Disclaimer: Koreans understand that StarCraft 2 is a huge success around the world. Don't assume that they don't know this; however it doesn't seem relevant to their interests, especially in this article.
![[image loading]](http://www.fomos.kr/board/issue/1294108690_1.jpg)
Recently the failure of the Code S tour opening games became a hot issue.
On the second of this month, the 2011 Sony Ericsson GSL January opening ceremony/games turned out to be a failure. This started a debate among SC2 and BW fans across the e-Sports community. While the BW fans are welcoming the news of GSL's failure, SC2 fans think that its too early to tell if GSL failed or not.
Many e-Sports related personal analyzed that the GSL opening ceremonies and games were failure. Even when GomTV held the games in Jang Chung Gym and held the opening ceremony of 32 Code S players, GSL only attracted 500 people. One personal stated: "Along with open season's decline in popularity, the sponsor changed 3 days before the league started. It was hard to tell if this GSL was going to succeed or not."
Some fans who watched GSL on the 2nd made extreme conclusions, stating "BW will live only if SC2 dies", "Serves them right since the opening failed", "Since BW is doing well we only need to watch BW" (etc).
However, this is the wrong idea. In order for BW to live, SC2 needs to succeed, and in order for SC2 to succeed, BW needs to keep its popularity. If we follow some extreme fans who are yelling "one needs to die for other to survive", then we might end up killing both games at once. People need to understand that this is the worst possible situation at the moment.
StarCraft 2 is sequel to StarCraft 1, but both games are clearly different. Just like Tekken, Kart Rider, Special Force, Sudden Attack etc., to BW SC2 is just another e-Sport category/event. It is true that SC2 might threaten BW because both games' genre is RTS, and both games have similar game play. It is also true that because of this reason, BW fans are looking at GSL with some hate.
However, SC2 needs to gain popularity in Korea since Blizzard runs both BW and SC2 servers. Blizzard stated in the interview "We won't stop BW servers just because SC2 came out." However, what will happen if SC2 fails in Korea? Will they keep up the Battlenet service regularly, tolerate private servers etc.? In other terms, will they keep the basic service? There's no guarantee that Blizzard will keep their words. Since Blizzard is owner and distributer of both games in Korea, we need to keep in mind that worst situation might happen.
In addition, for SC2 to succeed BW needs to maintain its popularity. Since the future potential SC2 players will mostly consist of BW players, we can expect SC2 succeed as long as BW maintains its popularity.
StarCraft 1 and StarCraft 2 can exist together. We will probably have to not worry about the worst possible situations when we see BW progamers play in SC2 leagues without restriction, and/or watching SC2 progamers succeeding in BW leagues. Instead of 'this or that', we need to find a way where BW and SC2 can exist together.
In order for this to happen, not only Gretech-Blizzard and KeSPA-Progame Teams need to put in more effort, but also the fans, who are watching the leagues, need to examine themselves. Instead of yelling out 'GSL failure league' and 'BW illegal league', we need to find a way where both games can exist at the same period of time. Keep in mind that if you put more effort into finding the solution, the KeSPA-Blizzard situation will finally cruise through its problems.
T/N: It's been a long time since I did fomos translation. If I was wrong, feel free to correct me (and send me a PM so that I can fix the OP).
Original Post: + Show Spoiler +최근 스타크래프트2 리그인 GSL 본선 투어 개막전을 실패를 놓고 논쟁이 뜨겁다.
지난 2일, 서울시 장충체육관에서 진행된 2011 소니에릭슨 GSL jJanuary 개막전이 흥행에 실패하면서 e스포츠 관련 커뮤니티에서는 스타크래프트2 팬들과 스타크래프트1 팬들의 설전이 진행되고 있다. 스타1 팬들은 GSL의 흥행 실패를 반기고 있는 반면 스타2 팬들은 아직 리그 전체의 흥행 여부를 판단하기에는 시기상조라는 반응.
많은 e스포츠 관계자들에 따르면 지난 GSL 본선 개막전은 실패했다는 분석이다. 곰TV 스튜디오가 아닌 장충체육관을 대관했고, 코드S에 진출한 32명의 선수들의 오프닝 세리머니가 진행됐음에도 불구하고 500여 명의 관객을 모으는데 그쳤기 때문이다. 한 e스포츠 관계자는 “오픈 시즌 인기가 계속 하락하고 시즌 시작 3일 전 후원사가 바뀌는 등 혼란이 지속돼 본 시즌의 흥행 여부가 불투명했던 것이 사실”이라고 최근 현상을 분석하기도 했다.
GSL 개막전을 본 몇몇 팬들은 “스타2가 망해야 스타1이 산다”, “GSL 개막전이 망해서 고소하다”, “스타1이 흥행하고 있으니 스타1만 보면 된다”는 등 극단적인 반응을 나타내기도 했다.
하지만 이는 잘못된 생각이다. 스타크래프트1이 살기 위해서는 스타크래프트2가 흥행해야 하고, 역시 스타크래프트2가 흥행하기 위해서는 스타크래프트1이 인기 몰이를 계속해야 한다. 몇몇 극단적인 팬들의 말처럼 ‘상대가 죽어야 내가 산다’는 식의 논리는 자칫 스타1과 스타2를 모두 죽이는 최악의 결과를 나을 가능성도 있음을 유의해야 한다.
스타2가 스타1의 후속작임에는 분명하지만 두 게임은 분명 다른 게임이다. 스타1 외에 철권, 카트라이더, 스페셜포스, 서든어택 등 많은 e스포츠 종목들처럼 스타2 역시 새로운 종목 중 하나일 뿐이다. 물론 장르가 RTS로 겹친다는 점과 후속작이기 때문에 게임성이 비슷하다는 점은 스타1에 큰 위협이 될 수 있다. 스타1을 좋아하는 팬들 역시 이런 점을 이유로 스타2 리그인 GSL에 곱지 않은 시선을 보내는 것이 사실이다.
하지만 스타1과 스타2를 서비스하는 게임사가 블리자드로 동일하기 때문에 스타2가 한국에서 인기를 얻어야 한다. 블리자드가 앞서 인터뷰에서 “스타2를 서비스한다고 해서 스타1 서비스를 중지하는 일은 없을 것”이라고 밝혔지만 과연 스타2가 한국에서 흥행 실패를 하게 되면 어떻게 될까? 예전처럼 배틀넷 서비스를 정상적으로 제공하고, 사설 서버를 묵인해주는 등 한국 e스포츠의 근간이 되는 기본 서비스를 계속 유지할까? 이는 확신할 수 없는 일이다. 한국 e스포츠의 근간이 되는 스타크래프트1의 서비스 권리를 블리자드가 모두 가지고 있는 만큼 최악의 상황까지 염두하고 있어야 한다.
마찬가지로 스타2가 흥행하기 위해서는 스타1의 인기 역시 계속되어야 한다. 스타1을 즐기는 유저들이 미래에 스타2를 즐기게 될 잠재 유저인 만큼 스타1이 인기를 유지하고 있어야 스타2 역시 흥행을 기대해볼 수 있기 때문이다.
스타1과 스타2는 충분히 공존할 수 있다. 스타1 프로게이머가 자유롭게 스타2 리그에 출전하고 스타2 선수 역시 스타1 리그에 이름을 올리는 시대가 온다면 위와 같은 최악의 상황은 걱정하지 않아도 될 것이다. 지금은 ‘모 아니면 도’라는 극단적인 생각보다는 서로 공생할 수 있는 방법을 찾기 위해 노력을 기울여야 할 때인 것이다.
그러기 위해서는 지재권 협상의 주체인 그래텍-블리자드와 한국e스포츠협회-게임단의 노력도 필요하지만, 리그를 지켜보는 팬들의 자성 역시 있어야 한다. ‘스타2 망한 리그’, ‘스타1 불법 리그’가 아니라 스타1과 스타2가 공존할 수 있는 토대를 만들기 위한 노력이 선행되어야만 지재권 협상 역시 순항의 길로 접어들 수 있음을 명심해야 할 것이다.
I think the new format is bad for new players trying to make a name for themselves. Now the only thing other people have left is MLG and dreamhack which are pretty meh compared to the prestige and money you get for even playing in GSL.
No evidence was given of the failure. Are they just referring to the personal attendees? What is the TV/online viewership numbers?
Good post, though.
Lol fomos is so pro-sc2, BW doesn't need sc2, if sc2 died BW would just go on as normal. Although I for one would like to see both leagues do well (kinda).
However, this is the wrong idea. In order for BW to live, SC2 needs to succeed, and in order for SC2 to succeed, BW needs to keep its popularity. If we follow some extreme fans who are yelling "one needs to die for other to survive", then we might end up killing both games at once. People need to understand that this is the worst possible situation at the moment.
I agree with some parts of this paragraph. I really don't like it when people jump on bandwagons and say "Let X game die so Y game can live!" It seems like a very irrational approach to things. If things can be done so that both survive (and I'm pretty sure there are plenty of things that can be done), then I say go for it. Thank you for the translation, SNM =)
On January 07 2011 13:35 0neder wrote: No evidence was given of the failure. Are they just referring to the personal attendees? What is the TV/online viewership numbers?
Good post, though. Seems like they're only using attendees at this moment. I do not have stats on online viewership (by the way, GomTV is not aired on cable television).
There were many articles saying that GSL opening ceremony was a failure, given that they borrowed a stadium with 5000 seats, but only 500 were filled up. And less and less at GomTV studio.
I agree with mega... its like they exspect the readers to be dumb enough to think bw depends on sc2 just because they say it does.
EDIT:I often feel like the korean and non-korean commentators act like the fans are really stupid. Always exagerating the "WOW" factor in a simple moment of micro in pretty boring games of sc2 and immediatly following it up with some statment urging fans to love sc2 just as much as bw. There is so much effort in trying to convince viewers to like the game as opposed to just commentating on the match.
Would Blizzard ever destroy the BW servers out of rage that sc2 fails? They would be attacking their own fans, it's absurd.
On January 07 2011 13:43 puppykiller wrote: I agree with mega... its like they exscpet the readers to be dumb enough to think bw depends on sc2 just becuase they say it does. Wrong.
If SC2 dies but BW lives, what will Blizzard try to do? Just let KeSPA run the tournaments?
The end result is not guaranteed in this situation. However, Blizzard will take much more severe action if its league dies.
Doesn't the online stream get well over 200k viewers average?
They reported something like 450k when boxer first played
The opening GSL ceremonies is more a really bad decision than a failure.
MBC or OGN could try to have some type of opening ceremony for MSL/OSL and I don't think it could draw 500+ people.
people care about finals or games between big names. they care much less for a ceremony to announce the people who have qualified for the tournament.
On January 07 2011 13:37 Megaliskuu wrote: Lol fomos is so pro-sc2, BW doesn't need sc2, if sc2 died BW would just go on as normal. Although I for one would like to see both leagues do well (kinda). This. I'm perfectly fine with SC2 becoming really big in korea, it's not a bad game. Just don't touch BW.
On January 07 2011 13:43 puppykiller wrote: I agree with mega... its like they expect the readers to be dumb enough to think bw depends on sc2 just because they say it does.
Personally, I think it might be worse than people think if SC2 fails but BW survives. Considering the actions that Blizzard is taking right now with the BW scene, imagine what happens if SC2 completely dies off. Blizzard will either try to have to get profits from BW (doubt that'll happen), or they will have to remove BW completely (against popular opinion) so that SC2 is forced down their throats. I don't really know if this will happen, but it seems like a possibility in worst case scenario
United States5162 Posts
On January 07 2011 13:47 supernovamaniac wrote:Show nested quote +On January 07 2011 13:43 puppykiller wrote: I agree with mega... its like they exscpet the readers to be dumb enough to think bw depends on sc2 just becuase they say it does. Wrong. If SC2 dies but BW lives, what will Blizzard try to do? Just let KeSPA run the tournaments? The end result is not guaranteed in this situation. However, Blizzard will take much more severe action if its league dies.
You really think there's a good chance that Blizzard would try to take down professional BW as we know it if SC2 turns out to be a bust in Korea? Alienating a entire country like that seems like a poor business move. I would assume even if SC2 isn't an Esports success they would still like to sell some copies of it in Korea.
I think this is silly to begin with by thinking that GSL's success is tied to the number of non-paying attendees they attract. Nobody has the viewership numbers that actually matter.
Secondly, I don't see how someone can argue that SC2 is responsible for keeping BW alive in Korea. If the BW community has shown anything it's that they'll do whatever it takes to play their game, whether Blizzard facilitates it or not.
Lastly, as should probably be expected they ignore the very rapid growth of the foreign SC2 community and don't even consider how all the foreign views and subscriptions may effect the equation.
Australia8532 Posts
I think the article is aiming towards if sc2 fails Blizzard may respond negatively towards the existing BW scene.
I think the success of both games is important for esports in general; two communities can coexist side-by-side. The failure of the opening ceremony is a bit of let down; but in time this game will grow and grow and can only get better.. as long as the $ remains
On January 07 2011 13:50 Myles wrote:Show nested quote +On January 07 2011 13:47 supernovamaniac wrote:On January 07 2011 13:43 puppykiller wrote: I agree with mega... its like they exscpet the readers to be dumb enough to think bw depends on sc2 just becuase they say it does. Wrong. If SC2 dies but BW lives, what will Blizzard try to do? Just let KeSPA run the tournaments? The end result is not guaranteed in this situation. However, Blizzard will take much more severe action if its league dies. You really think there's a good chance that Blizzard would try to take down professional BW as we know it if SC2 turns out to be a bust in Korea? Alienating a entire country like that seems like a poor business move. I would assume even if SC2 isn't an Esports success they would still like to sell some copies of it in Korea. Do you have any idea how much money they've invested in Korea for SC2?
Blizzard, as we know it right now, will take action no matter what. Worst case possible in this situation will be shutdown of BW leagues (given that KeSPA, MBC, OGN loses court case).
It's more likely that Blizzard will let BW leagues carry on after more negotiations. However, we're assuming the worst possible case here.
And also, e-Sports or not, game is a game. It will sell regardless of the e-Sports situation.
On January 07 2011 13:54 Bear4188 wrote: Lastly, as should probably be expected they ignore the very rapid growth of the foreign SC2 community and don't even consider how all the foreign views and subscriptions may effect the equation. It was a fomos translation. Why would they count foreign viewers/growing community into this?
Honestly they could careless what happens outside of Korea.
On January 07 2011 13:47 supernovamaniac wrote:Show nested quote +On January 07 2011 13:43 puppykiller wrote: I agree with mega... its like they exscpet the readers to be dumb enough to think bw depends on sc2 just becuase they say it does. Wrong. If SC2 dies but BW lives, what will Blizzard try to do? Just let KeSPA run the tournaments? The end result is not guaranteed in this situation. However, Blizzard will take much more severe action if its league dies.
you obviously look down on acti-blizz too much, they would not stoop that low, unless it was well worth the time and money spent, which i doubt. If sc2 dies, they would most likely give up on it, since that would seem to be the most cost effective decision. Fighting with kespa after sc2 dying amounts to nothing except alittle bit of satisfaction over revenge.
On January 07 2011 13:40 supernovamaniac wrote:Show nested quote +On January 07 2011 13:35 0neder wrote: No evidence was given of the failure. Are they just referring to the personal attendees? What is the TV/online viewership numbers?
Good post, though. Seems like they're only using attendees at this moment. I do not have stats on online viewership (by the way, GomTV is not aired on cable television). There were many articles saying that GSL opening ceremony was a failure, given that they borrowed a stadium with 5000 seats, but only 500 were filled up. And less and less at GomTV studio.
If blizzard discontinued BW, every progammer would speak out. Can you imagine the riots in korea as the country tunes into a live broadcast of Jaedong breaking down on camera as he explains how blizzard destroyed his job?
On January 07 2011 13:56 puppykiller wrote:Show nested quote +On January 07 2011 13:40 supernovamaniac wrote:On January 07 2011 13:35 0neder wrote: No evidence was given of the failure. Are they just referring to the personal attendees? What is the TV/online viewership numbers?
Good post, though. Seems like they're only using attendees at this moment. I do not have stats on online viewership (by the way, GomTV is not aired on cable television). There were many articles saying that GSL opening ceremony was a failure, given that they borrowed a stadium with 5000 seats, but only 500 were filled up. And less and less at GomTV studio. If blizzard discontinued BW, every progammer would speak out. Can you imagine the riots in korea as the country tunes into a live broadcast of Jaedong breaking down on camera as he explains how blizzard destroyed his job? If Blizzard wins the case and does this, nothing can be done to stop them really. What's a riot going to do, somehow transfer the legal rights to KeSPA? I don't think it'll happen tho, SC2 and BW will co-exist for at least a few years imo.
On January 07 2011 13:56 puppykiller wrote:Show nested quote +On January 07 2011 13:40 supernovamaniac wrote:On January 07 2011 13:35 0neder wrote: No evidence was given of the failure. Are they just referring to the personal attendees? What is the TV/online viewership numbers?
Good post, though. Seems like they're only using attendees at this moment. I do not have stats on online viewership (by the way, GomTV is not aired on cable television). There were many articles saying that GSL opening ceremony was a failure, given that they borrowed a stadium with 5000 seats, but only 500 were filled up. And less and less at GomTV studio. If blizzard discontinued BW, every progammer would speak out. Can you imagine the riots in korea as the country tunes into a live broadcast of Jaedong breaking down on camera as he explains how blizzard destroyed his job? Doesn't matter to Blizzard if that happens.
Also, the whole Blizzard-KeSPA thing... it is the worst possible situation. There are many other options that will be brought up (possibly) if SC2 dies but BW lives (which probably won't happen).
Don't think that fomos nor I are trying to say that Blizzard WILL sue if SC2 dies.