Basically what Torte said was pretty spot on. EG has no reason to pick him up, and he's kind of unpredictable, BM, known as being unprofessional and he can't perform consistently/well (don't get me wrong, got nothing against him but nonetheless)
In addition, it's been shown that EG isn't really looking to pick up budding talents and help grow them. This is partially why some people give them a lot of shit, considering they took Puma and HuK, two players that both had pretty huge achievements under their belt.
I'm sure Destiny will join some team eventually, if he really wants to be sponsored and get to stuff like MLG etc (maybe even Korea!) easier, and if theres a team willing to take the "risk" of having him on the team.
Destiny is making money off his stream and is improving steadily... He is adapting new styles and is getting better overall. Why does Destiny need to be on a team at the moment?
There is very few reasons for him to be on a team at the moment and though he eventually will need to if he wants to keep improving like he is, it doesn't really matter right now.
I would be happy for Destiny to join a team, with one slight proviso. If that team wants the bm to stop or make him anything less than he is now personality wise they can go take a jump.
If so, which team, and why?
Root was the perfect team for him, I don't think there is another team for him. All the teams are going to want to limit how bm he gets and stuff like that which is a pity.
Destiny's overall skill.
Skill in Starcraft 2? He is pretty ok,, mid pro range. He plays an unusual style, so sometimes he will beat excellent players and other times he will lose to mediocre players.
Destiny's place in sc2.
There are enough good players and I like that destiny is pretty good, but what I really he could be a worse player and I would still like his stream. He is the most entertaining pro I think and it has very little to do with his play. Idra rage quits from time to time and may do a one line bm, Destiny? lol he goes all the way
Just watch that game, funny video. Destiny's value to SC2 is that he is not every other pro out there. He is bm, unmarketable to teams (to a certain extent), he has a unique play style as well which helps. Basically he is more entertaining than the other pros, he stands out.
To me Destiny is an entertainer first and foremost and SC2 player second. His style is unique and it looks like it will single handedly get Zerg nerfed in 1.4 as he is to only Zerg i have seen with top class caster control.
His game style is based is based off efficiency, and not the usual throw units at the opposition then remax
He is actually very intelligent and literate along with adult sense of humour which gets him the viewer count and its great fun when he is skyping
This might sound crazy but i think if he switched to Protoss full time i think he would do better in tourneys in the long run,
Should he join another team? i would say no at the moment
The guy makes more money off of being an entertainer than pretty much all of the pros do from just their salaries, so he can practice and have fun with absolutely 0 stress, if he were to join a team it would make his salary subject to his winnings, and that's not exactly a safe way to raise a child... I think what he does now is a perfect life choice.
Couldn't vote for a team because I couldn't see Destiny on any of those teams. EG doesn't need more fan base, and doesn't need more low-tier players. And he quit complexity, so there's really nothing left.
Until he starts being a pro and not just someone people like, I don't see him progressing any further.
On September 18 2011 18:39 Topdoller wrote: To me Destiny is an entertainer first and foremost and SC2 player second. His style is unique and it looks like it will single handedly get Zerg nerfed in 1.4 as he is to only Zerg i have seen with top class caster control.
His game style is based is based off efficiency, and not the usual throw units at the opposition then remax
He is actually very intelligent and literate along with adult sense of humour which gets him the viewer count and its great fun when he is skyping
This might sound crazy but i think if he switched to Protoss full time i think he would do better in tourneys in the long run,
Should he join another team? i would say no at the moment
your first statement alone is probably the truest thing i've seen on the subject. he is without a doubt an entertainer first.
if he wants to prove otherwise, i would like to see a big tournament win or at least a high finish in a tournament if he wants to be considered legit.
he made some huge improvements when he joined root and i think a team with some practice partners would be good for him, but he has to be willing to put his mind to the task of being a better starcraft player..something i havent seen from his stream since the complexity nonsense.
On September 19 2011 09:52 Stijx wrote: The guy makes more money off of being an entertainer than pretty much all of the pros do from just their salaries, so he can practice and have fun with absolutely 0 stress, if he were to join a team it would make his salary subject to his winnings, and that's not exactly a safe way to raise a child... I think what he does now is a perfect life choice.
There's the quote I was looking for.
Destiny is an entertainer - people tune in to his stream because he's the most interesting streamer: he gets excited, curses, and takes crazy gambits. It's fun to watch. These things, however, don't necessarily make him a great player, and his incendiary personality is both a blessing and a curse.
He's good at what he does: fun streaming. But is he a top competitive player? No.
I can't imagine Destiny playing for teams like EG, Mouz, or even FXO. If coL is too much of a "big corporation" (or whatever his reasoning behind the decision to not play for coL saying it was too big of a company or whatever, ect.), those teams are equally really big teams (mainly EG or Mouz, but also FXO to some extent).
I remember hearing Destiny say that he probably wouldn't go to Korea even if the chance arose (that might have been from an old interview, but I definitely remember him expressing those views). Because of that I don't see him playing for a Korean team; though, if he were to go to Korea I could see him getting picked up. His style is so unique and different that he could help out Korean Zs and also teach Ts and Ps how to best deal with his style. From my understanding, Koreans recognize and are somewhat in awe of Destiny's massive amounts of Infestors.
That leaves us with Liquid and Reign (now that SJ has dissolved). For whatever reason (probably because they've all spent time there at one point or another) Liquid seems like a team whose overall goal is to create a bridge between Korea and the rest of the world. For the same reason that Destiny doesn't want to join a Korean team and live in Korea, I doubt Destiny would really fit in on Liquid (though he is basically sponsored by Liquid since his stream is featured, I know whenever I'm on TL and I see him streaming I tune in at least for a little while).
So the only team that is left is Reign. I feel like if Destiny had wanted to join Reign, he could have (seeing as they already have his former teammates KiWiKaKi and SLush). But the thing is, I don't think Destiny wants to be on a team. He seems content just streaming and playing in 2v2 tournaments with Minigun (he played my friends Destiny/Minigun vs aGGroWeRRa/WookieWeRRa) and be teamless. Leave him alone, and support him by watching his stream.
if i consider high NA master 1/10, MVP/Nestea 10/10, and lets say ThorZaiN 8/10, i give Destiny a 4/10 - pretty much high GM, but not top-notch. The wins vs top koreans are kind of irrelevant imo, due to his unique style no1 knew at that time. NA server as well obv, and i dont think the koreans cared too much. In fact, he barely even wins maps in offline events (MLG - totally destroyed in losers round 2-4 2times). Even online he is in a slump - shoutcraft invitational 0-3 vs -TLO- who after that lost 0-3 to socke...
i do not even know why ppl care so much about destiny tbh oO
Destiny is riding the coat tails of the infestor unit, and shouldn't even come close to being considering for tournaments / teams. He's not very good at all.
I wouldn't call the GSPA a high tier tournament by any standards. I think when Alex talks about high tier he means something like DreamHack/MLG. There are few online tournaments that qualify as a 'high tier tournament'
On September 18 2011 18:39 Topdoller wrote: To me Destiny is an entertainer first and foremost and SC2 player second. His style is unique and it looks like it will single handedly get Zerg nerfed in 1.4 as he is to only Zerg i have seen with top class caster control.
His game style is based is based off efficiency, and not the usual throw units at the opposition then remax
He is actually very intelligent and literate along with adult sense of humour which gets him the viewer count and its great fun when he is skyping
This might sound crazy but i think if he switched to Protoss full time i think he would do better in tourneys in the long run,
Should he join another team? i would say no at the moment
The only Z with top caster control? more like no real pro would go for untested builds like ice fishing..
On September 19 2011 10:53 Zanzabarr wrote: Destiny is riding the coat tails of the infestor unit, and shouldn't even come close to being considering for tournaments / teams. He's not very good at all.
I bet Destiny is going to read your post and after looking at your accomplishments he'll probably just quit StarCraft all together.
He has not had good performances at LAN events and he isn't the best player; but he's still a really good player with a unique style and to say anything like that makes you look really ignorant. When you can play StarCraft at his level then you go and post that, okay?
its just my opinion but i feel being in a team doesn't suit destiny as he is very much his own man, he likes to do things his own way, and from a financial sense why would he need a team when he is one of the biggest draws of any western pro streamer. don't get me wrong id like to see him on a team as i feel a structured practice enviroment would improve his play but in the end it is his decision