I got this idea off the Battle.net forums and decided to try it out.
Basically I will attempt to beat the Wings of Liberty Campaign on Brutal difficulty without getting any upgrades or use any of the Zerg / Protoss technology. I will also attempt to do this on all 29 possible missions. For the choices I will go back in archives and do them.
As proof I will try to get videos up as fast as I can but as my upload speed is slower than a turtle's it will take a lot of time after I beat missions before the videos are up.
Also I will do these at the lowest setting possible so the recording won't lag as much.
Now for some of the things I need to iron out:
Should I go for all bonus objectives as well? This complicate things since if I do not go for the bonus objectives, on some levels I can easily 'cheese' through.
And should I do all missions as they are made to do or though some sort of shortcut (Like the 4 minute Echoes of the Future mission)?
I'll keep this updated.
Completed Missions so far Order - Mission Name - In Game Completion Time (Youtube links will be posts when they finish uploading) Youtube links have been hidden in spoiler tags
1 - Liberation Day - 5:18 + Show Spoiler + 2 - The Oulaws - 13:01 + Show Spoiler + 3 - Zero Hour - 20:12 + Show Spoiler +http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09UBqKTQACw 4 - The Evacuation - 22:26 + Show Spoiler +http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64I8Nr7l0Bk 5 - Smash and Grab - 21:30 + Show Spoiler + 6 - The Devil's Playground - 34:25 + Show Spoiler +http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGaR6a1ywgA 7 - Outbreak - 44:00 + Show Spoiler +http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoyhcSqnD74 8 - The Great Train Robbery - 20:52 + Show Spoiler +http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9crE0SiwVks 9 - The Dig - 47:37 + Show Spoiler +http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDgBrornLn4 10 - Haven's Fall - 1:23:09 --Will not be uploaded until much later when I redo the mission to shorten the time-- 11 - Welcome to the Jungle - 20:19 + Show Spoiler + 12 - The Moebius Factor - 22:56 + Show Spoiler +http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7R_p4hqNLU 13 - Cutthroat - 38:50 + Show Spoiler +http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKKNnlodhNA 14 - Ghost of a Chance - 26:48 + Show Spoiler +http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aF8TIKpZ7Lg 15 - Breakout - 27:22 + Show Spoiler +http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ot7Hy_J0ACM 16 - Safe Haven - 21:58 + Show Spoiler +http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T963LsggAaQ 17 - Supernova - 16:18 + Show Spoiler + 18 - Engine of Destruction - 32:08 + Show Spoiler +http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OXUXUvZOfo 19 - Media Blitz - 44:12 + Show Spoiler +http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJYQpOBlPEU 20 - Piercing the Shroud - 25:01 + Show Spoiler +http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFXkolvvu0Q 21 - Maw of the Void - 44:26 + Show Spoiler +http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPix3xTznvg And on to Char we go (yes I'm not doing the prophecy missions as those do not use upgrades anyways) 22 - Gates of Hell - 1:10:05 + Show Spoiler +http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qt3-fI-LI4Q 23 - Shatter the Sky - 49:05 + Show Spoiler +http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2zKMOc6Mk0 24 - Belly of the Beast -31:37 + Show Spoiler +http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0_JRW4l200
HELP NEEDED! I need you guys to come up with as many crazy ideas (but it must be somewhat theoretically possible to beat both All In air and nydus!
While you're at it, you should only use units you unlocked by doing prequesites to the specific missions. See http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft2/Campaign For example, don't use Banshees in Welcome to the Jungle. Only use them in Supernova and Maw of the Void. =)
That way it's truly a minimalistic playthrough!
Imho you should do all bonus objectives. Taking shortcuts is fine, I guess, as long as you do all objectives.
I'd say choose a subtheme to complement "Brutal NUR": speed or minimalist/completionist.
If you go for speed, try to clear the missions as fast as possible, using units from other mission branches (this means you'll have to plan out which units to get first, etc...). Don't do optional objectives if you can avoid it.
If you go for mismalist/completionist, then do as jackb said.
I'd prefer to see the speed-oriented one, since minimalist runs can become boring :S
a valid strategy! I honestly don't think it'll be awfully difficult, with one or two minor exceptions, you're pretty much kicking yourself in the balls as far as medic marine goes, as you won't have stim, reactor meds, shields or stabilizers. those make all the difference on brutal. I think I could do without anything else, but don't take my stim oh god.
i dont know how you'll be able to do this., realistically you only need a few upgrades. and with no technology man i just dunno... good luck
I don't see All In happening with no upgrades.
^ +1 Even if you are Fantasy, Nada, Morrow or whoever progamer, I don't think even they can do it without upgrades.
I might do it like jackb said but I'll try for the fastest time given those conditions.
I'm currently at Outbreak / Smash and Grab / Devil's Playground
Am I allowed to use reapers from Devil's Playground in Outbreak?
And we may never know if All In is possible. But I shall attempt it.
On August 23 2010 12:41 Thereisnosaurus wrote: a valid strategy! I honestly don't think it'll be awfully difficult, with one or two minor exceptions, you're pretty much kicking yourself in the balls as far as medic marine goes, as you won't have stim, reactor meds, shields or stabilizers. those make all the difference on brutal. I think I could do without anything else, but don't take my stim oh god.
Yea no stim, no reactored medics, no shields, no healing +. You have no idea how annoying this is.
This will be interesting to see - best of luck!
I will be following this thread.
Good luck! I NEED reactor'd medics haha.
Good luck but I doubt you'll be able to beat All In without upgrades. I'll be watching your progress though as this does seem like an interesting challenge.
I'm all for beating the missions however you can -- all that matters is that you didn't take those upgrades. Cheesy strategies, units from way up the mission line, whatever it takes. The criteria is no upgrades, so that's the only thing you ought to stick to.
On August 23 2010 11:05 Zades wrote: I will also attempt to do this on all 29 possible missions.
Maybe this is Captain Obvious speaking, but feel free to skip the prophecy missions 
i think the first big road block will be Welcome to the Jungle.
Prediction: OP completes 28 missions without too much difficulty then gets roflstomped trying to do All In.
+ Show Spoiler +Most missions can be beaten with "mass the new unit," so no upgrades won't be too big of a deal until All In and it suddenly is.
Welcome to the Jungle will be hard as fuck for you. GL anyway. I passed most of my missions with mnm on brutal, I can't imagine some of them without medics and stim :<. I guess you'll be going mech heavy in the later missions since mnm without stim and medic upgrades is pretty useless.
I could see doing this with just marine/medic/tank upgrades, but without them some levels are going to be rough. The last level should be near impossible without any upgrades or research I would think.
i thought of this NUR challenge before as well but after playing brutal, i was like...this is kinda hard... and then i thought how much harder it would be to do it without any upgrades >.< and then i gave up on the idea.
I can only assume he's going to do nydus for All In. But that means no Planetary Fortress, no stimmed marines, no bunker turrets or capacity upgrades, no psi disrupter, no tech reactor for tanks, no gas upgrade for tanks, no mercs, no thors with stunlock. So yea, I really just don't know. But GL
It hurts trying to imagine playing brutal All In without siege tank upgrades, mules, gas boost, +15% attack speed, tech reactors, double SCV repair, building damage control, planetary fortresses, most of the mercs or even any bunker upgrades. You do get to use the artifact as often as possible, though, and that's worth a lot.
And should I do all missions as they are made to do or though some sort of shortcut (Like the 4 minute Echoes of the Future mission)?
You can just about skip the Zeratul line. Upgrades can't go into those missions and you won't be taking anything out of them, so it's the same as normally playing the levels on Brutal. IMO you should be willing to compromise secondary objectives if it gets too hard.
Can't wait to watch these videos, actually.