the UPSET.
I've bolded the players that are unexpectedly in their respective groups. Please do not turn this into a debate over what's unexpected or not. Yes it is subjective, but I do think my predictions are that of the mainstream. Please keep in mind that some players are bolded due to their notability. (Past GSL performances, other tournament wins etc.)
We all know that Code A has become increasingly more competitive, and over time, the weak of Code S will be weeded out and eventually replaced by more skillful players that simply have not had their chance to shine. (ex: ST_Bomber, GanZi?, ). It's a good system, there's no doubting that.
However, after the Round of 32 of GSL 5 we're looking at an awkward situation. Just look at the list of Eliminated players and try to fathom that many of these players may actually be demoted. Sure -- some deserve to be, but in my opinion, there are way too many notable players in there. In other words, there is no way anyone would have predicted this after the first round.
1) The weeding out of the weak has already started - we just had no idea. We're learning the hard way that many of our favorite / notable players have actually been surpassed. Some players were already past their prime in SC1, and were quickly overtaken by the influx of WC3 / new young talent. The faces of GSL 1 - 4 will be quickly replaced.
2) This is absolute bullshit! No way that these players would be eliminated any other day. They clearly underperformed / unlucky / got cheesed out. Everyone should be overreacting to these upsets, but I have full confidence that these players are still among the very best and will prove so in the coming seasons.
3) This is actually what I expected. I predicted this from Day 1. Totally fair. Btw, I'm a fucking genius.
4) Dude. It's a best of 1. Some of the groups are easier than others. Sometimes you lose. Relax.
Personally, I'm of opinion #2, leaning more and more toward #4.
Survivors of the Round of 32:
+ Show Spoiler +- oGsMC - ST_July - TSL_Clide - ZeNEXByun - LiquidJinro - CheckPrime - HongUnPrime - oGsNaDa - sanZenith - oGsEnsnare - oGsTheWind - FOXLyn - TSL_Trickster - anyproPrime.we - ZeNEXKyrix - sCfOu
+ Show Spoiler +- IMMvp - oGsHyperdub - oGsZenio (Jinro vouches) - ST_RainBOw - PoltPrime.WE - oGsTOP - TheBestfOu - IMNesTea - SlayerS_BoxeR - choyafOu - vanvanthZenith - NsPGenius - TSL_FruitDealer - MarineKingPrime.WE - oGsInCa (Jinro vouches)
Deceased: + Show Spoiler +
This season is so awesome. Sure I was expecting 1 maybe 2 upsets, but this many upsets is so awesome.
I'd say it's a mix between option 1 and option 2, none of the better known players who got eliminated lost because of any BS really.
What's wrong with the bolded survivors? They played well, and are not at all far off in skill level as the majority of the other survivors (with exceptions being MC, Jinro).
As for the eliminated, well I would agree that it's quite a shocker. Some of Code S' TOP class players are out (namely MVP, Nestea, MKP, Top), but the other players don't really surprise me.
The skill level is drastically increasing, and a lot of these players have bigger names than they do competitiveness. Check out their stats on TLPD and you'll see that there aren't that many standouts.
Im liking the deceased tab, haha.
But its always fun to see the little guy win.
If Jinro can just get past MC then he has a great shot at winning this
The winner of oGsMC and Jinro in the round of 8 will be the winner of this tournament, without a doubt.
Jinro will win this time, no doubt
Well, one thing that GSL5 has shown is that the players are getting better and better. GSL4 code A was unwatchable at times, but I've had a blast watching this season's code A games. In my opinion, the reason for the upsets are that the general skill levels of the players are increasing.
Well, I'd be overreacting if, and only if, these guys who went out had lost due to a gimmicky/stupid strategy, but they were just plain overplayed.
although... + Show Spoiler +sanZenith won that game thanks to warp-in storms for harass and an archon toilet. 1.3 anyone?
Lyn and Check are no upsets for me, so are Fruitdealer, Rainbow and Boxer on the other side.
but of course, MVP, MKP and Nestea out is huge
I'm just confused why you bolded Rainbow. He's him well...... underperforming for quite a while.
Anyway, most of the "sub-par" players in code S imo have improved the basic mechanics significantly. So now, the game outcome is much more easily decided by build orders and spawn locations. Also, if either player slips up just one bit they tend to lose the game very easily. Previously, some players just didn't have the mechanics to do that so we tended to see the favorites roflstomping these other guys.
If i say anymore, i'll QQ about zerg but never mind.
Sweden7973 Posts
Its wonderful to see Lyn in there. Hope he does well!
I think we are just starting to see that SC2 is just really hard at that level. Even the top top players (MVP/Nestea/MC/ECT) aren't that much better than the other Code S and even Code A players.
Its not like this is anything new though. Its just too hard to dominate at starcraft.. even in BW Flash has an absolutely ridiculous record but he still loses 30% of his games. Including going out early in both individual leagues this time around. This is in BW where the mechanic ceiling is so high.. don't want to start any kind of BW v SC2 stuff but I think its pretty unanimously agreed that SC2 has easier mechanics
I honestly think its harder for someone like MVP to get out of groups than it is to keep winning once you get into the later rounds. In the longer series advantages in strategy/mechanics/whatever have more of an effect.
Keep in mind that almost every player in the GSL right now have underperformed, or not even qualified, at some point in the past. It's also not a surprise that players like marineking starts losing games when the other players have gotten used to his gimmicky style of play.
Balanced is broken, thats why fruitdealer and nestea lost
NaDa's rise of the first SC2 Bonjwa has begun........
On March 01 2011 23:14 bennyaus wrote: The winner of oGsMC and Jinro in the round of 8 will be the winner of this tournament, without a doubt.
3 words
God of War.
this is probably because the players still need more time to get used to these maps.
On March 01 2011 23:24 GobIin wrote: Balanced is broken, thats why fruitdealer and nestea lost
I'll give you nestea, but fruitdealer hasn't been doing so hot since season 1.
It is all because of the STUPID fucking group play. Why would you let players get elimanted off of the best score in several BO1 series at that high of a level? Even if the maps are completely even someone can just have some dominating 1 base all in or 7 base camp fest either way it devalues the result. If anything Code A should have this not Code S where real skill for the big prize is determined by a series not lucky draws on map, opponent, BO rock paper contest.