+ Show Spoiler + Hello everyone, I’m Tech and I’m a highish master protoss on EU server, and today I want to show you a build that sase has been doing on Korean ladder in the PvP matchup.
So you might ask: What is so revolutionary about this build that it deserves a guide? Because it’s a reasonably safe expo build while still putting on pressure in the early game!
This build is not for the weak stomached people, it has a high execution level so I would not recommend doing this until you can hit all the timings spot on. As a good example even I don’t have the build down 100%, even after doing it for at least 30-40 games. 1 mistake and you will lose to a lot of common builds. Besides that you don’t scout at all (!!!) on 2 player maps and you only scout very, very late on 4 player maps
Build Order + Show Spoiler + 9 Pylon 13 Gate 14 Pylon 16 Gas ( mine only with 2 probes ) 17 Gas( mine only with 2 probes ) 18 Zealot 21 Pylon 22 Cybernetics Core 22 Zealot 25 Second gateway 26 First stalker no Chrono
You spend 3 chrono’s on your nexus, so after first pylon finishes, 12-13 food probes and as soon as you have 25 energy again you chrono on the nexus again, 15-16 food probes. On 13, scout for the most obvious proxy locations ( i.e. shakura’s plateau in your base and in the middle between two naturals behind the bush ) to check for proxies.
4 Additional stalkers out of your 2 gateways and spend all your chrono on them to get them out Asap. Once you hit another 25 energy on your nexus you chrono boost your warpgate tech once to have it finish up at the time where you will hit him.
At the 6:00 mark you have 400 minerals saved up to plant down a nexus. This is in the midst of your attack at the front so this requires a lot of multitask to get down correctly.
Do not cut probes for anything except your follow up tech choice after you get the nexus up. For example in case of a DT rush you need to cut probes for a few seconds to get the Robotics facilty ASAP.
As soon as you plant down your nexus put 1 extra probe on each gas to go up to the optimal 3 per gas geyser.
On a 4 player map you can scout once you put down your second gateway
Follow up:
Don’t be overly aggressive with your first two zealots and 1 stalker. This can result in your two zealots being picked off by a 3 stalker rush build and then you lose a lot of your firepower in your push. The 3 stalker rush into reactive 5 stalker build is the best way to “counter” this build because it can be hard to get a decent proxy pylon up.
If for some reason you cannot break him ( he has immortal out + sentry and it would be suicide for example ) warp in two sentries as you first units instead of 2 stalkers and delay him from getting out of his base. 3 gate robo can hit hard is you don't ahve the production yet so try to delay him as long as possible.
You need to get a proxy pylon up close to his base, and if you have a feeling you can kill him you also need to get on up at his ramp or even on top of his ramp. If he was too tech greedy you will damage him heavily while you get your expansion up safely. You have to pin him on his tech route with this aggression, or you have to play it ultra safe after you get your expo up. Your follow up tech choice will be dependent on what you see.
Mid game Strategy + Show Spoiler + So there are a few follow ups that you can do with this build. Sase’s personal favourite is a 5 gate blink stalker follow up, with a late robo to get an observer out in case your opponent gets out enough immortals and sentries to defend a secondary ramp and get an expo up. I will list the most common 1 base builds and the correct follow up.
Against 4 gate blink or blink robo: + Show Spoiler + You need to cut probes to get a robo out as soon as possible. Add 2 more gateways and start adding in immortals as soon as the robo finishes. You can safely get a observer out after the first two immortals. Your gateway production will be same of his, but you have the econ to get immortals on top of that, so you will beat him in a war of attrition.
Against robo openings: + Show Spoiler + You want to go 5 gate blink stalker with a delayed robo for an observer. Once you have your expansion planted down you will start your twilight council as soon as you have the minerals for it. Stay on two gateways if you want to have a larger eco advantage, or cut probes if you want to be more aggressive once your blink hits. I personally prefer to keep the pressure on so I cut probes to put down 3 more gateways immediately after the twilight council. In order to support 5 gate blink stalker you need to get a third gas running at your natural, take it whenever your 3 extra gateways finish up. Start setting upf or a potential basetrade if he wants to do an 1 base colossi all in on you. You will win this if you have a few probes on the map to rebuild nexi and just keep killing off units where possible and snipe buildings with your blink stalkers
Against DT openings: + Show Spoiler + You will do damage to a DT rush build if he skips sentries. He will not have the fire power to actually kill off your initial 7 stalkers and 2 zealots( 2 stalkers from warp ins ) that are in his base. He will need to warp in at least 1 DT to defend your agresison, and even then you can sack your units to do damage to his econ so that you force him into a 1 base all in chargelot archon bust. If you scout the DT shrine, you need to cut probes to get the robo out as soon as possible. And depending on how close he gets a proxy pylon up to your base you’ll have ample time to get a obs out. On most maps if he warps in the DT semi close to your base, you will get an obs out in time. A smart DT player will go for your probes so you might have to run them away for a few moments. If he goes after your robo he’s an idiot and he will do no damage with his DT’s. Get a second obs, and start walling off your secondary ramp a little bit to funnel chargelots into a small place. Your army composition should be a lot of stalkers/zealots and a few sentries of 5 gateways.
Against phoenix openings: + Show Spoiler + There are two different phoenix openings, the 3 gate phoenix, or the 2 gate phoenix robo. 2 gate robo is safe against everything but gets a lot of tech on 1 base, so you should be able to do damage if his BO is not 100% crisp. the 3 gate phoenix build is the weakest variation for the midgame. Regardless of the build a 5 gate blink follow up is recommended. If he expo’s and gets a ton of immortals a chargelot archon bust off 8 gates is extremely viable
Against 4 gate opening: + Show Spoiler + Thank him for going 4 gate because you just have an auto win. You will have more firepower at 5:45 then him, and with your superior stalker count he should never get a pylon up at your ramp or even close to your secondary ramp. Warp in 2 sentries as soon as your warpgates are done and go up to 4 gates. You will have a superior econ so expo as soon as you can handle his army, and go kill him. In worst case you force a lot of sentries. get a robo up to keep yourself safe from DT follow ups and blink follow ups. If he tries to expo I would go into a 6 gate chargelot archon bust or speed prism immortal drops to pressure him.
When should I use this build?? + Show Spoiler + You can use this on all maps except tal darim altar, simply due to the fact that you cannot FF off his 4 gate while you are going up to 4 gates yourself. All other maps are completely viable and perfectly safe
Replays! + Show Spoiler +
Current challenges [spoiler] getting a replay where opponent goes 3 gate robo and tries to bust my expansion with it. In order to survive this you warp in sentries to delay his push. [spoiler]
If you have any replays of doing this build and wish me to have them attached to the thread pm me with the link to where i can download it, and tell me a little bit about what you did, and why.
If there is anything missing let me know, and if you can find any replay from Sase himself doing the build I would LOVE to add them to the thread. But for the time being like many other players that are in korea, they don’t give out any replays, and not even leak one!
Happy PvP hunting!
Thank you!!! I've been looking for this for a while now.
Seems great. Eill try it ut maybe post some replays. Wouldnt it be better for 3 guys on one gas and then on second gas add/remove probes as you need the gas? Ill pull out some numbers.
On May 25 2012 05:01 DeluXe1337 wrote: Seems great. Eill try it ut maybe post some replays. Wouldnt it be better for 3 guys on one gas and then on second gas add/remove probes as you need the gas? Ill pull out some numbers. 2 guys on 2 gases nets you more gas than 1 and 3 since you'll have a tiny delay with the 3rd probe waiting for the assim to clear.
On May 25 2012 05:01 DeluXe1337 wrote: Seems great. Eill try it ut maybe post some replays. Wouldnt it be better for 3 guys on one gas and then on second gas add/remove probes as you need the gas? Ill pull out some numbers.
Like Mikelius said you will get more gas with 2 geysers running with 2 probes on each, then with 2 geysers with 3 on 1, and with 1 on the other. Besides that you cannot afford to put 3 probes in gas immediatly or otherwise you will miss your core timing by quite a bit and you will start floating gas sooner then you want to.
Two things that i don't have in the replays yet are 1 gate/1 gate robo expands. I really don't face them at all on ladder but once i face them i will post an update.
I would assume any 1 gate/1 gate robo expand has to sack the nexus in order to stay alive, but we'll see
Nice guide, thanks !
I will try it and tell u what i think about it.
from build order part: "4 Additional stalkers out of your 3 gateways and spend all your chrono on them to get them out Asap." don't you mean 2 gateways? i think is a typo
also no chrono at first stalker, so spend whatever chrono i have on the following 3 stalkers? can you give me a reason why want them asap but no chrono on first stalker?
looks nice this build, gonna try it out after work this weekend
On May 25 2012 17:41 HExtw wrote:from build order part: "4 Additional stalkers out of your 3 gateways and spend all your chrono on them to get them out Asap." don't you mean 2 gateways? i think is a typo also no chrono at first stalker, so spend whatever chrono i have on the following 3 stalkers? can you give me a reason why want them asap but no chrono on first stalker? looks nice this build, gonna try it out after work this weekend 
Woops yes that first was a typo and is now fixed, thnx for pointing that out!
You don't want to chrono your first stalker because if you don't chrono it it will line up perfectly with your second gateway so you can start chronoing both gateways. You basically start up 2 stalkers once your 2 gateways are done and you can get 1 stalker out of your first without chrono in that time
If you really care that much about your core, why would you go for a 13 gate? I can get my gate up at 1:33 with 12 supply and with 13 probes 1:38-1:40, its the 5 seconds that can make the difference. And what would you choose, 5 extra minerals or stalker that comes out 5 seconds quicker?
In the DT defense replay, you didn't scout anything else than 3 stalkers before you put down your robo, it seemed like you knew before that he was going dts. According to chat it was probably because he told you he is going dt chargelot and you should have tried to defend it with a 2 robo build. If not what gave you the information to build a robo thinking he is going dts?
On May 25 2012 18:42 Bakkendepao wrote:If you really care that much about your core, why would you go for a 13 gate? I can get my gate up at 1:33 with 12 supply and with 13 probes 1:38-1:40, its the 5 seconds that can make the difference. And what would you choose, 5 extra minerals or stalker that comes out 5 seconds quicker? 
Because with a 12 gate your gateway will be idle for about 10 seconds before you can start the first zealot, and with a 13 gate you don't have any delay. Besides that you cannot chrono twice in a row right after eachother when you get a 12 gateway, you will waste half a chrono when you do that.
Try out the build in a BO tester, and then compare it to yours and post the results, if you can get a smooth no bump build with the same amount of units at the same time or faster i'll be glad to hear it, but there is a reason why Sase does a 13 gate instead of a 12 one, it just fits better without cutting into probes, or having your gateways idle at any given point in time.
On May 25 2012 19:24 fanvadmeck wrote: In the DT defense replay, you didn't scout anything else than 3 stalkers before you put down your robo, it seemed like you knew before that he was going dts. According to chat it was probably because he told you he is going dt chargelot and you should have tried to defend it with a 2 robo build. If not what gave you the information to build a robo thinking he is going dts?
We discussed a double robo follow up as a midgame strategy, so that you can start your double robo way before your opponent. Also he wanted to know the utmost safest follow up after i got my nexus up. besides that, entombed valley is a no go with blink, so most reasonable follow up would be a ultra fast colossus with an even faster double robo colossus if he expo's We didn't discuss the DT rush untill he actually did it.
a double robo follow up is only possible once you confirmed he is expoing as well. With my obs i saw no expo, thus i could only conclude a chargelot archon bust off 1 base
I have been watching sase's stream recently. and a lot of his PvPs, and i was gonna steal this build myself and write the guide, so thank you for saving me the effort! 
What do you do if someone moves out with 3 gate army +2 immortals right as your expansion finishes? Do you have enaugh forcefields to delay long enaugh untill you have better production?
Really? You took THAT replay? I stand by what i said about 1 Base 1 colo all-in. It'll hit right as whatever tech you chose finishes up and you can't win a baserace with the few Stalkers you have unless your opponent is completely retarded (like me in that replay). I think what you have to do is snipe the colossus, sac your nexus at the natural and FF your main ramp while harassing your way ahead with blink or a warpprism (depending on what tech you chose). We should test that later today.
On May 25 2012 20:03 Illias wrote: Really? You took THAT replay? I stand by what i said about 1 Base 1 colo all-in. It'll hit right as whatever tech you chose finishes up and you can't win a baserace with the few Stalkers you have unless your opponent is completely retarded (like me in that replay). I think what you have to do is snipe the colossus, sac your nexus at the natural and FF your main ramp while harassing your way ahead with blink or a warpprism (depending on what tech you chose). We should test that later today.
Just go baserace, and while he kills your natural your blink will finish, and should be ez win if you baserace.
On May 25 2012 19:37 -Kira wrote: What do you do if someone moves out with 3 gate army +2 immortals right as your expansion finishes? Do you have enaugh forcefields to delay long enaugh untill you have better production?
Good point, i will add that to the OP right now.
You warp in two sentries at his ramp if you cannot break him, and delay his push till you have your production up. If you delay his push by 30 seconds you will have a full warp in round off 5 gateways, if you warp in two more sentries you can delay even more and get another warp in round.
As soon as i come across this in a replay i will post the replay as well 
yes i took that replay because for the time being it's the best 1 base colossus build i've seen. We agreed that it's not THE best representation of the build but untill i have even better ones this will do 
one of the replay shows a semi all-in baserace situation, where my build is tighter and i snipe his two colossis before he even gets to my ramp, check out the shakura's one.
Many thanks for posting this strategy, I was wondering what the exact build was. Will watch the replays now.
Watched the replays, and although I kind of like the opening ( til ~5'30 ) I'm less than convinced about that early expo.
First of all, I think it's a BO loss against stuff such as 4-gate warp prism. You're only on 2 gates at that time. It's not that likely to happen in ladder, especially since you're pressuring, which forces your opponent on the defensive. But against somebody who scouts and recognizes that build ( the 2 zealots and delayed core sell it ), I think the best you could do is attempt a base trade, and even that I don't think you'd win.
I'm also sceptikal about the early blink timings ( the greedy one, 1 gate blink that hits before 8' ). Do you have replays versus that ?
On May 26 2012 06:11 Nyast wrote: Watched the replays, and although I kind of like the opening ( til ~5'30 ) I'm less than convinced about that early expo.
First of all, I think it's a BO loss against stuff such as 4-gate warp prism. You're only on 2 gates at that time. It's not that likely to happen in ladder, especially since you're pressuring, which forces your opponent on the defensive. But against somebody who scouts and recognizes that build ( the 2 zealots and delayed core sell it ), I think the best you could do is attempt a base trade, and even that I don't think you'd win.
I'm also sceptikal about the early blink timings ( the greedy one, 1 gate blink that hits before 8' ). Do you have replays versus that ?
No build is full proof. Ever. If it were, everyone would use it 100% of the time. If you scout appropriately, you'll know if you're safe.
On May 26 2012 06:11 Nyast wrote: Watched the replays, and although I kind of like the opening ( til ~5'30 ) I'm less than convinced about that early expo.
First of all, I think it's a BO loss against stuff such as 4-gate warp prism. You're only on 2 gates at that time. It's not that likely to happen in ladder, especially since you're pressuring, which forces your opponent on the defensive. But against somebody who scouts and recognizes that build ( the 2 zealots and delayed core sell it ), I think the best you could do is attempt a base trade, and even that I don't think you'd win.
I'm also sceptikal about the early blink timings ( the greedy one, 1 gate blink that hits before 8' ). Do you have replays versus that ?
If opponent plays greedy he will die or at least suffer lots of eco damage. If for some reason you do no damage with your push to a 1 gate greedy tech build, you still have barely enough time to get back home and get 1 immortal out before his blink timing hits.
Warp prism 4 gate i didn't face for a long long time, so that might have some good potential so once i will face it, i will add it to the OP