It has come to my attention that I will be soon starting my Junior year at highschool montavista, To me, this will be a very difficult year indeed.
Here is my dreadful classes :D
![[image loading]](http://img390.imageshack.us/img390/8771/p10102110ob.jpg)
It is apparent what with all the APs and the upcomming SAT tests, I could not continue play broodwar, all the works would suck all the time away and if I insist on keep playing, I would fail horribly in grades and pay the consiquences.
As a result, I sealed away my broodwar CD and gave it a funny face to remind me not to touch it

![[image loading]](http://img381.imageshack.us/img381/809/p10102083qk.jpg)
And so it is the end of my broodwar career.
Well, not exactly the end, I would come back after that dreadful year, though, when I had more time free.
All the time in TL.net with you guys had been immensely fun, I laughed lots when I see all those funny comments, and it is at this very place I learned more about the game of starcraft, and how to master it. I have no hesitation in stating that bw is the best online forum that I had ever visited.
Now to the boring part, saying good bye to my friends

if you happen to want to drop some tears over my writing, play this music while you read.
Thx for the tips of PvT, your game vs camoot taught me some deep insight to the game, and you've been nice to me always, for that I thank you. Your macro is very strong :p your outcry of PvZ imba was very great whenever you see my reps where i get fucked by z.
Ye, you by far is the Z that killed me most. Yet its gaystyle zerg though :p I look forward to play you in future.
Althought AK rapes you like no others, you are a decent player nevertheless. You have talent, but you need to lay down your tempers abit, all the flaming of yours really takes away your brighter self.
Hey this is soot. Thx for making op scs possible for us, the majority of my bw improvement was made possible there, you and heaven, jace, jesse and all of op scs ppl who made it possible.
Keep playing protoss, toss is the man's race, you just need to get better at it. and stop abusing drugs.
Stop playing diablo 2, it will eat your life away. All the games with you were very entertaining, I know you are my friend deep down, even though you talk trashes in my face.
You too, stop play diablo 2. I think we got on better terms later on on b.net, your cockiness had finally wear off, and you are lesser bm. For that I am very pleased.
Nothing to say at all~ kakak~
Good zerg player you are, I had never been able to kill you, grrr!
Stuff9999/Narclopticsloth/drae/and all the PCKJ regulars:
Thx for making PCKJ a nice place to stay.
I know you dont post on TL.net, but I would like to let you know how much I enjoyed chating with you.
Play some maps other than lost temple. it isnt chess where you only have 1 battlefield.
Hey, it is nice to meet you and doing crazy shoutcasts with you. Your cheesees are gold...
Keep playing, with your passion and consistency, you will be a very good player I am certain. go Tony.
Hinglevisi(or executeyou, or hnr)insane, or jeja, or id.insane, you got too many smurfs :<):
You are the superior hingle, what can I say... getting raped by you in every possible MU showed how much is there to learn in SC seems like a good response.
In the brief meeting of us you told me it is important to pressure zerg so that they have less drones, it makes me aware of how much zerg need drones to survive and by damaging their drones you can kill him because he has no drones.
You crazy poet. keep saying love and memories whenever you are in channal :D
Don't know if you post here or not, but it is nice to see your style of playing, very unorthodox yet fun to watch. Have fun in biochem.
Meh we disgussed about why archon/zeal pwn terrans' metal, but in the end it turn out to be wrong isnt it. Still, sometimes I find it useful to get archons. Good times glow. good times.
We only played 2 games, but o man what games they were! You went MnM in my base I dt dropped in your base... :d
Hi~ We havent played much due to your intensive lagging :p
*Hey this is firiablahst* haha. Thx for explaining how bw had evolved from strat to micro to macro based games. and all the times we had in op scs was a blahst! sexy dubbs too, keep making them.
Overly rated in apm as you always have, but you are a nice T player who keep beating me and brags about it. That's all fine too. Keep it up. and dont hate Decaf plz.

Hi cob, you should get back from your lengthy retirement and start playing oncemore, your macro toss was exellent.
You are the fastest improving player by far.
If you post here, you are nice P player who need more time to build up.
The first time we played, I mass overlord dropped you and won, but the second time, you massed wraith :D
Your zvz micro map is gosu, spread it around, it's very balanced. and your style is pertty funny in general.
Nice practice partners, for that I thank you both.
You are special because you are the last one on my friend list. we only met today and sadly I have to leave. x(
Now for something more exciting... for you guys that didnt know, sorrow_eyes, learning_toss, sso)tl(earning are all my akas, and yet, they are all my smurfs. My real acct name is known by very few people, why? because I feared that some of my friends or potential friends will become less friendly and would judge me differently if they know my aka.
You see, shortly after I was gone for disney land on tl.net, I immediately created this account, and determined to make a new start. I started at PCKJ, with my very first smurf, learning_toss, and to my suprise, when I dropped my stupidity and stubburness, people will accept me more. But when I use my old account to log in on pckj, people tend to hate me to the extreme, calling me names even though I acted the same way I acted on Learning_toss, which is humble and nice. So i knew that my smurf was not to be divulged too soon, or they will hate me, for what I once was. So I was smurfing all the way for half a year, and people accepted me for what i AM, not what I was. I am very pleased of myself. I have told couple of people my aka, though, cob, tark, vector, and oj- all know it by now, and they so nicely kept it secret for me

My aka is...
*the crowd gasps*
Yeah... it's me, evan... you guys thought I was gone but I was not really gone was I. I was posting on TL.net the whole time, with sorrow_eyes as my smurf... But yes, in a way, I was gone, you see, after been banned, I realized how stupid I was to start a topic on firebat vs hydra in the first place. I was young, and foolish, I admit, and overly confident and stubburn. But like all people, I grow out of it. I am very sorry for what I have done in the past, what a stupid prat I was, and I tried my best to make up for it by using a different account.
So please.
Will you all folks forgive me for my stupidity and extend to me some friendship and love?

This is gone long enough... my hands are hurting... I would be back and playing again after my junior year, I promise. I even draw myself a count down for it

![[image loading]](http://img375.imageshack.us/img375/6631/p10102105uq.jpg)
But untill that sweet time comes, I would be working as hard as I could to achieve good grades and test scores in real life.
![[image loading]](http://img368.imageshack.us/img368/9325/p10102092xl.jpg)
T_T that's scary :<
I, evan, wish teamliquid.net forever florish under our wonderful admins(yeah even the one banned me too, i love you mani) and continue to be the best online starcraft community outside korea.
Bye all~

Sorrow_eyes (aka evanthebouncy) signs out.

it would be helpful if admin could unban my evanthebouncy account too.
to lemmebewithyou: Hi! i am with you too mate <3
edit2: haha imageshack broken, woot!
edit3: By the way, the reason I didn't mention I knew who you were is because I didn't want to get the person who revealed it to me in trouble -HnR)insane
O god who is it? haha... I knew someone wont keep silent!
To ~opZ~: yeah I want 1000th post comeback, that'll be exellent.
edit4: No i dont really think all the admins still hate me and ban no... I dont think they will

edit5: for all those who are interested... http://evanthebouncy.tripod.com go check it out. evanthebouncy@gmail.com is my gaming mail address, if you want contact...
plus he was banned, so his posts were obviously not worth reading anyways. - Puertorican
No I think it is too much of a general statement. HovZ was banned, stimey was banned, and I am certain the majority of teamliquid would like to read their posts.

To intothewow: thx for supporting evan before he was banned (holy crap im talking in 3rd person O_O) and those threads you found about me are the exampliary glory of evanthebouncy :p
MC, you called me a noob, a niggar, and dumb ass... if that's not bm by your definition, you've got some serious misconceptions...
Mrmin, Yes, the very same monta vista at cupertino. yes. we just made a new libarary.
I do still visit TL.net but just lot less frequently, and due to the fact I dont make posts, it tend to take far less time.