This stream will be coming back in June after the new Canadian Dominion website is released.
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,
Recently a few Canadian Starcraft players got together and decided we needed to form our selves a little community website. As a result we came up with the Canadian Dominion, a website focused on creating a stronger and more competitive Starcraft 2 scene. This stream is where we hope to show off what our players have to offer as well as what we can contribute to the Starcraft 2 scene as a whole.
For more information visit The Canadian Dominion
Canadian Dominion Tournaments
Info Coming Soon
Saga of a Starcraft Player
This is the story of a decent StarCraft player, Basic trying to get to level of Gosu. He chronicles his life ever few days in half an hour videos asking for the audience's ideas, builds, criticisms and any thing else they can think of . Much of his practice will be live streamed here with VODs of the show available on soasp.blip.tv
SoaSP is also available as a podcast. Simply use this URL in iTunes or any other media player to subscribe: http://soasp.blip.tv/rss/itunes/
For more info and how to participate see Saga of a Starcraft Player
Random Play
We commonly play random free for alls, practice matches, attempt Day[9] Funday Monday game as well as a slew of other random Starcraft 2 play. This will also occasionally be casted.
Ladder Games
I will be streaming my ladder matches in tandem with the entire SoaSP experience.
Stream Information
URL: Here Resolution: 1280x720 Upload Rate: 2000kbps Recommended Bandwidth: 500-1000kbps
Casters and Repeat Guests
Basic (Main Caster) DarkOmen
Canadian Dominion's Prime Minister,
Basic [CanadianStarcraft]
Aw. Took a peek at your members -- nobody representing NS yet! Still, great to see a Canadian group pulling together. Looking forward to checking out your casts.
Haha, yeah we are lacking in the Maratime representation, plenty of people from Central and Western Canada though. Hopefully the east will join up soon!
Well, if I ever hit Diamond and/or figure out what the hell I'm doing I'll totally sign up. I can represent NS all on my own.
Good luck with this. If I ever get out of this never ending load of school I will definitely try to get involved.
Lolol, well we are open to all skill levels but join when ever you feel it is appropriate
I am University student as well, the load of work is ridic, happy to just have you interested.
Well hell, I'm tossing a sign up then. At the very least it might prompt some awesome NS'rs to show up and one up me, eh?
Hahaha... We can only hope.
Thanks for the pimp, but our site is more community coverage than an actual community. The L2SC.net guys are the community guys. But shit, not like we couldn't use more Canadian pimpage!
EDIT: hey, Basic, I love the idea of an online Canadian league popping up, and I'd love to see it gain more exposure. Pimp yourself good and give the CDL another season, 'cause if it's well managed I could see some sick players signing-up regardless of prizes.
Thanks Cedstick, I not planning on disappearing any time soon. I will do my best to inspire some collective Starcraft awesomeness from our Country! Perhaps someday CD will be respectable enough that we can collaborate on something.
There will be a late night craft cast tonight for all of those interested, be sure to tune in.
Sounds cool. Skratty, I'm NS.
I signed up for the site, looks good guys
The Late Night Craft Cast is live right now for all of those interested...
Late Night Craft Cast <---Click Here
Canadian Dominion is going over some rather intense changes atm but the stream will be far more active in the near future.
~Basic (Canadian Starcraft)
The stream will be coming back alive now that I have moved and gotten suitable internet hooked up.