So...... Lets just get straight to the point. I am kinda new here and am looking towards improving my skills. My current mouse is horrible for my hand and thats where I feel I should start at. I have seen most of the threads reagarding which mouse are the best for SC2 and stuff like that but most of them do not suit my hand cause it is huge. Like huge.
That being said, I hoped to get some decent or great opinion from the almighty people lurking in the forums daily for things to post.
I hear tons of comments about mice. How some small mice supposedly help to micro easier and stuff like that. To huge mice like the G500 which is a perfect fit for huge hands.
My price range is like less than 80 bucks? And, second hand mice do not matter to me. So my range is pretty wide.
Options - Logitech G500 - Logitech G9 - Razer DeathAdder
Suggest a few. I am pretty new to this stuff and undecided. Would be great if you guys show your epic professionalism and do not, troll this tread and bring it out of the topic.
Thanks in advance. =D
Razer DeathAdder's are nice for only $45. Works well for basically any type of gaming. RTS, FPS, all that, and isn't too small and annoying for normal use either.
heres a small "review" i did a couple of weeks ago in TL
Steelseries Ikari, Excellent mouse I have the laser version but I think the optical is pretty okay too (poor drivers tho) Really comfortable fits like a glove. Had 2 or 3 of these always the scroll broke
Zowie EC2 really sick mouse I've only had it for a bit and really digging it but I think mine has a faulty sensor so it jitters with 1000 and 2000 DPI Doesn't work at all without some mouse pads e.g goliathus control
MX518, Good solid mouse only con is that it has 125hz default polling rate which after 500 or 1000hz feels horrible. Built like a tank, they last for ever man :D
Kinzu, Quite possibly my favorite mouse but the lack of side buttons and it's really tiny scroll forced me to sell it. Some say it has prediction, could be true but I didn't mind it
Deathadder, I've used one for a while didn't like it at all. Mostly because the size of that thing was huuuuge otherwise really great mouse (It's durability is arguable)
Zowie EC1 is pretty much like deathadder but for 30$ less
I like big mice. And I love my Deathadder, cannot recommend it enough. Though the mx518 is a fine mouse as well.
If you can (im not sure how available/ expensive they are) get the black edition of the Deathadder as it removes the glossy plastic on the sides, which is the worst part of the Deathadder.
get an optical one. deathadder is great. zowie mice are awesome as well. my advice: go to your local BIG hardware shop and check the mices out there. just to try them. make sure it fits your hand. than go online and buy the one that fits your hand
On October 06 2011 23:08 Prey Monkie wrote: get an optical one. deathadder is great. zowie mice are awesome as well. my advice: go to your local BIG hardware shop and check the mices out there. just to try them. make sure it fits your hand. than go online and buy the one that fits your hand
Definitely good advice. Among the reliable and well made mice it basically comes down to personal preference.
Interesting advice....... But in my country, I do not have a Great Hardware store. =\.
That said, Why do people recommend the Death Adder that much? Is it really that good?
Well, I recently got the Abyssus because of how I grip mice and it certainly feels awesome and the DPI is just right(although my scrolling seems to have problems with drivers?) either way it depends on your grip as this isn't a palm mouse and I know nothing of palm mice in general.
Btw my hand's large as well but I only hold the mouse with 3 fingers like 5cm in front of my palm so.
i recommend logitech g400 or g700. im using the g400 its shape is the same as mx518 but the build is much nicer and with higher dpi
On October 06 2011 23:13 Laxer wrote: Interesting advice....... But in my country, I do not have a Great Hardware store. =\.
That said, Why do people recommend the Death Adder that much? Is it really that good?
Apart from the bright, bright lights (which you can turn off) its really simple and a nice shape. Theres nothing wrong with it (except stupid glossy plastic), though there are some question marks over Razer quality control. That said my Deathadder is fine, I think you can trust Razer on mice+mice pads. Other things however...
Fingertip: ZOWIE MiCO Razer Abyssus Razer Salmosa Asian Edition
Palm: Razer Deathadder Black Edition Logitech G100 Steelseries Xai
Claw: Logitech G1/MX300 Microsoft IMO1.1A
After looking at the suggestions in this thread - they are all pretty bad (or bad for the money)
Does that mean that a 1/3rd of your own suggestions are also bad since they have already been mentioned? ...
I seem to be getting even more different mouse choices that I really expected.
What I ment on putting this thread up and actually talking about it, was to find a good, mid to high end mouse that will last me a long time for gaming, Like Starcraft 2. I know low end mice will also do the trick but I wanna get something of substance and quality.
That being said, Keep the suggestions coming.
ryan summed it up. First you want to know if your mouse "technique" is fingertip, palm or claw.
I'm a palm-tech guy, and I can recommend you two mice: Microsoft's Sidewinder (I have one since 2007 and it works like a charm. Adjustable DPI up to 2000, very reliable and durable). I also just bought a Razer DeathAdder to see what's it all about and it's great. Never held such a confortable mice in my hands before (and the Sidewinder is REALLY confortable). You can't go wrong with the Deathadder if you use the palm technique. Not only it is confortable, it's tracking is one of the best in the market. I can't attest for the others, though.
Yeah, Deathadder should be a good, relatively cheap mouse that's of good quality if you use palm grip. I've used both Salmosa and Abyssus and I think they're really good for fingergrip, my friend uses Abyssus as well. For claw I have no idea as I don't really know anyone who uses that. In either case Razer seems to have the best price-performance from what I've seen, although I've heard good things of Xai as well and it's pretty cheap. The sensors seem to not be as good, though.
I personally wouldn't buy logitech mice since the quality-price ratio seems off but I might just be biased.
I have a laptop and I use a Razer Orochi man and I have no complaints. It's a wonderful mouse, it's relatively small though. It has 4000 dpi max wired, and 2000 dpi wireless, and I haven't had any troubles with it. It is certainly within your $80 range also.
As people have said earlier, your type of grip matters a lot when choosing a mouse, I used a death adder before, but it is just way too heavy to use with a fingertip grip so I switched to a razer abyssus instead, works much better because of the shape and weight.
When checking what type of grip you use, just putting your hand on the mouse isn't enough, make sure you move it around like if you were playing a game. I thought I used a palm grip for a long time before i realized I only hold the mouse like that when I'm not doing anything.
Deathadder is great for big hands.... just clean it a lot it gets dirty (and razer is absolutely NOT known for durability) But its a good mouse, my big guitar player hands are right at home on it.
I also have somewhat big hands and being a Palm technique user, I love my DeathAdder. The buttons have the exact location and size to play SC2 seamlessly and the macros and other features are a nice add. What really helped me to improve (or, I should say, to remove obstacles from my gameplay, cuz improvement only comes from practice) is the 16-bit wide data pad. My previous mouse had issues registering double clicks or right clicks when on the heat of high APM battles. Only thing i would like is to had bought the black edition, but hey! it was on sale for $35 so it was a no-brainer.