This is just a simple guide outlining which runes are worth buying in the current patch and some explanation as to how they are typically used. I know many of you will not need this guide but I figured this would be nice for any new LoL'ers coming by our subforum.
Tiers of Runes -In short, buy tier 1 if you want to play AD carries or jungles. Runes by far have the largest affect on this role and after playing on smurfs felt absolutely gimped without my flat AD, flat armor penetration, or attack speed on junglers. They give 75% effectiveness for a very reasonable cost. I feel casters play about the same but if you want the tier 1 it's never a bad decision. -Don't buy tier 2
Marks/Reds Greater Mark of Alacrity: 1.7% Attack Speed - If you have an interest in jungling you will want this set of runes. I've seen many different rune pages but it seems people have agreed on having a mixture of attackspeed and armorpen runes to do the most dps to neutrals. - Also useful on more niche heroes such as Teemo and Kog'maw in some cases.
Greater Mark of Desolation: 1.7 Armor Pen. - Used to be a staple on ranged carries but with the changes in how penetration works and how people lane standard ranged carries they lost a bit of their popularity. They are still a must-buy since they work on various junglers, still effective on ranged carries, and anything that uses AD essentially. Either Armor Pen or Magic Pen should be your first purchase when looking for a set of Marks.
Greater Mark of Insight: .95 Magic Pen - Due to lack of other options, all casters and many other heroes have to use these runes.
Greater Mark of Strength: .95 Physical Dmg - I absolutely love running these on ranged carries now. You will always receive the full benefit from them when attacking targets and have some more minor benefits such as easier last hitting and getting full gold efficiency out of Last Whisper. Armor Pen and Flat Dmg give about the same benefit in DPS when both are fully utilized but sometimes bot lane has <25 armor and your armor pen is being wasted. Really either work I just love having the 78 AD at lvl 1 with Doran's blade on Trist. I don't think these runes are an absolute must have but I find their benefit to be worthy of a purchase.
Useful but not necessary: AD/lvl (Very situational and payoff over flat AD runes if you are in a super passive bot lane as a ranged carry)
Didn't make the cut but are fun to troll with: Crit Chance Runes =)
Seals/Yellows Greater Seal of Vitality: 19.44 HP at lvl 18 -My most used set of runes from seals by far and are useful in a lot of different rune setups on carries and casters alike. Not much to say about them other than HP is good and versatile. Highly recommend as a first purchase since they are never bad to run on any hero.
Greater Seal of Clarity: 1.2 Mana Regen at lvl 18 -Still a very useful set of runes but I favor HP/lvl over Manaregen/lvl ever since they nerfed them down a bit. If a champion needs mana that badly there is always blue buff and very strong mana items that make up for it IMO. If you feel like in a lane phase you’ll be in a situation where you are trying to force someone out of lane and not expecting any harass back (some Caster v Melee matchups) then I tend to use this to keep my harass going but if my plan is just to passively lane I never use these.
Greater Seal of Resilience: 1.4 Armor -Little more of a niche set of runes but nonetheless useful in lanes where you are expecting to take a great deal of physical harass in the early levels through aggressive play or a poor lane matchup and they are useful on a wide variety of junglers.
Other useful sets but not necessary: Flat AP/Lvl (Good on casters who don’t really play lanes aggressively like Karthus and just want as much AP as possible), Flat Mana Regen (Nice for aggressive levels 1-5 as a caster since mana regen starts to lose usefulness after catalyst/philo etc. come into play), Attack Speed (has its uses for a passive jungler like Yi who just wants to kill creeps as fast as he can but by no means necessary).
Glyphs/Blues Greater Glyph of Shielding: 2.7 Magic Resist at lvl 18 -Best first purchase for glyphs, period. It’s never a bad thing to have magic resist since nearly every champion in the game deals some form of magic damage. Having 54 MR instead of 30 MR makes a huge difference versus the standard 29.5 pen you will see on a typical caster build.
Greater Glyph of Force: 3.06 Ability Power at lvl 18 -For those caster players out there this is a great set of runes. Boasting 28 ability power added at level 18 from a full set you will see a difference in your end game AP along with the deathcap passive.
Greater Glyph of Focus: -.65% Cooldowns -Never bothered to buy them since they are 820 a piece but will one day suck it up and save up for them. Makes a difference on heroes who are constantly spamming a spell and reliant on having it’s CD up. I’ve seen numerous high elo Vladimir, Soraka, and Nidalee players run them. I’m sure there is more heroes but as I stated before I haven’t used them.
Other useful sets but not necessary: Flat Magic Resist (When you are playing a champion super aggressively in lane and plan on trading hits in lane these are useful, but if you play passive and fine with happyfarmtime LoL then stay away from them), Flat AP (I’ve seen akali pages with these and some Fiddle junglers like them but I think they are far too niche to be worth purchasing).
Quintessences (Many useful quints just a few basic ones)
Flat Attack Speed: Junglers love these
Flat Armor Pen: Good on some jungle rune pages, useful on ranged carries/melee. Definitely should be one of your first quint purchases.
Flat Health: After nerf I haven’t been using these as heavily but still give you a great lane advantage when playing aggressive and trying to 1v1 in a full hp v full hp situation.
Flat Health Regen: Started to use these heavily on my solo casters to open doran’s ring safely. Net me quite a bit of HP in lane phase when trading hits with opponent. I just feel the net benefit of having flat regen tends to outshine flat HP in a common lane phase with solos trading hits.
Flat Ability Power: Widely useful not a must buy right away but should be a high priority once arpen, health quints are bought.
Flat and per level Physical Damage: Strong on ranged carries, gives a similar (basically even) benefit as flat armor pen for ranged carries, and per level physical damage has its uses for lanes where you will just be farming and not really worried about trading hits which is typical of some bot lane matchups.
Movespeed: I use this on swain, anivia, and karthus. I just love movespeed quints for heroes who have spells reliant on being in a position to cast a spell well in chasing situations like anivia wall. And being fast is FUN.
Looking back how I'd buy runes If I was using a new account these would be my highest priority to buy for each category before buying more niche runes. Reds: Flat Magic Pen, Flat Armorpen Yellows: HP/lvl Blues: Magic Resist/lvl AbilityPower/lvl Quints: Flat Armorpen, Flat AP, Flat HP Regen
***I haven't written many guides before, feedback is welcome!
United States37500 Posts
Nice guide Spud. I like the emphasis on what runes you'd buy if you were starting again.
Might want to have a section dedicated to niche runes depending on champion. Not situations where it's up to personal preference (e.g. Armor Pen Quints vs Flat AD Quints for DPS Carries) but runes like Crit Chance for Trynd, AD Reds for jungle Tigerdyr, AD Reds, Flat AP Blues for Akali, etc.
In the end, it's based on how often you play a champion. The more you play that champion, the more worthwhile it is to build a specialized rune page.
On a side note, the only set that you've listed and that I don't have is HP Regen, haha.
I considered adding niche rune explanations but honestly, Tryndamere gets on just fine without Crit Chance runes and benefits greatly from flat Armor Penetration. I'd just feel dumb explaining niche runes where the benefit isn't all that great when the cookie cutter runes work just fine. I'll leave that to the champion guide writers to give that depth of explanation on niche pages.
HP Regen is a recent love of mine clearly biased =)
A guide that I really needed! Good guide :3
great guide spud do you mind adding in standard jungling pages? like for magic junglers (rammus amumu etc) and for dps junglers (xin trundle etc)? i think that would be a nice addition
I'm currently running flat armor and mana regen/lv yellows for my account. I'm highly interested in getting dodge yellows because I play Singed very often. However, they are so ridiculously expensive. What do TLers suggest? Are dodge yellows worth purchasing given their price?
On July 19 2011 13:11 broz0rs wrote: I'm currently running flat armor and mana regen/lv yellows for my account. I'm highly interested in getting dodge yellows because I play Singed very often. However, they are so ridiculously expensive. What do TLers suggest? Are dodge yellows worth purchasing given their price? Dodge isn't useless but I just like consistency. Id rather mitigate damage every time a physical attack hits me with flat armor, plus dodge doesn't negative all the physical damage nukes that are now in the game. I'd say flat armor and HP/lvl would be the most useful. Dodge runes also too spendy for how niche they are (as well as having alternatives that work just as well).
@Guitar: I'll leave that to the single champion guides =)
armor yellows really really good on junglers
On July 19 2011 13:19 mrgerry wrote:Show nested quote +On July 19 2011 13:11 broz0rs wrote: I'm currently running flat armor and mana regen/lv yellows for my account. I'm highly interested in getting dodge yellows because I play Singed very often. However, they are so ridiculously expensive. What do TLers suggest? Are dodge yellows worth purchasing given their price? Dodge isn't useless but I just like consistency. Id rather mitigate damage every time a physical attack hits me with flat armor, plus dodge doesn't negative all the physical damage nukes that are now in the game. I'd say flat armor and HP/lvl would be the most useful. Dodge runes also too spendy for how niche they are (as well as having alternatives that work just as well).
On that note, how do you feel about armor and especially MR runes in red? For champions which don't greatly benefit from Armor / Magic penetration, I've found them to be a nice option that allows for additional tankiness.
On July 19 2011 13:28 Niton wrote: On that note, how do you feel about armor and especially MR runes in red? For champions which don't greatly benefit from Armor / Magic penetration, I've found them to be a nice option that allows for additional tankiness. I own flat magic resist reds and used them on Singed on a troll page of all magic resist runes just cause i like to hit 300 MR. They are effective but it comes down to is it worth spending more IP on runes that I don't really need when magic penetration still benefits you for pushing lanes and damaging squishies (Pretty sure every hero does worthwhile damage except a few supports). In the end they are both very marginal benefits and if it makes you feel better having a little extra magic resist then go for it.
Heh, great timing on this guide. All things going well I should hit 20 tonight.
Thanks heaps, this is amazingly helpful
http://runeterra.com/forums/index.php?topic=1137 there is a rune analysis that p much hits it on the spot
also, if youre not lvl 20+ yet, get tier 1s only, save up until you hit 20 and then get tier 3s, as tier 2s would just be a waste
generally, Red: armor pen / magic pen / attack speed Yellow: dodge / flat armor / mp5/lvl / AP Blue: usually situational. ive been running flat CD / MR/lvl Quints: whatever you need to complete your kit. there flat health / flat AP / magic pen / movespeed
if you only have two rune pages, i recommend something like this
page for AP red magic pen yellow mana regen per 5/lvl blue flat CD or AP/lvl quint: magic pen or health or flat AP
page for AD red armor pen yellow dodge or flat armor blue MR/lvl quints: attack speed or health
You should put a general page guide in there for each champ type spud, just to give people a guide on what typical high level players run, minus the slight variations.
For example, Id add oddone's standard jungle page, which will work with every jungle in the game- 8aspeed, 1armpen red, armor yellows, mr/lvl blues, armpen quints.
Why are HP/lvl seals higher priority than flat armor for you?
On July 19 2011 16:10 Two_DoWn wrote: You should put a general page guide in there for each champ type spud, just to give people a guide on what typical high level players run, minus the slight variations.
For example, Id add oddone's standard jungle page, which will work with every jungle in the game- 8aspeed, 1armpen red, armor yellows, mr/lvl blues, armpen quints.
ehh.. fiddle, nunu, amumu are just few among many that wouldn't like this page very much
but this could count as one of generic jungle pages, true
Dodge seals scale really well into late game, and are essentially with certain champions. If you know you are going to be getting armour, ie you plan Randuins or Atmas, dodge will be better than flat armour.
If your playing Jax/Udyr, dodge is better.
TBH i think dodge needs a mention on your seals.
For marks, yeah. Flat armour/flat mag res is nice for champs like Taric/Shen, as a last resort when you don't need anything else....
For glyphs.. You, and many other people, missed off Mana regen per/level. 18 mana regen/level runes on champions like kayle/anivia shits on cd/ap. Also, on some situations where you need to be taking armour/dodge seals over mana regen, you can still get your 9 regen blues.
On July 19 2011 16:10 Two_DoWn wrote: You should put a general page guide in there for each champ type spud, just to give people a guide on what typical high level players run, minus the slight variations.
For example, Id add oddone's standard jungle page, which will work with every jungle in the game- 8aspeed, 1armpen red, armor yellows, mr/lvl blues, armpen quints.
How strange that's the same as my generic runepage. Partly because, it can work on anyone from amumu/rammus to xin/nocturne, but also because, 3 pen quint = 10armpen, 1 arm pen red = 12 arm pen, 2 armpen red = 13 arm pen...
The system rounds up armour pen, but doesnt round attackspeed...
On July 19 2011 17:43 DrKlingmann wrote:Show nested quote +On July 19 2011 16:10 Two_DoWn wrote: You should put a general page guide in there for each champ type spud, just to give people a guide on what typical high level players run, minus the slight variations.
For example, Id add oddone's standard jungle page, which will work with every jungle in the game- 8aspeed, 1armpen red, armor yellows, mr/lvl blues, armpen quints. ehh.. fiddle, nunu, amumu are just few among many that wouldn't like this page very much but this could count as one of generic jungle pages, true This is the jungle page that oddone runs on Nunu in his guide. So I have no idea what you are talking about there. Amumu can jungle with naught but armor runes. Fidds is an exception perhaps, but I have no doubt that a clear would be possible with this set as well.
Is it optimal for every jungle? No. Will it get the job done? Yes.
Thank you very much for this guide, I'm gonna soon be able to buy good runes, and I'd better not blindly buy them.
United States37500 Posts
On July 19 2011 17:12 spinesheath wrote: Why are HP/lvl seals higher priority than flat armor for you?
Flat Armor if you jungle or melee in lane. HP/Level if you're ranged.
On July 20 2011 00:38 arthur wrote: The system rounds up armour pen, but doesnt round attackspeed... oh man, thats good to know. i gotta check my rune pages when i get home then, i got my jungler and carry pages specced with some speed