of the team working as a whole. Urgot becomes a dps monster who disrupts the enemy with his slow, heavy armor reduction, gradual damage, and his amazing ult initation. This is why GA is important to get as your next big item after glacial or FH, because it makes it so focusing you is just suicide on the enemy team's part.
Max Q first, then W, then E.
Best supports: Leona (great kill lane / zoning), Blitzcrank (great kill lane), Soraka (super sustain and crazy harass), Taric (tons of armor shred, and good kill potential), Janna (Good Ad for missles and MS)
Varus: You want Ignite / Flash on Varus. Varus has some pretty good burst and has the added perk of having an immobilizing R that can spread in a team fight. The main downside is that he has no built in escapes. His burst is strong, but sort of awkward. What makes him amazing is the reason why i like MF, is his W's poke ability. Utilize this and his decent range to poke your enemy to death, acting like a cait, to where if they engage you head on they will lose because you wittled them down. In lane you act like Cait from 1-6, but when 6 happens the lane changes. Then pretend your graves, coordinate with your support. You open the fight with your Ult, then hit them 3 times, use E, then keep hitting them, and hit them with a quick Q (don't charge it, just use it to proc your W), you can slip in ignite during this. If they stun or grab or whatever AFTER you ult, the CC is like 4 seconds, the enemy is typically dead. He has amazing team fight presence due to his R, and his passive makes him snowball in teamfights after 1 kill. Your W makes you a good tank killer and strong lane presence.
Max W first, then E, then Q. Some prefer Q over E, but the charge time loses auto dps, so i prefer E.
Best Supports: Alistar (good kill lane), blitzcrank (good kill lane), Janna (strong poke power / peel), Taric (good kill lane), Nunu (good kite / poke power), Sona (Strong poke and good ult combination).
Vayne: You want Ignite / Flash or Cleanse / Flash on Vayne. Vayne is the definition of a hyper carry. She has the weakest early game but has the most POTENTIAL late game. She is, in my opinion, fully dependent on your team. If your team dives and ganks for your lane, feeding you, you become an unstoppable monster. If they can't peel properly for you, you are useless. Vayne has some rough subtleties to her. Always have your side bushes warded so you can use your Q to position for your E's wall stun. When you see your opponent has overextended and you and your support can score a kill, pop R and try to use Q to get better positioning and set up stuns. Otherwise just farm and prepare for your late game.
Max Q first, then W, then E. Some max E over Q first, but i feel thats too risky.
Best supports: Alistar ( perfect mix of kill lane / sustain), Taric (same as alistar), Soraka (super sustain for farming), Janna (decent mix of defense / peel, and scoring kills with her shield and your Q / R), Nunu (allows for easy positioning and Vayne scales amazingly with attack speed).
Cait Traps - A simple rundown
+ Show Spoiler +
Now most of these pictures can be used / abused from both sides of the map (blue or purple). Though as far as Caitlyn zoning goes, I do think purple side has the better angles / lane side to zone / harass from. Also, PLEASE NOTE, that these are NOT THE ONLY WAY traps should be used. I use them in clutch moments to snare a stunned opponent, I will often improvise trap formations depending on how the lane is going and how the lane constantly evolves. However, these are good benchmark locations / techniques that can be used, and don't really have fault (at their intended purpose anyway.
Tower harassing: From Blue Side
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/19id1.jpg)
Tower harassing: From Purple Side
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/XzcZA.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/4KtFr.jpg)
Also note, at both tower harassing positions. Whichever side Cait is harassing/standing/zoning from, your support (preferablly Sona or Janna) should be on the other side harassing/zoning from there. That way, all portions of the lane are have pressure, so last hitting by the opponent will almost always be met with harass damage.
Also keep in mind that the intent of these traps' positioning is to force the opponent to step into one to get CS, or to funnel themselves to be at the mercy of your harass. If they step on a trap, hit them with an auto attack and a Q, then reset the trap. Your support should always be very aggressive and be forcing them into a position where they step on a trap to cs, or get hit by you. Also, don't forget to cs yourself, or this harass means nothing.
Some simple lane zoning:
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/QW59G.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/A2E5l.jpg)
Limiting jungle routes:
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/jbNt0.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/342rE.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/WrE7k.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/GQVg9.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/mViF7.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/nOwdl.jpg)
When pushed to your 2nd tier, this will ease your mind in case your worried about a jungler coming through your own jungle while you are trying to cs or freeze lane:
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/PmSj8.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Y37LO.jpg)
This is a decent array to set up if you are afraid of being dived:
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/tJ2z8.jpg)
I'll add more to the guide, but im tired for now. I will add a section on Match ups (lane comps versus other lane comps), a picture section for positioning in lane and when to engage / how to engage, and whatever else.
#Edit - Updated some ezreal stuff, Cait stuff, masteries, a rune page. Will try to get some more picture sections up tonight, and will maybe try to set up lane comps / thought processes when fighting certain lanes this weekend.
#Edit 2 - Added a Cait Traps section for some basic trap locations / nice tricks / decent intro to using her traps both for security, harass, and zoning potential. Obviously it is tentative, and changes game per game, but its a nice intro.