For many of us, we're firmly aware of what it may be, it's simply when you play a song in reverse and sometimes there are hidden messages within the song, whether they're inentional or not.
The most infamous one is Stairway to Heaven by Led Zepplin
But I've been playing around with some song on my computer and I find some of them are pretty interesting and eve beautiful when played backwards, for Example, the song Wolf at the Door by Radiohead.
I noticed the words in the backmasked version, are mostly in piglatin, when i spelled them out, at 2:18, you can hear the words "I see him, I see him, I see him" very clearly and then it goes into a mix of pig latin and english, bravo Tom Yorke.
i uploaded a reverse version onto youtube and this makes me ask, what's your opinion on backmasking? Some find it creepy, other amazing. I'm not going to go into a huge explanation behind it such as huge hits, etc. I simply don't have the time in a day to present such a thing, but please I encourage you to look into the subject yourselves and who knows? you might find your favorite version of a song!
Well Radiohead's Nude makes for an interesting listen backwards considering the vocal accompaniment and main strings section is actually a musical palindrome.
Geogaddi by Boards of Canada backwards is rather cool. I made a copy of the album with each track in reverse and the track listing is reversed.
At some points you can tell that they made beats and sounds backwards and then reversed them for the normal recording. Backwards sounding beats are very distinct sounding.
I've experimented with it in the studio with my own band. It's pretty funny to take a pitch shifter and space echo to vocals and then reverse it.
The hole song playing backwards thing is mostly an auditory illusion. If you play stairway to heaven backwards with no sub titles people pick up a few words notably 666 and Satan mispronounced. But then you play it with the subtitles and everyone hears it clearly. It is people telling people what to hear for the most part.
Theere is a great one, not of a song but of Obama making a speech where when its said backwords says "heil Satan". Wich is creepy. I could link it but I think its bollocks so I wont.
yeah it's mostly just your mind making you hear certain words from whatever your vocabulary knowledge is. while there is a way to make words when played backwards i'm sure, it's almost all completely your mind making up the words since it doesn't know what you are listening to is just nonsense, so it pieces certain parts of sound together to make it sound like something you've heard of before.
the start of linkin park's song Somewhere I Belong has an interesting guitar melody that sounds totally different... they played the melody, then reversed it, then reordered the notes so it was in the correct order.. so what you get is the melody with the sounds being played in reverse =]
On November 18 2011 06:59 Silidons wrote: yeah it's mostly just your mind making you hear certain words from whatever your vocabulary knowledge is. while there is a way to make words when played backwards i'm sure, it's almost all completely your mind making up the words since it doesn't know what you are listening to is just nonsense, so it pieces certain parts of sound together to make it sound like something you've heard of before.
Every time I see some kind of optical illusion or whatever illusion and hear the science behind why it happens it makes me wonder how the hell people can believe in intelligent design.
This blew my mind. Like seriously. I've never ever thought of such an interpretation to popular songs like some of these. In my opinion, most likely the artist(s) never thought of sending a message when their song would be played backwards, what a waste of time to plan, yet it's so fascinating how it still happens. I think this is just a question of interpretation, the lyrics of certain of these songs backwards usually are largely invented but based on random sounds; our mind can play tricks on us if we are possessed by a "cool" idea. Still, I'm not dissing this, it's pretty interesting.
On November 18 2011 06:59 Silidons wrote: yeah it's mostly just your mind making you hear certain words from whatever your vocabulary knowledge is. while there is a way to make words when played backwards i'm sure, it's almost all completely your mind making up the words since it doesn't know what you are listening to is just nonsense, so it pieces certain parts of sound together to make it sound like something you've heard of before.
Every time I see some kind of optical illusion or whatever illusion and hear the science behind why it happens it makes me wonder how the hell people can believe in intelligent design.
? I can't see how those two are related at all intelligent design is philosophical debate topic while science is all about facts, hypothesis etc
Does it really seem so strange to think that arranging a limited number of alphabetical letters in a particular way could "sound" like other words when played in reverse? Not really.
On November 18 2011 06:59 Silidons wrote: yeah it's mostly just your mind making you hear certain words from whatever your vocabulary knowledge is. while there is a way to make words when played backwards i'm sure, it's almost all completely your mind making up the words since it doesn't know what you are listening to is just nonsense, so it pieces certain parts of sound together to make it sound like something you've heard of before.
Every time I see some kind of optical illusion or whatever illusion and hear the science behind why it happens it makes me wonder how the hell people can believe in intelligent design.
? I can't see how those two are related at all intelligent design is philosophical debate topic while science is all about facts, hypothesis etc
On November 18 2011 06:49 Bairemuth wrote: Well Radiohead's Nude makes for an interesting listen backwards considering the vocal accompaniment and main strings section is actually a musical palindrome.
I love the song but I never knew this before. Blew my mind.
On November 18 2011 06:59 Silidons wrote: yeah it's mostly just your mind making you hear certain words from whatever your vocabulary knowledge is. while there is a way to make words when played backwards i'm sure, it's almost all completely your mind making up the words since it doesn't know what you are listening to is just nonsense, so it pieces certain parts of sound together to make it sound like something you've heard of before.
Every time I see some kind of optical illusion or whatever illusion and hear the science behind why it happens it makes me wonder how the hell people can believe in intelligent design.
? I can't see how those two are related at all intelligent design is philosophical debate topic while science is all about facts, hypothesis etc
On November 18 2011 06:59 Silidons wrote: yeah it's mostly just your mind making you hear certain words from whatever your vocabulary knowledge is. while there is a way to make words when played backwards i'm sure, it's almost all completely your mind making up the words since it doesn't know what you are listening to is just nonsense, so it pieces certain parts of sound together to make it sound like something you've heard of before.
Every time I see some kind of optical illusion or whatever illusion and hear the science behind why it happens it makes me wonder how the hell people can believe in intelligent design.
Lol SpoR don't be a jerk. Unless you are trying to start a flame war?
Actually Silidons does bring up a good point with this. Have you ever seen those ghost hunter shows where they use and audio recorder and claim that some of the noises they are picking up are ghost voices (EVPs)? It's random white noise that doesn't sound like anything until after the ghost "expert" tells you what the voice is saying. Then you can hear it clear as day. I think the same concepts apply to backmasking.
Remember Ringo's famous line, "I buried Paul?". Everyone could hear it in the song and it started an elaborate conspiracy that Paul McCartney was actually dead and his death had been covered up. Until some years later when Ringo admitted he actually was just saying "cranberry sauce" slowly. Listed to the song again after that and you hear "cranberry sauce" clearly.