Hi everyone. This is an introduction to a new web-based build order planner I've been working on. I'm new to this forum and while this could be considered shameless self-promotion I hope the utility and relevance of this tool to this community will merit an exception.
The purpose of this tool is to examine, optimize and share builds and to fiddle around with ideas before trying them out in game. The simulation can handle most things like energy, larva count, mineral/gas patch saturation, expansions, chronoboosting, mules, upgrades, larvaspawning from queens, scouting, extractor trick etc. It does not take travel distances into account however, so it usually represents the best case scenario.
How it works in a nutshell - Actions such as building a probe, start mining gas or sending out a scout are added to a list. This is your build order. - Simulator traverse the list in order, always executing next item in list as soon as possible. - Build timings are visualized in a timeline categorized by type (workers, buildings, units etc). - Set time to any point and you can see current resources and available actions. - Drag and drop orders in list to find out optimal timings. (Drag and drop may not yet work in all browsers.) - Click items to remove them. Hover over them to see more information. - Save and share builds by copying the URL.
Some actions may need a bit more explanation - To chronoboost, place one or several chronoboost BEFORE the unit/upgrade you want chronoboosted. - Use the pause action to delay the next action from the point it otherwise would have started. - Use Go out with workers to simulate scouting or worker transfer - Use Hatchery in Base if you want another Hatchery without making another set of mineral and gas patches available. - Extractor trick will build an extractor and then cancel it three seconds later. Use pause to time it correctly. - Addon switching is handled automatically. For example if you build a banshee and you have a tech lab it assumes you have switched them even if you built the techlab on your barracks. If you want to simulate hovering around with buildings, use pause.
Thankful for any feedback, bug reports or ideas how to improve this tool. One idea is to make it export to Yabot, but I'm not familiar with its format or if people still use it. If there are interest I will definitely try implement such requests.
You can find the build planner here www.sc2planner.com
Some example builds (originally grabbed from liquipedia) 1 Rax Fast expand 4 Warpgate Push 14 Pool, 15 Hatchery
Can I just say, this is AWESOME.
Just having a play aorund with it now.
I don't always comment on Teamliquid. But when I do it's to say how amazing a tool is. <3
Edit: I found a small bug that won't let me make a siege tank and research siege tech at the same time because they both use the tech lab.
This is pretty cool man, well done!
EDIT: Maybe I'm just a tool but there's nothing limiting Adrenal Glands to only Hive tech. I just researched it at 3:39.
Of course experienced players know this isn't possible, but a newbie messing around with it might get confused.
Just an FYI if you're looking for tweaks.
this is so much fun to use, seriously, thank you
Yes, yes, a thousand times YES! I've been dreaming of something like this for months, and I'm so glad someone found the time to actually develop it!
I can't seem to find it at the moment, but I recall that there was a pretty good guide to the format used by YABOT at http://www.sc2builds.com
Feedback: It would be nice if the number of pauses were shown on the pause icon. Also, after a bit of experimentation, I still can't figure out how to get it to delay my first chrono boost until my pylon has completed.
Oh my god, I feel like you hacked my brain. I was working on a planner EXACTLY like this one. Up to the smallest details as far as I can see. The only difference is that mine wasn't gonna be web-based.
Well, gg, I guess I don't need to complete mine anymore :D
anyway to enlarge the main window? I have to scroll down for zerg buildings.
This is really well done. Good job!
This tool is absolutely amazing as far as I can tell!!! Thank you very much!
HOLY SHIT this is stupidly easy to use, very awesome visually, and omg epic! :D THANK YOU!
On September 01 2011 00:04 Garnet wrote: anyway to enlarge the main window? I have to scroll down for zerg buildings. Are you talking about having more than like 20 tracks? I didn't think this would be very common. Can you give an example?
Wow man... I can see this becoming very, very powerful in the future. This is quite amazing. I haven't played with it too much (because I'm not that hardcore about my build orders) but this tool you've created seems absolutely incredible! GREAT work!
I'll post here if I do happen to find any bugs!
Wow this is amazing!...It really helps to visualize why you want to build things in what order. I mean with a 15 Hatch 15 Gas 15 Pool, if done perfect shows that hatch and pool finish at the exact same time. It also lets me look to make sure that overlords finish with larva injects.
An idea for a future feature: Allow to compare builds, maybe allow for a zoom in/out function so you can see more of the build at once. This could let you put in an FFE build for Protoss and see where the weak points are and then create a snipe build with Zerg, or something like that anyways.
Its awesome though, so awesome.
I think I found a bug, since I can't morph HTs into Archons: only the DT+DT combination works.
It also would be nice to have a feature to "kill" units: when I thinking about my planner I had the idea that it would be useful to simulate events like "what if I try to push and everything gets killed, can I safely transition into something else", or "what if I get harassed and lose a lot of workers".
Regardless, it's really a brilliant tool.
Thanks for the bug report and feedback. I also noticed some zerg upgrades lack the hive and lair requirements. It will be fixed shortly. Killing of units and workers is something under consideration.
Comparing builds, nice graphs and various output formats is definitely something I will be working on in the future.
Wow, just wow. Keep it up pretty darn helpful.
Very amazing and nifty tool. Just tinkered around with it a bit and if it gets polished a bit more (if we find all the bugs and report back to you), I can see myself and other players having some great use out of it. Makes figuring out builds a lot easier via an oversight.
So, wait... how exactly do you get the extractor trick to work correctly?
If extractor trick doesn't work it means you don't have larva/minerals to build another drone during the three seconds. You then need to delay the extractor trick (by inserting pause before) until it does work.