Massive units are not affected by concussive shells. If you think they are, you are wrong. It's SPORE crawlers that are being changed, not SPINE. Please read carefully. |
Updated 05/03, 6:00 PM PDT
General The default hotkey to toggle in-game music on/off has been reverted to its hotkey prior to Patch 1.3.0. The hotkey to display APM in the observer stat panel has been changed as a result.
Archon Now a Massive unit. Range increased from 2 to 3.
Cybernetics Core Research Warp Gate time increased from 140 to 180. *This change was revoked.
Research Warp Gate time increased from 140 to 160.
Gateway Stalker train time decreased from 42 to 37. Zealot train time decreased from 38 to 33. *These changes were revoked.
Sentry train time decreased from 42 to 37. Warp Gate unit train times remain unchanged. Pylon power radius has been decreased from 7.5 to 6.5.
Bunker Salvage resource return reduced from 100% to 75%.
Ghost Cost changed from 150/150 to 200/100.
Thor Thor now has 200 max energy, and starts with 50 energy. 250mm Strike Cannons now cost 150 energy to use (cooldown removed).
Infestor Speed decreased from 2.5 to 2.25.
Spore Crawler Root time decreased from 12 to 6.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where Ghosts could not quickly EMP the same location.
Fixed an issue that allowed players to stack air units when issuing a queued stop command before the units reached the end of their patrol point.
Fixed an issue where unplugging your USB headset while another player was talking to you could cause a crash.
Fixed an issue where the APM statistic could be artificially increased.
Fixed an issue where 3D unit portraits were not animating smoothly at slow game speeds.
Fixed an issue where, when viewing a replay, no text message was displayed when a player left a game.
The Taiwanese hotkey to display/hide the game UI while in Observer mode now works correctly.
Here are the previous PTR 1.3.3 changes, which have now been fully replaced with the changes above: + Show Spoiler +Balance
PROTOSS Archons are now a massive unit. Pylon power radius has been decreased from 7.5 to 6.5. Cybernetics Core Research Warp Gate time increased from 140 to 180. Gateway Sentry train time decreased from 42 to 37. Stalker train time decreased from 42 to 37. Zealot train time decreased from 38 to 33. Warp Gate unit train times remain unchanged. TERRAN Ghost Cost changed from 150/150 to 200/100. Salvage resource return reduced from 100% to 75%. ZERG Spore Crawler Root time decreased from 12 to 6.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug where Ghosts could not quickly EMP the same location. Fixed a bug where players were still able to stack flying units on top of each other.
IMO Ghost cost change is a little buff. Infestor nerf at last, not a big one though.
Green reflects changes from the previous PTR.
Spore Crawler change: Holy shit, I love this! Such a brilliant change.
Pylon power radius seems pretty random though.
More bunker changes! Though I admit that I actually like this one.
I have a feeling that 2 gate early game will actually be used now.
Yes, I get it, pylon power radius is for 4 gate.
On April 26 2011 11:20 Blizzard wrote: Fixed a bug where players were still able to stack flying units on top of each other.
Many Brood War tears were just shed. 
edit: Bunkers no longer free! I can only say "lol."
Eh...not a fan of the pylon distance change, nor the ghost cost change Ghosts should be gas intensive, not mineral intensive :/
Edit: i wonder how much the anti-stacking will affect mutas....
yes! salvage should be 75%! finally!
and archon being massive is gonna be great. high temps will be more useful again.
are the gateway times gonna be faster than warpgate times for the same units?
salvage change plus spore crawler is huge....... actually everything is lol
I actually like all of these changes. :D
Patch 16: Zealot build time increased from 33 to 38.
Patch 17: Zealot build time decreased from 38 to 33.
Patch 1.1.0: Zealot build time increased from 33 to 38.
Patch 1.3.3: Zealot train time decreased from 38 to 33.
Really seems like Blizzard's been paying attention to player suggestions. I've seen a ton of people asking for the Archon to be massive. Glad to see that they're testing our suggestions :D
Pylon distance change seems like a very active step to make 4 warp gate less viable in PvP, excited to test how it plays out
spore crawlers....really......cause i build those.
On April 26 2011 11:20 Jimbo77 wrote:Balance PROTOSS Archons are now a massive unit. Has been asked for for a long time. It makes sense  Pylon power radius has been decreased from 7.5 to 6.5. Another way to slow down warpgate rushes, and four gatesCybernetics Core Research Warp Gate time increased from 140 to 180. Meh, we'll see. Now there will probably be even more "pre warpgate" timings for toss and terran, although the decreased times will try and compensate. i'm not sure how effective it will be: PTR should determine that though.Gateway Sentry train time decreased from 42 to 37. Stalker train time decreased from 42 to 37. Zealot train time decreased from 38 to 33. Warp Gate unit train times remain unchanged. TERRAN Ghost Cost changed from 150/150 to 200/100. Probably to try and balance late game TvP, although this lets you get really fast ghosts on one base. Probably will open up a new build. Nice for late game but now where do you put your gas as terran?  Salvage resource return reduced from 100% to 75%. No free bunker rushes ;(ZERG Spore Crawler Root time decreased from 12 to 6. Try to help against voids and banshees?Bug Fixes Fixed a bug where Ghosts could not quickly EMP the same location. Fixed a bug where players were still able to stack flying units on top of each other. Let us do it http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/forum/topic/1213111662
Looks like they're seriously trying to change how PvP works. I like it- however, I don't see war of the worlds as a huge improvement (we'll see whether archons become viable.)
On April 26 2011 11:23 29 fps wrote:
are the gateway times gonna be faster than warpgate times for the same units?
warp gates are still faster
Can't wait until they talk about these balance changes on State of the Game tomorrow.
On April 26 2011 11:21 neobowman wrote: Spore Crawler change: Holy shit, I love this! Such a brilliant change.
Pylon power radius seems pretty random though.
More bunker changes! Though I admit that I actually like this one.
I have a feeling that 2 gate early game will actually be used now.
I'm pretty sure the pylon change is to get rid of putting pylons on the lowground and warping up on the highground. At least this way the pylon needs to be closer and is an easier sniped target.
No more 4 warp gate rushes, and no more valid QQ from zergs on 4 warp gate.
Personally, I like this because throughout my Starcraft 2 life, I have *never* learned how to 4 warp gate properly.
LOL jokes
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