Massive units are not affected by concussive shells. If you think they are, you are wrong. It's SPORE crawlers that are being changed, not SPINE. Please read carefully. |
Yeah that's what confused me - spore crawlers only get the buff. Probably to stop any quick-rooting offensive spine crawlers, but still seems a bit arbitrary to me - maybe I just haven't been in any situations where having a sporre crawler root twice as fast would have been a bonus Keep the zerg buffs coming!
Massive archons I really like, as apparently do the majority of the community who have posted so far. I like the warpgate increase, but I think the reduced building times could do with tweaking - zealots and stalkers are pretty tough early on with just a few of them bobbing about, woulda liked to seen less of a buff for them. Maybe:
Sentry train time decreased from 42 to 37. This is fine imo.
Stalker train time decreased from 42 to 37. 40, maybe?
Zealot train time decreased from 38 to 33. 36 would be fine.
Still I understand this is aimed at the WG rushes - maybe mathematically it makes more sense for those timings, I just don't want to see powerful early rushes against my poor zerglies.
They all kind of make sense as changes given what they were talking about in the PVP scene, Archon change was overdue if you asked me.
The ghost change I find...interesting. Not good, not bad, just interesting.
@windsupernova I agree. Blizzard should calm down with the damn patches
Wow, if I start seeing more 2 gate proxy rushes in pvp im ganna cry.
Why's everyone so happy about Archons being massive, does this really make a big difference? Can't think of many instances I've seen Archons being picked up by Phoenixes or washing up against FFs.
I guess it's mainly their interaction with concussive Marauders?
Spore crawler change is probably being made with ZvP in mind. If a zerg tries to relocate a spore crawler a void ray can basically kill it before it roots again.
Anyone realize that the pylon radius change will mess up Protoss wall-ins against Zerg? 7.5 was just enough to fit the Cybercore between the Gateway and Pylon, now the Pylon will be in the way due to the radius ..
next on blizzard's nerf list: proxy 2 gate
And I love the pylon area reduction, it makes warping in on the high ground a lot harder. 4 gate will be easier to stop with higher tech now
On April 26 2011 11:20 Jimbo77 wrote: Salvage resource return reduced from 100% to 75%.
i like this, always kind of thought free bunkers was kinda lame
It's good to see 4-gate come a little later. I think that will adjust Protoss in a good way. 4-gate is weakened, but all other strategies are more or less untouched.
The ghost change is kind of interesting. Terrans usually have a mineral abundance due to MULEs, so I think it will help Terran.
The bunker change seems fair to me. I won't stop building them because they're not free. The truth is that the opportunity cost involved with bunkers was always fairly high to begin with. Terran isn't like Protoss where you can just warp units in if you have the resources. And it's not like Zerg where as long as you have the army you can build a unit. 100 minerals, especially in the early game can be pretty significant even if you get it back later. Adding 25 minerals to that cost isn't so severe.
The spore crawler change makes sense. 12 seconds was way too long. If they un-burrowed and something attacked, they were useless for the entirety of the battle.
I'm ok with the new zealot build time but Blizzard remove all the close positions on ladder or i'm gonna nerd rage hard!
On April 26 2011 11:39 Kazang wrote: Massive Archons does not make them immune to concussive shell.
Needs pointing out, a lot of people seem to have the misconception that massive units cannot be slowed, that is only Ultralisks.
Note the part that says
Massive units are not affected by this ability.
On April 26 2011 11:39 `ChroMaTe_ wrote: Anyone realize that the pylon radius change will mess up Protoss wall-ins against Zerg? 7.5 was just enough to fit the Cybercore between the Gateway and Pylon, now the Pylon will be in the way due to the radius ..
do the yonghwa block in then
To produce unit via Warp Gate
zealot : 28 sec cd + 5 sec warp in time = 33 sentry 32 + 5 = 37 stalker : 32 + 5 = 37
To produce unit via Gateways patch 1.3.3
zealot : 33 sentry : 37 stalker : 37
To produce unit via Gateways pre patch
zealot : 38 sentry : 42 stalker : 42
so this means the production of protoss after warp gate is not gonna change. It's still always more beneficial to have warp gate. It it just in the early stages of the game, protoss can churn out more unit to compensate for the longer WG research. Which means that no more 5:30 4 gate rushes.
Doesn't seem like it will affect any other matchup except for early proxy gating actions.
On April 26 2011 11:39 `ChroMaTe_ wrote: Anyone realize that the pylon radius change will mess up Protoss wall-ins against Zerg? 7.5 was just enough to fit the Cybercore between the Gateway and Pylon, now the Pylon will be in the way due to the radius ..
What? Do you realize this post makes no sense? What were you thinking about when you wrote it?
Genuinely concerned.
well.. if they have completely fixed air units stacking on one another as they've claimed in the patch notes, it'll be interesting to see how the role of the thor would change as it will not be really that effective anymore.
They are still trying to balance the game with bunker change with salvage haha.
More 2 gates proxy zealots rush and fixing pvp give pvx more advantage in early game cheese rush
Before I analyze what these changes mean, my initial thought is I approve!