Server: US Server TL ID: Kaltra Email: letrio49@yahoo.com B.Net ID: Kaltra Rating: N/A League: Gold Rank: 28 Race: Random Other: I have played Terran a fair bit yet I barely played Zerg and Protoss. Also looking for pratince partners of all races. I'm on most of the day. I have vent and a mic.
Server: EU TL ID: mrproper
removed because of spam
Server: US Server TL ID: GoodLuckHF Email: ben.henderson31@yahoo.com B.Net ID: GoodLuckHF Rating: 120 League: Diamond Rank: 15 Race: Protoss/Zerg Other: Looking for people willing to try all races all builds and lots of repetition. I'm pretty good with all races so i think i can help pretty much anyone wanting to get better. I'm on every day nearly all day. Would love someone to practice with.
Server: US Server TL ID: funnywille Email: funnywille (@) gmail.com B.Net ID: funnywille Rating: 85 League: Silver Rank: 12 Race: Terran Other: Trying to get my mechanics down straight basically. I kinda hate playing against uptight people and not having fun though.
Server: US Server & Asia Server TL ID: SAGA Email: US: justinsaga@gmail.com Asia: asiaonizuka@gmail.com B.Net ID: OnizukA Rating: 400 League: Diamond Rank: US: 7th in division Asia: problem with ladder Race: Terran ( can off race as well ) Other:i will practice with anyone i simply dont want someone who will make excuses bout ur loss in or after every game so if u r one of those dont add me thanks i just want to enjoy playing games with everyone and learn from each other
Server: EU Server TL ID: s031720 Email: s031720 @ gmail . com B.Net ID: zZz Rating: 40 League: Platinum (probably belong at lower plat skillwise atm) Rank: 20 Race: Zerg Other: Looking for someone to grind games and grind idea with, and to discuss the pros and cons and exchange experiences. Ive got headset with mic so we can talk. I try to play atleast a 1-2 hours a day, evenings, (got a job though, 30 years old) so looking for someone in similar postion but that still is ambitious to become as good as you can be.
I dont really care what division you are, if YOU think you are at about my skilllvl then add me, and well try it out.
Server: EU Server TL ID: Gomas Email: mruugacz@gmail.com B.Net ID: Gomas Rating: 200 League: Diamond Rank: 5 Race: Terran Other: Looking for any opportunity to get better Add me!
Server: EU Server TL ID: Kerm Email: xsadoulet@hotmail.com B.Net ID: Kerm Rating: varying League: Silver Rank: varying Race: Random Other: Looking for practice partners wanting to improve seriously and reach higher leagues ( hoping to make it silver fast, and hopefully reach gold by the end of the beta). Any race welcome, but obviously random players would be better. I enjoy learning the game from analysts like Day9 or Gretorp, but still got a lot of practice to do on the execution side (as i didn't play BW). I appreciate respectful and mannered players, and do NOT wish to practice canon rush.
Server: US Server TL ID: Kizu Email: kevin27147@yahoo.com B.NET ID: Kizu Rating: 104 (was 1750 plat) League: Diamond Race: Protoss Rank: 1(for now probably gonna be alot lower the next time i log on xD) Other: looking to play against people better than me; im fine with any match up. HOLLER
Dont want this info given away anymore
Server: US Server TL ID: Yoh Email: Yoh_SL@Yahoo.co.nz B.Net ID: Yoh Rating: 0 League: Bronze Rank: 0 Race: Zerg/Protoss Other: Have yet to bother going through the ladder placement matches, but I'm around bronze or silver skill level. Still kind of timid, looking for people who aren't afraid to kick my ass, so I can get used to losing. Keen to play often, I'm just not all that into random match ups atm. While I think zerg kinda suck atm, I still want to learn how to use them well. ZvZ preferred. However, I want to give protoss a go as well, see how they fit.
Sorry to spam this thread, but this way a LOT of people in here are going to get their email adress spammed by spammers who picked them up with web/google crawlers. Not posting your email address openly on forums etc., especially major ones like this site, should be common knowledge. On the other hand though, I see no way around it, still, I'll not post in this thread sadly since email addresses of me have been picked up by crawlers before.
Server: EU ID: Zlack Email: moez1 @ web . de B.Net ID: Zlack Rating: 136 League: platinum Rank: 2 Race: Protoss Other: Looking for practice partners of all races, to get to a higher lvl
Server: EU serer TL ID: Barth95 Email: sc2@esportsfrance.com B.NET ID: Barth Rating: 150 (new division) League: Diamond Race: Protoss Rank: 10 (new division) Other : Need to train my builds. My best matchup is versus terran whereas I lack train vs zerg.
Server: US Server TL ID: Yukos Email: spirit.of.1969@gmail.com B.Net ID: Yukos Rating: 0 (can't remember pre-patch, only got through one non-placement match so far without dropping, lost it obviously) League: Gold Rank: 26 Race: Terran Other: Just got the beta a week ago and have been super busy so don't play much but would like to work on my other races and definitely practice TvT and TvP, so yeah, I'm pretty much down for anything. I was pretty good at WC3 so I'm not terrible but not that good either.
Server: EU TL ID: Seejo Email: nkonstan_gr@yahoo.gr B.Net ID: Marquesz Rating: 162 League: Platinum Rank: 4 Race: Terran Other: I am not a good player but i managed to win a lot of games by using a 3 barracks BO and an MM early attack. Add me in order to practice new BO and scouting techniques
Server: Europe TL ID: mskaa Email: mic.skaanning@gmail.com B.net id: Misk Rating: 100-ish right now League: Platinium Race: Random Rank: 10 Other: Looking for someone around my own skill level, to mess around with some strategies and stuff. I was in gold before reset.
Server: US Server TL ID: EscPlan9 Email: dmontur1 ( at ) gmail ( dot ) com B.Net ID: Lethargy Rating: ? League: Platinum Rank: 3 Race: Zerg Other: I would like to work on practicing against common build orders used by all of the races in this matchup (P/T/Z/R). I want to do more than mass game and discuss replays. I want to practice certain build orders against others, and we try it a few more times using the same build(s) to further refine it and get to know how to play it well. I'm a good mannered player and learn a lot from losing as well as winning.
I hope to improve my skills more before Beta goes on hiatus!
On May 24 2010 19:55 heishe wrote: Sorry to spam this thread, but this way a LOT of people in here are going to get their email adress spammed by spammers who picked them up with web/google crawlers. Not posting your email address openly on forums etc., especially major ones like this site, should be common knowledge. On the other hand though, I see no way around it, still, I'll not post in this thread sadly since email addresses of me have been picked up by crawlers before.
Or you can post your email address in a way that doesn't get detected as easily by crawlers. See my recent posting for an example, since I also shared the same concern.
Server: EU Server TL ID: Kriden.inc Email: kristofdenolf@hotmail.com B.Net ID: Kriden.inc Rating: +- 50 League: Diamond Rank: N/A Race: Terran Other: Looking for any practice partners. I have Skype, VT & Teamspeak. Online most evenings.