I think Destiny is definitely a good player. (Who can argue a masters level on KR is bad?) I don't think he is a pro player in terms of results. Tournaments are ultimately what matter most to teams, not show matches or amazing results in ladder games vs top players. I do think he has improved a lot, and it trying to be a better player (KR server practice). I think with a lot of really hard work and some top level practice partners he could certainly get to the level of many players who currently belong to teams.
That said I don't feel like Destiny would really work with most teams. I think Destiny being on ROOT was an exception, because ROOT felt more like a family of players who had some eccentricities, and were good friends. The big teams are businesses. They ultimately are hoping to make money by posting results to bring attention to their sponsors who can then make more money to pay them more money. They are looking for players who bring in top tournament results, and who fit with their marketing image. I think most companies would have a hard time with sponsoring Destiny. It is no secret what he says on his stream can be controversial, and as this is a newer industry, I don't feel like many sponsors will be willing to take the risk of a negative reaction from people-- remember not just gamers, but maybe other demographics who encounter something from Destiny they find offensive and don't want to support a company that supports him.
I also see Destiny as a very self-assured person. He knows who he is, and is not going to change that to please others. He isn't at any point of desperation where he is going to squelch that so he can buy food or anything. Destiny seems happy on his own, making a living playing a game he loves, and unwilling to really compromise or change anything. I don't see any of the current big teams being a good fit for him or vice versa.
I see Destiny as a player with a lot of potential but with just some occasional sloppy play. He could be one of the best players in the world if he just keeps working at it. And he is.
id love to see his rankings of some of the members on his own team....
I do think Destiny is way better than most people give him credit for. Destiny is an OK player that is willing to improve. He is better than most of the NA *pros* and has taken down countless Koreans, regardless on which server he's on. With a huge fanbase, more stream viewers everyday, the Destiny vs Korea showmatches ; I can only see Destiny becoming more successful as time passes on.
I also think Destiny doesn't need a team. He can cover his finances fine, and has alot of connections with pro players.
On August 22 2011 13:43 viralintruder wrote: Who would EG consider a 10/10 or even a 7/10? Huk. Kinda obvious.
The thing is, Destiny can only get so good until he comes to a point where he requires several high leveled practice partners, IE a team. Eventually he -will- need a team. However for now, he is perfectly happy. I say let him continue to be so =3. When he absolutely wants to be the best he can be, he will openly admit to looking for a team.
dont think destiny is that good of a player to be honest. His style is very predictable. It will win him a lot of ladder games and show matches, but in large tournaments, people will rip his style up, since they would obviously practice for it. And tournament results counts. As for destiny, he had a good chance with complexity, if the deal had gone through. I think he will always be a good ladder player, not more than that (although i would love to chew these words up, if he goes to mlg raleigh and puts up a decent performance).
I'm not sure how I feel about this thread in general, but I'll give my 2 cents. I would completely agree with Alex's rating of a 4. Destiny has probably the largest fanbase of any streamer (maybe perhaps behind day9 and idra), and he does possess the ability to play all day non stop. But his practice is not as efficient as it could be. I think he should spend more time laddering on KR even with the lag, he should also practice with his old ROOT buddies, no idea why he doesn't do that.
He also needs a new ZvT build. The infestor opening he does is great if he can survive the early-midgame, but infestors lack the mobility to deal with timing attacks like muta/ling/bling can. If he just got efficient practice and set up 2-3 builds that worked well with him, I think he could start doing a lot better then he is now (he has gotten tremendously better, but he can still improve a lot). Also his mechanics slip sometimes, he takes bases too late/leaves drones idle too long/doesnt cancel hatches that are about to die/ and never seems to make a macro hatch even though zerglings are a main part of his build.
Anyways, I agree with alex that destiny has not gotten major tournament results, but I think in a few months he will.
Also, just wanted to add in that destiny definitely deserves to be on a SC2 team. He isn't good compared to top korean/european pros, but he is definitely up there for NA zergs and NA players in general. I don't think he should get big bucks (or any bucks for that matter), but I think he definitely shows more talent then a large majority of NA players.
Destiny is a BIG BOY, He is perfectly capable of selling himself to teams
when teams deem him worthy he will be recruited, they dont want to see fanboy post about how people think he should be on a team just because he won some show-matches, if anything your just reinforcing what EGAlex said about destiny already have a strong fan base which has already been acknowledged.
Sure he has some innovative play that involves a questionable unit in the game, and has taken down SOME big name players in a series. But consistency is probably one of the most important things to look for in a player, and Destiny is Inconsistent, he will beat Puzzle convincingly in a series and then proceed to get 2-0'd by VileState (Not a bad player but certainly no Code A champion) at MLG.
Destiny even said himself that latency played a factor in his games against Bomber. And the same can be said when Destiny plays on the Korean server.
I believe Destiny's heavy reliance on Infestors might be impeding his progress. He definitely has the work ethic to be one of the best foreigners but his stubbornness might stop him from achieving his potential.
Another thing to note is that iNcontroL isn't exactly all manner-town all the time. In SoTG and ITG he doesn't filter his language, he doesn't pull punches-- in essence, he speaks his mind. Destiny speaks his mind as well, so why are people giving him flak for it?
iNcontrol isn't exactly the darling of the SC2 community either though
EG.Incontrol has noted that he believes, and he is not alone, that the Big Mac is a 'rip-off' or 'overpriced' foodstuff that allows McDonalds to overcharge someone who is "4-5 times the size" of an average person (EG.HuK) for too little food. I am only using this specific player as an example as he is one of the most outspoken members of the obese community
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Destiny is low in marketability / personality? He's one-of-a-kind in that regard imo...
I'm absolutely positive Destiny has gotten offers from several tier 2 teams (Aside from CoL.) and possibly even a premier team. He clearly has potential to be very good and draws eyes to everything he does. When he's ready, I'm sure he'll take the plunge and get serious about being a real, result-driven pro player.
To say that infestors are so OP that its the singular reason he wins any games against top pro players (As InControl seemed to be implying) is very questionable.
On August 22 2011 14:05 CanucksJC wrote: Destiny is low in marketability / personality? He's one-of-a-kind in that regard imo...
You don't even need to market him.
Earlier today he had 7k people watching him watching Ret's stream as he tried to adopt his style. Ret Meanwhile only had 2k viewers.
On August 22 2011 14:02 mbr2321 wrote: Another thing to note is that iNcontroL isn't exactly all manner-town all the time. In SoTG and ITG he doesn't filter his language, he doesn't pull punches-- in essence, he speaks his mind. Destiny speaks his mind as well, so why are people giving him flak for it?
He's been around much longer and was a very successful SC1 player so he can "get away with it" riding his past success even though he has little to no accomplishments in SC2.
A lot of people just see Destiny as an incredibly arrogant/ignorant person who, while a top 200 player, is way overhyped. Until he posts the tournament wins, he will continued to be viewed this way by a fairly good chunk of the community.
very successful sc1 player? zerg bong was more successful....
I have to say that when I first heard about destiny and watched several pro players play against him about 7-8 months ago, I though he was a just a good master level player, who really couldn't stand up to the pros, but had an entertaining stream making him popular. When he first entered decided to shift his focus completely to sc2, around the time he joined ROOT and his stream was doing so well, not a lot of people gave him a chance, rightfully so at that time.
However, I think in that sense, Destiny has suprised us all, his perseverance has been amazing. Without any competitive RTS experience (correct me if I'm wrong), making it as far as he had is an amazing feat. Nonetheless I think Destiny has reached a standpoint in his career. Perseverance will only take you so far, and while he might have pro players as friends to practice with, it makes a tremendous difference to be in a team with a more efficient and more systematic form of practice.
I think its now time for Destiny to really choose where he is headed. As his inclination is to avoid the business model of most current SC2 teams, and focus on his personal practice and stream, thats fine. That said, I don't he can get THAT much further on his own in terms of skill level. Hard work can only get you so far.
Overall I would rate Destiny as a 6, I agree with most of Alex Garfields points, but I would give him 1 more point simply because his work ethic is really amazing, and something that amazes me always. Secondly, I think while most teams might not like how he fits in to their team image as a whole due to his attitude online, I think if he were to join a team, his approach to SC2 as a game he loves as opposed to the business model of 'ESPORTS' has a lot of marketability....
Also his approach to the game is more conducive to actually thinking and reacting. As to whether his style is stale with infestors, I think that really is a players personal preference. We all know just about 3-4 months ago Idra completely preferred the ling bling muta style. While he does switch it up a whole lot more nowadays, if infestors work for Destiny, then why not?
I think a lot of Destiny's inconsistency comes from the fragility of his playstyle... infestor/ling requires PERFECT micro, if you slip up just a tiny bit it's over. That being said, I don't see him as progamer quality right now - but that's one of the reasons a team should pick him up, because he has a lot of potential in him.