Due to the changes to account IDs, this thread is now obsolete.
Please use this one: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=135006
Please use this one: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=135006
Starcraft 2 Practice Partner Thread v5.0
2010-06-04 13:55EST: With regards to the recent database wipe (patch 15); with just a few days before beta goes down temporarily, and I don't see the point of reseting this thread.
2010-05-23 15:56EST: Thread opperational.
2010-05-23 15:17EST:
2010-05-22 18:07EST: The new practice partner thread will be released by the end of tomorrow evening. It will accomodate for the patch 13 changes.
This post regularly auto updates. The auto-updater scans through the entries and updates this thread. If you need to modify your entry, just edit your post. Please do not send me PMs requesting I edit your entry.
Much thanks goes to NiGhT_mArE, Raydog and starcraft911 for their awesome improvement suggestions.
How To:
Please follow the format exactly as it is written.
Server: US Server (this includes Canada)
TL ID: Monokeros
Email: monokeros@example.com
B.Net ID: Monokeros
Rating: 500
League: Diamond
Rank: 42
Race: Terran
Other: Extra info you want to add. Maximium of one paragraph.
Important Rules
- Do not use abbreviations. (E.g. type Protoss not
toss, Platinum notplat) - The server entry mustcontain one of the following key words: US, EU or ASIA.
- The league entry must contain one of the following key words: diamond, platinum, gold, silver, or bronze.
- The rank entry must contain your current rank as it stands on your Battle.net account. As your rank improves, you may revise your entry by going back and editing your post.
- The rating entry is optional yet highly recomended especially at the diamond level. Submit your rating as it currently stands on battle.net. You may always revise your rating as it improves by editing your post.
- The other entry should all be on one paragraph.
- If you need to modify or delete your entry, simply edit your post.
- Only one entry per post. If you want to make multiple entries, you will need to make multiple posts.
Lying & Misrepresentation
Posters who verifiably lie or misrepresent any of the above information will be purged from this thread.
ASIA Server
Diamond Division+ Show Spoiler +
+ Show Spoiler +Protoss
+ Show Spoiler +TL ID: keNn)
Email: ownagekenn@gmail.com
B.Net ID: keNn
Rating: N/A
League: Diamond
Rank: 0
Race: Protoss
Other: Currently Ranking is broken in asia server.anyone who wants to custom there just pm me. I need a lot of practice...
+ Show Spoiler +TL ID: LuckyGnom
Email: gnomartem[dog]msn.com
B.Net ID: LuckyGnom
Rating: 400
League: Diamond
Rank: 0
Race: Terran
Other: I prefer customs when I need to practice vs 1 race opponents or when ladder doesnt work
+ Show Spoiler +Platinum Division+ Show Spoiler +
Gold Division+ Show Spoiler +
+ Show Spoiler +TL ID: FuRong
Email: PM me
B.Net ID: FuRongJieJie
Rating: N/A
League: Gold
Rank: 0
Race: Random
Other: I am Diamond on US, probably high Gold on Asia but I don't know for sure (ladder is broken). I will play any matchup although Terran is my strongest solo race and at the moment my preference is TvP and TvT practice. I'm not fantastic but would like to practice against common builds and strategies
+ Show Spoiler +Terran
+ Show Spoiler +Zerg
+ Show Spoiler +Silver Division+ Show Spoiler +
Bronze Division+ Show Spoiler +
EU Server
Diamond Division+ Show Spoiler +
+ Show Spoiler +TL ID: Sing
Email: singming@gmail.com
B.Net ID: Mingus
Rating: 213
League: Diamond
Rank: 16
Race: Random
Other: Any matchup as long as we have fun and improve.
TL ID: Ventez
Email: frodeop@hotmail.com
B.Net ID: Ventez
Rating: N/A
League: Diamond
Rank: 57
Race: Random
Other: I'm in diamon but I'm probably more a platinum member. I Want a partner who is talkactive and just play lots of games. I don't really care what race you are since I need practice with all MOs. Just add me if you want to play some games, but atm I got exams so it's a little difficult getting time.
+ Show Spoiler +TL ID: NewBeginning
Email: NewBeginning.esl@web.de
B.Net ID: NewBeginning
Rating: 400
League: Diamond
Rank: 8
Race: Protoss
Other: German who likes to pratice all Protoss MU's.
TL ID: Munin
Email: jesper.ek@glocalnet.net
B.Net ID: Munin
Rating: 300
League: Diamond
Rank: 12
Race: Protoss
Other: Need to practice my PvT and PvZ / someone to spam games with.
TL ID: feer
Email: leon.weber@gmx.net
B.Net ID: feer
Rating: 200
League: Diamond
Rank: 27
Race: Protoss
Other: Lookings for anything.
TL ID: Barth95
Email: sc2@esportsfrance.com
B.Net ID: Barth
Rating: 150
League: Diamond
Rank: 10
Race: Protoss
Other: : Need to train my builds. My best matchup is versus terran whereas I lack train vs zerg.
TL ID: Hider
Email: mathiashlm@hotmail.com
B.Net ID: Hider
Rating: 60
League: Diamond
Rank: 5
Race: Protoss
Other: Looking to train my protoss, as I am usually a terran player. Searching for an oppenent who is a gold/plat-player.
TL ID: Swilte
Email: swilteb@gmail.com
B.Net ID: swilte
Rating: 52
League: Diamond
Rank: 61
Race: Protoss
Other: Looking for practice partners from the plat and diamond league (and maybe gold if you're dedicated). I dont care what race you play but I would love to if we did some 2v2 and 1v1 to test strats and stuff. Im not the most experienced sc player but im willing to learn. So just add me in game and send me a message!
TL ID: Shammythefox
Email: bobby__dylan@hotmail.co.uk
B.Net ID: shammythefox
Rating: N/A
League: Diamond
Rank: 0
Race: Protoss
Other: Havn't completed placements atm as i've been getting dropped and i dont want to end up where i dont belong. was 1600~ and rising plat player before reset. Just looking for people to practice with and bounce around theory ideas. No douchebags please =]
TL ID: Rexyrex
Email: rexyrex@naver.com
B.Net ID: Rexyrex
Rating: N/A
League: Diamond
Rank: 20
Race: Protoss
Other: Looking for anyone above plat to play some 2v2 with me
TL ID: DeCavalier
Email: Mats_andersson7@msn.com
B.Net ID: �e��vali�r
Rating: N/A
League: [1v1] Diamond, [2v2] Platinum
Rank: 92
Race: Protoss
Other: Looking for a practice partner or a 2v2 partner and to get better. Any matchup would do.
+ Show Spoiler +TL ID: Poetic[aov]
Email: ben0505_15@hotmail.co.uk
B.Net ID: PoeticAoV
Rating: 650
League: Diamond
Rank: 1
Race: Terran
Other: Looking for practice partners of any race, to practise new builds and discuss the game. I am on most evenings, and during the day when I don't have anything else on. I would like to find some good players to practice with!
TL ID: Lylat
Email: lylatw@laposte.net
B.Net ID: Lylat
Rating: 450
League: Diamond
Rank: 10
Race: Terran
Other: I was playing mainly Protoss at the beginning but then switched to Terran, I'm looking forward any matchup !
TL ID: jdobrev
Email: dobrev.jordanATgmail.com
B.Net ID: Riddler
Rating: 259
League: Diamond
Rank: 17
Race: Terran
Other: My best mu is against Zerg and my worst is TvT. I prefer partners willing to play lots of games in a row with focus on improving specific aspects of play. Being a calm player is a priority xD Depending on my schedule I may be available to play from 05:00 CET to 23:00 CET. Usually at least a few hours a day. Have mic and skype (jdobrev)
TL ID: Kanaz
Email: PM me
B.Net ID: Kanaz
Rating: 250
League: Diamond
Rank: 11
Race: Terran
Other: Looking for someone mid / lower end of diamond to practice 1v1 matchups and/or new builds. Pref. zerg / tos opponent.
TL ID: EffeCt
Email: krazy4kronik@hotmail.com
B.Net ID: EffeCtioN
Rating: 234
League: Diamond
Rank: 19
Race: Terran
Other: Add me as a friend through my email account, krazy4kronik@hotmail.com. I'm always up for games when I'm online so just message me and let's get going! I have diamond level terran and I'm better than rank 19, but b.net 2.0 is kinda messed up as we all know! GL HF!
TL ID: Gomas
Email: mruugacz@gmail.com
B.Net ID: Gomas
Rating: 200
League: Diamond
Rank: 5
Race: Terran
Other: Looking for any opportunity to get better Add me!
TL ID: constantine
Email: junkstash@abv.bg
B.Net ID: Zhanshi
Rating: 200
League: Diamond
Rank: 10
Race: Terran
Other: I can't really spam a lot of games as I have a couple of examns left but I would enjoy improving my ghostmech build against a Protoss (currently my weakest mu)
TL ID: keCken
Email: stefan_brandhoff@web.de
B.Net ID: keCken
Rating: 200
League: Diamond
Rank: 16
Race: Terran
Other: was playing zerg and terran in the first phase of beta
TL ID: Stato
Email: Statoalot@hotmail.com
B.Net ID: Stato
Rating: 175
League: Diamond
Rank: 20
Race: Terran
Other: Looking for a serious practice partners, preferably Zerg and Protoss, willing to play ALOT, review games etc, partner MUST have ventrilo, i use the TL vent so just come find me under the name of Stato. Serious players only please, email me or add me on Msn/B.net.
TL ID: Shizuru~
Email: PM for email
B.Net ID: Shizuru
Rating: 168
League: Diamond
Rank: 22
Race: Terran
Other: Looking for terran and protoss practise partner for TvP, and TvT match ups.
TL ID: Solitude
Email: jamiebutterworth@live.co.uk
B.Net ID: Network
Rating: 150
League: Diamond
Rank: 50
Race: Terran
Other: Looking for a long-term practice partner so we can improve together. My plans are to become semi-professional. I don't play much ladder because a practice partner is much more preferable for improvement which explains my low rank and rating. I'm available pretty much all the time so PM me if you're interested.
TL ID: Tufas
Email: deathknight@gmx.at
B.Net ID: Tufas
Rating: 72
League: Diamond
Rank: 14
Race: Terran
Other: Not that good of a player, but I beat all my friends and therefore want to play against new people. Thanks ! (worst matchup : TvZ [have lost almost no TvT so far])
TL ID: Kriden.inc
Email: kristofdenolf@hotmail.com
B.Net ID: Kriden.inc
Rating: 50
League: Diamond
Rank: 0
Race: Terran
Other: Looking for any practice partners. I have Skype, VT & Teamspeak. Online most evenings.
TL ID: m3m0ry21
Email: memory1337@yahoo.de
B.Net ID: Memo
Rating: N/A
League: Diamond (dont really think i belong there yet :D)
Rank: 0
Race: Terran
Other: im german, still able to speak english, no broodwar expirience... had no partner yet, net a lot to learn, but have nobody to practise with // have nobody to teach me
+ Show Spoiler +TL ID: Sparklejar
Email: ola.sjolander@bahnhof.se
B.Net ID: PeRsIsTaNcE
Rating: 400
League: Diamond
Rank: 2
Race: Zerg
Other: Im just a zerg who is looking to get better and actually win tournaments. I think a practice partner will help me acheive this much more easily than just playing on the ladder. I need to practice all matchups so whatever race you play is fine but it would be optimal for me if you played several races but that is not required. PM or email me if you are interested. I'm online most days.
TL ID: gurru.
Email: elmargracher@gmx.de
B.Net ID: gurru
Rating: 210
League: Diamond
Rank: 0
Race: zerg>protoss>... no terran for me atm :D
Other: searching for skilled, mannered!, all races
TL ID: OneBk
Email: j.3.rry@hotmail.com
B.Net ID: OneBk
Rating: 140
League: diamond
Rank: 20
Race: Zerg
Other: my goal is just to be a better player and evolve down the rabbit hole.
TL ID: Ren.AbsoluteZero
Email: renzeroeu@gmail.com
B.Net ID: Rhyme
Rating: 84
League: Diamond (on us)
Rank: 5
Race: Zerg
Other: I'm very active on the US server, and am on EU once in a while. I currently desire practice versus variations in all zerg match-ups. Contact me for one game or one hundred. I'm always looking for good players to practice with and to spectate (I like to spectate zerg users, as non-zerg match-ups hold little importance for my improvement).
TL ID: Piy
Email: jjay75@gmail.com
B.Net ID: Piy
Rating: 42
League: Diamond
Rank: 35
Race: Zerg
Other: Pm me on TL or Bnet. Very active. Looking in particular for people willing to mass game and review.
TL ID: Myia
Email: sc2e001@ hotmail.com
B.Net ID: Myia
Rating: N/A
League: Diamond
Rank: 0
Race: Zerg
Other: Low - Mid Diamond/High Platinum Scotsman - Looking for people to practice, preferably Terran and Protoss opponents, but will practice with Zerg. Platinum + Diamond please. Also want to have a bit of fun talking about theorycrafting etc, whats going on with builds, and how to improve all strats from both of us.
Platinum Division+ Show Spoiler +
+ Show Spoiler +TL ID: Barroo
Email: barroo86@gmail.com
B.Net ID: Barroo
Rating: 50
League: Platinum
Rank: 50
Race: Random
Other: Enjoy playing as random so don't mind picking a race to give the opposition a little test but see myself strongest as a Protoss player. Finished the Beta in Diamond league, but I don't trust the Beta. Would like to face any sort of opponent. Just want to learn and test different BO's and hopefully have an opponent who is the same, regardless of skill level.
TL ID: Infernium
Email: Mist-aszune@hotmail.com
B.Net ID: Infernium
Rating: N/A
League: Platinum
Rank: 0
Race: Random
Other: I'm a gold/platinum ranked Random player that have been in the beta for about 5 weeks, and i am currently looking for practise buddies to share strategies, build orders, tricks, tips and to watch and discuss replays with to try to improve my own as well as my opponents gameplay. I also enjoy to watch high level games and try to find new strategies and build orders to use (Mostly Day[9] analysis, Husky and HDstarcraft videos) and it would be great to find someone who follow these casters as well! Players of any league and race are welcome, prefer mature and calm players, but it's not a requierment. Feel free to send an email if you are interested. :D
+ Show Spoiler +TL ID: shannn
Email: PM me here on TL forums if u want to add me
B.Net ID: Hustlin
Rating: 316
League: Platinum
Rank: 3
Race: Protoss
Other: Just want to mass custom games to practice old/new strategies this week before the Beta shuts down temporarily (or after Beta is back up in July~). I can only play from 22:00-23:00 till 02:00 each day. Any MU is welcome.
TL ID: Vedad
Email: vedadb (at) student (dot) chalmers (dot) se
B.Net ID: Oashgu
Rating: 204
League: Platinum
Rank: 4
Race: Protoss
Other: Want practice partner for the last days of beta + after release, playing as protoss, climbing my way to diamond right now =). I pretty much need to practice overall. You can contact me ingame with email I wrote earlier. I got mic.
TL ID: kidijs
Email: kidijs@gmail.com
B.Net ID: kidijs
Rating: N/A
League: Platinum
Rank: 0
Race: Protoss
Other: Lower platinum player wants to practice and make friends. Wants to practice all the MUs so it's good if you fancy more than a single race, but certainly not picky. Please PM here or e-mail me if you want to discuss the practice times--so we can practice hard when the beta re-opens. :-)
TL ID: Kilgort
Email: lotierm (nospam) @ gmail.com
B.Net ID: DarthKilgort
Rating: N/A
League: Platinum
Rank: 0
Race: Protoss
Other: Skype - afknoob, I got a mic. Looking for partner in phase two beta, any race. Want to train and talk about tactic.
TL ID: LostFool
B.Net ID: LostFool
Rating: N/A
League: Platinum
Rank: 1
Race: Protoss
Other: Matchmaker gives me so many mirror match-ups I'm looking for Terran / Zerg partners mostly. I need to practice in lots of areas. Would also be good to talk strats / build orders. 1v1 only please.
TL ID: Juvator
Email: onderscore@gmail.com
B.Net ID: Juvator
Rating: N/A
League: Platinum
Rank: 5
Race: Protoss
Other: that was the rank in phase 1ofc, played for 3 weeks, quite intensively. I have lots of gaming experience, looking for a partner with good insight into RTS gaming, to help eachother practise build orders,counters, pretty much anything in which one can improve
TL ID: Melandune
Email: luigi.vittoria@gmail.com
B.Net ID: Melandune
Rating: N/A
League: Platinum
Rank: 7
Race: Protoss
Other: I've just finished the placement selection and got to platinum league. I don't think i belong there though, so i'm looking for a practice partner, expecially protoss or terran. 2v2 partner would be nice as well. I'd like to learn how to improve micro and counter strategy.
TL ID: Judge
Email: orchsmocka@hotmail.com
B.Net ID: Judge
Rating: N/A
League: Platinum
Rank: 35
Race: Protoss/Zerg
Other: Swedish player looking for some good sparring action, practicing my game, as well as having someone to discuss the replays with. Anything from 1v1 to 4v4.
+ Show Spoiler +TL ID: Seejo
Email: nkonstan_gr@yahoo.gr
B.Net ID: Marquesz
Rating: 162
League: Platinum
Rank: 4
Race: Terran
Other: I am not a good player but i managed to win a lot of games by using a 3 barracks BO and an MM early attack. Add me in order to practice new BO and scouting techniques
TL ID: Azarthis
Email: burton898@btinternet.com
B.Net ID: Azarthis
Rating: 129
League: Platinum
Rank: 20
Race: Terran
Other: I'm looking to improve my game, especially macro and micro multitasking. I used to play random so im happy to play off-races if you want to practice a specific build or something. Have vent and mic. I am currently in plat, but was top silver-ish before p13
+ Show Spoiler +TL ID: Kxaegyu
Email: babic@student.chalmers.se
B.Net ID: Miohu
Rating: 187
League: Platinum
Rank: 33
Race: Zerg
Other: Trying to improve my game, would like a high ranked player with experience to help me out, im a fast learner and the casual. Thats generally what i got on my mind, feel free to add me and play some games ;D.
TL ID: Madr0x
Email: wxd91@hotmail.com
B.Net ID: Madrox
Rating: 170
League: Platinum
Rank: 5
Race: Zerg
Other: Would like to play some custom games against all different race. Mainly interested in just getting better at the game so i dont mind obsing either.
TL ID: s031720
Email: s031720 @ gmail . com
B.Net ID: zZz
Rating: 40
League: Platinum (probably belong at lower plat skillwise atm)
Rank: 20
Race: Zerg
Other: Looking for someone to grind games and grind idea with, and to discuss the pros and cons and exchange experiences. Ive got headset with mic so we can talk. I try to play atleast a 1-2 hours a day, evenings, (got a job though, 30 years old) so looking for someone in similar postion but that still is ambitious to become as good as you can be.
TL ID: waSh
Email: niklas.friberg@live.se
Rating: N/A
League: Used to be platinum before beta ending
Rank: 0
Race: Zerg/Protoss
Other: I would like a partner who plays protoss or terran as those are my "weak" match-ups.
TL ID: inTheMood
Email: krangz0r@hotmail.com
B.Net ID: inTheMood
Rating: N/A
League: Platinum
Rank: 3
Race: Zerg
Other: I just need to practice more. Having a hard time vs Terran mech and heavy Protoss warpgate push. I am also willing to play other races, but I'm not strong with them... at all. PM or e-mail or just add me at b.net
Email: Jesperbaun@gmail.com
B.Net ID: IceY
Rating: N/A
League: Platinum
Rank: 10
Race: Zerg
Other: Have a working mic, and it would be great if my practice partner had the same. I have or could get difference voice protocols if needed, have used skype in the past. PM me or get a hold of me on skype, you can use my email to locate me.
TL ID: JeepAss
Email: JeepAss@gmail.com
B.Net ID: JeepAss
Rating: N/A
League: Platinum
Rank: 50
Race: Zerg
Other: Looking for someone to grind games and grind idea with, and to exchange experiences. Ive. got headset with mic so we can talk. I try to play atleast a 1-2 hours a day, evenings, (got a job though, 23 years old) so looking for someone in similar postion but that still is ambitious to become as good as you can be.
Gold Division+ Show Spoiler +
+ Show Spoiler +TL ID: TheBlackSeed
Email: edmessent@hotmail.co.uk
B.Net ID: TheBlackSeed
Rating: N/A
League: Gold
Rank: 53
Race: Random (My Protoss is best)
Other: Bnet wont show me my rating so I will update when it does but I haven't played that much since last reset. Im looking for players of any race just to practice and hopefully help each other improve. Feel free to add and message me on Bnet.
+ Show Spoiler +TL ID: jossi
Email: hentze_90@live.se
B.Net ID: ID: Johan
Rating: N/A
League: Gold (havent done placements yet but prepatch silver)
Rank: 0
Race: Protoss
Other: Old broodwar/wow/wc3 player trying fight my way up the ladder just need someone to play good games with due to pretty much every match on the ladders are horrible.
TL ID: Scorpius
Email: Theoarnberg@yahoo.com
B.Net ID: Scorpius
Rating: N/A
League: gold
Rank: 0
Race: Protoss
Other: I really like a pratice partner to play alot of games in a row to try out build orders and to just learn the game and to become better it would be fun to play aginst someone that got some expriance i will play aginst all races and it would be nice to learn counter tatics for all the races and to discuss what to do and what you could have dont better and just talk about diffrent ways to play so dont be afraid to contact me just PM on Teamliquid or in B.net or by sending me an email so we can talk and discuss on how we both can become better gamers Ps. iam from Sweden but i play aginst all Europeans hope to see you on B.Net
TL ID: sanguin
Email: snowmonty@gmail.com
B.Net ID: sanguin
Rating: N/A
League: Gold
Rank: 0
Race: Protoss
Other: Mid Gold protoss looking for some practice in beta phase 2 and after release. Can play almost daily. Would like to play mainly vs zerg and terran.
TL ID: parKK
Email: pm me
B.Net ID: Joonjo
Rating: N/A
League: Gold
Rank: 1
Race: Protoss
Other: looking for a partner to practice and do some marathons if you have time pm me
TL ID: LSGamer
Email: leon_selby@live.co.uk
B.Net ID: LSGamer
Rating: N/A
League: Gold
Rank: 1
Race: Protoss
Other: Just want to spar with some good players, don't care if you constantly roll me I'll bounce back after breaking down your BO ^^ Want to practise without the rushers of the ladder basically, get enough good replays to learn from.
+ Show Spoiler +TL ID: Vatti
Email: baaailey@hotmail.co.uk
B.Net ID: Vatti.Vatti
Rating: N/A
League: Gold (pre patch Bronze)
Rank: 1
Race: Terran
Other: Retired World of Warcraft veteran looking to get into the RTS scene and starting with Starcraft II. Played Warcraft III for awhile as Nightelf but not as competitivley as I want to play Starcraft II. Looking for a few new friends to play against casually, test and practice with. I have access to Vent and MSN. Looking for all races in all leagues.
TL ID: XothermeK
Email: abdalla.baik@gmail.com
B.Net ID: XothermeK
Rating: N/A
League: Gold (Patch 13)
Rank: 45
Race: Terran (Can also play random, if needed)
Other: I'm trying my best to juice out every possible knowledge regarding SC2 while it's in beta stage to perform at a fairly competitive level soon when it retails, which means, I'm a dedicated person to this game and I'm looking for other hardcore gamers out there to mass custom games together and discuss different builds, counters, metagames, and what have you. I have MSN & a Ventrilo server with a mic & video cam, and I prefer partners who own a mic at least.
+ Show Spoiler +TL ID: Agent Orange
Email: vaughnyboi129@yahoo.com
B.Net ID: Envy
Rating: N/A
League: Gold
Rank: 0
Race: Zerg
Silver Division+ Show Spoiler +
+ Show Spoiler +TL ID: Kerm
Email: xsadoulet@hotmail.com
B.Net ID: Kerm
Rating: N/A
League: Silver
Rank: 0
Race: Random
Other: Looking for practice partners wanting to improve seriously and reach higher leagues ( hoping to make it silver fast, and hopefully reach gold by the end of the beta). Any race welcome, but obviously random players would be better. I enjoy learning the game from analysts like Day9 or Gretorp, but still got a lot of practice to do on the execution side (as i didn't play BW). I appreciate respectful and mannered players, and do NOT wish to practice canon rush.
+ Show Spoiler +TL ID: Mindful
Email: peza_@msn.com
B.Net ID: Mindful
Rating: 100
League: Silver
Rank: 10
Race: Protoss
Other: Looking for new practice partners, "good" English is a must. (Im Swedish btw)
+ Show Spoiler +TL ID: _ToWeLiE_
Email: sonesson8909@hotmail.com
B.Net ID: Towelie
Rating: 100
League: Silver
Rank: 24
Race: Terran
Other: Just looking for someone to practice with Im kind of new but still learning. At least I know all of the game mechanics so Im not a complete noob.
TL ID: gametheory
Email: joebusby@gmail.com
B.Net ID: gametheory
Rating: N/A
League: Silver
Rank: 41
Race: Terran
Other: I main terran, dabbled with random but haven't touched zerg really at all (only one game I got zerg i paniced and 6pooled him into rage quitting, which was really out of desperation!). I've not played sc1 before, and just picked it up at sc2. Want to get together on skype, maybe vent if you have it to improve play, practice builds vs builds. Watch day9 regularly, and try and catch up on HD and Husky (though these plays are often a little above me). I'm from the UK, speak English (and a little welsh if you want! ), and am on most of the daytimes and evenings eu time. Hit me up.
+ Show Spoiler +Bronze Division+ Show Spoiler +
+ Show Spoiler +Protoss
+ Show Spoiler +TL ID: Nabber
Email: yarp15@ hotmail.com
B.Net ID: yarp15@hotmail.com
Rating: N/A
League: Bronze
Rank: 0
Race: Protoss
Other: Low level protoss player looking for a practice partner for eu sc2, preferably zerg although not exclusively.
+ Show Spoiler +TL ID: cellhig
Email: pilin1996@hotmail.com
B.Net ID: cellhig
Rating: N/A
League: Bronze
Rank: 0
Race: Terran
Other: Would really like someone to play, i wish learn how play it. please add me :D
TL ID: RedKnox
Email: soil1994@hotmail.com
B.Net ID: RedKnox
Rating: N/A
League: Bronze/ Silver
Rank: 0
Race: Terran
Other: Am Willing to try new Tarticts To be better and have fun. There aren't much plz email me if you want to play
+ Show Spoiler +US Server
Diamond Division+ Show Spoiler +
+ Show Spoiler +TL ID: sosn
Email: j_strauss@shaw.ca
B.Net ID: saucen
Rating: 1840
League: N/A (haven't done placements yet, I'll update when I do them... Betting it'll be diamond unless I have really tough placements like last time)
Rank: 0
Race: Still undecided on main race, so I play random or choose depending on how I feel that day.
Other: I just need someone somewhat dedicated to practice with, as rl friends just don't cut it and I can't keep bugging all the streamers to play against me ^^;
TL ID: Agh
Email: Use PM for contact
B.Net ID: Had multiple - TBD for p2 beta
Rating: 750
League: Diamond
Rank: 1
Race: Random --> Protoss
TL ID: yoden
Email: pm me
B.Net ID: yoden
Rating: 383
League: Diamond
Rank: 4
Race: Random
Other: Looking for people to play BoXs with a few times a week... BoX better than random games ^^
TL ID: Marimokkori
Email: PM here for e-mail
B.Net ID: Tsunami
Rating: 239
League: Diamond
Rank: 29
Race: Random
Other: Not that great, trying to random, but my main would be considered toss, I guess. PM me for more contact info if you'd like.
TL ID: Ry-Masta-T
Email: Tbowboy3 (at) yahoo (dot) com
B.Net ID: ObamaToss
Rating: 230
League: Diamond
Rank: 4
Race: Random
Other: I'm fairly competent with all the races, been playing zerg since the reset and getting pretty good (although zvt vs mech still mystifies me). Enjoy playing/watching alot and am typically on in the evenings and or mornings (PST).
TL ID: HeyZeus
Email: renluyou@gmail.com
B.Net ID: HeyZeus
Rating: 150
League: Diamond
Rank: 15
Race: Random
Other: Pre-reset I was 1600 Platinum. I'll play any side of any matchup, but I'm currently working on my Terran (racked up a half-dozen losses trying out some unrefined novel strats...trying to get away from the stale MMM ball or tanks/vikings in TvT). I'm usually online around 9-11pm CDT and 6-7am CDT.
TL ID: Brianjfischer
Email: PM for Email
B.Net ID: CavMachine
Rating: 100
League: Diamond
Rank: 30
Race: Random
Other: Looking to learn, spammin the 1v1s gets on my nerves. I really doubt I will be diamond once all the good players start playing. Or maybe I just doubt my own skill, who knows. I have skype, online afternoons EST.
TL ID: bakedace
Email: no need now
B.Net ID: baked.914
Rating: N/A
League: Diamond
Rank: 0
Race: Random
Other: Looking for people who enjoy playing starcraft 2. Also willing to help work on specific match-ups and/or build orders. I was random diamond before reset.. Any skill level feel free to PM me ^^
TL ID: khol
Email: pm me
B.Net ID: Kyhol ( AngeL.Kyle was my last AKA )
Rating: N/A
League: Diamond
Rank: 0
Race: random
Other: I had 2000 points last season. I've played my placement matches 2 times, the whole way through, and it just keeps resetting. So now I'm just going to play custom games, give me a msg if you want to play. I only ask that you are skilled.
TL ID: Loverboy
Email: Lance_2202@yahoo.com
B.Net ID: : Loverboy
Rating: N/A
League: : Diamond
Rank: 27
Race: Random
Other: Looking for practice partners to play, practice build orders and try out new strategies. I'm on mostly at nights, have AIM, vent and some other things. Basically just want to try out different things since it's difficult to try out new strats in ranked without getting steamrolled. PST ME!
+ Show Spoiler +TL ID: HERMM
Email: Apherm565@gmail.com
Rating: 1500
League: Diamond
Rank: 0
Race: protoss or zerg
Other: Looking for anyone to practice a lot with. looking to get better :D
TL ID: Pato
Email: patricioborghi@gmail.com
B.Net ID: Quak
Rating: 800
League: Diamond
Rank: 1
Race: Protoss
Other: Ex Bw player. Won a wcg @ my country. Looking for good massing gaming partners who are interested in becoming better and discussing strats and bo's
TL ID: Ryzen
Email: ryzen242@gmail.com
B.Net ID: ryzen.???
Rating: 764
League: Diamond
Rank: 11
Race: Protoss
Other: I am a very experienced Starcraft player and have picked up SC2 pretty quickly and I am looking to constantly improve, enter into as many tournaments as possible, learn and improve, and make a name for myself in the eSports community. My goal is to be the best SC2 player in the world and I am willing to do what it takes to get there. I am very objective and welcome criticism and opinions on my play and will offer the same if asked.
TL ID: Fallen33
Email: ecahill30@yahoo.com
B.Net ID: Fallen
Rating: 600
League: Diamond
Rank: 4
Race: Protoss / Zerg
TL ID: SlaineD
Email: dolong@gmail.com
B.Net ID: SlaineD
Rating: 500
League: Diamond
Rank: 2
Race: Protoss - Terran also good
Other: looking for high ranked people for really good practic. I was 2200+ ELO before reset or people just looking to mass game
TL ID: kyarisan
Email: carytheprogamer (at) gmail (dot) com
B.Net ID: kyari
Rating: 365
League: Diamond
Rank: 8
Race: Protoss
Other: I'm looking for good players, I'm in diamond but I find that pretty worthless information, I lose to random shit all of the time and I just want to iron out my build orders and make them more versatile, learn how to respond according to what I scout for, etc.
TL ID: MagnaX
Email: yanderson@gmail.com
B.Net ID: PeeShooter
Rating: 350
League: Diamond
Rank: 25
Race: Protoss
Other: Play mostly Protoss in solo play, I do random in 2s/3s/4s been playing alot of 2s with friends this reset. Was 1800 platinum and 1st place in division previous reset. Looking for a team of players to practice builds and at least similar skill level to grow in skill together and play in a tourney level is the objective.
TL ID: Phil4994
Email: Phil4994@gmail.com
B.Net ID: Clee
Rating: 307
League: Diamond
Rank: 8
Race: Protoss
Other: Laid back player, want to practice against other players and increase my knowledge of the game. I'd like to sharpen my play in the process. I'm main race Protoss but can play all races. I'm usually on everyday so hit me up
TL ID: Kuraii
Email: matthewcluu@hotmail.com
B.Net ID: Kuoro
Rating: 258
League: Diamond
Rank: 15
Race: Protoss
TL ID: overvu
Email: overvu(at)gmail(dot)com
B.Net ID: vupham
Rating: 252
League: Diamond
Rank: 17
Race: Protoss
TL ID: Soldier92
Email: Villiger92@yahoo.com
B.Net ID: OedipusKing
Rating: 250
League: Diamond
Rank: 6
Race: Protoss
Other: I mostly play Toss, but switch it up in practice sometimes for fun and to understand the other races. Would really like someone to play with and talk about strategy, where to improve, etc. I'm not super serious, but I do play to win.
TL ID: Allstarx1000
Email: Allstarx1000@gmail.com
B.Net ID: Jyo
Rating: 247
League: Diamond
Rank: 32
Race: Protoss
Other: Have a solid understanding of the game, just want to practice many things including my fundamentals, better tech switches, better transition to endgame/macro, and proper way to counter without over committing, among just general gameplay of course.
TL ID: Horoboro
Email: pm me for email
B.Net ID: HoroBoro
Rating: 224
League: Diamond
Rank: 16
Race: Protoss
Other: Like exercise, long walks on the beach, and cuddling. Looking for fellow average diamond player to hard gay man hug units with.
TL ID: erickeK
Email: eric7kek@gmail.com
B.Net ID: keK (eric7kek@gmail.com
Rating: 200
League: Diamond
Rank: 30
Race: Protoss
Other: To be honest, I shouldn't be in Diamond lol, but I made it and I'm struggling with a record of like, 30-25 or somethin', I dunno but lookin' for some help mainly against T and Z.
TL ID: footymd
Email: justinbleau@hotmail.com
B.Net ID: footymd
Rating: 125
League: Diamond
Rank: 5
Race: protoss
Other: Looking for active players of each race!
TL ID: GoodLuckHF
Email: ben.henderson31@yahoo.com
B.Net ID: GoodLuckHF
Rating: 120
League: Diamond
Rank: 15
Race: Protoss/Zerg
Other: Looking for people willing to try all races all builds and lots of repetition. I'm pretty good with all races so i think i can help pretty much anyone wanting to get better. I'm on every day nearly all day. Would love someone to practice with.
TL ID: Kizu
Email: kevin27147@yahoo.com
B.Net ID: Kizu
Rating: 104
League: Diamond
Rank: 1
Race: Protoss
Other: looking to play against people better than me; im fine with any match up. HOLLER
TL ID: HellsAn631
Email: matkle414@gmail.com
B.Net ID: HellsAngel
Rating: 100
League: Diamond
Rank: 8
Race: Protoss
Other: Looking for practice partners of all races, to test out build orders, strategies, etc, or just even to play some good 1v1 matches. I'm a pretty relaxed person, and i am on almost every night. I use steam/aim/msn as my main form of communication out of game. I enjoy the learning the game, and watching Day9. I can teach and learn. I think i am about lower ranked diamond personally, and am wanting to work on aggressive builds and macro orientated play.
TL ID: Moodwen
Email: markusfagan@mac.com
B.Net ID: Ori
Rating: 100
League: Diamond
Rank: 10
Race: Protoss
Other: Was 1600+ Platinum before the last reset. Don't really have the motivation atm to get back up there with beta ending soon. Looking to practice any mu.Have a vent+mic.
TL ID: Dune1008
Email: curious_vindicate@hotmail.com
B.Net ID: Crimson
Rating: 77
League: Diamond
Rank: 10
Race: Protoss
Other: Looking for players with more consistent play then 1 game a week, able to practice 10 games + in a row would be nice. Having a practice partner would be awesome, considering I've been stuck testing new build orders in my ranked matches.
TL ID: Wirllow
Email: willowman90@hotmail.com
B.Net ID: willow
Rating: 12
League: Diamond
Rank: 98
Race: Protoss
Other: Aiming quite high looking for group of people interested to practice and improve matchups and builds rather observing or playing games i was hoping for a group of 5 or 6 people constantly playing im also open for ideas send me a tell in game il be improving rank i expect to get top 20 at least
TL ID: Yiff
Email: mwolfery@gmail.com
B.Net ID: YiFF
Rating: N/A
League: Diamond easily
Rank: 0
Race: Protosss
Other: I'm not laddering much because the beta is ending in a week but i am always up for custom game practicing. I was around top 10 plat in div#8 before the reset and patch adding diamond. I had a 1700 rank without really trying.
TL ID: Alou
Email: PM me for Email
B.Net ID: Alou
Rating: N/A
League: Diamond
Rank: 0
Race: Protoss
Other: Looking for people who want to get better. I have the ability to use Vent/Skype/Teamspeak. I ask that you use them too. I am looking for people in the low Diamond range who are serious about getting better at SC2 and spending time in multiple custom games working on different builds. All match ups welcome. PM me for my email.
TL ID: UpperX
Email: yufeng913@hotmail.com
B.Net ID: UpperX
Rating: N/A
League: Diamond
Rank: 0
Race: Protoss
Other: Looking for practice games vs anyone preferably platinum/diamond.
TL ID: Polygamy
Email: joehippidyhoped@hotmail.com
B.Net ID: Puget
Rating: N/A
League: Diamond
Rank: 1
Race: Protoss
Other: Looking for a Zerg or Terran 2v2 partner
TL ID: TheFeared
Email: iceeagle44ct@yahoo.com
B.Net ID: strength
Rating: N/A
League: Diamond
Rank: 29
Race: Protoss
Other: Looking for a steady zerg/terran to practice with.
TL ID: Shad0wRush
Email: stinging_hornet@yahoo.com
B.Net ID: Murmur
Rating: N/A
League: Diamond
Rank: 45
Race: Protoss
Other: Just looking for some people to practice builds with and talk about games. I generally prefer 1v1 rather than 2v2 but will do some 2's also :D IDK about the whole new league system, not sure if I belong in Diamond lol.
TL ID: Centerplay
Email: ndeck2@gmail.com
B.Net ID: Centerplay
Rating: N/A
League: Diamond (This league is probably way to high for me, I got some very easy opponents)
Rank: 46
Race: Protoss
Other: I went 5-0 in the placement matches so it put me in Diamond. But all the players I played were not very good. Looking for some people to help me improve my skills as a SC2 player. Like I said from above I just finished my placement matches and it put me in Diamond, before last patch I was only in silver/gold so I don't think I should be in Diamond. I have vent and i can get Skype, also I'm also going to be livestreaming my matches just for fun so I can see my progress and get any help I can get as I learn the game some more.
TL ID: RedMooN09
Email: (pm for information)
B.Net ID: RedMooN.kbang
Rating: N/A
League: Diamond
Rank: 48
Race: Protoss/Random
Other: Was a 26th in Platinum before patch (15W-6L). Not extremely active atm but I look forward to play a lot once summer gets going. I don't study build orders and follow them by the book yet but have a general gaming sense due to long years of playing/watching SC1. Looking for diamond/plat partners who are good theorycrafters and/or like to discuss/practice new strategies. Also would like a 2v2, 3v3, or 4v4 partner who would like to just have fun when I want to take a break from 1v1. Team Partners don't have to be a 1v1 Diamond league player... I just want to have fun.
TL ID: Toran7
Email: Toransilver@gmail.com
B.Net ID: SeventhMind
Rating: N/A
League: Diamond
Rank: 50
Race: Protoss
Other: I'm a very dedicated player, interested in improving my skills. I'm looking for a practice partner of any race as long as you are an active player so please contact me if you are interested (note: I have not attempted placement with battle.net as bugged as it is, I should average around mid level diamond when everything gets smoothed out)
TL ID: Brobot
Email: srh2292@yahoo.com
B.Net ID: Brobot
Rating: N/A
League: Diamond
Rank: 52
Race: Protoss
Other: New the the beta, was silver pre-reset but practiced fairly hard and placed into Diamond. I have come across new BOs and realized I need a lot more practice. Have skype/vent and looking to practice against pretty much anything.
TL ID: ichimarugin680
Email: pm me
B.Net ID: shadow
Rating: N/A
League: Diamond
Rank: 55
Race: Protoss
Other: Looking for practice partners for 1V1 2v2 to try bo improve my micro, macro, multitasking, and mechanics. Also apm i have skype so we can talk. Usually play at night.
TL ID: Khalleb
Email: PM me for it
B.Net ID: Khalleb
Rating: N/A
League: Diamond
Rank: 88
Race: Protoss
Other: only did the placement match, but can't play any other game without getting freeze. I was 1500+ plat pre-patch 13. looking any MU or 2v2 partner
TL ID: Optophobia
Email: ruan_dong@yahoo.com
B.Net ID: Optophobia
Rating: N/A
League: Diamond
Rank: 98
Race: Protoss
Other: Looking for practice partners regardless of race, although Terran seems to be bugging me the most. I'm new to 1v1 as most of the time I play with my friends and they help me win a bit. Just got into diamond due to superb luck with placement matches... I do feel proud that I got into it but I would like to practice with others before I indulge myself into the Diamond league. I also have a mic if you can provide the vent/ts/skype etc etc
+ Show Spoiler +TL ID: Stalife
Email: iamsungminpark@gmail.com
B.Net ID: Stalife
Rating: 693
League: Diamond
Rank: 1
Race: Terran
Other: I was 2100 terran before reset. I used to play bw a lot. was A high, but was lucky to hit A. I'd like to join a team of dedicated players who play against each other all the time to improve !
TL ID: Red Alert
Email: redalert2 AT gmail DOT com
B.Net ID: RedAlert
Rating: 650
League: Diamond
Rank: 1
Race: Terran
Other: Just lookin to practice some 1v1s
TL ID: mrlie3
Email: joiner1988(at)gmail(dot)com
B.Net ID: John
Rating: 600
League: Diamond
Rank: 5
Race: Terran
Other: Was over 1800s before. Looking for Diamond practice partner! Msg me anytime but dont bm!
TL ID: Newguy
Email: michaeldblr437@gmail.com
B.Net ID: goswser
Rating: 598
League: Diamond
Rank: 1
Race: Terran
Other: Please add me, I need someone to practice with, I play random a lot too, so if you don't want to practice with a terran I'll play any matchup .
TL ID: iEchoic
Email: irvinekinneas509@gmail.com
B.Net ID: iEchoic
Rating: 560
League: Diamond
Rank: 1
Race: Terran
Other: I would really like a player who is equal skilled or better than me to practice with when the beta comes back up. I need help with my TvT matchup, but feel I am very strong in TvZ and TvP. Would like to practice TvT as first priority, but anything else is possible too.
TL ID: Lylat
Email: lylat89@hotmail.fr
B.Net ID: Lylat
Rating: 529
League: Diamond
Rank: 2
Race: Terran
Other: I was playing mainly Protoss at the beginning but then switched to Terran, I'm looking forward any matchup !
TL ID: De4ngus
Email: mcbaritone@gmail.com
B.Net ID: Deangus
Rating: 450
League: Diamond
Rank: 1
Race: Terran
Other: Mainly need help vs protoss. I have no clue how to deal with phoenixes, lol. Feel free to message me even if you're zerg or terran though. TvZ is like the funnest matchup ever.
TL ID: GoSu]
Email: destiny1773@gmail.com
B.Net ID: GoSu
Rating: 436
League: Diamond
Rank: 3
Race: Terran
Other: Feel free to add me.
Email: US: justinsaga@gmail.com Asia: asiaonizuka@gmail.com
B.Net ID: OnizukA
Rating: 400
League: Diamond
Rank: 7
Race: Terran ( can off race as well )
Other: i will practice with anyone i simply dont want someone who will make excuses bout ur loss in or after every game so if u r one of those dont add me thanks
TL ID: Skyprodigy
Email: huayingl2002@hotmail.com
B.Net ID: Sky
Rating: 292
League: Diamond
Rank: 3
Race: Terran
Other: Looking to play against protoss and zerg a lot. TvZ is my strongest M/U and Toss second, TvT is by far the weakest. So if u want a challenge or just someone to improve/practice with. Just add me, i'm on quite a lot
TL ID: Sleight
Email: half_Lotus@rocketmail.com
B.Net ID: halfLotus.Lotus
Rating: 250
League: Diamond
Rank: 10
Race: Terran
Other: Looking for any and all races and practice partners. I have mic, etc, and I am looking for people to really hammer out good strategy and technique. Just fire me an email/message and we can get in touch and start working.
TL ID: Licmyobelisk
Email: clive.canlas (at) gmail (dot) com
B.Net ID: CliveTFD
Rating: 209
League: Diamond
Rank: 20
Race: Terran
Other: just spammed a few 1v1 games and got to Diamond League yo! :D
TL ID: Sieg
Email: heyjlook@gmail.com
B.Net ID: Sieg
Rating: 200
League: Diamond
Rank: 3
Race: Terran
Other: Looking for some people to practice with, talk, chat, discuss, improve, vent/skype is awesome. Was 1800 before the patch. Hands usually get cold when there are lots of spectators.
TL ID: pyr0ma5ta
Email: pyromaster@gmail.com
B.Net ID: pyromaster
Rating: 200
League: Diamond
Rank: 20
Race: Terran
Other: I got to 1700 before reset. I'm pretty good at TvZ, mediocre at TvP, and horrible at TvT. Primarily looking for TvT partners, but I could also practice the other MUs.
TL ID: Ch00
Email: lantz.marc@hotmail.com
B.Net ID: Choo
Rating: 200
League: Diamond
Rank: 50
Race: Terran
Other: Looking for practice partners of all races, to test out build orders, strategies, etc, or just even to play some good 1v1 matches. I'm a pretty relaxed person, and i am on almost every night. I use ventrilo/msn as my main form of communication out of game. I enjoy the learning the game, and watching Day9. I can teach and learn. Lower ranked diamond personally, and am wanting to work macro orientated play. Always looking to improve and fine tune my play.
TL ID: infectious
Email: kburke@email.arizona.edu
B.Net ID: infectious
Rating: 194
League: Diamond
Rank: 14
Race: Terran
Other: Playing mostly terran right now, Im awful at TvZ and really need to work at that, but i win most TvT matchups and it seems like protoss are non existant as i get like 1 toss game in every 10 or so. Msg me if you need a practice partner
TL ID: Keilah
Email: Postingthisisbeggingfor@spam.com
B.Net ID: Keilah
Rating: 182
League: Diamond
Rank: 8
Race: Terran
Other: PM me here on TL.net and I'll give you an email address. I'm going to try being awesome at this game and getting properly involved in the community, and see how that feels for a few months. I want to learn more than just Terran but for now I'm a terran player.
TL ID: Doriboi
Email: amhawks84@gmail.com
B.Net ID: Doriboi
Rating: 180
League: Diamond
Rank: 17
Race: Terran
Other: Looking to practice my builds and macro ability with fellow SC2 gamers. Looking for feedback from players and willing to help you find the optimal build. I am available via vent or skype.
TL ID: Zergneedsfood
Email: kydude1993 (at) yahoo (dot) com
B.Net ID: Zergneedfood
Rating: 179
League: Diamond
Rank: 3
Race: Terran
Other: I play 4:00 - 6:00 GMT.
TL ID: Bond799
Email: bond798@msn.com
B.Net ID: Bond
Rating: 132
League: Diamond
Rank: 12
Race: Terran
Other: looking for all races to practice against. please send me a friend request on SC2 or PM me here
TL ID: Drakan
Email: ro.silva @ gmail . c o m
B.Net ID: Drakan
Rating: 86
League: Diamond
Rank: 33
Race: Terran
Other: I'm most of the time online during the week, and sometimes during weekends. I wish for advices and tips, and train against every race if possible. Any kind of builds.
TL ID: Savior_Ice
Email: iceswordsman10@gmail.com
B.Net ID: Ice
Rating: 73
League: Diamond
Rank: 49
Race: Terran
Other: Looking to improve my 1v1 in all of my matchups.
TL ID: Soviet_Exodus
Email: dhart09@live.com
B.Net ID: ExO
Rating: 55
League: Diamond
Rank: 30
Race: Terran
Other: I have 4 losses from the BNet bugs so I'm not as bad as my record might seem to suggest
TL ID: prodigy.dts
Email: TRFarr270@msn.com
B.Net ID: raph
Rating: 30
League: Diamond
Rank: 46
Race: Terran
Other: VERY, VERY active. This summer its sc2,sc2,sc2 and counter strike. Absolutely msg me if you want a consistent active partner that loves to talk strategy!!
TL ID: coldmath
Email: green_knight86@yahoo.com
B.Net ID: coldmath
Rating: 22
League: Diamond
Rank: 72
Race: Terran
Other: Low rank Diamond, play nights after 4 and sometimes during the day (intermittently). I do not have a mic, but can join voice chats (skype, vent, mumble, TS).
TL ID: pyro.cebu
Email: pyroracer(at)gmail.com
B.Net ID: Pyro
Rating: N/A
League: Diamond
Rank: 0
Race: Terran
Other: Looking for Diamond practice partner, enjoy trying out different builds, counters, theories etc. Also have skype for communication etc.
TL ID: jskye
Email: jessequach@gmail.com
B.Net ID: jskye
Rating: N/A
League: Diamond
Rank: 0
Race: Terran
Other: I'm looking for players that can help me grow and offer advice on what I need to work with. I'm open to any race match ups.
TL ID: ilikejokes
Email: legatoblue0312@gmail.com
B.Net ID: JollyJoker
Rating: N/A
League: Diamond
Rank: 2
Race: Terran
Other: Looking for solid practice partners in any race, though the matchup I'd like to work on most is TvP. Also looking for some map specific strategies/build orders, particularly on 4-player maps like Metalopolis, Kulas Ravine, and Lost Temple.
TL ID: AlmostDark
Email: pm please
B.Net ID: Dark
Rating: N/A
League: Diamond
Rank: 47
Race: Terran
Other: Looking for practice partners of all races, to test out build orders, strategies, looking for anyone willing to play some games thanks also have vent
TL ID: refraxion
Email: refraxion@gmail.com
B.Net ID: refraxion
Rating: N/A
League: Diamond
Rank: 60
Race: Terran
Other: Looking for practice partners in the diamond league or anything that is dedicated to improve in the game. 1v1 preferred. I am decent at the game but have lots of room to improve on, if you add me please tell me that you're from TL and are interested in 1v1 practice matches! I need to work on my APM but I was a platinum player before wipe ranked between 5-20 depending on when I played, around a 1600+ rating player.
+ Show Spoiler +TL ID: Synk
Email: mrmcgee21@gmail.com
B.Net ID: Synk
Rating: 600
League: Diamond
Rank: 2
Race: Zerg
Other: First off I play a lot! I'm looking for other people who are aiming for tourny level play to practice any strategy in any MU. I've also played 50+ games at a diamond level as T and P so I can play them as well in some cases but Zerg is where my real expertise is. I have vent/skype and a working headset as well.
TL ID: forgotten0ne
Email: ewokpanda @ gmail . com
B.Net ID: Wicked
Rating: 600
League: Diamond
Rank: 3
Race: Zerg
Other: I need high level players to practice situations with, as well as the macro game. Terran is most needed (especially you TvZ early Thor pushers). Feel free to email me for immediate response.
TL ID: VelRa_G
Email: m.johnmacpherson@gmail.com
B.Net ID: VelRa
Rating: 400
League: Diamond
Rank: 0
Race: Zerg
TL ID: Sealteam
Email: willows(dot)nick(at)gmail(dot)com
B.Net ID: Seal
Rating: 400
League: Diamond
Rank: 1
Race: Zerg
Other: Rating is a guess, I can't check it but #1 in a bad league sounds about right lol. Add me happy to play any time, on a lot, only looking for quality opponents.
TL ID: ghoflz
Email: dannylittledude@yahoo.com
B.Net ID: junny
Rating: 360
League: Diamond
Rank: 10
Race: Zerg
Other: Need ZvT practice the most but anything is fine. It's summer so hit me up whenever! Also I have aim with the same e-mail.
TL ID: BlasiuS
Email: howardab {at} gmail *dot* com
B.Net ID: BlasiuS
Rating: 332
League: Diamond
Rank: 7
Race: Zerg
Other: I main zerg but I play all races @ diamond level. 1v1 any matchup welcome, 2v2 also welcome! I was 1750 plat before the reset
TL ID: Torm
Email: isolate@gmail.com
B.Net ID: torm
Rating: 250
League: Diamond
Rank: 14
Race: Zerg
Other: Looking to work on ZvP and ZvT. I can be found in IRC as torm as well.
TL ID: Stokes
Email: harris.kulyk@gmail.com
B.Net ID: Inertia
Rating: 220
League: Diamond
Rank: 22
Race: Zerg
Other: Looking for practice partners of all races, to test out build orders, strategies, etc, or just even to play some good 1v1 matches. Also interested in forming 2v2, and 3v3 teams. Feel free to PM me any time you see me on.
TL ID: ktimekiller
Email: ktimekiller@gmail.com
B.Net ID: ktimekiller
Rating: 214
League: Diamond
Rank: 20
Race: Zerg
Other: looking for ANY practice
TL ID: ryanAnger
Email: nightcrawling@gmail.com
B.Net ID: Anger
Rating: 200
League: Diamond
Rank: 30
Race: Zerg
Other: Looking to work on all matchups.
TL ID: QuasiMachina
Email: tonylcrisp@hotmail.com
B.Net ID: Quasi
Rating: 176
League: Diamond
Rank: 36
Race: zerg
TL ID: systemA
Email: ID@gmail.com
B.Net ID: systemA
Rating: 150
League: Diamond
Rank: 6
Race: Zerg
Other: ~1800 plat before the last reset, I like to play macro mode, and I stream every so often. Looking to play with vT or vP who can beat me handily and (generously) tell me where I went wrong
TL ID: Or-a
Email: Sharpsim@hotmail.com
B.Net ID: Mithra
Rating: 145
League: Diamond
Rank: 27
Race: Zerg
Other: I got into diamond however I think I'm a high gold - mid plat. I played Z before the Roach nerf and Protoss up until the recent patch. Back to Zerg been testing out strategies. Doesn't matter your skill level I just want to play against competitive people.
TL ID: RayBasto
Email: raymondbasto (at) gmail (dot) com
B.Net ID: Supreme
Rating: 94
League: Diamond
Rank: 6
Race: Zerg
Other: Looking for a skilled player to play 1v1 against. Whenever I play, I usually sit down and get at least 4-5 hours in. I want to get as many games in as I can before the beta ends.
TL ID: Ren.AbsoluteZero
Email: PM please
B.Net ID: Ren.770
Rating: 84
League: Diamond
Rank: 16
Race: Zerg
Other: I'm very active on the servers. I currently desire practice versus variations in all Zerg match-ups. Contact me for one game or one hundred. I'm always looking for good players to practice with and to spectate (I like to spectate Zerg users, as non-zerg match-ups hold little importance for my improvement).
TL ID: shawster
Email: jim_shawster@hotmail.com
B.Net ID: Shawz
Rating: 80
League: Diamond
Rank: 30
Race: Zerg
Other: I don't really care for ZVZ..Add me guys, im like borderline diamond/plat and i need practice partners :D
TL ID: MiyaviTeddy
Email: J_the_blademaster@hotmail.com
B.Net ID: MiyaviTeddy
Rating: 64
League: Diamond
Rank: 40
Race: Zerg
TL ID: StarDragon
Email: Ogulak@hotmail.com
B.Net ID: StarDragon
Rating: 60
League: Diamond
Rank: 10
Race: Zerg
Other: Looking for a Practice partner of any race. Pre-Patch 13 I was #2 Plat (1600-1700~ish) Trying to get better everyday
TL ID: Aldair
Email: mage139 @ hotmail . com
B.Net ID: Aldair
Rating: 60
League: Diamond
Rank: 52
Race: Zerg
Other: Looking for Protoss and Terran partners. My ZvZ is pretty good if anyone wants to improve that. I play very frequently and would like people who also play frequently.
TL ID: AWEadam
Email: adamsex@gmail.com
B.Net ID: AWEadam
Rating: 50
League: Diamond
Rank: 22
Race: Zerg
Other: I want a practice partner who wants to train a particular matchup/build over and over on the same map so that he and/or I can benefit the most from it. Then, move on to a different matchup, different build, and/or different map. I enjoy reviewing replays, watching pro tournaments/replays, watching Day9 Daily. I have a second account that I am on for practice as well: awe_adam@hotmail.com so add me there as well if you wish to play me. Feel free to email me if you can't find me in game, so we can establish a time. I am usually available weekdays after 6pm, and weekends anytime!
TL ID: Lionel2b
Email: lionel2b a t g m a i l d o t c o m
B.Net ID: MonTy
Rating: 48
League: Diamond
Rank: 57
Race: Zerg
Other: In the last few days of the Beta I'm looking to cram in a ton of 1v1s, but prefer to do so against someone I can talk to after. I'm a low Diamond ranked Zerg but enjoy playing all races. I'm considerably weaker in my off races. I take a fun but serious approach to the game.
TL ID: Krayze
B.Net ID: Krayze
Rating: 32
League: Diamond
Rank: 60
Race: Zerg
Other: pre 13, my record was 19-9 in plat. I don't play a whole lot of games but I spend a lot of time researching strats and watching casts/tourneys. I'm interested in getting better against all match-ups including mirror. I like playing standard macro but I want to practice more aggression as well. Feel free to shoot me a message in game or email if your Diamond and want to play Oh I'm usually free after 3:00pm PST til 10:00pm PST on weekdays and anytime most weekends.
TL ID: Warrior Madness
Email: julyzerg1987@aol.com
B.Net ID: Warrior Mad
Rating: 32
League: Diamond
Rank: 65
Race: Zerg
Other: Hello Everyone. I'm looking for 5-6 practice partners I can roll with on a consistent basis. It would be awesome if we could get along as well. We can talk about girls and icecream and stuff. I'm looking for ZvT, ZvP, and ZvZ partners. I'm flexible. I like to mass game, but I also like to discuss, analyze and pick apart what went wrong.
TL ID: Ballman
Email: seanhinesilem@hotmail.com
B.Net ID: HinesFifySvn
Rating: 30
League: Diamond
Rank: 30
Race: Zerg
Other: My teammate and I train as much as possible. We play about 8 hours a day, and 2 or 3 days a week get together for about 16 hours and run builds. I am zerg and he is terran, we need about 2 or 3 more guys that play each race. Various play styles would be great. Thanks, and we hope to start training with you guys soon!
Email: fredk80@gmail.com
Rating: 29
League: Diamond
Rank: 16
Race: Zerg
Other: Yo yo I could care less about your skill level I just want to meet some cool people to game with. 1v1's definitely but if that is too one-sided I'm certainly down for some 2v2's. I think it would also be really cool to take turns between 3 or more friends observing and playing 1v1's. I got a mic so we can hop on the TL vent server too.
TL ID: Scratchy
Email: d.maclean_@live.com
B.Net ID: Anx
Rating: 5
League: Diamond
Rank: 5
Race: Zerg
Other: Just looking for more people to practice with. Also part of a group of people who play observer games on a regular basis. I have a vent server we can use. Shoot me a request!
TL ID: Zeroes
Email: bunk.habit@gmail.com
B.Net ID: Zeroes
Rating: N/A
League: Diamond
Rank: 0
Race: Zerg
Other: was a 1700 plat player last season haven't had much time with this patch but now finals are done and looking for good practice partners
TL ID: larjarse
Email: Skate413@gmail.com
B.Net ID: LarJarsE
Rating: N/A
League: Diamond (3v3/4v4 which is most fun ) Platinum 1v1/2v2
Rank: 0
Race: Zerg/random
Other: Looking to form a solid 3v3/4v4 team. Lets have some great fun and do some crazy strats. I prefer to skype call over ventrillo! PLEASE PM ME if you are interested in some fun team action. My muta harass is baller also xD
TL ID: LeKush
Email: stefandurafourt@live.com
B.Net ID: LeKush
Rating: N/A
League: Diamond
Rank: 1
Race: Zerg, but want to practice them all.
Other: Basically I will be playing sc2 religiously and need some solid (any race/diamond) players who are interested in doing strictly 1v1 games. Practicing games one after another with the same person will be a new thing to me, and I truly believe it will be a great way to plug the holes in my game. Interested? email/pm me or just add me when the beta is back up.
TL ID: Jquik
Email: PM for email
B.Net ID: Will be Jquik, but waiting for phase 2
Rating: N/A
League: Diamond
Rank: 3
Race: Zerg
Other: Practiced everyday the entire phase 1 ZvP, so... mainly looking for a Terran player who either has all of their builds and timing pushes down, or wants to learn/polish them.
TL ID: synapse
Email: zhongkaiv at the gmails
B.Net ID: synApse
Rating: N/A
League: Diamond
Rank: 10
Race: Zerg
Other: Will be needing practice partners... especially for ZvZ and ZvT(mech)
TL ID: Mattix
Email: seanj@shschools.org
B.Net ID: Mattix
Rating: N/A
League: Diamond
Rank: 17
Race: Zerg
Other: Looking for a 1v1 practice partner for any match up I can play off race a bit as well. I enjoy talking strategy and counters and trying new builds as well. I am usually on almost every night fairly late or any time after 4 basically. Add me if you want to play.
TL ID: fwaaahh
Email: bpeng09@hotmail.com
B.Net ID: fwaaahh
Rating: N/A
League: Diamond
Rank: 21
Race: zerg
Other: needing diamond level terran to practice against cuz i really wanna beat my friends. pretty ridiculously weak against MM timing pushes and tanks/thors in general.
TL ID: Annati
Email: eannati@gmail.com
B.Net ID: AnNati
Rating: N/A
League: Diamond
Rank: 64
Race: Zerg
Other: On at random times, but would love to play!
TL ID: JinjoBust
Email: joe.bobsockbarf@gmail.com
B.Net ID: Algeroth
Rating: N/A
League: Diamond
Rank: 80
Race: Zerg
Other: Looking particularly for zerg/terran practice partners. Will update rating as I win (Not a scrub that lucked out in placements).
TL ID: thelasteleazar
Email: thelasteleazar@yahoo.com
B.Net ID: eclipse
Rating: N/A
League: Diamond
Rank: 90
Race: Zerg
Other: Looking for 2v2, 3v3, and 4v4 partners.
Platinum Division+ Show Spoiler +
+ Show Spoiler +TL ID: CorwinOfAmber
Email: livelifeloud2007 (at) hotmail (dot)com
B.Net ID: Corwin
Rating: 223
League: Platinum Fole X-Ray
Rank: 19
Race: Random
Other: Have vent, on many hours of the day, I also make Melee maps if youd like to play on them sometime. I watch alot of pro gaming and livestreams to try and get better. Send me a pm or an email (email slightly edited for some spamming protecting) I check both daily. On from around 5pm to 5am central US time most every day.
TL ID: Number
Email: RedXIII304@gmail.com
B.Net ID: Number
Rating: 110
League: Platinum
Rank: 17
Race: Random
Other: I've been watching streams and VODs since Beta started but only got my key about two weeks ago, so I know a lot about strategies but my mechanics are so-so. I am much better with Protoss and Zerg than I am with Terran; I am looking to improve my skill as Terran but will be happy to play any match up.
TL ID: Capteone
Email: capteone@gmail.com
B.Net ID: Capteone
Rating: 51
League: Platinum
Rank: 11
Race: Random
Other: I'm Diamond level Protoss, Plat lvl Terran/Zerg. Just lookin for chill partners to practice games with and discuss strategies and builds. I do not have Skype or a mic just so you know.
TL ID: Froadac
Email: bpcoxkr@gmail.com
B.Net ID: Froadac
Rating: 50
League: Platinum
Rank: 42
Race: Random
Other: I'm pretty bad, yet to choose a race. Just trying to improve my macro.
TL ID: KrackaSkill
Email: Brandonkrack@hotmail.com
B.Net ID: Raika
Rating: N/A
League: Platinum
Rank: 4
Race: Random
Other: Knowing the Beta is returning shortly, and assuming whomever had a key prior to the end of phase one retains their ability to play the Beta, I hope to find a 1v1 practice partner. I use skype and my ID is : BrandonKrack
TL ID: Terrakin
Email: savef3rris@gmail.com
B.Net ID: Terrakin
Rating: N/A
League: Platinum
Rank: 14
Race: Random
Other: Still trying to figure out what race I should use, if your looking for someone to try your builds on, or need someone to do something specific for you add me. Also down for team play and custom maps. My Z is strongest, then P, then T
TL ID: dannyblack
Email: datden@gmail.com
B.Net ID: theblackone
Rating: N/A
League: Platinum
Rank: 15
Race: Random
Other: Looking for 1v1, 2v2 or 3v3.
TL ID: autoD
Email: (Contains my full name which i'd prefer not to disclose to everyone, PM me for it)
B.Net ID: Auto
Rating: N/A
League: Platinum
Rank: 20
Race: Random
Other: I'm on all the time hit me up for 1v1's or 2v2's. I like to play random since I still haven't picked a main race. I have vent/mic and I just love to play and would like to meet some more dedicated players since my friends always want to play HoN instead of SC2.
+ Show Spoiler +TL ID: SharkSpider
Email: j-bok-73@hotmail.com
B.Net ID: SharkSpider
Rating: 250
League: [1v1] Platinum
Rank: 1
Race: Protoss
Other: Looking for a practice partner playing any race who's preferably in lowish diamond/top plat to work on improving and hopefully jumping leagues before the beta ends
TL ID: Colbear
Email: seal7225@gmail.com
B.Net ID: Colbear
Rating: 250
League: Platinum
Rank: 8
Race: Protoss
Other: Really just looking for plat level players to screw around with, practice builds, or just play cool games throw me an invite whenever
TL ID: Barnabas
Email: PM me plz
B.Net ID: Barnabas
Rating: 240
League: Platinum
Rank: 13
Race: Protoss
Other: Looking for some Diamonds to practice with. Mostly working on Zerg. Just looking for some good players to play with. Thanks!
TL ID: SneakyAZN
Email: dwu8689@gmail.com
B.Net ID: ReVival
Rating: 211
League: Platinum
Rank: 10
Race: Protoss
Other: Chilled laid back but competitive player looking for good mannered and friendly partner (any match up) to practice new different strategy, build order, talk about replays, etc. Online most of the time(EST), Looking to get a lot of games in before beta goes down. I Have a mic and VoIP programs skype, vent, etc. Send me an email or add me in game so we can get some games going.
TL ID: Stzldzl
Email: storm327@gmail.com
B.Net ID: Storm
Rating: 181
League: Platinum
Rank: 3
Race: Protoss
Other: I live in Texas, so central time zone, play almost every night, and some during the day, usually quite a night owl. I only play protoss, I know the general game mechanics, and practice alot of whitera ish strategies, but am looking to figure out how to defend many different timing pushes, and rushes. I play a strong game, but am very vulnerable to cheese. My strongest matchup is PvP, second PvZ, worst PvT. I use vent, and ingame typing. I can be contacted best through battlenet or by email, which I check every hour. Feel free to add me via realid via email from above. Also wanting to find someone interested in theorycrafting and testing out many different nonstandard ideas. Friendly, patient, and helpful, I can teach better than I can play as long as it's a good give and take.
TL ID: sjh
Email: sjh.hamilton@gmail.com
B.Net ID: sjh
Rating: 118
League: Platinum
Rank: 18
Race: Protoss
TL ID: showbiz
Email: rgrellas@gmail.com
B.Net ID: showbiz
Rating: 110
League: Platinum
Rank: 18
Race: Protoss
Other: West coast player. I have work during the day, usually get home around 6:30p. Weekends usually open. Have vent & mic. Would love to have someone to do some 1s with and discuss strats, etc.
TL ID: Eclyze
Email: Eclyze@live.com
B.Net ID: Eclyze
Rating: 100
League: Platinum
Rank: 1
Race: Protoss
Other: Looking for a partner(s) to practice 1v1s and/or team up for 2v2s, 3v3s, 4v4s. Add my email on B.Net if you want to be friends. Preferably in Eastern Time Zone (EST)
TL ID: HellsAn631
Email: matkle414@gmail.com
B.Net ID: HellsAngel
Rating: 100
League: Platinum
Rank: 8
Race: Protoss
Other: Looking for practice partners of all races, to test out build orders, strategies, etc, or just even to play some good 1v1 matches. I think i am about lower ranked diamond personally, and am wanting to work on aggressive builds and macro orientated play. I'm a pretty relaxed person, and i am on almost every night. I use steam/aim/msn as my main form of communication out of game. I enjoy the learning the game, and watching Day9. I can teach and learn.
TL ID: Plyte
Email: boywithstickx@yahoo.com
B.Net ID: Plyte
Rating: 86
League: Platinum
Rank: 14
Race: Protoss
Other: Basic practice games, work on build times and dealing with different vses, would most likely get better on my PvT.
TL ID: oBlit
Email: altanchorpkg@bellsouth.net
B.Net ID: Oblit
Rating: 50
League: Platinum
Rank: 68
Race: Protoss
Other: I main Protoss but would like to find players with who I can work on other races while also attempting to improve my Protoss play. I feel like I need work in all aspects of my play and having a non-ladder 1v1 practice partner would help my ability to do so. I am also willing to help teach newer Protoss players some of the basics of the race. I specifically need to work on defending early Terran aggression. Thanks!
TL ID: zealotz55
Email: zealotz5.56@gmail.com
B.Net ID: ZeAlotZ
Rating: 30
League: Platinum
Rank: 5
Race: Protoss
Other: Looking to improve Protoss against all races, Ill be playing all the time till beta ends
TL ID: Evoli
Email: conners.cody@gmail.com
B.Net ID: evoli
Rating: 30
League: Platinum
Rank: 26
Race: Protoss
Other: I'm new to Starcraft, but I'm dedicated and focused on becoming a better player. I devote a pretty decent chunk of each day to playing and watching replays/commentaries. In the last month I've gone from having never played Starcraft before in my life to being a competitive post-patch13 Platinum player. I think playing with equally dedicated players will help improve my game play and that is my goal. Feel free to add/PM me on battle.net or PM me on here.
TL ID: Rahdek
Email: macvaughan@gmail.com
B.Net ID: Freeheals
Rating: 23
League: Platinum
Rank: 59
Race: Protoss
Other: Looking for an equally or greater skilled partner of any race to play seriously and competitively. Testing build orders and really looking to work on my macro. I'm on literally everyday so PM me if you see me around and want to play.
TL ID: CaosDriver
Email: CaosDriver@gmail.com
B.Net ID: CaosDriver
Rating: N/A
League: Platinum
Rank: 0
Race: Protoss
Other: Also play Terran, looking for any partners to improve with. I use Skype frequently and have a mic.
TL ID: ... sleepsilver it's pretty obvious its up there
Email: sleepsilver@gmail.com
B.Net ID: Seiya
Rating: N/A
League: Platinum
Rank: 1
Race: Protoss
Other: Soon will be playing a lot
TL ID: Coil
Email: b4ka@b4ka.com.ar
B.Net ID: Coil
Rating: N/A
League: Platinum
Rank: 2
Race: Protoss
Other: Setting up for phase 2 & launch. Was rank 2 plat before beta went down. I'm on GMT-3 (Argentina) and i speak English and Spanish, looking for someone to practice build orders and discuss mechanics.
Email: innerfirenuclear@gmail.com
B.Net ID: OsO
Rating: N/A
League: Platinum
Rank: 3
Race: Protoss
Other: Used to play CSS competitively for money and looking to move my knowledge and skill into SC2...currently looking for ACTIVE and dedicated practice partners with the same intentions as me....which is to get better and play competitively in tournaments and LAN's
TL ID: Chaoz
Email: viperx116@gmail.com
B.Net ID: Blu
Rating: N/A
League: Platinum
Rank: 5
Race: Protoss
Other: Looking partner of all races. I want to mass games so I can experience of what to do in various situations. Don't be afraid to ask me to do a build/strat multiple times to help you improve. Also want people that actually give feedback after a game.
TL ID: Zutta
Email: cannedcheese323(at)gmail(dot)com
B.Net ID: Zutta
Rating: N/A
League: Platinum
Rank: 29
Race: Protoss
Other: I'm a new player who is still fine tuning my mechanics and trying to learn new strategies and builds. I love to discuss this game and would love to have some spar matches and discuss them afterward.
TL ID: zSoloo
Email: zzsoloo@gmail.com
B.Net ID: zSolo
Rating: N/A
League: Platinum
Rank: 30
Race: Protoss
Other: Just switched to Toss from zerg, hit me up for endless games
TL ID: Kindred
Email: k1ndred@hotmail.com
Rating: N/A
League: Platinum
Rank: 32
Race: Protoss
Other: I'm a pretty good player I guess. I know my stuff I just need to practice multitasking Micro and Macro better and timings of my builds
+ Show Spoiler +TL ID: CKSide
Email: gmpoto@gmail.com
B.Net ID: ckside
Rating: 400
League: Platinum
Rank: 1
Race: Terran
Other: Looking for a practice partner for intense training. Playing same MU and BO over and over on the same map. trying to learn timings also looking for person to discuss theorycraft and strategy. and definitely a new friend. =D feel free to email or PM! thanks
TL ID: Glacierz
Email: pm for email, or pm me your email
B.Net ID: Glacier
Rating: 285
League: Platinum (team)
Rank: 2
Race: Terran
Other: Not a huge fan of spamming 1v1s, looking for a decent plat partner or low tier diamond to practice 1v1s or 2v2s with.
TL ID: Satallgeese
Email: dominicroemer@yahoo.com
B.Net ID: Satallgeese
Rating: 128
League: Platinum
Rank: 21
Race: Terran
Other: Just looking for someone to mass games with. Need help with Immortal Drops and other harassment, can't multitask quite good enough, usually just end up rage-all-in'ing to counter, haha. I'll be on pretty much all the time now that I'm nearly done graduating, so just toss me a PM on TL before adding me ingame because I'll probably reject you, ^.^! See ya ingame!
TL ID: DLast
Email: pm me
B.Net ID: HiMill
Rating: 120
League: Platinum
Rank: 6
Race: Terran
Other: Went 3-2 and placed in Platinum. This was my first time playing 1v1 ladder, as I received beta access near the end of patch 12 and I spent time practicing mechanics. Need to improve on macro and overal terran mechanics. Will play against any race.
TL ID: Mulloy
Email: gozoku@gmail.com
B.Net ID: Mulloy.173
Rating: 76
League: Platinum
Rank: 29
Race: Terran
Other: I don't 1v1 much because I'm a giant wuss, but I 2v2 a bunch. Feel free to add me.
TL ID: Doormat
Email: PM me for it
B.Net ID: Chatz
Rating: 73
League: Platinum
Rank: 31
Race: Terran
Other: I love to talk strategies and play and test all sorts of things.
TL ID: Stewker
Email: jbsbz12@aol.com
B.Net ID: Stewker
Rating: 66
League: Platinum
Rank: 30
Race: Terran
Other: I play Terran. Looking for people to mass games and work on builds with. I play a lot and am always looking for others that are wanting to do marathon amounts of games as a group (mini-tournament) and just 1 on 1. Starting to play in real tournaments and looking for others that are taking the game halfway serious too, but also know how to have a fun time at it.
TL ID: Fake)Plants
Email: jrokuski@gmail.com
B.Net ID: RickMoranis
Rating: 34
League: Platinum
Rank: 40
Race: Terran
Other: I'm looking to mass, mass, mass games before the end of beta. So, if you're up for some practice give me a shout on Bnet. I'm usually on in the afternoon (starting around 12 EST), but my schedule is pretty flexible right now.
TL ID: creditmobilier
Email: ut.mzeet@gmail.com
B.Net ID: ChocolateBoy
Rating: N/A
League: Platinum
Rank: 0
Race: Terran
Other: I'm mainly a Terran player but I really want to be able to master all three races so I'm beginning to slowly transition into Z/P. I have enough confidence to say that I might be able to get myself into Diamond league if I could spam 1v1s as Terran though. If I tried Zerg I'm sure I could land into Gold league and Protoss maybe maybe plat. I probably won't be playing to much from now till the June 7, 2010 end of phase I, so I won't be playing a whole too much. As a player I believe that I have good micro/APM/ and control, but I feel as though my macro and my ability to handle the big picture of the game is lacking. I would really enjoy being part of a team to practice, play, get better and get more intense with this game.
TL ID: Vygur
Email: tigurius [at] gmail [d0t] com
B.Net ID: Vygur or Tigur
Rating: N/A
League: Platinum
Rank: 5
Race: Terran
TL ID: Sclerosis
Email: anggel_ggerardo@hotmail.com
B.Net ID: Sclerosis
Rating: N/A
League: Platinum
Rank: 23
Race: Terran
Other: I'm trying to find someone to practice with, I just got promoted to platinum when battle net went crazy, so I only got to play around 2 matches in platinum. Any race will work I want to practice all my matchups, but especially my TvT, I'm terribly bad in that matchup.
TL ID: Downhill
Email: daniel.j.winter@hotmail.com
B.Net ID: Downhill
Rating: N/A
League: Platinum
Rank: 39
Race: Terran
Other: Looking for anyone any race to practice with to improve all aspects of competitive gameplay. To discuss game mechanics, builds etc etc. Diamond, Platinum, or Gold League please.
TL ID: Maveri2k
Email: Maveri2k@yahoo.com
B.Net ID: Dan
Rating: N/A
League: Platinum
Rank: 58
Race: Terran
Other: Looking to play 1v1, and practice my builds and mid-game. I also need to practice my micro; my macro is getting slightly better, but not much (I was raked in the 40's in Silver before patch 13). My APM average out to be in the 50s.
TL ID: thermacrit
Email: brandon221125@gmail.com
B.Net ID: thermacrit
Rating: N/A
League: Platinum
Rank: 88
Race: Terran
Other: Always looking for friends whom can work together and become better players. Hit me up!
+ Show Spoiler +TL ID: wiredadex
Email: wiredadex@gmail.com
B.Net ID: wiredadex
Rating: 218
League: Platinum
Rank: 3
Race: Zerg
TL ID: theorybiscuit
Email: danceswithdrinks (AT) yahoo (DOT) com
B.Net ID: theory
Rating: 147
League: Platinum
Rank: 16
Race: Zerg
Other: recently switched from terran, still learning timings, when to mass units / drone whore. LF all MU's.
TL ID: Wrath76
Email: cdt76 (at) comcast (dot) net
B.Net ID: Wrath
Rating: 130
League: Platinum
Rank: 9
Race: Zerg
Other: Looking for practice partner or a 2v2+ partner (hell even more people on my friends list with the stupid current setup). Most of my play time is Fri/Sat currently. have skype as well.
TL ID: DTown
Email: freebyrd422@gmail.com
B.Net ID: DTown
Rating: 123
League: Platinum
Rank: 16
Race: Zerg
Other: Halfway decent Zerg player (will occasionally play other races, Terran is my next strongest, still working on Toss). Always trying to improve by talking strategy and occasionally trying new things or unorthadox builds. Looking for a someone to own with, since I find it more fun than joining up with random jackasses all the time. Feel free to send me a message in-game or here on TL.
TL ID: Goobus
Email: kendricklau7@gmail.com
B.Net ID: goobus
Rating: 112
League: Platinum
Rank: 17
Race: Zerg
Other: Looking for a partner who's around my skill level, maybe a little better than me, to practice all matchups. I'm especially weak in ZvZ and ZvT, so if you're good at either of those, please add me in game and help me out! I may be able to teach you a thing or two too . I just want to learn and improve my game with someone who won't stomp me every time. I'm interested in macro-oriented play. Currently I am experimenting with builds (especially infestor builds and nydus play), so it would be great if I could have a regular buddy to test these on!
Email: leadhead892002@yahoo.com
Rating: 75
League: Platinum
Rank: 12
Race: Zerg
Other: preferably a 1v1 partner
TL ID: XFire
Email: pm me
B.Net ID: XFire
Rating: 62
League: Platinum
Rank: 41
Race: Zerg
Other: Looking for a T or P who is willing to help me work on my mechanics by just playing a bunch of games, or maybe another Z who can really help me refine builds. I have loads of trouble deciding when to get gas, evo chambers, roaches/banelings or skip to lair, or other simple early game logical decisions because usually my economy runs out of control with my macro falling behind (mainly because I have loads of trouble keeping up with injections, perhaps because I don't know any new SC2 keyboard shortcuts.)
TL ID: EscPlan9
Email: dmontur1 ( at ) gmail ( dot ) com
B.Net ID: Lethargy
Rating: N/A
League: Platinum
Rank: 3
Race: Zerg
Other: I would like to work on practicing against common build orders used by all of the races in this matchup (P/T/Z/R). I want to do more than mass game and discuss replays. I want to practice certain build orders against others, and we try it a few more times using the same build(s) to further refine it and get to know how to play it well. I'm a good mannered player and learn a lot from losing as well as winning.
Gold Division+ Show Spoiler +
+ Show Spoiler +TL ID: Aesir.logon
Email: Logon255@gmail.com
B.Net ID: Tossgirl
Rating: 414
League: Gold
Rank: 1
Race: Random
Other: I enjoy long walks on the beach and romantic dinners with fine wine. Some of my other hobbies include horseback riding and frolicking in the fields.
TL ID: Fedora
Email: abrahamhaskins01@gmail.com
B.Net ID: Fedora
Rating: 174
League: Gold
Rank: 17
Race: Random
Other: I watch replays often from Day9 and the HD/Husky crowd. Definitely been trying to get better and would ideally like to find someone with a mic (hopefully someone that plays random). Oh, and my email doesn't have a 01 in it, but this prevents all those webcrawlers from pimping out my address. As with everyone else here, I just want to try out new strategies, refine, and analyze games that have been played.
TL ID: Carefoot
Email: nick@carefoot.ca
B.Net ID: Love, Carefoot, Princess
Rating: 120
League: Gold
Rank: 3
Race: Random
TL ID: Iwbhs
Email: n1tr1c4c1d@gmail.com
B.Net ID: Finesse
Rating: 85
League: Gold
Rank: 12
Race: Random
Other: Looking for a practice partner that plays a lot of games at random hours of the day/night. I live in EST. I have vent/skype, I play all 3 races. I'm best with Zerg. Please have a mic. I just wanna play games and discuss them after.
TL ID: Salty
Email: wwccasper@gmail.com
B.Net ID: Salty
Rating: N/A
League: Gold
Rank: 0
Race: Random
Other: I love all three races and have a fair understanding of openers. When the beta comes back up I'd like to practice everything from holding off early rushes to late game macro. I have no problem helping lower league players and giving advice.
TL ID: AbyssArray
Email: lyellis51773@gmail.com
B.Net ID: AbyssArray
Rating: N/A
League: Gold
Rank: 3
Race: Random
Other: Just looking for anyone to practice with, I'm not a very good player to start, my macro is horrible but my micro is okay :/
TL ID: stuchiu
Email: stuchiu@yahoo.com
B.Net ID: JeanTannen
Rating: N/A
League: Gold
Rank: 25
Race: Random
Other: Looking for players I can practice with, talk strategy and have fun.
TL ID: Kaltra
Email: letrio49@yahoo.com
B.Net ID: Kaltra
Rating: N/A
League: Gold
Rank: 28
Race: Random
Other: I have played Terran a fair bit yet I barely played Zerg and Protoss. Also looking for pratince partners of all races. I'm on most of the day. I have vent and a mic.
TL ID: Truenappa
Email: truenappa@gmail.com
B.Net ID: Niten
Rating: N/A
League: Gold
Rank: 50
Race: Random
Other: I'm sorta new to internet chatting and stuff even though I'm older (27). I love TL and would love some practice games!
TL ID: Blkmagickk
Email: chris748290@yahoo.com
B.Net ID: blkmagickk
Rating: N/A
League: Gold
Rank: 62
Race: Random
Other: I have a mic and skype...I've watched the majority of TL's vods and also day9's and Hd / husky on youtube. I have a lot of free time to play and get better. Looking for someone of same skill or higher to improve and give tips (quick learner)
TL ID: mlbrandow
Email: mlbrandow+teamliquidforum@gmail.com
B.Net ID: Michael
Rating: N/A
League: Gold
Rank: 65
Race: Random
Other: I'm still learning all the counters/etc and just want to play more games against someone who would consider himself a high skill player, but is limited by lack of game knowledge (as I am). Hopefully we can share tips/tricks and provide helpful constructive criticism at the conclusion of each match.
+ Show Spoiler +TL ID: XKiller
Email: antattacker@gmail.com
B.Net ID: XKiller
Rating: 139
League: Gold
Rank: 28
Race: Protoss
TL ID: poor_billy
Email: tim.page at gmail
B.Net ID: PoorBilly
Rating: 117
League: Gold
Rank: 19
Race: Protoss
Other: Just looking to play a lot and develop good timings on my build.
TL ID: Niew
Email: vanmartin@live.com
B.Net ID: Niew
Rating: 82
League: Gold
Rank: 31
Race: Protoss
Other: I want to learn other races with partners and also extend my build repotiore.
TL ID: slim_swimmer
Email: mlee89@live.com
Rating: 65
League: Gold
Rank: 11
Race: Protoss
Other: I just wanna practice, and I need it. If you're looking for a long term practice partner look no further.
TL ID: zhul4nder
Email: zhul4nder@gmail.com
B.Net ID: Tossup
Rating: N/A
League: Gold
Rank: 0
Race: Protoss
TL ID: Zekezagura
Email: zekezagura120@hotmail.com
B.Net ID: Dragon
Rating: N/A
League: Gold
Rank: 5
Race: Protoss
Other: Getting better and better, looking for a practice partner of any level. Willing to help lower league players. Very serious about getting better at the game but also willing to just play for fun .
TL ID: Tuski
Email: mtu@scu.edu
B.Net ID: Tuski
Rating: N/A
League: Gold
Rank: 9
Race: Protoss
Other: Need a practice partner to play with, both competitively and to mess around with builds.
TL ID: AirbladeOrange
Email: AirbladeOrange@gmail.com
B.Net ID: AirbladeOrange
Rating: N/A
League: Gold
Rank: 20
Race: Protoss
Other: Looking for players of any race to practice with on a fairly regular basis. Players of any level who are looking to improve in a relaxed and supportive atmosphere shoot me an email. Thanks.
TL ID: Lolnoobinsanity
Email: sonofashrub@gmail.com
B.Net ID: Lolnoob
Rating: N/A
League: Gold
Rank: 21
Race: Protoss
Other: Just looking for a practice partner to play with. Try new things out. BTW, I may not actually be in the gold league. I lagged out of 2 of my placement tests that i was SURE to win. By all extents and purposes I would have won all 5 of my placement tests, and I guess be put in Diamond. However, before the patch I was 2nd in my Silver division, so I dunno. Definitely Top Gold or Low Platinum.
TL ID: Pocketokun
Email: macrossvt01@hotmail.com
B.Net ID: Pocket code: 565
Rating: N/A
League: gold
Rank: 23
Race: Protoss
Other: Looking to find a practice partner within my level to fine tune my game also to then tag along for 2v2 matches, if there is any spanish speakers i do speak spanish fluently and i will be more than glad to find people to chat/talk about SC in spanish.
TL ID: Throttle
Email: ericcressey@gmail.com
B.Net ID: blerg
Rating: N/A
League: Gold
Rank: 38
Race: Protoss
Other: I am a gold level Protoss player looking for Zerg and Terran practice partners to work on matchups. During the summer I can play most of the afternoon (EST). I have a decent knowledge of the game but need to work on my mechanics and timings. I am easy going and play for enjoyment, but I'd also like to improve.
TL ID: BurntMyToast
Email: LuckNumber3@live.com
B.Net ID: BurntMyToast
Rating: N/A
League: Gold
Rank: 42
Race: Protoss
Other: Looking for any race to practice with, I've been at platinum with Terran, Zerg but I'm looking to stick with Protoss. When I first began Sc2 I thought If I just kept playing I'd get better but now I'm looking towards learning basic strategies and builds. :D
TL ID: Utaki
Email: PM me for email.
B.Net ID: Utaki
Rating: N/A
League: gold
Rank: 80
Race: Protoss
Other: Aiming quite high looking for group of people interested to practice and improve matchups and builds rather observing or playing games i was hoping for a group of 5 or 6 people constantly playing im also open for ideas send me a tell in game il be improving rank i expect to get top 20 at least high on the ladder. I'm up for playing any matchup to get better. Pm me here or in game. I'm willing to play anytime.
+ Show Spoiler +TL ID: PipeWeed
Email: mely_311@yahoo.com
B.Net ID: PipeWeed
Rating: N/A
League: Gold
Rank: 5
Race: Terran
Other: PM or e-mail me if your interested... usually online after work and on days off... I'm looking for people who are currently on platinum or diamond so i can improve my gameplay.
TL ID: Yukos
Email: spirit.of.1969@gmail.com
B.Net ID: Yukos
Rating: N/A
League: Gold
Rank: 26
Race: Terran
Other: Just got the beta a week ago and have been super busy so don't play much but would like to work on my other races and definitely practice TvT and TvP, so yeah, I'm pretty much down for anything. I was pretty good at WC3 so I'm not terrible but not that good either.
TL ID: conqueso
Email: zachperry@comcast.net
B.Net ID: conqueso
Rating: N/A
League: Gold
Rank: 30
Race: Terran
Other: Newer to rts's working on hand speed and strengthening my macro. Would like a partner to play with and chat on vent with etc.
TL ID: TheEngineer
Email: EdyN-@hotmail.com
B.Net ID: TheEngineer
Rating: N/A
League: Gold
Rank: 65
Race: Terran
Other: Hi there, I am 21 years old and from Montreal (Quebec). I have been playing starcraft one many many years ago, and came back into the RTS with w3x mainly for fun doing 2v2 with some RL friends. I have joined the starcraft 2 beta two months ago and am willing to improve especially since i the HDH invitational has been running. My micro isint too bad but i still got to improve alot on the macro/multitasking aspect of the game. Two of my favorite players from wich I try to build my play style on are PainUser and TheLittleOne. I gotta mention I speak both french and english, just in case there's someone else from Quebec looking for a partner
+ Show Spoiler +TL ID: extempest
Email: extempest@gmail.com
B.Net ID: extempest
Rating: 100
League: Gold
Rank: 57
Race: Zerg
Other: looking for players to play 1v1 or a good partner for 2v2, a casual hardcore gamer. To be clear, before the 15 patch wipe I was 2v2 diamond (random) rank 10 (I got a screen shot for this and my ID is Riblam before the patch) and 1v1 platinum. After the wipe I got 1v1 and 2v2 both for gold (i got tired of playing due to the database wipe). I tend to do cheese more often than my macro play.
TL ID: Gorgazm
B.Net ID: Gorgazm
Rating: 60
League: Gold
Rank: 40
Race: Zerg
Other: Looking for someone in Australia preferably, as i'm on most nights a week local time. I consider myself probably a top Gold Player. I'm looking for someone who plays any Race, who is in Gold, or even diamond/platinum just to practice some 1v1's, so we can bounce some tips and tricks off each other. *Unsure of rating and Rank as i'm making this post at work, and can't look it up exactly, but i've given some rough guesses as to where i was last time i played.* Add me in-game and i'll be happy to add you to steam for out of game communication.
TL ID: Bowzer
Email: btrebels@hotmail.com
B.Net ID: Bowzer
Rating: 50
League: Gold
Rank: 18
Race: Zerg
Other: Have a vent server with other friends on here. Looking for someone around my skill level to practice matchups! PM me on this thread or e-mail me, peace. PST
TL ID: Leeoku
Email: send2kennethlee@hotmail.com
B.Net ID: Leeoku
Rating: N/A
League: Gold
Rank: 10
Race: Zerg
Other: Need some general practice against any race especially terran for micro/macro practice. Overall looking for a mid level player
TL ID: L6-636536
Email: NoveloJD@hotmail.com
B.Net ID: Fathis
Rating: N/A
League: Gold
Rank: 20
Race: Zerg
Other: : Plat in 2's Rank 5 Looking to play against ANY races and working on micro as well as theory.
TL ID: oodug
Email: chadskeers [at] gmail.com
B.Net ID: oodug
Rating: N/A
League: Gold
Rank: 42
Race: Zerg
Other: I was dropped from my first 3 placement matches but I think I'm a gold-caliber player. Working on developing a consistent 13-pool, 14 hatch but I'm playing around with variations. Interested in practicing against all matchups. In cafe's a lot so it's hard to VoIP, but I do it when I can.
TL ID: Brandroid
Email: support@fluxmotoring.com
B.Net ID: Brandon
Rating: N/A
League: Gold
Rank: 44
Race: Zerg / Random
TL ID: Lolpuma
Email: Heroofthe42@hotmail.com
B.Net ID: Lolpuma
Rating: N/A
League: Gold
Rank: 54
Race: Zerg
Other: Just looking for a partner, someone to mess around with and practice with, all races and any rank ^^
TL ID: EvilNuff
Email: pmmehere@forit
B.Net ID: SadPanda
Rating: N/A
League: Gold
Rank: 99
Race: Zerg
Other: Im actually Plat but haven't won a game since thanks mostly to lag and drops. Looking for someone to practice and learn with, I play Zerg and Toss.
Silver Division+ Show Spoiler +
+ Show Spoiler +TL ID: Dankmids
Email: McwadeMike@gmail.com
B.Net ID: One
Rating: 124
League: Silver
Rank: 17
Race: Random
Other: I play random, all the time, i always try to mix builds around and create new ones to hopefully improve on. My Protoss is by far my strongest, im slacking in Zerg since the roach nerf, Terran im pretty good. Im looking for anyone that wants to play a lot of games before the beta ends and work on Build orders, timings, strats, macro,micro. And for both of us to help eachother out and explain why we won, and lost and what could have been done to change the outcome. Any race would be fine, another Random player would be great.
TL ID: kenshinkun1
Email: kenshinkun1@msn.com
B.Net ID: Moose
Rating: N/A
League: Silver
Rank: 0
Race: Random
Other: I'm constantly watching youtube commentarys such as day9, Husky, Hd, and psy starcraft. I am really trying to get better so you better play alot!
+ Show Spoiler +TL ID: dazzled
Email: pm@here
B.Net ID: Dazzled
Rating: 150
League: Silver
Rank: 5
Race: Protoss
Other: you can get a hold of me at s5f on aim or fus1onomffg on skype. I'm very very active and would like a practice buddy who is also very very active, I started playing the game 2 weeks ago so I think I'm picking the game up fast.
TL ID: Z3kk
Email: zekk17@yahoo.com
B.Net ID: Zekk
Rating: N/A
League: Silver
Rank: 0
Race: Protoss
Other: Hi! I have a basic understanding of how everything works in SC 2 (counters, builds, etc.). I'm looking to improve my skill up to perhaps silver or gold by the time SC 2 is released. I mostly want to work on my macro (i.e. keeping minerals low, making units constantly and starting from early on, etc.). I'm looking for a partner who's around my skill level, but who (if he/she's nice and I'm lucky rofl) better than I am. I am usually on TL daily at Pacific time. SC 2 time is often relegated to weekends and Fridays, and some weekdays, if I'm able to find the time. Thanks! PM me if you want to be practice partners! NOTE: For the time being, I might not be able to get on, so please wait a bit if you're somehow interested in practicing with me. I'd prefer you've posted on tl at least a little bit since that gives a bit of credibility, and I've been getting a bunch of PMs with TL warning me about low/zero post count lol. I'm not sure exactly how much of an effect this is supposed to have on your guys' actual skill, but I'm just tossing that out there.
TL ID: Bigfoot_Hunter
Email: SnakeEater1234@hotmail.com
B.Net ID: Bigfoot
Rating: N/A
League: Silver
Rank: 0
Race: Protoss
Other: Looking for practice partners of any race, trying to work on mechanics and basic strategies. Primarily looking for 1v1s
Email: NruJaC@gmail.com
B.Net ID: NruJaC
Rating: N/A
League: Silver
Rank: 5
Race: Protoss
Other: Got into the beta pretty late (start of May), and spent most of the month in the copper league. Learned NOT to halt probe production and shot up into the silver league when the ladder reset, and sat in the top 10 or so in my division. Beta ended, and I've been sad, and not playing against the comp as much as I should. In any case, I'd like to get up into the gold league once the beta gets back up and going, and hopefully into platinum eventually (perhaps sometime after the game releases). I have skype (NruJaC as usual).
TL ID: HeavyBurden
Email: corey55@rogers.com
B.Net ID: HeavyBurden
Rating: N/A
League: silver
Rank: 12
Race: Protoss
Other: just trying to get better in general, would like to play against all races
TL ID: Kolvacs
Email: Davismb.1@gmail.com
B.Net ID: Kolvacs
Rating: N/A
League: Silver
Rank: 15
Race: Protoss
Other: I have been in the beta for about 5 - 6 weeks now. I am really interested in getting serious with my game play and strats. I am looking for practice buddies who wanna talk about build orders, strats, tips, tricks, etc. I also watch many high level games (HuskStarcraft, HDStarcraft, Day[9], etc). I would really prefer mature players.
+ Show Spoiler +TL ID: phizzy
Email: pm for email address
B.Net ID: phizzy
Rating: 91
League: Silver
Rank: 25
Race: Terran
Other: just looking to improve my game, any partners who want to play and discuss games after would be awesome!
TL ID: funnywille
Email: funnywille (@) gmail.com
B.Net ID: funnywille
Rating: 85
League: Silver
Rank: 12
Race: Terran
Other: Trying to get my mechanics down straight basically. I kinda hate playing against uptight people and not having fun though.
TL ID: Torenhire
Email: Tplymyer@bigstring.com
B.Net ID: Torenhire
Rating: N/A
League: Silver
Rank: 0
Race: Terran
Other: Haven't done placements yet because Bnet not keeping me connected...was 42nd Silver League before reset. Looking to work on early-game defense and tighten macro, any matchup.
TL ID: wanderer
Email: michael.lee0@gmail.com
B.Net ID: Galois
Rating: N/A
League: Silver
Rank: 0
Race: Terran
Other: Old BW player looking for hot sexytime with random player. I don't care WHO I get it from!
TL ID: mikku
Email: ssb_champ@hotmail.com
B.Net ID: Cirno.thestrongest
Rating: N/A
League: Dunno, but not great. silver/gold
Rank: 0
Race: Would like to learn Terran
Other: was playing zerg in BW but I find them extremely uninteresting in 2 compared to BW and you like to try out the hoomanz. I'd also really like to learn to 2v2, moreso than 1v1
TL ID: mcneebs
B.Net ID: mcneebs
Rating: N/A
League: Silver
Rank: 10
Race: Terran
Other: Looking to improve all MUs and people to test BOs with. Usually available in the mornings in the US since I'm in China. PM me with any questions :D
+ Show Spoiler +TL ID: ishotyoMoM
Email: tuc15180@temple.edu
B.Net ID: ishotyoMoM
Rating: 187
League: Silver
Rank: 7
Race: Zerg
TL ID: Lolpuma
Email: heroofthe42@hotmail.com
B.Net ID: Lolpuma
Rating: N/A
League: Silver
Rank: 1
Race: Zerg/protoss
Other: I am a rts player born and raised . I am just looking for friends and trying to get better. Looking for anyone who can 1 vs 1 with me and maybe 2 vs 2
TL ID: JBerserk
Email: 1sicclown@gmail.com
B.Net ID: Berserk
Rating: N/A
League: Silver
Rank: 43
Race: Zerg
Other: Looking to practice and get back in the swing of playing starcraft.
TL ID: vex
Email: zpolen@gmail.com
B.Net ID: vex
Rating: N/A
League: Silver
Rank: 50
Race: Zerg
Other: Looking for someone to practice with. I am low rank and kinda new to the RTS scene. I watch tons of replays and read a lot to get better. My rank is always going up as I keep improving. Don't have many friends yet in the community so looking for practice partners to learn with. Please e-mail me or contact me in game. Playing hours are norm 9pm-3am EST and weekends.
Bronze Division+ Show Spoiler +
+ Show Spoiler +TL ID: theelitists
Email: engraved@gmail.com
B.Net ID: RedScare
Rating: 31
League: Bronze
Rank: 49
Race: Random
Other: I have no idea how but I've been getting worse over time. I need some new practice buddies who are as bad as I am.
TL ID: Flury
Email: rickcarlson321@gmail.com
B.Net ID: None Yet...
Rating: N/A
League: Bronze
Rank: 0
Race: Random
Other: I'm brand new to online RTS. I played AoE and C&C Generals, but all 1-P so I don't really know how to play against, you know. Humans. I've never played SC2 before but I really enjoy watching Husky, HD and especially Day9 so I figured I'd actually see how well I could end up doing in this new game. Mainly looking for someone else inexperienced to practice with/against so we both don't lose 95% of our games...
+ Show Spoiler +TL ID: NoMicro
Email: rofflev2@live.com
B.Net ID: (Will come back and edit)
Rating: N/A
League: Bronze
Rank: 0
Race: Protoss
Other: I will be buying SC2, unfortunately didn't get the chance to play the beta online. Completely new to the genre and hoping to find people to play with. =)
+ Show Spoiler +TL ID: NitroN7
Email: aclineN7@hotmail.com
B.Net ID: Nitro
Rating: N/A
League: See other (Toss me under bronze)
Rank: 0
Race: Terran
Other: Unsure of ranking as I only play custom games. Lets just say copper / Bronze level now, as I only started playing SC:BW this year, much less SCII. Still learning the very basics. Build orders, timings, etc. Any other newer players, or even more experienced players willing to help me out would be fantastic.
TL ID: ZergTurd
Email: p@makeshift.ca
B.Net ID: Abcdefghijkl
Rating: N/A
League: Bronze
Rank: 0
Race: Terran
Other: Been playing beta since April and use to play Sc1 a while ago. I'm 29 and looking to improve in all areas. Would also be nice to have people to talk SC with since all my online friends are all about poker (I play online poker professionally). Only mature and serious people please
TL ID: Creon
Email: b.gieseler@gmail.com
B.Net ID: Creon
Rating: N/A
League: Bronze
Rank: 49
Race: Terran
Other: Looking for competent beginners to intermediate players to practice mainly 1v1.
TL ID: goldrold98
Email: goldrold98@gmail.com
B.Net ID: goldrold
Rating: N/A
League: Bronze
Rank: 85
Race: Terran
Other: I'm a pretty new player and I'm looking for someone to improve timings and macro/micro. I have no preference to race or skill level, just send me a message.
TL ID: Celros
Email: securitypanda2@gmail.com
B.Net ID: Celros
Rating: N/A
League: Bronze
Rank: 96
Race: Terran
Other: Looking for any practice partner. I want to work on all areas of my game in a more controlled environment than the ladder.
+ Show Spoiler +TL ID: Yoh
Email: Yoh_SL@Yahoo.co.nz
B.Net ID: Yoh
Rating: N/A
League: Bronze
Rank: 0
Race: Zerg/Protoss
Other: Have yet to bother going through the ladder placement matches, but I'm around bronze or silver skill level. Still kind of timid, looking for people who aren't afraid to kick my ass, so I can get used to losing. Keen to play often, I'm just not all that into random match ups atm.
TL ID: Devtech
Email: giovanyprieto@gmail.com
B.Net ID: Devtech
Rating: N/A
League: Bronze
Rank: 0
Race: Zerg
Other: Just looking for people to play with that dont mind just doing mass 1v1's to learn different gameplay. I have trouble in all match ups my main issue is basic mechanics and build orders and how to scout properly, im starting to learn things little by little but my friends hardly have any time to play since they are all on HON.
+ Show Spoiler [Semimportant Recognition Stuff] +
Original thread by Monokeros. All thanks go to him giving life to this wonderful idea!
Now maintained by TossFloss.
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