Server: US Server TL ID: Number Email: RedXIII304@gmail.com B.Net ID: Number Rating: 110 League: Platinum Rank: 17 Race: Random Other: I've been watching streams and VODs since Beta started but only got my key about two weeks ago, so I know a lot about strategies but my mechanics are so-so. I am much better with Protoss and Zerg than I am with Terran; I am looking to improve my skill as Terran but will be happy to play any match up.
Server: North America TL ID: ChoboOv Email: Dave.Naluz@gmail.com B.Net ID: QQProbe Rating: 101 League: Diamond Race: Protoss Other: Finished 1700 Rating Platinum last season. ID was ChoboOv.
TL ID: GhoSt[shield] Email: davidrjliang@Hotmail.com B.Net ID: GhoSt Rating: N/A League: Gold Rank: 32 Race: Zerg/Random Other: I have been playing SC2 only for a week now. I am looking to practice against any race. In particular, since Terran has become so popular recently, any games against them would be great. Any and all players are welcome for some play. Hope to hear from someone soon.
Server: US Server TL ID: Zekezagura Email: zekezagura120@hotmail.com B.Net ID: Dragon Rating: N/A League: Gold Rank: 5 Race: Protoss Other: Getting better and better, looking for a practice partner of any level. Willing to help lower league players. Very serious about getting better at the game but also willing to just play for fun .
Server: US Server TL ID: footymd Email: justinbleau@hotmail.com B.Net ID: footymd Rating: 125 League: Diamond Rank: 5 Race: protoss Other: Looking for active players of each race!
Server: US Server TL ID: Goobus Email: kendricklau7@gmail.com B.Net ID: goobus Rating: 112 League: Platinum Rank: 17 Race: Zerg Other: Looking for a partner who's around my skill level, maybe a little better than me, to practice all matchups. I'm especially weak in ZvZ and ZvT, so if you're good at either of those, please add me in game and help me out! I may be able to teach you a thing or two too . I just want to learn and improve my game with someone who won't stomp me every time. I'm interested in macro-oriented play. Currently I am experimenting with builds (especially infestor builds and nydus play), so it would be great if I could have a regular buddy to test these on!
Server: US TL ID: Chaoz Email: viperx116@gmail.com B.Net ID: Blu Rating: 0 League: Platinum Rank: 5 Race: Protoss Other: Looking partner of all races. I want to mass games so I can experience of what to do in various situations. Don't be afraid to ask me to do a build/strat multiple times to help you improve. Also want people that actually give feedback after a game.
Server: US Server TL ID: Plyte Email: boywithstickx@yahoo.com B.Net ID: Plyte Rating: 86 League: Platinum Rank: 14 Race: Protoss Other: Basic practice games, work on build times and dealing with different vses, would most likely get better on my PvT.
Server: US Server TL ID: BSOS Email: leadhead892002@yahoo.com B.Net ID: BSOS Rating: 75 atm... League: Platinum Rank: 12 Race: Zerg Other: preferably a 1v1 partner
Server: US Server TL ID: wiredadex Email: wiredadex@gmail.com B.Net ID: wiredadex Rating: 218 League: Platinum Rank: 3 Race: Zerg
Server: US TL ID: Gorgazm Email: B.Net ID: Gorgazm Rating: Unsure* 60ish League: Gold Rank: Unsure* 40ish Race: Zerg Other: Looking for someone in Australia preferably, as i'm on most nights a week local time. I consider myself probably a top Gold Player. I'm looking for someone who plays any Race, who is in Gold, or even diamond/platinum just to practice some 1v1's, so we can bounce some tips and tricks off each other. *Unsure of rating and Rank as i'm making this post at work, and can't look it up exactly, but i've given some rough guesses as to where i was last time i played.* Add me in-game and i'll be happy to add you to steam for out of game communication.
Server: US Server TL ID: Annati Email: eannati@gmail.com B.Net ID: AnNati Rating: N/A League: Diamond Rank: 64 Race: Zerg Other: On at random times, but would love to play!
Server: US Server TL ID: Drakan Email: ro.silva @ gmail . c o m B.Net ID: Drakan Rating: 86 League: Diamond Rank: 33 Race: Terran Other: I'm most of the time online during the week, and sometimes during weekends. I wish for advices and tips, and train against every race if possible. Any kind of builds.
Server: US Server TL ID: Soldier92 Email: Villiger92@yahoo.com B.Net ID: OedipusKing Rating: ~250 League: Diamond Rank: ~6 Race: Protoss Other: I mostly play Toss, but switch it up in practice sometimes for fun and to understand the other races. Would really like someone to play with and talk about strategy, where to improve, etc. I'm not super serious, but I do play to win.
Server: US Server TL ID: Brandroid Email: support@fluxmotoring.com B.Net ID: Brandon Rating: Not sure League: Gold Rank: 44 Race: Zerg / Random
Add me! I'm on most evenings and keep my cool, when I'm gettin owned. Open to critism and insight.
Server: US Server TL ID: shawster Email: jim_shawster@hotmail.com B.Net ID: Shawz Rating: 80 League: Diamond Rank: 30 Race: Zerg Other: I don't really care for ZVZ..Add me guys, im like borderline diamond/plat and i need practice partners :D
Server: US Server TL ID: Evoli Email: conners.cody@gmail.com B.Net ID: evoli Rating: 30 League: Platinum Rank: 26 Race: Protoss Other: I'm new to Starcraft, but I'm dedicated and focused on becoming a better player. I devote a pretty decent chunk of each day to playing and watching replays/commentaries. In the last month I've gone from having never played Starcraft before in my life to being a competitive post-patch13 Platinum player. I think playing with equally dedicated players will help improve my game play and that is my goal. Feel free to add/PM me on battle.net or PM me on here.
ive added a ton of people and no one ever adds me back?
Server: US Server TL ID: Tuski Email: mtu@scu.edu B.Net ID: Tuski Rating: N/A League: Gold Rank: 9 Race: Protoss Other: Need a practice partner to play with, both competitively and to mess around with builds.
Server: US Server TL ID: slim_swimmer Email: mlee89@live.com B.Net ID: MLK Rating: 65 League: Gold Rank: 11 Race: Protoss Other: I just wanna practice, and I need it. If you're looking for a long term practice partner look no further.