Ok I just check for my information if Raelcun missed him saying Metal (which he did not) and I was even more appalled by what HuK did after reading it in detail.
*Edited out per mod request*
"Liquid's players are known for their strong, creative play and also for their positive attitudes and professional demeanors."
Well anyways, enough about HuK, just business as usual I guess. Best of luck at IEM and MLG HuK (I really do mean that)!
HuK seems like some immature dick.
Pretty ridiculous @HuK.....
At least the taurent v drewbie series is awesome.
i had a really rough day guys with some personal issues, then didn't play so well all day, just really stressed and what not. I know my behavior isn't excusable and I'm sorry you will NEVER see me like that again. I was joking with raelcun at the beginning like we usually do when things like iccup maps, streaming, or anything else comes up that we don't agree upon; either way despite me having VERY different views on what actually happened
ill be editing this soon
First to start off I would like to say I had a really bad day with personal stuff and it was probably unwise to play in this to begin with, but knowing that diamond loves to see my play and others as well I figured I could; even told Diamond I didn't care about the 20$ or w/e he was offering. Just really wanted to play and have fun with some old faces (because I hadn't been active in ITL as of late).
Either way I never meant for anything I said to take seriously, anyone who knows me knows that if I know them long enough that I just talk like that time to time as a joke. Kind of immature and stupid how guy friends will call each other pussies, fag, retard, w/e; I never actually meant to insult handicap people or anything like that. I wish I could take it back because I didn't realize it was going to be blown up into this huge thing; and being part of team liquid I don't want to ever represent myself or my team in a bad way (which I definitely did tonight). My old team VT, all the root guys, and practically anyone who has known me for any length of time whether it be in real life or over battle.net where I get to a certain comfort zone with them know this.
So sorry for my behavior but I never meant it in an offensive way and really was just being myself, but if I have to I can act super polite/robot like in everything I do too.
I don't think it was completely out of line from HuK. It was clear he was frustrated, and that isn't very different from other people when something that wasn't expected or not used to occurs, and having just lost to drewbie probably didn't make his mood better.
granted his language was uncalled for, but apart from the language he stated, there wasn't too much directed totally at raelcun or iccup that i think peopel are blowing it up as. if you talk to huk anytime he'll be "badmanner" in a joking method, are you saying that you all as viewers have never called one of your friends a "newb" or something? i talk to huk on occasion and its clear alan(raelcun) does (as he knows everybody that there IS to know)
i believe the maps with huk claiming to have selected metal as being simply a misunderstanding, as when talking to him after he says that both diamond and catz were informed that he wanted metal (i'm not saying it did happen, nor am i saying it didn't, i'm just reporting what he said) and in our iccuptv skype chat Diamond did state "go metal" so there could have just been a bit of miscommunication between the casters and huk
he did state that iccuptv "needs new casters" which was a direct shot at us (as i was one of the casters at the time of the dilemma), but after having been in furstration and trying to figure out what the map was gonna be and having it take so long, also understandable, and I take no personal offense to it.
once again this is just my personal opinion, i'm just saying cut him some slack, it was a mistake that anyone could make, and let's just move on with the iccup event!
Huk the next idrA lol that would be so awesome
Drewbie and Taurent matches were sweet. I really like River Point as a map.
Ok I want to move past this so I will clarify our stance after talking with HuK.
1: HuK thought he said Metal, he did not. 2: CatZ, me, and Ryan all said Metal to Raelcun, however it is his position to only accept map requests from the player directly. 3: HuK refused to type "Metal" or "Metalopoils" and instead called Raelcun names (not in a joking manner). 4: HuK was out of line and disqualified, no further action would have or has been taken.
I really do wish HuK the best in the future as he is no longer willing to play in any of our events. I STILL am a MASSIVE HuK fanboy, but I cannot take his side on this one. I really mean that, I have been on HuK's fan train since forever. I think he will do wonders for the Protoss race and maybe our paths will cross again in the future, but for now we will part ways.
With that in mind! INSANE good games tonight!
On October 05 2010 10:27 Liquid`HuK wrote: i had a really rough day guys with some personal issues, then didn't play so well all day, just really stressed and what not. I know my behavior isn't excusable and I'm sorry you will NEVER see me like that again. I was joking with raelcun at the beginning like we usually do when things like iccup maps, streaming, or anything else comes up that we don't agree upon; either way despite me having VERY different views on what actually happened
ill be editing this soon
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he stated it was personal. dont believe it necessary to pry into an individual's life outside of a videogame
On October 05 2010 10:48 RyanRushia wrote: he stated it was personal. dont believe it necessary to pry into an individual's life outside of a videogame
Could not agree more. That is no one's business besides his own.
Everyone has moments like that. Hardly a big deal. Especially considering Taurent was awesome as a fill-in.
Guys Huk is not a bm player, he likes to joke around with people and not be serious, this is a pretty normal jocular attitude towards other players, he isn't genuinely mad at raelcun just messing around. I know both of these guys and if I recall Huk has been playing on iccup tv since early beta.
it looks pretty bad though
like i can see how he could just be messing around but huk should probably use a little more discretion in who he interacts like that with
From insulting mentally handicapped people, to calling Raelcun a retard, to even going as far to say iCCup TV needs better casters
This is such a hilarious statement. Insulting mentally handicapped people, yeah that's bad. Calling someone a retard, yeah that's sorta bad...but wait, to GO SO FAR as to say iccup needs better casters!! Omg!
This is like the 5th caster vs player conflict in a month or something. Everyone takes themselves too seriously.
Yes, HuK's demeanor isn't top-quality here. But it's justified to a certain extent with the exclusion of any and all non-Starcraft 2 related matters.
His mannerisms towards Raelcun is stacked with frustration, personal anger [that should be controlled nonetheless, not disagreeing here], disagreement and just poor communication between all parties involved. The names and insults named are just the emphasizing points of the sentiments I just named above. If it was someone else instead of Raelcun talking, I'm sure the insults would be the same and equally intended as non-personal and vents of frustration. Plus it's just HuK's general mannerisms, It's a pseudo tough-love and odd articulation and vocabulary. Being blunt isn't having poor manners, though the choice of words can be argued as poor manners, but then again: It's how HuK acts and isn't intended to be insulting or demeaning.
Again, not justifying, but submitting a form of understanding and taking these actions and words from another perspective.
He apologized, let's build a bridge over these troubled waters.
Man Drewbie is KILLING it today! Very nice! Going to be going into IEM strong!
I've known HuK for about 8 months now and anyone that has knows him can tell you right off the bat that he's just joking around. From what I've heard Raelcun knew that HuK is just messing around.
So the question is if Raelcun is fine and HuK was just joking around as shown in the post above then why is Diamond posting for Raelcun making it seem like HuK is some sort of evil nazi who hates handicap people...
"From insulting mentally handicapped people, to calling Raelcun a retard, to even going as far to say iCCup TV needs better casters" - iCCup.Diamond
are u serious? relax....
On October 05 2010 11:33 GoddeR wrote: I've known HuK for about 8 months now and anyone that has knows him can tell you right off the bat that he's just joking around. From what I've heard Raelcun knew that HuK is just messing around.
So the question is if Raelcun is fine and HuK was just joking around as shown in the post above then why is Diamond posting for Raelcun making it seem like HuK is some sort of evil nazi who hates handicap people...
"From insulting mentally handicapped people, to calling Raelcun a retard, to even going as far to say iCCup TV needs better casters" - iCCup.Diamond
are u serious? relax....
Because this time it was NOT in a joking manner. I know how HuK is and that was not joking, not in the least. I really don't care anymore and will move on, can't ruin my whole night over one person !