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The opening day of TSL3 lived up to its hype. With the stream peaking at over 38,000, fans joined Chill and Day[9] for our first set of exciting matches. After four thrilling BO3s, Team Liquid recaps each individual game with VODs, and a player's interview is also included.
Day 1: Battle Reports
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+ Show Spoiler [Show Games] +
Liquid`Tyler < Shakuras Plateau >
mouz.Strelok T11
The opening match of TSL3 is Liquid`Tyler, winner of TSL2, fighting mouz.Strelok, long time BroodWar veteran who earned his place in TSL3 through point standings. The map is Shakuras Plateau, a staple and fan favorite, Tyler on at the bottom right and Strelok top left.
Strelok opens with barracks command center, while Tyler starts safe with gate, robo, gate. Strelok's initial 3 marauders make their way to the bottom of Tyler's natural where they hole themselves up in a bunker, while Tyler makes a third gate and bolsters his force with an immortal and sentries. Strelok salvages bunker and leaves before any confrontation, Tyler takes his natural and adds a robotics bay while scouting the Terran base.
Strelok moves his modest marine-marauder force todards the Protoss base, and is caught offguard by forcefields splitting his army and dealing with each part effortlessly.
Tyler pushes towards Strelok's natural with his first colossus, traps the remaining marauders behind forcefields and crushes into the natural easily, Strelok is forced to tap out as a forcefield seals off his ramp. [11:17]
![[image loading]](/staff/heyoka/tsl3/tylerstrelok1.jpg)
Liquid`Tyler < Tal'Darim Altar >
mouz.Strelok T11
On the larger GSL map, Tal'Darim Altar, Strelok once again opens barracks command center, this time using his tech lab to produce a single reaper. Tyler also chooses a slight variation of last game, making two gates then robo before adding a third gateway.
Tyler delays colossus tech for early upgrades from two forges, the same as his first game against Strelok in Assembly. Strelok takes a third while attacking Tyler's front and simultaneously dropping in back, both attempts thwarted without much damage. Tyler begins colossus production as his 2/2 is finishing, and takes a third as he wander out to the middle of the map.
He walks across to Strelok's planetary fortress at his third, and is able to take it down but not before losing a large chunk of his army. Strelok has taken a somewhat hidden 4th during the combat, which Tyler soon discovers with a zealot. The lone unit goes to town on SCVs as an orbital watches, eventually racking up 24 kills and putting the protoss ahead by 10 workers.
The now 3/3 Protoss army easily takes out the re-populated 4th while Strelok drops, but Tyler's forces seem unstoppable as they barrel through everything Strelok can collect to fight. Strelok gives the GG as colossus, sentries, zealots, and stalkers make their way into his main base. [23:35]
![[image loading]](/staff/heyoka/tsl3/tylerstrelok2.jpg)

The opening match of TSL3 is Liquid`Tyler, winner of TSL2, fighting mouz.Strelok, long time BroodWar veteran who earned his place in TSL3 through point standings. The map is Shakuras Plateau, a staple and fan favorite, Tyler on at the bottom right and Strelok top left.
Strelok opens with barracks command center, while Tyler starts safe with gate, robo, gate. Strelok's initial 3 marauders make their way to the bottom of Tyler's natural where they hole themselves up in a bunker, while Tyler makes a third gate and bolsters his force with an immortal and sentries. Strelok salvages bunker and leaves before any confrontation, Tyler takes his natural and adds a robotics bay while scouting the Terran base.
Strelok moves his modest marine-marauder force todards the Protoss base, and is caught offguard by forcefields splitting his army and dealing with each part effortlessly.
Tyler pushes towards Strelok's natural with his first colossus, traps the remaining marauders behind forcefields and crushes into the natural easily, Strelok is forced to tap out as a forcefield seals off his ramp. [11:17]
![[image loading]](/staff/heyoka/tsl3/tylerstrelok1.jpg)

On the larger GSL map, Tal'Darim Altar, Strelok once again opens barracks command center, this time using his tech lab to produce a single reaper. Tyler also chooses a slight variation of last game, making two gates then robo before adding a third gateway.
Tyler delays colossus tech for early upgrades from two forges, the same as his first game against Strelok in Assembly. Strelok takes a third while attacking Tyler's front and simultaneously dropping in back, both attempts thwarted without much damage. Tyler begins colossus production as his 2/2 is finishing, and takes a third as he wander out to the middle of the map.
He walks across to Strelok's planetary fortress at his third, and is able to take it down but not before losing a large chunk of his army. Strelok has taken a somewhat hidden 4th during the combat, which Tyler soon discovers with a zealot. The lone unit goes to town on SCVs as an orbital watches, eventually racking up 24 kills and putting the protoss ahead by 10 workers.
The now 3/3 Protoss army easily takes out the re-populated 4th while Strelok drops, but Tyler's forces seem unstoppable as they barrel through everything Strelok can collect to fight. Strelok gives the GG as colossus, sentries, zealots, and stalkers make their way into his main base. [23:35]
![[image loading]](/staff/heyoka/tsl3/tylerstrelok2.jpg)
+ Show Spoiler [Fan Reactions] +
On March 20 2011 03:42 sAfuRos wrote:
On March 20 2011 03:42 Aeres wrote:
On March 20 2011 03:42 FrankWalls wrote:
wowwwwww what a hero
wowwwwww what a hero
On March 20 2011 03:45 smallerk wrote:
Tyler why u so good!!!!!!!!!!! <3
Tyler why u so good!!!!!!!!!!! <3
On March 20 2011 03:45 [SuNdae] wrote:
My mind... it is blown. GG Tyler
My mind... it is blown. GG Tyler
On March 20 2011 03:46 ScaringKids wrote:
This was a great start for TSL. More EPIC matches inc for sure.
This was a great start for TSL. More EPIC matches inc for sure.
On March 20 2011 03:46 mordk wrote:
Amazing zealot. Why would you ever use DTs LOL
Amazing zealot. Why would you ever use DTs LOL
On March 20 2011 03:47 Liquid`HayprO wrote:
tyler so good.
tyler so good.
On March 20 2011 03:49 Liquid`Tyler wrote:
I only needed one probe to take down idra. I had to upgrade to a zealot for strelok.
I only needed one probe to take down idra. I had to upgrade to a zealot for strelok.
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+ Show Spoiler [Show Games] +
FnaticMSI.Sen < Metalopolis >
FnaticMSI.Fenix T8
Sitting at crossed positions on Metalopolis, Fenix opens standard and Sen feels safe enough to go hatch first. Fenix delays his orbital command and marine in order to get out a quick reaper. Skipping his reaper into Sen’s base, Fenix sees no potential threat. Fenix then goes 1/1/1 and makes a second CC. Staying true to his harassment style, Fenix begins blue-flamed hellions production and a single banshee for some map control. Meanwhile, Sen, in fear of some sort of timing attack, fortifies his defense with spines and roaches. Seeing his opponent has invested quite heavily into roaches, Fenix tries his luck and researches cloak for banshees. Unfortunately, Sen is already on top of things and has spore crawlers spread out between his bases, and promptly takes a quick third.
While the banshees are unable to inflict damage onto Sen’s main, Fenix uses them to pick off helpless roaches and lings while harassing the morphing third hatchery. Fenix sends a small MMM force to try and take down the third while Sen is low on units. The hatchery snipe is a success, but Fenix loses half his army in return.
Sen’s spire gets up extremely late due to Fenix’s harassment. Fenix pushes out but upon seeing an empty base where Sen’s fourth is supposed to be, Fenix contently hustles back to claim his gold as a 4th. Sen’s mutalisks freely soar into the main, picking off turrets and important add-ons. Sen oozes creep all over the bottom half of the map, effectively connecting all of his now running 5 bases.
Sen notices that all of Fenix’s units are defending his fragile gold base in the middle, and rams all his banelings onto the 11 o’clock base of Fenix, taking out half of the SCVs working there and the planetary itself. Fenix counterpushes toward the 6’o clock natural, but Sen’s maxed army of muta-baneling rolls in and easily demolishes the push, losing only an empty hatchery. Baneling kamikaze seems to be the flavor of the month and Sen is loving it, destroying another plantetary at the gold, along with 20+ SCVs, effectively reducing Fenix to 1 ½ mining bases.
With the flock of mutas flying around and harassing each base, Fenix is reduced to 44 SCVs, and half the supply that of Sen’s. The planetary at the gold is taken out once again, and Fenix’s counterpush yields on result, forcing a GG from the Peruvian Terran. [28:24]
![[image loading]](/staff/Lovedrop/tsl3/m2v2.jpg)
FnaticMSI.Sen < Terminus RE >
FnaticMSI.Fenix T6
Fenix does not deviate from his opening from game 1, opting for a strong harass-based play with hellions and banshees. While Sen prepares for every possible aspect of harassment, the banshee denies him any sort of map presence. Sen’s third comes up much quicker than Fenix, and knowing that he was not able to inflict any further damage with banshees, Fenix begins his third as well.
With Sen’s third being so close to Fenix’s main, a simple drop by Fenix slows down Sen’s mining greatly. Sen takes a fourth before Fenix’s third begins to saturate fully. A blunder by Sen as his mutalisks engage head on with stimmed marines and medivacs, losing a few in the process. Fenix pushes out and sieges up right outside Sen’s fourth center base. Sen takes his 25 banelings, loops around the back of Fenix’s army, and wipe out Fenix’s army with ease, retaining every single mutalisk.
While the mutalisks fly into Fenix’s main, they were only able to take out a few turrets and SCVs, but the concentration it took from Sen cost him his 5th base over at 8 o’ clock from an octodrop. Fenix’s hidden CC at 12 o’ clock is scouted by a few stranded zerglings, and Fenix once again feels that it is time to push out. This time at the plate is a huge serving of Zergling sandwich, smothering Fenix as the tanks cannot fire fast enough to clear out the zerglings.
Sen picks off Fenix’s reinforcing marines and thors, and pushes into his production facilities. Sen is a bit too greedy in his endeavor, losing all his mutalisks and zerglings, running back home with just a handful.
With a 60 supply lead and nearly 30 more harvesters, things are looking quite bleak for Fenix. The mutalisks refuse to stop their obnoxious harassment, chewing through a lot of Fenix’s buildings with their +2 attack upgrade. Once Sen’s maxed army has noticed Fenix’s sole functioning base, the muta-baneling skims by and knocks FnaticMSIFenix out of TSL3. [25:57]

Sitting at crossed positions on Metalopolis, Fenix opens standard and Sen feels safe enough to go hatch first. Fenix delays his orbital command and marine in order to get out a quick reaper. Skipping his reaper into Sen’s base, Fenix sees no potential threat. Fenix then goes 1/1/1 and makes a second CC. Staying true to his harassment style, Fenix begins blue-flamed hellions production and a single banshee for some map control. Meanwhile, Sen, in fear of some sort of timing attack, fortifies his defense with spines and roaches. Seeing his opponent has invested quite heavily into roaches, Fenix tries his luck and researches cloak for banshees. Unfortunately, Sen is already on top of things and has spore crawlers spread out between his bases, and promptly takes a quick third.
While the banshees are unable to inflict damage onto Sen’s main, Fenix uses them to pick off helpless roaches and lings while harassing the morphing third hatchery. Fenix sends a small MMM force to try and take down the third while Sen is low on units. The hatchery snipe is a success, but Fenix loses half his army in return.
Sen’s spire gets up extremely late due to Fenix’s harassment. Fenix pushes out but upon seeing an empty base where Sen’s fourth is supposed to be, Fenix contently hustles back to claim his gold as a 4th. Sen’s mutalisks freely soar into the main, picking off turrets and important add-ons. Sen oozes creep all over the bottom half of the map, effectively connecting all of his now running 5 bases.
Sen notices that all of Fenix’s units are defending his fragile gold base in the middle, and rams all his banelings onto the 11 o’clock base of Fenix, taking out half of the SCVs working there and the planetary itself. Fenix counterpushes toward the 6’o clock natural, but Sen’s maxed army of muta-baneling rolls in and easily demolishes the push, losing only an empty hatchery. Baneling kamikaze seems to be the flavor of the month and Sen is loving it, destroying another plantetary at the gold, along with 20+ SCVs, effectively reducing Fenix to 1 ½ mining bases.
With the flock of mutas flying around and harassing each base, Fenix is reduced to 44 SCVs, and half the supply that of Sen’s. The planetary at the gold is taken out once again, and Fenix’s counterpush yields on result, forcing a GG from the Peruvian Terran. [28:24]
![[image loading]](/staff/Lovedrop/tsl3/m2v2.jpg)

Fenix does not deviate from his opening from game 1, opting for a strong harass-based play with hellions and banshees. While Sen prepares for every possible aspect of harassment, the banshee denies him any sort of map presence. Sen’s third comes up much quicker than Fenix, and knowing that he was not able to inflict any further damage with banshees, Fenix begins his third as well.
With Sen’s third being so close to Fenix’s main, a simple drop by Fenix slows down Sen’s mining greatly. Sen takes a fourth before Fenix’s third begins to saturate fully. A blunder by Sen as his mutalisks engage head on with stimmed marines and medivacs, losing a few in the process. Fenix pushes out and sieges up right outside Sen’s fourth center base. Sen takes his 25 banelings, loops around the back of Fenix’s army, and wipe out Fenix’s army with ease, retaining every single mutalisk.
While the mutalisks fly into Fenix’s main, they were only able to take out a few turrets and SCVs, but the concentration it took from Sen cost him his 5th base over at 8 o’ clock from an octodrop. Fenix’s hidden CC at 12 o’ clock is scouted by a few stranded zerglings, and Fenix once again feels that it is time to push out. This time at the plate is a huge serving of Zergling sandwich, smothering Fenix as the tanks cannot fire fast enough to clear out the zerglings.
Sen picks off Fenix’s reinforcing marines and thors, and pushes into his production facilities. Sen is a bit too greedy in his endeavor, losing all his mutalisks and zerglings, running back home with just a handful.
With a 60 supply lead and nearly 30 more harvesters, things are looking quite bleak for Fenix. The mutalisks refuse to stop their obnoxious harassment, chewing through a lot of Fenix’s buildings with their +2 attack upgrade. Once Sen’s maxed army has noticed Fenix’s sole functioning base, the muta-baneling skims by and knocks FnaticMSIFenix out of TSL3. [25:57]
+ Show Spoiler [Fan Reactions] +
On March 20 2011 04:00 Cofo wrote:
That is many lairs, yes?
That is many lairs, yes?
On March 20 2011 04:08 Rinrun wrote:
MY GOODNESS. Sen so beautiful.
MY GOODNESS. Sen so beautiful.
On March 20 2011 04:10 Nooreo wrote:
oh the humanity!
oh the humanity!
On March 20 2011 04:12 CampinSam wrote:
On March 20 2011 04:12 Cadaver!! wrote:
New guiness world record: 3 PFs blown up bye banes. :D
New guiness world record: 3 PFs blown up bye banes. :D
On March 20 2011 04:13 TemplarCo. wrote:
that is how you play zerg.... holly shit... THAT'S WHAT I CALL MACRO!!!!
that is how you play zerg.... holly shit... THAT'S WHAT I CALL MACRO!!!!
On March 20 2011 04:17 Invictus wrote:
fk TSL 3 is so addictive im going to fail my exams next week
fk TSL 3 is so addictive im going to fail my exams next week
On March 20 2011 04:22 ChaosArcher wrote:
almost 100 freaking pages...
in 1 hour!
this tsl is breaking every record!!! :O
almost 100 freaking pages...
in 1 hour!
this tsl is breaking every record!!! :O
On March 20 2011 04:29 Cofo wrote:
God, I never thought I'd say this, but I wish my layover was longer! I have a plane to catch. Guess I'll have to catch up later on the VODs.
God, I never thought I'd say this, but I wish my layover was longer! I have a plane to catch. Guess I'll have to catch up later on the VODs.
On March 20 2011 04:36 sl wrote:
THIS is why sen is my fav zerg!
THIS is why sen is my fav zerg!
On March 20 2011 04:36 mizU wrote:
GG holy sen.
GG holy sen.
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+ Show Spoiler [Show Games] +

One of the more anticipated matchups of the ro32, Thorzain is universally considered a heavy underdog. Meanwhile FruitDealer is looking to reclaim his former glory, having underperformed in the months following GSL1. Thorzain begins with 2 barracks, to FruitDealer's hatch before pool.
Thorzain's initial pressure does minimal damage, as the marines are never able to go inside the bunker. The second try is more successful, a handful of marines stop mining at the Zerg expansion and kill off a few drones, lings, and the queen. As Thorzain techs to blue flame hellions, FruitDealer begins morphing banelings, preparing for a bust.
Despite breaking in, Zerg is unable to make any progress once inside as hellions and marines clean up the remaining lings. As Thorzain repairs his wall, FruitDealer morphs more banelings and readies attempt number two. Embarassingly, the banelings kill an addon and nothing else, zerglings are forced to hang their heads and run back home.
Thorzain denies Zerg's attempt to take the gold, maintaining map presence with hellions and marine drops. His army seiged up in the center, FruitDealer runs around with roaches and finds his way to Terran's natural and begins to kill what he can. Thorzain's marines arrive before too much damage is done, and Thorzain begins to set up at the gold while FruitDealer burrows banelings in wait. Thorzain's army finds itself directly on top of them.
![[image loading]](/staff/heyoka/tsl3/thorzfd1.jpg)
FruitDealer takes both side expansions as Thorzain turrets up his gold. Thorzain finds one of them and takes it out before mutas clean up his medivac, taking his 4th while FruitDealer rebuilds in the same spot. The two trade expansions, putting them back at 2 mining bases a piece (though Terran has gold). FruitDealer's mutas are able to kill some tanks and a thor, but his gorund forces are cleaned up too quickly and he is forced to leave when the mutas meet their demise. [25:35]

Thorzain opens with a build rarely seen TvZ; the fast command center. FruitDealer begins as one might expect, hatch before pool, then quickly starts on roach production after seeing the cc. Thorzain then makes another command center off just five marines, taking full advantage of the terrain in Terminus RE. FruitDrealer walks several roaches to Thorzain's front door, but is unable to break in or kill anything significant.
As FruitDealer takes his third and begins morphling lings, Thorzain scans walks into the creep to kill tumors. FruitDealer finds him with banelings and takes out the force, after which he takes a 4th base. Thorzain's economy is running quite heavy by now, and he continues aggression by dancing marines near the natural choke and killing tumors.
As Thorzain begins sieging tanks further into the middle of the map, FruitDealer attempts to harass with mutas. They are not long for this world, however, their numbers are quickly thinned as they run into a thor, turrets, and marines. FruitDealer attempts to run around the Terran force, but is unable to advance past tanks and marines at the natural as Thorzain kills the Zerg's fourth base.
Thorzain has full control of the center of the map, expanding towards Zerg and looking to choke him out. As Thorzain has been maxed for some time, FruitDealer's last hope is a nydus worm in the back of the Terran main. As units pour out, Thorzain chooses to ignore them and run into Zerg's natural and quickly kill both the natural and third hatchery. He Setting up enough tanks in his own expansions, FruitDealer is down for the count when his attack dies off as his own main is being slaughtered. [23:00]
+ Show Spoiler [Fan Reactions] +
On March 20 2011 04:51 Crebstar wrote:
WOW THORZAIN is solid. I LOVE that opening vs zerg
WOW THORZAIN is solid. I LOVE that opening vs zerg
On March 20 2011 04:59 blade55555 wrote:
wowow Thorzain is just rolling fruitdealer in this game. Fruit can't do nothing.
wowow Thorzain is just rolling fruitdealer in this game. Fruit can't do nothing.
On March 20 2011 05:02 JWD wrote:
On March 20 2011 05:02 OTIX wrote:
On March 20 2011 05:02 bRuTaL!! wrote:
On March 20 2011 05:05 MatrixX wrote:
Ok,wtf is in the water in Sweden? So many good players coming out of there. Impressive play by Thorzain.
Ok,wtf is in the water in Sweden? So many good players coming out of there. Impressive play by Thorzain.
On March 20 2011 05:20 underscore wrote:
Fruitdealer totally outclassed o.o
Didn't expect that
Fruitdealer totally outclassed o.o
Didn't expect that
On March 20 2011 05:23 qanik wrote:
So TSLfruitdealer getting knock out of TSL? how ironic.
So TSLfruitdealer getting knock out of TSL? how ironic.
On March 20 2011 05:23 instantdry wrote:
On March 20 2011 05:23 bara wrote:
On March 20 2011 05:23 Gesperrt wrote:
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+ Show Spoiler [Show Games] +
Prae.NightEnD < Xel'Naga Caverns >
SlayerS_BoxeR T7
Boxer opens standard but as soon as he chases out Nightend’s probe, Boxer takes all SCVs off of gas for a quick CC after 1 marine. Nightend makes his own nexus after 2 gateways, and Boxer is confident in his defense with pure marines, as he’s teching up while slowly building additional SCVs before floating his CC to the natural. Boxer moves out with 2 medivacs as stim finishes but this act delays his expansion saturation, as Nightend is fully mining even though it is Boxer who had made the CC first.
The observer closely follow Boxer, leaving no opening for Boxer to abuse and is forced to pull back. Nightend stay on 1 robotic facility while pumping out colossus, and adds two stargates. Boxer parks his units outside Nightend’s base and is slow to react as force fields corner his units, losing 12 supplies before he has to pack up and head home. Boxer takes the gold immeadiately as Nightend’s observer scouts it out, and Nightend respond by taking his own third at the 11 o’ clock base.
A period of lull occurs as both players max out their armies. Boxer’s massive army hugs his gold base, while Nightend moves into position along the left Xel’Naga watchtower. Both players throw their army at each other, with EMPeror Boxer coming out on top. Boxer moves the rest of his marauders into the third, where an unfortunate disconnect happens. The TSL panel rewards Boxer with the win after thorough investigation and review. More information regarding the result of this game can be found here. [19:00]
![[image loading]](/staff/Lovedrop/tsl3/m4s1.jpg)
Prae.NightEnD < Tal'Darim Altar >
SlayerS_BoxeR T11
Boxer proxys two barracks in the middle of the map as he has not scouted where Nightend could possibly be. Boxer moves in with two SCVs and two concussive-shelled marauders, and Nightend is forced to pull probes. The two SCVs gets sniped by the stalker, and Boxer is constantly reinforcing with more marauders. Given the slow firing rate of marauders, Boxer is pushed back and as warp gate kicks in, Nightend overwhelms Boxer with 139 HP left on his warp gate. The gateway units pick off the tech labs before Boxer could finish stim. Nightend expands behind his push but as he is met with bunkers, smartly retreats and continue to widen his 10 food lead.
Boxer pushes out with a small force once his natural is saturated, and parks himself below Nightend’s natural. Nightend leaves Boxer to roam the map freely, but he is first to sneak in a 4th base at the 9 o’ clock expansion. Once again both players are maxed out but neither look poised to engage. Boxer adds orbital commands in order to reduce the amount of supplies needed for SCVs, and gets upgrades and factories ready for a thor-heavy mech switch. In the same fashion, Nightend murders his zealots in order to make room for high Templars. Boxer’s form of freeing up supply continues with drops, none of which are really effective. One drop leaves a nexus with 93 HP, while the others’ unit are all dangling mid-air thanks to graviton beams.
The huge engagement happens outside Boxer’s natural, with EMPs only hitting a few stalkers, leaving the high Templars to freely carpet storm the Terran ball. Nightend reinforces with 20 stalkers, and his deathball does not look any smaller as time goes by. Nightend sends units all over the map to look for any sort of possible comeback Boxer could make. Upon finding the five factories at the bottom of the map, Boxer’s thors stand no chance against the Protoss army and Nightend ties up the series. [34:58]
![[image loading]](/staff/Lovedrop/tsl3/m4s2.jpg)
Prae.NightEnD < Crevasse >
SlayerS_BoxeR T11
Boxer skips his gas and starts his command center before even his first marine. Nightend does not feel as safe and makes 2 gateways before his own nexus. Boxer makes another barracks before teching up to ensure he’ll have enough units to defend. Meanwhile, Nightend stocks up on sentries and scouts out Boxer’s base. Boxer loads up 2 medivacs and heads down to Nightend’s natural, but is quickly scouted out by the observer.
A brave marine darts into Nightend’s base and gets a good glimpse at what Nightend is up to. Boxer rallies his units to the middle of the map but is slow to take a third, as Nightend is already beginning to saturate his. Both players look content to max out their armies while slowly gulping up the map.
Boxer makes the first move and stims in to take out Nightend’s potential 4th base. Boxer has a numerous amount of vikings that can easily one shot colossus. Boxer engages Nightend’s 3rd at a terrible angle, but landing crucial EMPs onto Nightend’s army, rendering the phoenixes useless and puts down Nightend’s 3rd. With weakened units, Boxer withdraws temporarily to regroup while leading the food count by nearly 60 food.
Once maxed, Boxer once again storms in and while it is a huge blunder to not focus down colossus with his vikings, the overwhelming amount of units power through Nightend, knocking the Romanian Protoss out of TSL3. [24:38]

Boxer opens standard but as soon as he chases out Nightend’s probe, Boxer takes all SCVs off of gas for a quick CC after 1 marine. Nightend makes his own nexus after 2 gateways, and Boxer is confident in his defense with pure marines, as he’s teching up while slowly building additional SCVs before floating his CC to the natural. Boxer moves out with 2 medivacs as stim finishes but this act delays his expansion saturation, as Nightend is fully mining even though it is Boxer who had made the CC first.
The observer closely follow Boxer, leaving no opening for Boxer to abuse and is forced to pull back. Nightend stay on 1 robotic facility while pumping out colossus, and adds two stargates. Boxer parks his units outside Nightend’s base and is slow to react as force fields corner his units, losing 12 supplies before he has to pack up and head home. Boxer takes the gold immeadiately as Nightend’s observer scouts it out, and Nightend respond by taking his own third at the 11 o’ clock base.
A period of lull occurs as both players max out their armies. Boxer’s massive army hugs his gold base, while Nightend moves into position along the left Xel’Naga watchtower. Both players throw their army at each other, with EMPeror Boxer coming out on top. Boxer moves the rest of his marauders into the third, where an unfortunate disconnect happens. The TSL panel rewards Boxer with the win after thorough investigation and review. More information regarding the result of this game can be found here. [19:00]
![[image loading]](/staff/Lovedrop/tsl3/m4s1.jpg)

Boxer proxys two barracks in the middle of the map as he has not scouted where Nightend could possibly be. Boxer moves in with two SCVs and two concussive-shelled marauders, and Nightend is forced to pull probes. The two SCVs gets sniped by the stalker, and Boxer is constantly reinforcing with more marauders. Given the slow firing rate of marauders, Boxer is pushed back and as warp gate kicks in, Nightend overwhelms Boxer with 139 HP left on his warp gate. The gateway units pick off the tech labs before Boxer could finish stim. Nightend expands behind his push but as he is met with bunkers, smartly retreats and continue to widen his 10 food lead.
Boxer pushes out with a small force once his natural is saturated, and parks himself below Nightend’s natural. Nightend leaves Boxer to roam the map freely, but he is first to sneak in a 4th base at the 9 o’ clock expansion. Once again both players are maxed out but neither look poised to engage. Boxer adds orbital commands in order to reduce the amount of supplies needed for SCVs, and gets upgrades and factories ready for a thor-heavy mech switch. In the same fashion, Nightend murders his zealots in order to make room for high Templars. Boxer’s form of freeing up supply continues with drops, none of which are really effective. One drop leaves a nexus with 93 HP, while the others’ unit are all dangling mid-air thanks to graviton beams.
The huge engagement happens outside Boxer’s natural, with EMPs only hitting a few stalkers, leaving the high Templars to freely carpet storm the Terran ball. Nightend reinforces with 20 stalkers, and his deathball does not look any smaller as time goes by. Nightend sends units all over the map to look for any sort of possible comeback Boxer could make. Upon finding the five factories at the bottom of the map, Boxer’s thors stand no chance against the Protoss army and Nightend ties up the series. [34:58]
![[image loading]](/staff/Lovedrop/tsl3/m4s2.jpg)

Boxer skips his gas and starts his command center before even his first marine. Nightend does not feel as safe and makes 2 gateways before his own nexus. Boxer makes another barracks before teching up to ensure he’ll have enough units to defend. Meanwhile, Nightend stocks up on sentries and scouts out Boxer’s base. Boxer loads up 2 medivacs and heads down to Nightend’s natural, but is quickly scouted out by the observer.
A brave marine darts into Nightend’s base and gets a good glimpse at what Nightend is up to. Boxer rallies his units to the middle of the map but is slow to take a third, as Nightend is already beginning to saturate his. Both players look content to max out their armies while slowly gulping up the map.
Boxer makes the first move and stims in to take out Nightend’s potential 4th base. Boxer has a numerous amount of vikings that can easily one shot colossus. Boxer engages Nightend’s 3rd at a terrible angle, but landing crucial EMPs onto Nightend’s army, rendering the phoenixes useless and puts down Nightend’s 3rd. With weakened units, Boxer withdraws temporarily to regroup while leading the food count by nearly 60 food.
Once maxed, Boxer once again storms in and while it is a huge blunder to not focus down colossus with his vikings, the overwhelming amount of units power through Nightend, knocking the Romanian Protoss out of TSL3. [24:38]
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On March 20 2011 06:35 cheesemaster wrote:
On March 20 2011 06:35 Graham wrote:
On March 20 2011 06:36 Aegeis wrote:
On March 20 2011 06:40 Draconicfire wrote:
On March 20 2011 06:40 SpiZe wrote:
![[image loading]](/images/flags2/us.png)
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Post-game Interview
![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/staff/Hot_Bid/TSL3/TylerInterview.jpg)
Amazing. Very relieved. It's just the first round of the tournament and for a second I was so happy I felt like I won the whole thing haha.
Q: What was your game plan going into these games?
Mainly I wanted to play safe and work the mid game and late game. I have some timing attacks in my arsenal but they're situational. I wasn't planning on forcing anything.
Q: Take us through your thoughts for game 1.
When I saw his marauders at the bottom of my ramp, I thought he was going to try to attack up my ramp. Then when I saw the bunker, I thought it was a clever way to delay my expansion a bit. I was hoping to break him up and counterattack but then his bunker had disappeared haha. So I took my expansion and started planning for the next stage of the game. When I saw his MM camping outside my base, I stared at them until I thought he was looking back at his base, then I moved in for some force fields.
Q: In game 2 you went for a unique build, double upgrades before colossus. Why did you do this strategy and how did it work out?
It's my favorite build for PvT nowadays. I think it's the most solid style of play. When I'm at 15 or 20 minutes into the game and I don't at least have 2-2 upgrades, I feel so fragile. As long as I can minimize damage from medivac drops, I can eventually build a very powerful army at around 170-200 supply. So the focus of the build is late game. The build worked out pretty well. Eventually when he has a lot of marauders and I have a lot of zealots, my zealots just dont ever die and his marauders have to keep running away.
Q: Did you know how far behind in supply you were in game 2? Did you know that one of your zealots got 20+ kills at Strelok's fourth expansion?
I knew I had lost too many units while killing the PF. I mismanaged that for sure. But one of the strengths of getting good upgrades is having incredible units for the rest of the game. It's not just one timing. So I've had "comebacks" a lot with that build.
That zealot was quite the hero. I kept checking back to it so I would know about how much damage it was doing, so I could judge the timing for my next attack, and how aggressive I needed to be. I was a little amused when the scv's were attacking the zealot with +3 armor. I saw the mules land and I thought "I've gotta win the game now. This zealot has done too much damage for me to not win the game" so I pretty much just marched across the map and kept reinforcing units with a proxy pylon and it worked!
Q: Your next opponent is either Thorzain or FruitDealer. Who would you like to play? You'll have quite some time to practice.
I think it goes without saying that Thorzain looks like the easier opponent at this point. I also feel like my PvT is in better shape than my PvZ right now. But I want to play FruitDealer. I can beat him and I want to show everyone that I can beat him.
Q: Your road to the finals is a tough one. How far ahead do you look? Or do you take it just one round at a time? What will be your mindset going into these next weeks?
I stay focused on my immediate match until I feel prepared for it. When I am settled on how I'm going to play each map, I'll start looking ahead. My mindset is winning TSL3 but I take it one step at a time. You don't earn the championship just in the finals. You earn it in every match.
Q: Do you have anyone you want to thank for practicing with you for this match?
Hmm no one in particular to thank haha. This was pretty much all me. I hammer out builds in single player and I stay sharp by playing ladder.
Q: Any last words for your fans?
HUGE thanks to my fans. I think they've easily supported me more than anyone else's fans have supported them. Fraidnot's blog, Arisen's support thread, folks like wacksteven and Psylence who give me free stuff, a few videos were made (sorry not sure who made them!), and everyone posting in my fan club thread, watching my stream and following me on twitter. It's all pretty amazing and I'm really happy I could show you guys some wins!
![[image loading]](/images/flags2/tw.png)
![[image loading]](http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft/images2/5/5b/Sc2zergicon6.png)
Post-game Interview
![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/staff/Hot_Bid/TSL3/Seninterview.jpg)
Yes I know I have to play the opponent I don't want to face the most. I usually don't practice against Fenix because of the time zone. I think I played well today, and I really liked that TSL made balance decisions like no close-spots Metalopolis which is my ZvT nightmare.
Q: Fenix tried a lot of harassment play, from reapers, hellions, banshees to drops. Were you expecting this kind of play from him?
Actually, I rarely play against Terrans with that kind of style, but I just observed his openings and prepared against any strategy he might use. Zerg always needs to predict and prepare for what Terran might do in a game.
Q: In the first game you took a lot of damage from a hellion drop, and also lost your third hatchery to banshees and marines. How did you manage to come back and win the game?
Yes, I really took a lot of damage from those two attacks, and it made me a little nervous that I lost a lot of my income. I think if Fenix did a timing attack I would have just lost the game. Fortunately he didn't, giving me enough time to replenish my drones before his armies arrived.
Q: Your next opponent will be the winner of Boxer vs Nightend. Who do you want to face?
I want Boxer the most, he was a legend in SC1. Before, when I was also an SC1 player, me and everybody else wanted to play against him. He is really gosu and I might have a worse chance against him, but as a gamer I love a big challenge like that.
Q: Any final comments?
Hope you guys enjoy my games, and thanks to everyone who supported me. See you next round!
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Post-game Interview
![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/staff/Hot_Bid/TSL3/ThorzainInterview.jpg)
I feel so [expletive] amazing. I can't really describe how I feel right now. Just incredible. My hands still hurt right now. For some reason I clapped my hands with all my strength for one minute after I won the deciding game.
Q: FruitDealer went for some early game pressure in both games, did you expect him to play that way?
I knew that he can be a very aggressive player sometimes. In the first game he had some leftover zerglings after my 2 rax pressure, so I guess he wanted to put them to use and made some banelings. Unfortunately I miss-blocked my choke with my factory so he only had to blow up a depot to get into my base. The second game, I didn't play against that kind of roach pressure during practice but I don't think it worked out the way he wanted to because I scouted it quite early.
Q: For the game on Terminus, you came out with an interesting but seemingly risky double expansion strategy. How much time and effort went into this build?
The map is so huge that I felt that I would dare to take the risk. It's obviously vulnerable to early pools and such but I felt that I needed to take the risk to have a good chance in the game. I did find out just like an hour before the game that it's really vulnerable against a certain strategy though, but I didn't have time to change my build and just prayed that FD wouldn't use it against me.
Q: You used a very safe and strong macro style to win both games. Is that your favorite way of playing, or is it just how the games ended up being today?
The games went just where I expected them to except for the early aggression on his part. I like to do very macro oriented games (game 2) and some lesser macro oriented games (game 1, very late third meaning my push had to do damage, which it did). I rarely all-in rush though.
Q: Your next opponent will be the winner of Liquid`Tyler vs Strelok. What do you think of these players, and who would you rather face?
I think that they are quite evenly matched but if I had to pick anyone I would expect Strelok to win just barely. I would much rather play against Tyler however, because TvT definitely is my weakest match up right now.
Q: Any last comments?
I hope that the community won't just blame my victory on lag on his part ^^. I actually had some lag spikes too even though yeah, he probably had it as well. I think that he might just have not prepared as much as I prepared for the game. I feel a bit sad for him though because of his pre-game interview where he seemed eager to "win his foreign fans back". Cheer for me vs Tyler/Strelok. I will do my best to be the big upset in this tournament! Praetoriani fighting ~~
Oh and thanks to everyone who practiced with me to prepare for this game, you know who you are!
Big thanks!
![[image loading]](/images/flags2/kr.png)
![[image loading]](http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft/images2/b/bb/Sc2terranicon8.png)
Post-Game Interview
Korean Version: + Show Spoiler [Korean Version - 한국어 원문] +
NightEnd 선수 상대로 나름데로 고전하는 스코어 2-1로 승리 했습니다. 외국인 프로게이머들 중에서도 의외로 Nightend 선수의 승을 점친 선수들도 많았는데 승리한 소감이랑 NightEnd 선수에대한 평가를 한다면?
승리한 소감 : 음 경기전에 나이트엔드 선수에 대해서 어느정도 분석을 하고.. 준비를 했는데 세경기 전부 예상밖에 전략을 쓰더군요. 하지만 뭐 그런 전략에 대해서 연습이 안되어 있는건 아니라서 나름 대처를 잘 해나갔던것 같습니다 그리고 우리나라서버가 아닌 다른 나라 서버에서 처음 경기를 해봤는데 음.. 느낀점이 상당히 많았고 경기할때 환경에 대해서도 생각을 많이 하고 경기준비를 해야 겠다고 느꼈습니다. NightEnd 선수에대한 평가를 한다면 ? 2경기에서 불의의 일격을 당했는데 찌르는 타이밍도 좋고. 하지만 다음에 다시 만난다면 조심해야 될 선수중에 하나라고 생각합니다 다음 질문 주세용.
1경기에서 연결이 끊어져서 안타깝게도 판정으로 경기 결과를 결정했는데 판정 과정이 만족스러웠습니까? 그리고 우세승 판정 자체에 대해 어떻게 생각합니까 ?
TSL 에서 준비한 패널 시스템에 의해서 판정이 났는데 .. 그런 패널시스템에 의해서 결정됐지만 NightEnd선수에 대해선 개인적으로 유감스럽게 생각한다 본인도 썩 개운하진 않다. 그리고 1경기 내용으로 볼때 경기 자체가 8:2 정도로 유리했던것은 맞는것 같다 다음 질문 주세용.
2경기에서 전진 배럭을 시전했는데, 프로브 피해를 입혔지만 본인도 피해를 입었습니다. 그때 상황을 설명한다면?
해외서버에서 다시는 컨트롤을 요하는 전략을 쓰지 않아야 겠다는 생각을 했다 ^^;;
200 대 200 싸움을 여러번 했는데, 이때 테란 조합이 프로토스 조합상대로 싸울만하다고 생각합니까?
토스 진영에서 싸우면 불리하다고 생각한다. 내 본진에서 멀면 내 유닛은 채우기가 힘들고 토스는 차원관문으로 바로바로 채울수 있기 때문이다. 센터진영에서 교전을 벌이면 컨트롤 여하에 따라 판가름 날수 있다고 생각한다. 그리고 업그레이드가 되면 될수록 테란쪽이 불리해지는건 어쩔수 없는것 같다. 프로토스는 포지에서 공방업을 하면 관문유닛은 물론 로보계열 유닛까지 업그레이드가 되지만 테란은 아모리와 엔지니어링 베이에서 따로 업그레이드를 해야 해서 훨씬 업그레이드를 하기 힘들기 때문이다. 장기전으로 가면 갈수록 테란이 불리하다고 생각한다.
슬레이어즈 클랜을 창단하게 되었습니다. 팀으로서의 목표가 무엇입니까? 클랜원을 선발 할 때 어떤 점을 고려합니까? 잠재력이 많은 신예들을 소개한다면?
팀의 목표는 ‘함께 실력을 향상시키고 팀의 위상을 높이자’ 이죠. 애초에 팀을 만들때 네임드를 원하지 않았던 이유도 앞으로 충분히 가능성이 있는 친구들과 함께 실력을 증진 시키고싶어서 였습니다. 현재 팀에서 그러한 저의 의도를 그대로 보여준 친구가 몇 있습니다.
다음 상대는 Sen 과 Fenix 의 승자입니다. 어느 선수와 경기를 하는것을 선호합니까?
아마도... 제 입장에서는 Sen보다 Fenix와 경기하는 것을 더 선호하지만 . 오늘의 경기하면서 느낀점을 감안한다면 Fenix가 Sen을 상대하기 이전에 "테란" 이 "저그" 라는 종족 자체를 이기기 힘들듯 하다.
마지막으로 할 말이 있다면?
스타2에서 처음으로 해외대회를 치르게 되서 기쁘고 첫 해외 대회이니만큼 해외 팬들의 많은 관심을 받을수 있도록 노력하겠다. 좋은 경기를 보여드리겠다.
네, 감사합니다 그리고 판정과정이 너무 오래걸려서 죄송합니다
아닙니다 고생하셨습니다
16강에서 행운을 빕니다
넵 수고하세요
승리한 소감 : 음 경기전에 나이트엔드 선수에 대해서 어느정도 분석을 하고.. 준비를 했는데 세경기 전부 예상밖에 전략을 쓰더군요. 하지만 뭐 그런 전략에 대해서 연습이 안되어 있는건 아니라서 나름 대처를 잘 해나갔던것 같습니다 그리고 우리나라서버가 아닌 다른 나라 서버에서 처음 경기를 해봤는데 음.. 느낀점이 상당히 많았고 경기할때 환경에 대해서도 생각을 많이 하고 경기준비를 해야 겠다고 느꼈습니다. NightEnd 선수에대한 평가를 한다면 ? 2경기에서 불의의 일격을 당했는데 찌르는 타이밍도 좋고. 하지만 다음에 다시 만난다면 조심해야 될 선수중에 하나라고 생각합니다 다음 질문 주세용.
1경기에서 연결이 끊어져서 안타깝게도 판정으로 경기 결과를 결정했는데 판정 과정이 만족스러웠습니까? 그리고 우세승 판정 자체에 대해 어떻게 생각합니까 ?
TSL 에서 준비한 패널 시스템에 의해서 판정이 났는데 .. 그런 패널시스템에 의해서 결정됐지만 NightEnd선수에 대해선 개인적으로 유감스럽게 생각한다 본인도 썩 개운하진 않다. 그리고 1경기 내용으로 볼때 경기 자체가 8:2 정도로 유리했던것은 맞는것 같다 다음 질문 주세용.
2경기에서 전진 배럭을 시전했는데, 프로브 피해를 입혔지만 본인도 피해를 입었습니다. 그때 상황을 설명한다면?
해외서버에서 다시는 컨트롤을 요하는 전략을 쓰지 않아야 겠다는 생각을 했다 ^^;;
200 대 200 싸움을 여러번 했는데, 이때 테란 조합이 프로토스 조합상대로 싸울만하다고 생각합니까?
토스 진영에서 싸우면 불리하다고 생각한다. 내 본진에서 멀면 내 유닛은 채우기가 힘들고 토스는 차원관문으로 바로바로 채울수 있기 때문이다. 센터진영에서 교전을 벌이면 컨트롤 여하에 따라 판가름 날수 있다고 생각한다. 그리고 업그레이드가 되면 될수록 테란쪽이 불리해지는건 어쩔수 없는것 같다. 프로토스는 포지에서 공방업을 하면 관문유닛은 물론 로보계열 유닛까지 업그레이드가 되지만 테란은 아모리와 엔지니어링 베이에서 따로 업그레이드를 해야 해서 훨씬 업그레이드를 하기 힘들기 때문이다. 장기전으로 가면 갈수록 테란이 불리하다고 생각한다.
슬레이어즈 클랜을 창단하게 되었습니다. 팀으로서의 목표가 무엇입니까? 클랜원을 선발 할 때 어떤 점을 고려합니까? 잠재력이 많은 신예들을 소개한다면?
팀의 목표는 ‘함께 실력을 향상시키고 팀의 위상을 높이자’ 이죠. 애초에 팀을 만들때 네임드를 원하지 않았던 이유도 앞으로 충분히 가능성이 있는 친구들과 함께 실력을 증진 시키고싶어서 였습니다. 현재 팀에서 그러한 저의 의도를 그대로 보여준 친구가 몇 있습니다.
다음 상대는 Sen 과 Fenix 의 승자입니다. 어느 선수와 경기를 하는것을 선호합니까?
아마도... 제 입장에서는 Sen보다 Fenix와 경기하는 것을 더 선호하지만 . 오늘의 경기하면서 느낀점을 감안한다면 Fenix가 Sen을 상대하기 이전에 "테란" 이 "저그" 라는 종족 자체를 이기기 힘들듯 하다.
마지막으로 할 말이 있다면?
스타2에서 처음으로 해외대회를 치르게 되서 기쁘고 첫 해외 대회이니만큼 해외 팬들의 많은 관심을 받을수 있도록 노력하겠다. 좋은 경기를 보여드리겠다.
네, 감사합니다 그리고 판정과정이 너무 오래걸려서 죄송합니다
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16강에서 행운을 빕니다
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We tried to analyze NightEnd a bit before the games, and prepared based on that, but for all three games he used strategies I did not expect. But it's wasn't as if I hadn't prepared those strategies at all, so I think I adjusted to them pretty well.
Also, this is the first time I've played games on a server outside Korea, hmmm... I felt a lot of things, among which that I should prepare differently based on the environment. I thought NightEnd's attack timing in Game 2 was good, and I took an unexpected blow. I think he's a player I'll have to look out for if I face him again.
Q: Unfortunately, there was a disconnect in game 1, and we were forced to go the panel's decision. Were you satisfied with the decision making process, and what did you think of being awarded the win?
The game was decided by the panel system used by the TSL... I feel terrible for NightEnd, and I don't feel that great about it myself. But if I had to say, I thought I had around an 8:2 lead in game 1.
Q: You used a proxy 2 Rax in game 2. What was your reason for using this strategy?
I thought that on foreign servers, I shouldn't use a micro-intensive strat again ^^;;
Q: You fought a lot of near max population fights. How do you think the maxed Terran army fairs against a maxed Protoss army?
I think you're at a disadvantage if you fight in Protoss territory. The further you are from your base, it's harder to reinforce your army, while Protoss can instantly reinforce using warpgates. If you fight towards the center of the map, then I think the battle can be swayed through micro. However, you can't do anything about the fact that Protoss is favored as more upgrades are completed. Protoss can upgrade both warpgate and robotics units at the forge, while Terran has a much more difficult time since they have to upgrade at both the engineering bay and armory.
The longer it goes, I think it gets worse for Terran.
Q: Your next opponent will be the winner of Sen vs Fenix. Who do you prefer to face?
Personally I would prefer to play Fenix over Sen, but what I thought as I played today's games was... Before “Fenix” can play “Sen,” you have to take into account that “Terran” is tough against “Zerg.”
Q: Any last comments?
I'm glad to compete in my first international SC2 tournament. Since it's a foreign tournament, I hope to gain the support and interest of many foreign fans. I'll try to play good games.
Thank you very much.
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