Server: EU TL ID: Infernium Email: - B.Net ID: Infernium Rating: N/A League: Platinum Rank: N/A Race: Random Other: I'm a gold/platinum ranked Random player that have been in the beta for about 5 weeks, and i am currently looking for practise buddies to share strategies, build orders, tricks, tips and to watch and discuss replays with to try to improve my own as well as my opponents gameplay. I also enjoy to watch high level games and try to find new strategies and build orders to use (Mostly Day[9] analysis, Husky and HDstarcraft videos) and it would be great to find someone who follow these casters as well! Players of any league and race are welcome, prefer mature and calm players, but it's not a requierment. Feel free to send an email if you are interested. :D
Edit: Closed! Check out this link to view my new practise partner post:
Server: US TL ID: Kolvacs Email: Davismb.1@gmail.com B.Net ID: Kolvacs Rating: N/A League: Silver Rank: 15+ Race: Protoss Other: I have been in the beta for about 5 - 6 weeks now. I am really interested in getting serious with my game play and strats. I am looking for practice buddies who wanna talk about build orders, strats, tips, tricks, etc. I also watch many high level games (HuskStarcraft, HDStarcraft, Day[9], etc). I would really prefer mature players. Feel free to blast me an Email and we can talk sometime on Skype/Vent/TS/WHATEVA.
Thanks :D
Server: US TL ID: NruJaC Email: NruJaC@gmail.com B.Net ID: NruJaC Rating: N/A League: Silver Rank: 5-10 Race: Protoss Other: Got into the beta pretty late (start of May), and spent most of the month in the copper league. Learned NOT to halt probe production and shot up into the silver league when the ladder reset, and sat in the top 10 or so in my division. Beta ended, and I've been sad, and not playing against the comp as much as I should. In any case, I'd like to get up into the gold league once the beta gets back up and going, and hopefully into platinum eventually (perhaps sometime after the game releases). I have skype (NruJaC as usual).
Server: US Server TL ID: Ryzen Email: ryzen242@gmail.com B.Net ID: ryzen.??? Rating: 764 League: Diamond Rank: 11 Race: Protoss Other: I am a very experienced Starcraft player and have picked up SC2 pretty quickly and I am looking to constantly improve, enter into as many tournaments as possible, learn and improve, and make a name for myself in the eSports community. My goal is to be the best SC2 player in the world and I am willing to do what it takes to get there. I am very objective and welcome criticism and opinions on my play and will offer the same if asked.
Server: EU Server TL ID: Stato Email: Statoalot@hotmail.com B.Net ID: Stato Rating: 175 League: Diamond Rank: 20 Race: Terran Other: Looking for a serious practice partners, preferably Zerg and Protoss, willing to play ALOT, review games etc, partner MUST have ventrilo, i use the TL vent so just come find me under the name of Stato. Serious players only please, email me or add me on Msn/B.net.
Server: US Server TL ID: AirbladeOrange Email: AirbladeOrange@gmail.com B.Net ID: AirbladeOrange Rating: N/A League: Gold Rank: 20 Race: Protoss Other: Looking for players of any race to practice with on a fairly regular basis. Players of any level who are looking to improve in a relaxed and supportive atmosphere shoot me an email. Thanks.
Server: EU Server TL ID: Kilgort Email: lotierm (nospam) @ gmail.com B.Net ID: DarthKilgort Rating: - League: Platinum Rank: - Race: Protoss Other: Skype - afknoob, I got a mic. Looking for partner in phase two beta, any race. Want to train and talk about tactic.
Server: US Server TL ID: Agh Email: Use PM for contact B.Net ID: Had multiple - TBD for p2 beta Rating: ~750 before last beta phase // 2000+ prior two resets League: Diamond Rank: 1 Race: Random --> Protoss
Other: Greetings I am seeking an extremely skilled partner for when the beta comes back online. Played random throughout the beta except for the opening and final ladder in which I played protoss. I am an ex pro war3 player and have played in many money tournaments as well as wcg. Recently started playing Brood War after the beta went down and achieved B- rating (iccup) never having played the game prior. I am easy to talk to and highly competitive. Please note I am seeking competitive play and not interested in giving or receiving "training". Analyzing some replays over vent is a must. Also my playtime is typically wide open.
Server: US Server TL ID: Carefoot Email: nick@carefoot.ca B.Net ID: Love, Carefoot, Princess Rating: 120 League: Gold Rank: 3 Race: Random
Other: Vent, Skype, Arranged Teams, Solo Practice, Replay Swapping, Replay Analysis, Duo Screen casting, Tournament play, LAN parties, Trading my cheese, tactics and strategy in exchange for someone who can get an edge up on APM 70~ (which spikes into the 100s when someone can make me sweat - hopefully that is you) Planning on getting high plat/low Diamond for release with mass games as random - I got the Dark Templar icon twice during 2 resets (which is the ammount of time I played). If you live in the 604 would be sick to LAN it up too so feel free to say hi.
Server: US Server TL ID: Vygur Email: tigurius [at] gmail [d0t] com B.Net ID: Vygur or Tigur Rating: Unknown. League: Platinum Rank: Was rank 5 before beta went down. We'll see in the next month. Race: Terran
Other: Feels like i'm putting up a personals ad... anyway... Looking for adult (mature) non-"bm" practice partner, preferably from within Alberta (Edmonton). I use vent, xfire (id: bsetigur) primarily. I work shift work so there are times I will play in the middle of the night and other times I may not be able to play for a week. Seeking to excel at competitive play and eventually play in some tournaments.
Server: US Server TL ID: Flury Email: rickcarlson321@gmail.com B.Net ID: None Yet... Rating: 0? League: Bronze Rank: 0 Race: Random Other: I'm brand new to online RTS. I played AoE and C&C Generals, but all 1-P so I don't really know how to play against, you know. Humans. I've never played SC2 before but I really enjoy watching Husky, HD and especially Day9 so I figured I'd actually see how well I could end up doing in this new game. Mainly looking for someone else inexperienced to practice with/against so we both don't lose 95% of our games...
Server: US Server TL ID: Jquik Email: PM for email B.Net ID: Will be Jquik, but waiting for phase 2 League: Diamond Rank: Plateau'd around rank 3-15 Race: Zerg Looking For: ZvT Other: Practiced everyday the entire phase 1 ZvP, so... mainly looking for a Terran player who either has all of their builds and timing pushes down, or wants to learn/polish them. ZvZ also is fine.
I always use Skype/Ventrilo when playing. It makes it easier to discuss mistakes whether during or after matches. I'm on online from 5pm CST till i go to sleep weekdays and mostly all day weekends xD
Server: US-Server TL ID: Rakgoska E-mail: Ranncor@hotmail.com B.Net ID: Rakgoska Rating: ? League: Silver Rank: ? Race: Terran Other: Looking for practice matches amonst other people in a controlled environment to test build orders/strats/micro/macro and get an overall good sense of the game. Also want to get into the E-Sports community as I overall get better at SC2. Also interested in 2s 3s and 4s.
Server: EU Server TL ID: RedKnox Email: soil1994@hotmail.com B.Net ID: RedKnox Rating: ** (Can't remember) League: Bronze/ Silver Rank: **(Can't Remember) Race: Terran Other: Am Willing to try new Tarticts To be better and have fun. There aren't much plz email me if you want to play
Server: US Server TL ID: synapse Email: zhongkaiv at the gmails B.Net ID: synApse Rating: N/A League: Diamond Rank: 10 Race: Zerg Other: Will be needing practice partners... especially for ZvZ and ZvT(mech)
Server: US Server TL ID: Coil Email: b4ka@b4ka.com.ar B.Net ID: Coil Rating: N/A League: Platinum Rank: 2 Race: Protoss Other: Setting up for phase 2 & launch. Was rank 2 plat before beta went down. I'm on GMT-3 (Argentina) and i speak English and Spanish, looking for someone to practice build orders and discuss mechanics.
Server: EU server TL ID: Juvator Email: onderscore@gmail.com B.Net ID: Juvator Rating: N/A League: Platinum Rank: 5ish Race: Protoss Other: that was the rank in phase 1ofc, played for 3 weeks, quite intensively. I have lots of gaming experience, looking for a partner with good insight into RTS gaming, to help eachother practise build orders,counters, pretty much anything in which one can improve
Server: US Server TL ID: Truenappa Email: truenappa@gmail.com B.Net ID: Niten Rating: Not sure League: Gold Rank: 50'ish Race: Random Other: I'm sorta new to internet chatting and stuff even though I'm older (27). I love TL and would love some practice games!
Server: US Server TL ID: Eclyze Email: Eclyze@live.com B.Net ID: Eclyze Rating: ~100? League: Platinum Rank: Peaked at 1st. 5th before beta went down. Race: Protoss Other: Looking for a partner(s) to practice 1v1s and/or team up for 2v2s, 3v3s, 4v4s. Add my email on B.Net if you want to be friends. Preferably in Eastern Time Zone (EST)
new practice partner thread? Since we can now add people by typing in their identifier again