Korea (South)17174 Posts
October 2003 as I rode on the airport bus from WCG Korea to the airport for our departure I looked through the window at the huge buildings, huge city, and huge mountains. I reflected on how this was the first time I had been outside the USA and how amazing Korea was in general. It was an unreal experience and I had a powerful feeling in my heart that said, "I'll be back."
Around the time of April or May 2004 I was living a normal American life, just starting off my first year at college living away from home. It was the first time I had ever lived away from home and it was insane how much my world changed when I started attending the University of Cincinnati. Then I got a casual MSN message from a good friend, Elky. He let me know that Hexatron had a spot open for a foreign protoss gamer and that if I wanted to I could come. Though I hadn't played starcraft seriously for a while because I was heavily into poker for almost a year by then, being a long time starcraft player and knowing how much I wanted to go back to Korea, I jumped at the opportunity.
I quit poker and began playing starcraft again hardcore and fully rationalized a dream to be a pro-gamer that is an inherent part of several of us starcraft players. I prepared for my trip by getting visa ready and talking it over with my parents (who were extremely supportive and I'm thankful for that). I envisioned my life on a pro-game team. A big appartment with several other gamers who all share the same dream and have insanely high talent levels in the best and most complicated strategy game ever made. I talked it over with the manager and he was supportive of me coming and welcomed me. There I sat on a beoing-747 imagining playing versus Boxer in leagues and wondering when my first TV match would be for proleague. I thought about the glamorous life for pro-gamers with tons of adoring fans recognizing you everywhere you go and asking for autographs. I couldn't wait to submerse myself into a whole new culture and a whole new lifestyle. The feeling of anticipation was far too pleasurable.
I got to Korea and settled in and got to know everyone on the team. Brian (Assem) the reserved and humble guy who is there to do his own thing, and doesn't care what you think. Peter (Legionnaire) the quirky australian who can lighten the mood of any situation and does some of the most un-orthodox stuff in games. Joel (Fester) the australian partier who much like Peter can always manage to crack a joke in any situation with his snapping crocodile wit. Jo-Jeon-Hyun (Gundam) the loud but very dedicated korean pro-gamer who was by far the most experienced on the team and is like a big brother to me. Kim-Kab-Yung (Lovedom) the loud and obnoxious Korean who even though he is one of the oldest on the team, he is by far the youngest at heart. An-Seok-Yeol (Siva) a guy who in public is extremely reserved but in the house he's a big joker and always messes with people/people mess with him. Kim-Dong-Jin (ArtOfTerran) was like Leonardo if our team was the ninja turtles, he was one of the few un-lazy koreans and he always tried to make sure stuff got done. Don-Wook (Shinya) is a pure gamer...he sleeps at alternating random schedules, goes to clan meetings in real life, doesn't mess with people and just stays to himself, but when he does talk he has a very respectable presence to him. Daniel Lee (SuperDaniel) was by far the most interesting person who I met when I came here...never in my life have I met a person who speaks and carries a very "tough guy" can't be f***ed with attitude but down deep on the inside he does care about people and wants to help them out.
The team had a lot of dynamic aspects to it with all the members contributing in their own ways and we had lots of fun together doing things like climbing that wretched mountain. We practiced, practiced, practiced, and practiced some more. Some people have posted on a forum "I was pretty sure Rekrul was going to Korea just for fun and to fill in a pro-gaming spot, not to take it serious." and my manager SuperDaniel sometimes has said "Dan I feel like you are here just to have fun at my expense and not taking pro-gaming seriously." Both of those statements are one hundred percent wrong. I take everything I do very seriously and I came to Korea with the intent/dream of becoming a StarLeague champion. Of course I knew the chances of that were slim-to-none, the dream was still there nevertheless. I was playing 15-30 games per day for a long time, probably an average of a little over than 20 games each day. My starcraft skill level increased DRASTICALLY. All you starcraft players reading this can only imagine how much better you would be if you lived with pro-gamers who constantly helped you with your game and you practiced so much more than you ever did in the past. Before I came to Korea I had always been a casual gamer, didn't play a lot...just for fun and I happened to get pretty good. But at that point in time in Korea I was playing not only for fun but also to "get good." I didn't go out and party very often at all because A. I didn't have a lot of money to blow and B. I wanted to succeed at starcraft.
And then the shit hit the fan.
I lost my first 2-3 courage tournaments, lost in the OnGameNet trials round 1 to Ogogo (1-2), lost in the MBC qualifiers second round to Reach (0-2), and found out I can't play in proleague until I win a tournament and get pro-gamer status. Thats not a big deal though...it's more expected than anything. But along with my first round of failures (learning experiences as well) the team in general was doing horrible. We had sponsor issues that were messing up some of the players' money and not one player on the team made it through the OGN trials and only one player, Jinsu, made it through MBC (but then lost round one to Boxer). Not to mention the team was getting dominated in the OGN team league because we couldn't win 1:1's to save our lives. Not only that but I had been in Korea around 3-4 months by that time and Peter hadn't played a single TV game since I had been there and Brian was getting crushed on TV non-stop. All of this was incredibly discouraging, but of course its no reason to lose all hope. There were still courage tournaments every month and OGN/MBC to play in every 3 months.
I was fully adapted to korean culture and life so the WOW-effect of entering a new country had worn off by then and I wanted more. I found a girlfriend and got pretty close to her. Mistake? No. Destructive for your gaming habits? Yes. I started going out and sneaking out often behind my manager's back without telling him. Of course he always advocates mass-practice even though there wouldn't be any leagues for 3 more months and just little courage tournaments for me, but I just didn't feel like gaming much at all at that time. Anyways, things with the girlfriend got kinda heavy and as I was going out a lot I found myself with not enough cash to last me much longer. So I did what any money hungry ex-poker addict would do....
"Elky 400$ loan on pokerstars please?"
The catch to this was that my manager banned poker from being played in our house. Before my time in Korea several of the team members including the manager got into poker because Elky was playing it and they were playing A LOT. SuperDaniel knew that this could only be distructive to the skill level of the team because it is so disctracting so he banned it. But, what could I do. I wanted to stay in Korea, there was no way I could make money off starcraft any time soon even if I dominated all the tournament qualifications...thats nothing, I was going out quite a bit and needed cash-flow. I knew it would detract from my starcraft playing quite a bit, but it's better than completely running out of money and having to go back so early. So I played poker only after practice hours. I was good at poker in the past and made money but when I started again this time something was different. I changed my style a little bit and lost all fear that I had in the past. I got really f***ing good. Once I started making a lot I began to play even during practice hours not only for the money but because of another reason....
I begin to look around myself and see the reality of the pro-gaming scene.
First of all, pro-gaming is not as big as you think. The VODS you watch of games, the stories you read about and hear about, and pictures you see of pro-gaming and backstage stuff can be really misleading. It was my impression before I came here and the impression of most non-korean starcraft players that pro-gaming is HUGE and people are playing/talking about starcraft everywhere and that its constantly everywhere in advertisement and such. Thats just not true....it is far smaller than you think. It is NOT mainstream. My manager always compared it to the WWF (WWE now?)...wrestling whatever in the USA. It's its own little niche and has its select die hard fans but other than that people don't really care. Don't get me wrong...it is big in the fact that so many koreans have atleast played it once in their lives and know about it, but several of you seem to think that you can go into a club and tell a chick your Game-i High and she will care. Nope. Most people that I've told or seen other people tell that they are pro-gamers were just like "Oh" and didn't really give a crap. They didn't freak out as if they were standing next to some movie star or superbowl winning quarterback. After a match in COEX mall gamers will be swarmed by a mob of little kids outside the game studios...but once they make it past them and into the rest of the mall walking out, very few people will blink twice unless its one of the top superstars like Boxer, iloveoov, Reach, Yellow. So if you want to come to Korea to be a progamer and get fame, don't.
Secondly, pro-gaming is harder than you think. They have since changed the regulations so that no amateur, only people with pro-gamer status can participate in MBC or OGN trials. Those used to be places where many up and coming amateurs would gain their pro-gamer status when they advanced to minor league or challenge league. So, if you come to Korea to be a pro-gamer now here is what you'll get. You will play one tournament each month against the top amateurs from the teams (who are very good). If you go 5-0 and kill five of them with no losses, you will finally get your pro-gamer status and be able to participate in the league qualifications. I've played in 5 of them I think and never made it all the way through. It will be tough for you to stay focused if you don't make it through in your first three times or so. Because if you haven't made it by then you'll delve into the other beauties of the country that is Korea and those distractions will make it that much harder. No discredit to Peter or Brian, they have a passion for the game and want to succeed, but they have both been here a very long time and have never made it into the challenge league or minor league (OGN/MBC) once. NOT ONCE! And those are only the first steps...making it into those leagues alone won't do much for you career-wise. You must continually succeed again and again and again to make it anywhere in pro-gaming. If you can't even make it past the first round time and time again...what the hell are you doing? Atleast they can play in pro-league and are having fun and getting a great experience in another culture...thats all that really matters...but life is not easy, sometimes you need to realize you gotta pack your bags and go back to the real world before you're old and broke with no education.
Thirdly, there is no money in pro-gaming. The top 20-30 or so pro-gamers on the top teams get paid well and the top 10 get paid very well. But when I look around the Hexatron team I only see extremely negative effects of pro-gaming. All of these korean guys are atleast 21 years old, some going on 26 even. They are not making money. They are not becoming "famous" pro-gamers. They are not gaining any work experience. They are not being educated. The only thing they are good at is waking up really late, being kinda lazy, and practicing SC. I just sit there and wonder...so what happens after starcraft? These are smart kids but what the hell are they going to do when they are like 25-29 years old, haven't lived on their own, have no work experience, and no money? They going to get a job at the 7-11 and work a cash register the rest of their lives? This is the sad reality that is pro-gaming for the most part. The majority of the players on the majority of teams are like this. These days its just too hard to break through into the leagues if you're at the bottom. Starcraft has become much more simple than it was on the past. Everyone follows the same kind of strategical standards for the most part, the game is almost perfected in a strategical sense. There of course is still tons of room for innovation, that is the beauty of starcraft, but it's almost impossible to make yourself stand out as a gamer these days and rake in big cash because of it.
When I realized these three factors around 2 months ago, my desire to play starcraft went down the drain. What was my future? I don't have a realistic future in pro-gaming and even if I tried for it my hardest it would take atleast a year from now before I could have done anything with a big impact. Not only that but I would have to play many many many many games per day and I just don't enjoy that anymore so it's almost impossible. You cannot succeed at something unless you enjoy it. But Korea has done so much for me. My social habits have changed drastically for the better, I've begun to work out quite a bit to make my body much more healthy, I've immersed myself in a whole new culture and learned some of the language and met so many great people that I want to stay in contact with the rest of my life, and most importantly I've actually found a little bit of direction in life. Just because I don't like pro-gaming anymore doesn't mean I want to leave Korea. I'm incredibly lucky to have poker as a source of income, otherwise I wouldn't be able to stay here. My friend and I are going to move into our own appartment very soon. I'd like to live here in Korea for around 1-2 more years. My plan is to save up a lot of cash in poker to pay for college or to invest while going to a small language school around 2 hours per day to learn the Korean language and to continue working out to stay fit. One of the most fun parts of this experience is learning the korean language. It's really fun and challenging living in a place where you can only communicate with a language you don't even speak. My desire to learn the language is incredibly high. Perhaps after college in the states I could come back to Korea and do some business things and utilize my language skills, who knows.
So in the end (or new beginning as I think about it) I really do not care that I did not succeed in pro-gaming. The fact is I succeeded in life and I am extremely happy and have a plan. I am very thankful to several people who helped me through this experienced and got me started in a whole new life. Elky is the main person I have to thank...he helped me get here and has been a great friend throughout the whole process. My manager SuperDaniel always gave me motivating speeches when times were rough and always pressured me to go to the gym and work harder and harder if I was slacking. I mean of course SuperDaniel had invested interest in me, he needed me to succeed as a gamer so he could get some of the profit for being a manager...it's his job. But aside from that I still felt he cared just because he cared, not because he only wanted money in the future. I have to give him respect because of that, and I'd like to apologize to him because things didn't work out. He put a lot of effort into bringing me here, getting interviews, registering me for the leagues, and looking after me in general and I didn't repay it by succeeding as a gamer. I learned a lot from that man. I am also thankful for all my teammates just for the good times in general, how they helped my starcraft game, and all the times they called up and ordered food for me because I can't speak korean. I'm thankful for Peter and Brian who always had good spirits and had my back. I'm thankful for Joel because he taught me a lot about korea and was probably one of the main reasons my personality changed a little bit. There are several other people to thank as well. My ex-girlfriend who taught me a lot about Korea, many Korean friends...especially one named Gunwoo who is helping me a lot right now, and everyone else I associated with and failed to mention.
So, this marks the end of my pro-gaming career, but it doesn't mark the end of my starcraft career. I certainly won't play much at all but I will probably try to participate in WCG again. And I still might go to courage tournaments whenever I have time...because hey...if I'm lucky and make it through eventually I can then play in the OGN/MBC trials again. Kinda sucks that I didn't get one TV game, and it would be neat to get one still, but there is a 99.9999% chance that I never will. Pro-gaming is something you have to take incredibly serious in order to succeed, and I certainly won't be doing that. So I'll just treat the courage tournaments as more of a fun thing than anything. I offer myself to any foreigner who wants to come to Korea to try out pro-gaming despite all the bad things I said about it in this article. It's a great experience and you'll have no regrets. I think I can offer lots of advice about everything and help you out a little bit.
As for Hexatron, it is doing much better now. Sponsor issues have been pretty much cleared, and the team is doing very well in proleague. Spirits seem to be up a lot more these days and I wish the best of luck to every single person on the team.
My love for StarCraft will never die and I will always be around on forums and such.....but for now.....it's time for a change. Poker, studying Korean, and enjoying my youth is the next phase of my life.
Thank you for reading, Dan
gl rekrul in your life.
Korea (South)1740 Posts
best article i've read in a long time... thanks rek~
Extremely interesting post, seems like you would have to be nuts to try and make it as a progamer. Well goodluck with it all, and even more goodluck to Leg and Assem who I now have a lot more respect for.
I love you Rekrul. Congrats on realizing what you want to believe instead of what you are told and I wish you the best of luck for your time in Korea and the rest of your plans.
great, great post. Very thoughtful, seems like you did grew up a lot Rek. you probably made the right choices GL in life and have fun 
just a thing i'm curious about : is Elky going to practice and play again or has he definitely left progaming like GiYoM ?
I think you just grew out of it. If you look at elky, he is playing SC, and is successful at it.
So basically some other foreigner is going to come to korea and take your spot? anyways what your doing sounds rather fun, and i wish you luck.
On January 09 2005 02:12 Rekrul wrote: The only thing they are good at is waking up really late, being lazy as hell, and practicing some SC here and there.
Would you say the problem is ,gasp, not enough dedication? Maybe playing 10+ hrs/day is really needed to become pro. God knows the ktf ppl do it.
Korea (South)17174 Posts
On January 09 2005 02:10 ChApFoU wrote:great, great post. Very thoughtful, seems like you did grew up a lot Rek. you probably made the right choices GL in life and have fun  just a thing i'm curious about : is Elky going to practice and play again or has he definitely left progaming like GiYoM ?
he will remain on the team because he is a "big name" but i highly doubt he will ever get back into starcraft
though from time to time he randomly talks about how he's is going to/needs to get back into sc and "rape some fuckers"
Korea (South)17174 Posts
On January 09 2005 02:15 yeehaw wrote:Show nested quote +On January 09 2005 02:12 Rekrul wrote: The only thing they are good at is waking up really late, being lazy as hell, and practicing some SC here and there. Would you say the problem is ,gasp, not enough dedication? Maybe playing 10+ hrs/day is really needed to become pro. God knows the ktf ppl do it.
you are, gasp, 100% correct. a lot of people around here seem to lack dedication
you have to play a shitload to win
Rekrul is there antagonism that you know of between sponsors and Elky since they're paying him as a progamer and he doesn't actually play?
Baltimore, USA22250 Posts
Wow, insightful, dispairing, and inspirational all in one. Good article and good luck to you.
so sad to here but nice written 
gl rekrul
Korea (South)17174 Posts
On January 09 2005 02:25 FeeLdAfuRy wrote: Rekrul is there antagonism that you know of between sponsors and Elky since they're paying him as a progamer and he doesn't actually play?
i'm not even sure if the sponsors are aware he doesn't play, but they either A. don't care or B. the manager hides that fact from them
Amazing post Rek. The long read is very worth it. Best of luck.
That was deep.
How long did it take you to write that up? Either you have gradually thought this up or you sat down for a long time to type it all up.
Good luck to you in the future and keep kicking ass in poker!
Korea (South)17174 Posts
i've thought about it a lot but i just wrote it up in 2-3 hours
Wow nice post
I think it's the best post of the year !
Anyway he's saying a lot of true fact that needed to be said, cuz people who play SC a lot in hope of gaining cash really are doing something wrong. If you play for fun, go for it. But 5+ hour everyday won't lead you anywhere.
hey rekrul, about poker, ever wanted to become pro-poker? i mean you certainly can earn much more than a let's say standard over average salary job?
finally, poor progamer lol i remember 1 year ago i wanted to be a pro, never actually knows much about it, then got own pretty bad on WGT haha it a good thing i was beat fast.
Amazing post Rek. The long read is very worth it. Best of luck.
Very well written Too bad we couldn't see you in a TV game
good post rek, but isn't you think its time to go home? I mean, you describe the possible outcome of most progamers as ending up at some 7-11 outlet... but do you really see yourself going back to korea later, assuming you have a sufficient grasp of the language? I can understand why you'd want to stay in korea (for the experience), but it sounds like you're not really going to be doing anything productive for the next few years... it'll change you for the better, yes, but at the same time those years may be no better spent than when playing starcraft. You can play poker and work out just as easily in the US, but you could be getting your degree too.
Anyway, not trying to tell you how to live your life (I know I'd want to stay), but I'm just curious given your view on the afterlife of amateur progaming.
great post.. it was too bad, i was really looking forward to the tv games...
Good post! I'm glad a foreigner who has experienced the scene first hand decided to post something as blunt as this about the realities of BW in korea. Everything I have gathered about the size and strength of BW in korea is basically affirmed from this.
It still sounds like you have matured quite a bit and found more benefit to being in korea than SC
Korea (South)17174 Posts
On January 09 2005 02:56 FirstProbe wrote: good post rek, but isn't you think its time to go home? I mean, you describe the possible outcome of most progamers as ending up at some 7-11 outlet... but do you really see yourself going back to korea later, assuming you have a sufficient grasp of the language? I can understand why you'd want to stay in korea (for the experience), but it sounds like you're not really going to be doing anything productive for the next few years... it'll change you for the better, yes, but at the same time those years may be no better spent than when playing starcraft. You can play poker and work out just as easily in the US, but you could be getting your degree too.
Anyway, not trying to tell you how to live your life (I know I'd want to stay), but I'm just curious given your view on the afterlife of amateur progaming.
enjoying life is productive in my opinion. i am staying here simply because right now i like korea a lot better than the USA. and anyways, as i said i will be studying the language because i really want to become fluent, and that IS productive and WILL help me now and in the future if i ever go back after college. I'm only 19...I have time.
edit: and saving up a large amount of money that can be invested and used in several ways to do something is very productive (yeah even though I could do that in the USA, if i like it here better why not do it here?)
Very very interesting post, full of insights into progaming and Korean culture.. I'm saving it. And I like your ability to see a half full glass rather than half empty. Good job and good luck in the future.
On January 09 2005 03:01 Rekrul wrote: I'm only 19...I have time.
omg wtf you're only 19? -____------------- well don't worry about 'wasting' a year or two in korea instead of studying cause SOME PEOPLE have mandatory army drafting for 3 years when they're 18 ahhhhhh omg i hate u guys ._.
On January 09 2005 02:18 Rekrul wrote:Show nested quote +On January 09 2005 02:10 ChApFoU wrote:great, great post. Very thoughtful, seems like you did grew up a lot Rek. you probably made the right choices GL in life and have fun  just a thing i'm curious about : is Elky going to practice and play again or has he definitely left progaming like GiYoM ? he will remain on the team because he is a "big name" but i highly doubt he will ever get back into starcraft though from time to time he randomly talks about how he's is going to/needs to get back into sc and "rape some fuckers"
thx for the info, too bad he doesn't play seriously anymore coz i'm a big fan of him but i can understand that him being 23 years old he must have a lot of other things to think about like building up serious life projects and stuff ( + the gaming level must have increased a lot since the time he was top 10 KeSpa) ......... and there's poker, and nightclubs, and girls.... ^^ life is hard 
just tell him that nothing could please more the french community and the VOD thirsty maniac i am than seeing him owning up ogn like in the old times :p
fair enough though I'm sure you can see how going back home would be equally if not more so productive in view of overall lifetime objectives, and thats all I'm really pointing out.
edit: really bad at the quote thingy. Cresfy, just because other people are forced to take time off, doesn't mean we shouldn't worry about potentially 'waste'ing what time we have :D
On January 09 2005 03:21 FirstProbe wrote: fair enough though I'm sure you can see how going back home would be equally if not more so productive in view of overall lifetime objectives, and thats all I'm really pointing out.
edit: really bad at the quote thingy. Cresfy, just because other people are forced to take time off, doesn't mean we shouldn't worry about potentially 'waste'ing what time we have :D
i know, im trying to make everyone in the world to lose 3 years of their lives as well so i wont be left behind &_& oh my i hate israel :[
Ahh..this sucks
Nice post, I think you balanced the personal aspects with the universal aspects of progaming well.... since this post was pretty straightforward, why poker as a source of income man? Try English tutoring..... or English translation... or anything to do with your english skills, I'm just saying its one thing to crash and burn once but why set yourself up for a possible failure again? You definately highlighted the incorrect view of starcraft pro-gaming in korea that many people hold, but I think that computer gaming in general is still quite large beyond imagination (hangame, x2game, freechal, battle.net, yahoo, etc etc)
Thanks for your time posting this I found it good reading
Great job with the text, and even better on enjoying your life like you should be. hf 
i could never play the amount that is required to succeed. Not even at home when i'm bored, nevermind in another country and having fun. sad to see one of the few foreigners left in korea leaving (the team) though. will expect a wcg2k5 victory
On January 09 2005 03:01 Rekrul wrote:enjoying life is productive in my opinion. i am staying here simply because right now i like korea a lot better than the USA. and anyways, as i said i will be studying the language because i really want to become fluent, and that IS productive and WILL help me now and in the future if i ever go back after college. I'm only 19...I have time.
edit: and saving up a large amount of money that can be invested and used in several ways to do something is very productive (yeah even though I could do that in the USA, if i like it here better why not do it here?) hey, at least say it that your doing it for the girl :D
oh and... how is shinya's skill level these days? everytime i see a rep or something of him he seems really good. you said he was the pure gamer. think we might see him in a star league or something soon?
Australia4514 Posts
On January 09 2005 03:44 jacen wrote:Show nested quote +On January 09 2005 03:01 Rekrul wrote:enjoying life is productive in my opinion. i am staying here simply because right now i like korea a lot better than the USA. and anyways, as i said i will be studying the language because i really want to become fluent, and that IS productive and WILL help me now and in the future if i ever go back after college. I'm only 19...I have time.
edit: and saving up a large amount of money that can be invested and used in several ways to do something is very productive (yeah even though I could do that in the USA, if i like it here better why not do it here?) hey, at least say it that your doing it for the girl :D
im not...we broke up 3 weeks ago
On January 09 2005 03:46 Legionnaire wrote: im not...we broke up 3 weeks ago
edit: GAY LEGS ID oh kay :D so who are you moving in with? or are you staying at hexatron?
A lots of Bigs Events theses few days...
really important post... thx a lot rek
PS: and uh... what does "Gunwoo" mean? =)
China3334 Posts
Rek, omg, i just notice u went offline on MSN. i thought i would talk to u after i read through the whole article. Touched. I didn't even know those days in which u gave me a lots of encouragement and suggestions personally, urself, had experienced so many things. the article is well-constructed, all of ur thoughts and statements let us know, u've been experienced, u've been growing up. that's true, the dreams about progaming on the beoing-747, the warm care received from teammates and the manager, the cruel progaming system, the non-stop practice, the young girl and kind friends. i love ur style, frank, simply and earnest. let it be, leaving the progaming alone. i could imagine a guy who is of the same age with me, extending his life into a brand new country, quite a different culture. you've achieved a lot indeed.
u plan to stay in korea! Oh, man, what a decision! i admire u. for me, probly i had no such courage to challenge myself under the circumstance. GL buddy! poker superstar?
nice post!
i tihnk it takes quite some balls to admit that the progaming stuff just didnt work for you, especially when it was kind of a dream to you. especially when basically the whole foreign community is watching your way and exspecting you to own. probably you'll have to take some shit from various dickheads, which seem to be a big part of the community, on how you failed and suck, etc, but hell, you reached 99.9% more than 99.9% of the bw players will ever reach. (that, and you probably dont give two shits about some trolls)
so, good look with everything! may the poker force be with you. (and not let you lose $1000k in one night and make you jump from the top of a skyscraper)
Russian Federation798 Posts
I didn't want to upset Rekrul worshiping crowd, but "ninja turtles"?
[edit] i also can't spell
hi rekrul
On January 09 2005 04:20 travis wrote: hi rekrul
Hopefully poker exists.
you pussy, haha j/k 
on a sidenote when i get back from the states i'll go down to seoul and we'll chill.
Good luck to you with the next steps in life.
Russian Federation798 Posts
Obviously, the fact that man took some time to share his experience with community is greatly appreciated, but just can't believe some people here. Are there some people who still didn't get that pro-gaming is not what it is hyped out to be? That it is a bad career choice, even in Korea? It's been known forever, since Pillars and Maynard came back. Surely we enjoy non-koreans playing there as representatives of our community. But hell, Rekrul wasn't the first to go there and reveal the harsh reality of it.
I also don't see how anybody should feel sorry or touched. The man got a free ride into country and culture he liked, got a chance to live through experience thousands of dedicated BW players only dream of. Plus he is still able to take care of himself and obviously got a plan for the future. Sounds like the man is doing quite well.
Beeing a gigolo in Seoul rocks.
Poker sux, I would never imagine that I will play it to live omg -_- I see guys you learnt not too good in school and u cant find a job ;-) Great post Rek, you chose well. If its not for you so do other things and dont waste your life. One life, short life. Whole life connected with SC - no way ;-)
surg you're a fucking idiot lol
SurG: Pillars & Maynards' (and my own) experiences weren't at all comparable to how it is going right now. I didn't stay at a team office and I didn't have a time scheduel. And I had a great time, however didn't go there with the intention of staying there for years.
It is true that players on bottom of the chain make hardly any money but I think what Rekrul also tried saying is that *being* there is absolutely great and the country is alot of fun.
Which I guess you stated in the second part of your post that I now read. Don't you think you're contradicting yourself?
go rek
I sort of felt that coming when you announced your 'big news post' 
Very good read and gl in Korea.
Good article. I thought, that bw is incredibly famous and that finals have high observation. Sry for english.
Russian Federation798 Posts
On January 09 2005 05:08 Liquid`Nazgul wrote: SurG: Pillars & Maynards' (and my own) experiences weren't at all comparable to how it is going right now. I didn't stay at a team office and I didn't have a time scheduel. And I had a great time, however didn't go there with the intention of staying there for years.
It is true that players on bottom of the chain make hardly any money but I think what Rekrul also tried saying is that *being* there is absolutely great and the country is alot of fun.
Which I guess you stated in the second part of your post that I now read. Don't you think you're contradicting yourself? No, man, I don't think I contradict myself. I was saying that it should be great experience, but terrible career choice, which is precisely the same as in Rekrul post.
Russian Federation798 Posts
On January 09 2005 05:06 travis wrote: surg you're a fucking idiot lol no, i'm actually quite smart lol
wow This Article was nice.
Gl and hf with all the things you are doing in Korea rekrul
very interesting read and a good decision not to waste your time with smth you cannot really succeed at. to aim high is a good thing but if it doesn't give you personal fulfillment it's pointless.
maybe you could offer your spot at the team testie because if anyone outside korea is a sick enough nerd to actually be successful in major leagues, it's him.
Norway28565 Posts
well good luck in ur life Rekrul, at least things in the team are going better , u can always remember that u fought with boxer ...
Austin10831 Posts
Cool, man. So what's the korean social life like for a 19 year old American? Did you meet your ex through sc? Not trying to be too nosy, just trying to gain some perspective on Korean nightlife/the social scene.
Korea (South)17174 Posts
the night life / social scene is INCREDIBLY good and too god damn easy for tall white boys
wow, that was a great article, a really good perspective that I have wondered about for a long time.
China3334 Posts
On January 09 2005 06:49 Rekrul wrote: the night life / social scene is INCREDIBLY good and too god damn easy for tall white boys
u r evil, haha <3
nice read, It would really be nice to see you some day at a TV game. I am sure you will succeed in future WCG tournaments, hope the best in your new life
Very good read rek, this sort of changed my mind towards progaming and its pros and cons - nice try in Korea though; thanks alot buddy
the night life / social scene is INCREDIBLY good and too god damn easy for tall white boys So Rekrul, instead of making it big in the progaming scene, you've started "succeeding in life" by going into night clubs and getting an asian girlfriend? You've discovered your sexuality in Korea or something? What success is that? Were you perhaps a virgin going into Korea? You had never been in a city before?
You make it sound like you've somehow grown up now, but the thing which still reveals you as a dreamer is your poker talk. How much money do you make from playing internet poker? If you'd never played Starcraft and just got an education quickly, become a lawyer or a succesful businessman you'd make 50 times that and you'd have a lot of experience and a career by now. You would meet a lot of interesting people and you could build a life for yourself. You went to Korea with the idea that your skills in a computer game would get you through life, and now that you know that you were naive to assume that you go into assuming that poker will get you somewhere? You sound like a street hustler who sells dope on a day by day basis and thinks he's going to have a pension or something when he's old.
I'm sorry but you just seem to be afraid that people will make fun of your non-existent Starcraft skills. You never had any chance in progaming, like noone here does, but still you made it sound like you did. Now you're really disappointed that you in fact don't, and you want to explain everyone how cruel the real world is like. Well wake up kid and smell the coffee. After a while you'll realise that clubbing and partying takes you nowhere and you'll go back to USA with your tail between your legs and get back to school and everything starts from scratch once again. You can write another sorry post here then.
What will you have gained? Experience from life for sure. You'll know what not to do in the future. What you should have done is go into a university and be an exchange student for 2-3 years in a country of your choosing, or even many countries. You can see the world and enjoy it while actually doing something useful, like making yourself a better man. I did that, and now I have a career in law while you try to explain a bunch of 13 year old kids that in real life you have to work to be able to live. Yeah you're the man.
That's awesome Rek
Really glad you came out on top in the end.
without fun u can not go to the top study language is good as chinese i must study english as well wish u gl in korea
Very insightful.
I might give up SC because of this.
Maybe you can consider going into a Korean University?
Thx Rekrul so much, this article is so so nice..wow!
Tress. You are just bitter because in law school you were bullied buy the cool kids.
Yeah you got me there Hot77
Whats the money like in Poker? Can u really live a good lifestyle just from playing poker? It seems a bit too good to be true to me. If ur good at poker then ur good at maths in which case become a maths boffin at harvard or something that would be awesome.
haha just kidding. Would be interesting to hear Legionnaires thoughts on this and what are his future plans. I understand that Leg is doing relatively well in gaming atm.
Nice articel, gl with everything in Korea. Just keep us posted
On January 09 2005 07:58 Tress wrote:Show nested quote +the night life / social scene is INCREDIBLY good and too god damn easy for tall white boys So Rekrul, instead of making it big in the progaming scene, you've started "succeeding in life" by going into night clubs and getting an asian girlfriend? You've discovered your sexuality in Korea or something? What success is that? Were you perhaps a virgin going into Korea? You had never been in a city before? You make it sound like you've somehow grown up now, but the thing which still reveals you as a dreamer is your poker talk. How much money do you make from playing internet poker? If you'd never played Starcraft and just got an education quickly, become a lawyer or a succesful businessman you'd make 50 times that and you'd have a lot of experience and a career by now. You would meet a lot of interesting people and you could build a life for yourself. You went to Korea with the idea that your skills in a computer game would get you through life, and now that you know that you were naive to assume that you go into assuming that poker will get you somewhere? You sound like a street hustler who sells dope on a day by day basis and thinks he's going to have a pension or something when he's old. I'm sorry but you just seem to be afraid that people will make fun of your non-existent Starcraft skills. You never had any chance in progaming, like noone here does, but still you made it sound like you did. Now you're really disappointed that you in fact don't, and you want to explain everyone how cruel the real world is like. Well wake up kid and smell the coffee. After a while you'll realise that clubbing and partying takes you nowhere and you'll go back to USA with your tail between your legs and get back to school and everything starts from scratch once again. You can write another sorry post here then. What will you have gained? Experience from life for sure. You'll know what not to do in the future. What you should have done is go into a university and be an exchange student for 2-3 years in a country of your choosing, or even many countries. You can see the world and enjoy it while actually doing something useful, like making yourself a better man. I did that, and now I have a career in law while you try to explain a bunch of 13 year old kids that in real life you have to work to be able to live. Yeah you're the man.
OMG what a stupid sack of shit you are ... did you actually reread what you have written or did you kept your head stuck in your ass since you are 10 years old ?????? ... sry but this just amazes me............... who are you to tell what it takes to become a better man? who are you to judge what he has lived there and who much it matters for his own self ? who are you to tell us what is the "straight and righteous path" ( and anyoen who's not a complete moron knows there is none since his 15 years ) to follow in life like if we were all a bunch of retards ? So he stopped his studies for 1 year and he's a good for nothing ?
Instead of typing some random arrogant shit like you do you'd better ask yourself why are you so narrow minded ....... Omg that was one of the most lame-ass post i have read in a loooooooooong time.... Personal opinions aside i would never have the arrogance to judge someone of whom i know very little.
What limits do you play, and what's your BB/100hands win rate?
Wow Tress, clearly you have shown us all that you are indeed the superiour human being with that awesome, insightful, and well thought out post. I know a lot of lawyers btw. One of them is a wife beater whose wife and children left him. He sure has a nice big white house though!
Let me tell you something. When you are old, and have money, you will realise that you would trade it all back in in a second to go back and relive your youth. The memories that Rekrul will have will be worth more than all of your money. The experiences that he's lived, in favour of rushing off to school, are priceless. And, he's 19 years old. He will probably go back to America with a fair amount of money, go to some school and get some good job, and when he's 50 and you're whatever, what will the difference be? Maybe your house will have 2 or 3 more rooms. Maybe your car will be worth $20,000 more. And you will look back on your boring ass life and only be able to wish that you had lived when you were young.
Furthermore, I also know some pro-poker players. And I'd be willing to bet their incomes are comparable to yours. And I'd be willing to bet that you'd give lawyering up in a second if you realised that these guys work maybe 4 or 5 hours in a given day doing something they love, while any lawyer I know puts in at least 9 hours a day, mostly researching case files, legal history, and precedents, which has got to be one of the most boring and dry ass things a person can do. If any pro poker player I know put in that kind of time, they'd be gajillionaires. And they didn't have to blow 7 years and 150 grand at school to do it.
The fact is that you either are, or should be, jealous of Rekrul. So why isn't everyone a pro poker player or progamer? Because it takes natural inborn talent. Some people have that opporunity and most don't. But those that do should jump at their opportunity and never look back.
Austin10831 Posts
On January 09 2005 07:58 Tress wrote:Show nested quote +the night life / social scene is INCREDIBLY good and too god damn easy for tall white boys So Rekrul, instead of making it big in the progaming scene, you've started "succeeding in life" by going into night clubs and getting an asian girlfriend? You've discovered your sexuality in Korea or something? What success is that? Were you perhaps a virgin going into Korea? You had never been in a city before? You make it sound like you've somehow grown up now, but the thing which still reveals you as a dreamer is your poker talk. How much money do you make from playing internet poker? If you'd never played Starcraft and just got an education quickly, become a lawyer or a succesful businessman you'd make 50 times that and you'd have a lot of experience and a career by now. You would meet a lot of interesting people and you could build a life for yourself. You went to Korea with the idea that your skills in a computer game would get you through life, and now that you know that you were naive to assume that you go into assuming that poker will get you somewhere? You sound like a street hustler who sells dope on a day by day basis and thinks he's going to have a pension or something when he's old. I'm sorry but you just seem to be afraid that people will make fun of your non-existent Starcraft skills. You never had any chance in progaming, like noone here does, but still you made it sound like you did. Now you're really disappointed that you in fact don't, and you want to explain everyone how cruel the real world is like. Well wake up kid and smell the coffee. After a while you'll realise that clubbing and partying takes you nowhere and you'll go back to USA with your tail between your legs and get back to school and everything starts from scratch once again. You can write another sorry post here then. What will you have gained? Experience from life for sure. You'll know what not to do in the future. What you should have done is go into a university and be an exchange student for 2-3 years in a country of your choosing, or even many countries. You can see the world and enjoy it while actually doing something useful, like making yourself a better man. I did that, and now I have a career in law while you try to explain a bunch of 13 year old kids that in real life you have to work to be able to live. Yeah you're the man.
What exactly is your personal stake in his life, whether it be here in college or there gaming? Upset that he didn't furnish you with a plethora of replays for you to watch while preparing your next case? Do you really expect anyone to believe you're a shining beacon of responsibility and intelligent choices when you spend your time condescending a 19 year old on an internet forum? That aside, there are so many logical flaws in your little rant that I have a hard time believing you could argue your way out of a parking ticket.
Pretty long...but it was nice reading it. Im glad u liked korea and that u got some perspective for life. And thx for clearing up for a lot of ppl who think that in korea they had starcraft bo subjects at school -_-;
Australia4514 Posts
Tress, Rekrul made more in the last 2 months than the entire team put together, i'm pretty sure he makes more than you too
Poker is really a good source of money. One can easely live of it if he's whilling to do it.
I started 2 week ago, i make about 30 us//hour-->38 $can//hour playing .25/.50
average salary in the whole country is like 15-20 $can 
rekrul being really better and playing higher stake must make some few $K each session and can live off of it.
man no matter what game you are playing pro-gaming can be a bitch..i had a friend who plays X-box live Dead or Alive... anyways in X-box live he beat Tom Brady,,, the best in the world... he even beat him a few times.. his online name is guts.. even though he lost more against tom brady then win he is still pretty amazing especially when he does not take the game seriosuly like tom.. tom gets like 80,000 from some tournaments he won (of course he plays on arcade not X-boX). he offered my friend to come to New York and play him or enter a tournie (he was willing to pay for him)... my friend just laughed.. he also doesnt want to play cuase he has some nerve issues in his arm..
the point is some people just have a talent for it while other people have to work their asses for it.. the people who have to work hard to succeed always learn the most even if they do not succeed.. also i think u gotta have some back-up plan in order to succeed incase you don't.. kinda like Tom Brady who is pretty rich right now and also is studying law while at the same time making mad money off fighting games.. he claims he plays 100+ games a day sometimes... while my friend does not even care about the game..
well i guess rekrul was lucky he had some success and talent in poker or he might have ended up in 7-11.. 
in conclusion when going into pro gaming you gotta be prepared for the worst but also the best...
great read, i actually read it all the way through . well rek, i'm glad that you've learned a lot about yourself and where you want to go, even if it may disappoint some people that the second american progamer is going to quit . good that somebody shows the bad sides to progaming that we never really hear about. but anyways, if you wanna help out other foreigners going to korea....... i'm listening :D
On January 09 2005 09:06 Hautamaki wrote:
Let me tell you something. When you are old, and have money, you will realise that you would trade it all back in in a second to go back and relive your youth. The memories that Rekrul will have will be worth more than all of your money. The experiences that he's lived, in favour of rushing off to school, are priceless. And, he's 19 years old. He will probably go back to America with a fair amount of money, go to some school and get some good job, and when he's 50 and you're whatever, what will the difference be? Maybe your house will have 2 or 3 more rooms. Maybe your car will be worth $20,000 more. And you will look back on your boring ass life and only be able to wish that you had lived when you were young.
And I guess it's better to be 50 years old, have 2 or 3 rooms less and a lot of memories about the tank that Boxer moved up the cliff overseeing Yellow's drones, to smash his mineral lines to bits. Not to mention being an ill little mutant, due to the thousands of nights that you lost watching replays and pursuing a goal that has no finality.
I have wasted waaay to much time on computer games. They are addictive and will change your life forever. And after all that time, you will notice that it was not for the better. I wish I had spent a few years of my life differently, but those days are gone. The moment you get really serious about gaming, and not just SC, your social life goes straight to hell. Please don't tell me that you can play for 10 hours a day and still have a social life. Those who think that are really naive.
It's all a matter of taste, of personality and style. What's a blast for many could be a real bore for others. He was expressing an opinion. OK, maybe he was a bit incisive, but he was just backing up a point.
My 2 cents...
just leave a man's life to himself 8[
Thank you Rekrul, for sharing that with the community.
It sure as hell opened my eyes to the reality of the glamorous facade I see in VODS. In writing this, you may not have only opened a new chapter in your life, but a new chapter in someone else's life. Thank you.
haha Tomcat, I'm so sorry for you that your experiences playing games leave you with a bitter taste in your mouth, but maybe you should wake up and realise that that's obviously not the case for Rekrul or for most people who played Starcraft, seriously or not. I'm only glad you seem to have quit when you did, clearly you're not cut out for it. It's too bad you can't realise that just because you aren't, some other people might still be.
Tomcat, [some] people doesn't give a shit about social life. As long as one live happy, that all that matters. Oh and it's weird how some people are so damn stuck on the american way of life ( have a family, a repetitive job for the rest of your life, a ''land'', etc)
On January 09 2005 09:45 OgerDaniel wrote: just leave a man's life to himself 8[
wise and short .... Tress : read ans learn from oger ^^
edit : oh but wait, you're such an important and almighty person you probably won't have time to read this stupid site about a kids game.....
why do you guys sit and argue about stuff that is completely based upon opinion
On January 09 2005 09:41 Tomcat wrote: Please don't tell me that you can play for 10 hours a day and still have a social life. Those who think that are really naive. so wait, in 3 years, when I graduate from univ, and will work 8 hours a day, i wont have a social life either? aaaah! i knew there was some catch to making money..
I'm at a loss for words. GL in life, Rekrul.
it's all about finding some kind of "equilibrium" i don't know what it is in a computer game that automatically turns you into a geek. I play starcraft, i have a social life, i study and i'm fine with it.
Rek, you found something you like to do, are good at, and can make money off...if only the rest of us were so lucky. GL man. On a side note I am shocked no one has asked for reps yet lol.
at least when ur retired u can lie on ur death bed and think "i made a difference....i won a load of money of some dumbass suckers playing poker."
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great article Rek... very thoughtful. Do you think as a tall white man, I could get a job in Korea in two years? I've got a balchelors in Physics, and can speak english. I could spend some time learning Korean.
I also am certified to teach physics and Math.
I would love to leave the country in a couple of years, and do just SOMETHING in Korea, would be great.
Gl, hope to see you on ESPN playing poker!
congratulations on living a dream and becoming the envy of many of us. I often entertain the idea of just dropping everything and moving to some foreign place just to see if I can handle it
United States2101 Posts
On January 09 2005 10:20 pooper-scooper wrote: great article Rek... very thoughtful. Do you think as a tall white man, I could get a job in Korea in two years? I've got a balchelors in Physics, and can speak english. I could spend some time learning Korean.
I also am certified to teach physics and Math.
I would love to leave the country in a couple of years, and do just SOMETHING in Korea, would be great.
Yes you could, but it would probably be very shitty. There are tons of foreigners in Korea who teach English, and most don't make a lot of money. If you have connections or very good business skills, then you can build up your clientele and really rake in some good cash, but doing this is very difficult.
rekrul i always had an "oppinion" about you and u just shattered that, good luck in korea and thank for the brillant article
Can you release some replays of yourself practicing fo a tournament or whatever!
I really hope this article helps a lot of teens see the light. There are so many kids wasting away their 13-19 year old years playing starcraft in hopes of making it big in Korea. They miss out on events which all teens should experience because they play starcraft constantly. An amazing. inspirational article, I give it 5 stars * * * * *
On January 09 2005 11:11 Elsi wrote: Can you release some replays of yourself practicing fo a tournament or whatever!
Yeah, that would go really well with this article.
On a side note, Rekrul has said what Maynard has been saying here for a long time, but people seemed to have responded better to it coming from Rekrul.
Russian Federation4447 Posts
On January 09 2005 07:58 Tress wrote:Show nested quote +the night life / social scene is INCREDIBLY good and too god damn easy for tall white boys So Rekrul, instead of making it big in the progaming scene, you've started "succeeding in life" by going into night clubs and getting an asian girlfriend? You've discovered your sexuality in Korea or something? What success is that? Were you perhaps a virgin going into Korea? You had never been in a city before? You make it sound like you've somehow grown up now, but the thing which still reveals you as a dreamer is your poker talk. How much money do you make from playing internet poker? If you'd never played Starcraft and just got an education quickly, become a lawyer or a succesful businessman you'd make 50 times that and you'd have a lot of experience and a career by now. You would meet a lot of interesting people and you could build a life for yourself. You went to Korea with the idea that your skills in a computer game would get you through life, and now that you know that you were naive to assume that you go into assuming that poker will get you somewhere? You sound like a street hustler who sells dope on a day by day basis and thinks he's going to have a pension or something when he's old. I'm sorry but you just seem to be afraid that people will make fun of your non-existent Starcraft skills. You never had any chance in progaming, like noone here does, but still you made it sound like you did. Now you're really disappointed that you in fact don't, and you want to explain everyone how cruel the real world is like. Well wake up kid and smell the coffee. After a while you'll realise that clubbing and partying takes you nowhere and you'll go back to USA with your tail between your legs and get back to school and everything starts from scratch once again. You can write another sorry post here then. What will you have gained? Experience from life for sure. You'll know what not to do in the future. What you should have done is go into a university and be an exchange student for 2-3 years in a country of your choosing, or even many countries. You can see the world and enjoy it while actually doing something useful, like making yourself a better man. I did that, and now I have a career in law while you try to explain a bunch of 13 year old kids that in real life you have to work to be able to live. Yeah you're the man.
This post has the word JEALOUSY written all over it.
Stop trying to judge other people when you know little or nothing about who they are.
BTW, funny how you mentioned he could go to school and be a lawyer like you. This is definately jealousy.
I read the whole thing and basically what I feel from reading it is disappointment.
Not disappointed in Rekrul particularly. Idk how to explain it. I feel disappointed that Rekrul feels the way he does and about the opinions he has formed in his short time in Korea.
There are quite a few things I disagree with in Rekrul's post.
I'm sure everyone knows [ anyone older than 12 ] that progaming is not for foreigners. Maybe it's something genetic, but other than Giyom, nobody else in the history of the world will be able to compete with the top tier Koreans now and in the future. [ No, I'm not being racist/supremist ] I am also quite sure that everyone here knows that the things they see in VODs is indeed glamorous. Not fake and unachievable as Rekrul seems to think. Those gamers have worked hard to get TV matches. Rek explained it, now you know in detail how hard it is to achieve pro-gamer status. So, what I am saying is that I strongly disagree on the point that what you see on VODs is not glamorous. They worked damn hard, it IS glamorous, and because Rekrul has never been on a TV match he will not know how much work it takes. However, neither do I. One thing we both are, are lovers of starcraft, and the other difference is that Rek has experienced part of the struggle it takes to become a progamer.
We are both spectators of this game and have seen gamers cry, laugh, hug, and show all other emotions in leagues, tournaments, and even regular matches. If this is not real [ as in real life ] then I don't know what is. One thing I think Rekrul underestimates is the Korean culture aspect. Again, we differ here. I know Korean culture better than Rekrul because I am Korean and that is a fact. With that said, I feel like the culture is what allows those top tier pro-gamers to rise to a level unattainable by others using hours of their life on progaming rather than on a real job that is more stable.
Of course we all had small hopes in our minds when Rek departed for Korea, but I'm sure most of us knew he would not do anything great there. Some of us even predicted this happening before Rek even got on the plane. [ I was one of them ]
But I'm glad that Rek has chosen the best path for him. I'm glad it has not taken him as long as Elky and Assem and to a certain extent Giyom to quit starcraft and choose a better life because there are just way too many people better at starcraft than them. I'm glad he loves poker and that it happens to be the thing that keeps the money coming. I'm happy that a fellow teamliquid member feels good with the choices that he has made in life.
I am only disheartened with the image of progaming he leaves with.
That's about it. Hey this is my 2000th post!
By the way Rek, if you're 19, I doubt you will ever learn to speak Korean fluently.
i still love you Dan, this doesnt change anything about you as a person, i will still talk to you on AIM and at the next wcg, just not as much now ;( <3
really enjoyed reading ur post rekrul,nice, btw can i get your progaming place?
On January 09 2005 09:25 Tress wrote:Show nested quote +On January 09 2005 09:16 Legionnaire wrote:Tress, Rekrul made more in the last 2 months than the entire team put together, i'm pretty sure he makes more than you too  I don't see what that has got to do with anything, but since we're on the subject may I ask how much is that? I'm only 24 and straight out of law school so there's a limit to what I can earn in my job, but it's around 10K $ for two months at the moment. If Rekrul made more from poker and can keep on doing that for the rest of his life or even increase his income drastically, I really don't understand why he's been wasting time with a kids game like SC. But like someone else said, life is about other things than money too, and I enjoy what I do. Hautamäki, you suck 
wow, so you dont see why he was wasting his time with a kids game? get the fuck off this site if you think sc is a kids game. its called "love of the game". i know plenty of people who are older than i am, who play sc, im 22. the oldest person i know is 51 or 53
p.s. Dan, since you won a lot recently, loan some to Frink, he lost all his ;P
well looks like your trip was not what u were expecting at first, but i'm glad it turned out this way and i hope u have luck from now on. Enjoy Korea man
Osaka27125 Posts
Tress you easily made the dumbest post in this short year. Congratulations.
Dan, through our conversations it has been apparent that while SC was the vessel that brought you to Korea, poker has been the engine that has allowed you to stay. It is a rare gift to be able to sustain yourself wherever you are through the game, and I am glad that you are taking advantage of the situation.
As someone who has also experienced living in another asian culture, I can share some of your appreciation for the experiences and impacts it can have on your life. One of the most important parts I believe is the fact that you are only 19 years old, so there is no pressure on you to "get on with your life" as some people here would argue. There is no reason that you shouldnt stay, learn another language, and just enjoy a different world.
I enjoyed the look at the way SC fits into Korean society, and it confirmed my opinions of it being a niche market. I would be interested to know about it's growth or decline, or whether the size is stagnant. I think that with the apparent success of KTF's unit in creating new revenue that more money will be pumped into teams, but that is all dependant of people still watching the game.
Anyways, good luck with the move, and you better stick around these boards.
Cheers, Trevor.
Is a good thing that you still have a choice but to me it looks like u didn't have the right attitude twards the whole thing. Did you really thinck that 6months will be enough? The moment you start having negative thoughts, it was all over. Good post, but you have to read between the lines a little bit. I really hope to see foreigners kick some korean ass but as long as people study them, there is no hope. U can't beat a man at his own game. You must have....your own style?
On January 09 2005 10:45 ejai63 wrote:Show nested quote +On January 09 2005 10:20 pooper-scooper wrote: great article Rek... very thoughtful. Do you think as a tall white man, I could get a job in Korea in two years? I've got a balchelors in Physics, and can speak english. I could spend some time learning Korean.
I also am certified to teach physics and Math.
I would love to leave the country in a couple of years, and do just SOMETHING in Korea, would be great. Yes you could, but it would probably be very shitty. There are tons of foreigners in Korea who teach English, and most don't make a lot of money. If you have connections or very good business skills, then you can build up your clientele and really rake in some good cash, but doing this is very difficult.
Welll thats kinda a bummer huh? Well... i guess I could try to get some marketable skill, and THEN go to Korea, what do you think would be a good one?
Osaka27125 Posts
Don't listen to him, he is wrong.
If you have a BA in anything, you can teach in Korea and make decent money. The amount of money you want to make depends on where you want to live. You can be in the middle of seoul and enjoy the big city, but it is horribly expensive to live in. If you choose a smaller city or the country-side, than you will be able to save more money as it is cheaper to live in.
Yes there are many foreigners in Korea teaching english, and there are also many jobs. My best friend has just gone back for his third contract there, and if you are seriously interested I could put you in contact with him for some REAL perspective on how things work.
Also realize that your ability to speak english allows you to teach ANYWHERE. Korea is one of many many coutries you would be able to travel to and work simply based on that ability to speak. It really is your most marketable international skill.
Very good read. Good luck, Rekrul!
Goodluck Rekrul but I must warn you of another thing. Poker is just like SC, only pros can make a true living off it. I'm sure it's appealing because anybody can win thousands, but sooner or later it catches up to you and you realize it's just a game as well. Anyways, don't get wrapped up too much in gaining cash this way. Goodluck, I'm sure you'll figure everything out. Have some fun too.
Wow. Nice to hear someone's life experience. But when it all comes down to it Rekrul, it's best to do what you feel comfortable with. Not what other's feel comfortable with. I hope things work out for you wherever you go and whatever you do. 
From a fellow Hangul learner ^^
On January 09 2005 02:36 Izenra wrote:Wow nice post I think it's the best post of the year  !
psh, mensrea is better... And rekrul u dont love sc as much as them That's ok, man u did your best. GL to you in korea! i hope u like it.
On January 09 2005 12:29 SoLaR[i.C] wrote:Goodluck Rekrul but I must warn you of another thing. Poker is just like SC, only pros can make a true living off it. I'm sure it's appealing because anybody can win thousands, but sooner or later it catches up to you and you realize it's just a game as well. Anyways, don't get wrapped up too much in gaining cash this way. Goodluck, I'm sure you'll figure everything out. Have some fun too. 
Poker is not like SC, well in some way it is the same . I'll use some SC comparaison
-In SC, you can play both newb and expert. -If you play expert, you might win something in the end, but this only apply to .1% of the gamers -In SC, playing newb allow you to have a nice rec. (/stats) -In poker, if you have a nice rec, you win money 
In conclusion, you can win money by playing newby, on the contrary of SC
On January 09 2005 12:46 ScoliosiS wrote:Show nested quote +On January 09 2005 02:36 Izenra wrote:Wow nice post I think it's the best post of the year  ! psh, mensrea is better... And rekrul u dont love sc as much as them  That's ok, man u did your best. GL to you in korea! i hope u like it.
Best post in my opinion to this date : From 1st January 2005 to now !
interesting post, im gonna kinda agree with surg in the fact that common sense already lead me to this realization years ago concerning the difficulty of progaming, but like someone else said on here(forgot thier name)its a korean community and foriegners just cant hold up. As for haters sayin how its a waste of time, how retarded is that, seriously he's 19 thats nothing, and travelling, meeting new people, enjoying life as he put it, is what i personally believe we should all be trying to attain, not simply a big house and a nice car, obviously you need something to fall back on, food drink and shelter dont come cheap, but you can easily sustain yourself on poker winnings if you play it right. I laughed my ass off so hard when i read about that retard saying you should be a laywer at 19, i've had some problems in my life and i've dealt with alot of lawyers, i've never in my entire life ever met or dealt with a successful 19 yr old lawyer.. Definatly felt like i connected more with you after this post rek becuase you sounded more grounded, like a real person living a real life, instead of some full of shit loser like 90% of the people i read, listen to on the internet from time to time. BW is fun but takes way too much time, it's so crazy how demanding that game is too play, i devoted so much of my time to it that it honestly makes me sick, im not hatin tho, do whatever you have fun doing, just realized its not for me either awhile ago. Best of luck man i'm headin out to korea in april to blow off some steam and take in the atmosphere, so never know, maybe i'll see you in the club scene.
in my opinion, a huge reason rekrul failed is that he approaches starcraft with the mindset of much of the western world, that making your living off a game is ridiculous and not respectable. so what if you don't make that much money and it requires massive amounts of dedication? that is true with any job with high demand/competetition. poker too is a game but its one that has found acceptance all across the u.s. we see poker matches on espn and i think rekrul isn't oblivious to this. they're both games, but he finds one more acceptable to make a living off of because of its "respectability." my belief tho, is that if he had worked hard enough at it, he'd see results. i commend assem and leg for sticking through it. when i heard rekruls age, 19, i thought wtf is this guy talking about not wasting your time in sc? if he has time to go to clubs and dote on a gf and go to korean language school, he surely has time to "waste" on starcraft. it's not like he's 23 and running out of time. this shows to me that he lacks the motivation to succeed at even the amateur level, that he is lazy. he talked about how his team is lazy, not dedicated. well that shows in the results. they've had dismal results. and you take a look at ktf, compare their practice hrs and you can see a big reason why. i'm all for the living your life(excuse), that is important. i wouldnt b hard on rekrul if he hadnt stated it was his DREAM to become a sc progamer. and in part i recognize what a precious position he was in to fulfill that dream. but im severely disappointed that he perhaps never had the will, attitude, dedication, to see that dream through. the only excuse you have to fail is yourself. doesn't matter how your team doesn't practice, what girl gets in your way, how many times you fail. what mattered was how many times you got up, and after only 1 year of trying it wasn't enough.
i truly hope you enjoy and succeed in your life.
On January 09 2005 09:06 Hautamaki wrote: Wow Tress, clearly you have shown us all that you are indeed the superiour human being with that awesome, insightful, and well thought out post. I know a lot of lawyers btw. One of them is a wife beater whose wife and children left him. He sure has a nice big white house though!
Let me tell you something. When you are old, and have money, you will realise that you would trade it all back in in a second to go back and relive your youth. The memories that Rekrul will have will be worth more than all of your money. The experiences that he's lived, in favour of rushing off to school, are priceless. And, he's 19 years old. He will probably go back to America with a fair amount of money, go to some school and get some good job, and when he's 50 and you're whatever, what will the difference be? Maybe your house will have 2 or 3 more rooms. Maybe your car will be worth $20,000 more. And you will look back on your boring ass life and only be able to wish that you had lived when you were young.
Furthermore, I also know some pro-poker players. And I'd be willing to bet their incomes are comparable to yours. And I'd be willing to bet that you'd give lawyering up in a second if you realised that these guys work maybe 4 or 5 hours in a given day doing something they love, while any lawyer I know puts in at least 9 hours a day, mostly researching case files, legal history, and precedents, which has got to be one of the most boring and dry ass things a person can do. If any pro poker player I know put in that kind of time, they'd be gajillionaires. And they didn't have to blow 7 years and 150 grand at school to do it.
The fact is that you either are, or should be, jealous of Rekrul. So why isn't everyone a pro poker player or progamer? Because it takes natural inborn talent. Some people have that opporunity and most don't. But those that do should jump at their opportunity and never look back.
I agree partly with Tress, but mostly disagree with you Haut..
If you go to law school, and it's what you planned to do, and you weren't forced into it, I say that's an experience that's worth something. You worked hard. You studied. You graduated. School is an experience people want, and one that is almost always the fondest memory of an old man or woman. Lawyers don't live "boring-ass" lives compared to most jobs. And being a lawyer gives you the freedom to do things with the rest of your time you couldn't otherwise.
Plus, Tress was referring to Rekrul, and it sounds like overall, once "the shit hit the fan," this wasn't a memory he'll treasure like a first born son.
And guess what, I'm not jealous of Rekrul. Being good at computer games and poker is something I respect, but he's not better than me. I'm not jealous of him, and nobody but an aspiring SC gamer hoping to go to korea, or play the best people, or own up their friends, should be. Part of me does wish I could be that good, but another part says life is more than games (and I play plenty of 'em).
Edit: Oh yeah, I know progamers. In fact I know every one to ever live. And actually they are ALL awful communist Catholic priests who molest children. Their interests are slaughtering Jews, and they have declared a jihad on all religion and religious people. For that matter, they are Capitalists who both actively oppress and totally neglect the poor.
Imo you've gotta be alot younger to manage this, if you go to korea when you're 19-22 its kinda Game over already.
it was already said 100 times but I also want to say it : extremely interesting article, really it washes away my former opinion about you I got from several interviews @_@
this is really cool article. tons of ture onest info many thx for that
rek, if you could do it all over again the same way with the failed progaming and everything just to know, would you? -glad to hear it all turned out well
On January 09 2005 13:42 PROMETHEUS wrote: it was already said 100 times but I also want to say it : extremely interesting article, really it washes away my former opinion about you I got from several interviews @_@
Lol I think you take those interview a little too much seriously. It is clear that he was joking around and not thinking everything he was sayin ( i hope ) like the rekrul-logic hahah.
Best quote from him (something like that): "Veg, ill tell you my true feeling about you `: You suck"
really great article rekrul Gl Hf in the future 
omg just read Tress' post wow, one thing is sure is that you do GREAT as an idiot Tress your post sucks so f~~~~~g much
hey rek here is a simple question can you earn more than Oov hisself if you play poker as much as he plays starcraft per day.
rekrul, your story made me sad ^^;;
but i guess it's nice that you have advanced in life even if pro gaming career has ended. Like when i went to korea, i thought i would just be going to watch starcraft games and waste my time, but instead i did a lot more, had a lot of fun, and learned a lot too..so i understand your situation.
it was also nice seeing you and brian at COEX exhibition ^^
Well, that didnt last long. GG
Rekrul hwa i ting ^^
post some pictures if you have, i am sure others also want to see
you / your teammates / other korean progamers / korean scneary & your girlfriend ^_^
have great time in korea
An hones post rekrul. Respect. Just out of curiosity. Did you feel that you had enough talent to become as good as the top protoss players? I mean a lot of people cant be as fast as froz,slayer,nada etc. Not many people have the brains like nal_ra or boxer to think outside box..
ps. I can for example never be as good as the best fps-players no matter how many hours I put in. I can be nearly as good(within 5%) but I can never be as good. :/
nice try, but just a question, do you think you can release ANY games of the improved rekrul?
Thx for very good (and long ) reading. GL Rekrul.
Rek's farewell replay pack gogo?
On January 09 2005 12:12 Manifesto7 wrote: Don't listen to him, he is wrong.
If you have a BA in anything, you can teach in Korea and make decent money. The amount of money you want to make depends on where you want to live. You can be in the middle of seoul and enjoy the big city, but it is horribly expensive to live in. If you choose a smaller city or the country-side, than you will be able to save more money as it is cheaper to live in.
Yes there are many foreigners in Korea teaching english, and there are also many jobs. My best friend has just gone back for his third contract there, and if you are seriously interested I could put you in contact with him for some REAL perspective on how things work.
Also realize that your ability to speak english allows you to teach ANYWHERE. Korea is one of many many coutries you would be able to travel to and work simply based on that ability to speak. It really is your most marketable international skill.
Hey Mani do you have a contact? This sounds interesting, would like to talk about it.
On January 09 2005 11:19 Ack1027 wrote: I read the whole thing and basically what I feel from reading it is disappointment.
Not disappointed in Rekrul particularly. Idk how to explain it. I feel disappointed that Rekrul feels the way he does and about the opinions he has formed in his short time in Korea.
There are quite a few things I disagree with in Rekrul's post.
I'm sure everyone knows [ anyone older than 12 ] that progaming is not for foreigners. Maybe it's something genetic, but other than Giyom, nobody else in the history of the world will be able to compete with the top tier Koreans now and in the future. [ No, I'm not being racist/supremist ] I am also quite sure that everyone here knows that the things they see in VODs is indeed glamorous. Not fake and unachievable as Rekrul seems to think. Those gamers have worked hard to get TV matches. Rek explained it, now you know in detail how hard it is to achieve pro-gamer status. So, what I am saying is that I strongly disagree on the point that what you see on VODs is not glamorous. They worked damn hard, it IS glamorous, and because Rekrul has never been on a TV match he will not know how much work it takes. However, neither do I. One thing we both are, are lovers of starcraft, and the other difference is that Rek has experienced part of the struggle it takes to become a progamer.
We are both spectators of this game and have seen gamers cry, laugh, hug, and show all other emotions in leagues, tournaments, and even regular matches. If this is not real [ as in real life ] then I don't know what is. One thing I think Rekrul underestimates is the Korean culture aspect. Again, we differ here. I know Korean culture better than Rekrul because I am Korean and that is a fact. With that said, I feel like the culture is what allows those top tier pro-gamers to rise to a level unattainable by others using hours of their life on progaming rather than on a real job that is more stable.
Of course we all had small hopes in our minds when Rek departed for Korea, but I'm sure most of us knew he would not do anything great there. Some of us even predicted this happening before Rek even got on the plane. [ I was one of them ]
But I'm glad that Rek has chosen the best path for him. I'm glad it has not taken him as long as Elky and Assem and to a certain extent Giyom to quit starcraft and choose a better life because there are just way too many people better at starcraft than them. I'm glad he loves poker and that it happens to be the thing that keeps the money coming. I'm happy that a fellow teamliquid member feels good with the choices that he has made in life.
I am only disheartened with the image of progaming he leaves with.
That's about it. Hey this is my 2000th post!
By the way Rek, if you're 19, I doubt you will ever learn to speak Korean fluently. elky was successful when he had the will...assem is progamer while rekrul failed.
Elky was successful. Yeah okay. Keep telling yourself that. And assem is progamer, wow so is mumyung.
Netherlands4511 Posts
elky WAS succesfull, and progaming is FOR foreigners, assem is an average guy with no exceptional talent, so is leg, and they have made it to pro's, not the best, but definitly not the worst.
I am happy that another foreign progamer has arrived hope you good luck show them how us americans do it Rekrul!
On January 09 2005 15:28 Ack1027 wrote: Elky was successful. Yeah okay. Keep telling yourself that.
4th place in Starleague is not succesful enough for you?
Anyhow, it's not always about success. Just the experience and making sure that you know it's time to move on is good enough. It gets bad when people don't realize that though. In the end, whatever makes you happy.
I'm sure Rekrul has made good use of his time. Sure, one could go out at an early age and begin slaving to become a doctor or lawyer. But that's not the way for everyone. We'll always have idiots that will go like "OMG, you will be a failure unlike me who got into law school at age 17!" But really, you can only be young once.
On January 09 2005 15:45 instanthops wrote: I am happy that another foreign progamer has arrived hope you good luck show them how us americans do it Rekrul! what are u talking about dude
Very interesting news post. I read through the entire post as well as the entire thread. Most of the information stated are almost "unspoken" rules about pro gaming. I have read about many, many stories of hopeful foreign amateurs who flew to Korea and make almost no money from pro gaming. However, almost all of these stories are never really exposed to the community. Most people never really knew about it at all. This post is practically the first real post to expose such reality of Starcraft in Korea. The comparison of SC to WWE is quite accurate. Starcraft is for those who have the hearts for it, not for those who are interested in making a fortune. I have always played Starcraft since its creation and has never lost interests in the game. Though I never have and never will have the heart to become a pro gamer.
Hey Rek, was your gf korean? and did you get any homerun play? ^.^
United States2101 Posts
On January 09 2005 12:12 Manifesto7 wrote: Don't listen to him, he is wrong.
If you have a BA in anything, you can teach in Korea and make decent money. The amount of money you want to make depends on where you want to live. You can be in the middle of seoul and enjoy the big city, but it is horribly expensive to live in. If you choose a smaller city or the country-side, than you will be able to save more money as it is cheaper to live in.
Yes there are many foreigners in Korea teaching english, and there are also many jobs. My best friend has just gone back for his third contract there, and if you are seriously interested I could put you in contact with him for some REAL perspective on how things work.
Also realize that your ability to speak english allows you to teach ANYWHERE. Korea is one of many many coutries you would be able to travel to and work simply based on that ability to speak. It really is your most marketable international skill.
to anyone considering moving to/living in korea;
Living in Korea, especially foreigners, is really tough. I'm not trying to discourage anyone, but if you dont have the right perspective or information, then you are really in for a harsh reality check. I remember when kidred went to korea, and he thought he would do alright. honestly, so did i. he had a plan, some money, a few connections, and he wasnt THAT bad at korean to boot. he even had experience teaching koreans, and it seemed that all he wanted to do was live in korea...but he failed horribly.
Competition for jobs in Korea is incredibly high. There are tons of Koreans who are fluent in both english and korean, as well as foreigners such as phds and professional teachers who are all looking for tutoring/teaching jobs. If you think that knowing english or having a degree will give you a leg up, you're completely wrong. i have friends who graduated from elite universities, are fluent in korean AND english, and they aggressively pursure jobs. you will need some connections before you go, though it isnt all that hard. i'm sure there are hakwons that bring in people from other countries to teach frequently; maybe you can find one of them and work it out.
i dont wanna discourage anyone from lviing in korea, but it really isnt as glamorous as some people think it may be. definitely dont go and expect to make enough money for you to save up (i mean over several thousands). go for the experience of living in another country, or whatever other reason you may have. cost of living in korea is pretty high, and wages are very low. best case scenario, you will live in a pretty small apartment, make a couple hundred bucks a week, and have the standard of living of a college student. if this doesnt bother you, then by all means, go for it. however, just remember how difficult it is to find many students to teach. this is just one example, but i have a friend who graduated from stanford phi beta kappa, fluent in english and korean, and he lived in korea on his own for a year. Well, the first few months, he could barely find any work at all, and was literally skipping meals because he couldnt afford to eat. after maybe 6 months, he found more work and had a solid income, but it was still barely enough for him to live off of.
Again, i dont mean to discourage anyone from going; it could really be the best experience of your life. just know that it will be incredibly difficult to do and plan very well if you decide to try. good luck
good writing u kinda built up and up to the part where u said bye bye pro gaming instead of just saying at the begging i quit all though its kinda obvious theres not much money in pro gaming cause i read something bout legionare only getting 300 dollars a month and only the top 30 players getting anything in the thousands and u really could get more money on any job - i think a lot of ppl who are progamers are merely chasing the dream, and hopefull having fun playing starcraft i think chasing a dream is more important then money as long as u can support urself (clothing, food, a nice thing that u want to buy here and there) and even if u fail with that dream its nice to know u tried ur hardest and at least went after it
I guess the moral of the story is that if you know you don't have some God given talent in gaming, then don't bother trying to break in? At least that's the impression I got.
And about the English teaching job thing, apparently if you're Caucasian you're going to get plenty of opportunities in that field. That is what I've heard at least. I know half a dozen white guys who went to Korea, got teaching jobs and brought back a Korean GF. I think it's very important that you 'show' the authenticity of your skills as an English teacher, and I don't think Koreans settle for anyone without the 'right' background. Anywho, glad you had the opportunities you had in Korea Rek. You're a very fortunate man.
no one commenting here seems to realize that rekrul makes like 1k a night playing poker
On January 09 2005 11:19 Ack1027 wrote: I'm sure everyone knows [ anyone older than 12 ] that progaming is not for foreigners. Maybe it's something genetic
Girly fingers?
Actually, I think it is a pretty ridiculous comment, as koreans outside of korea never made it pro either. Aren't Koreans the same genetically as Chinese, also? (I was told this somewhere, don't kill me if I'm wrong) No one foreign, I think I can safely say, ever put anywhere near the time and effort as the majority of the pros. Korea also has the largest Starcraft pool to find talent and culture. For cultural reasons, few people outside of Korea want to make this kind of effort at a computer game.
On January 09 2005 17:56 Servolisk wrote:Show nested quote +On January 09 2005 11:19 Ack1027 wrote: I'm sure everyone knows [ anyone older than 12 ] that progaming is not for foreigners. Maybe it's something genetic Girly fingers? Actually, I think it is a pretty ridiculous comment, as koreans outside of korea never made it pro either. Aren't Koreans the same genetically as Chinese, also? (I was told this somewhere, don't kill me if I'm wrong) No one foreign, I think I can safely say, ever put anywhere near the time and effort as the majority of the pros. Korea also has the largest Starcraft pool to find talent and culture. For cultural reasons, few people outside of Korea want to make this kind of effort at a computer game.
yes we used to own korea
I have thought about going there. I mean I can play poker from anywhere in the world anyway, and korea seems pretty neat Perhaps i can talk a friend into coming with me.
How much is an appartment there?
ill write up a post about all this when i get around to it =/
On January 09 2005 17:56 Servolisk wrote:Show nested quote +On January 09 2005 11:19 Ack1027 wrote: I'm sure everyone knows [ anyone older than 12 ] that progaming is not for foreigners. Maybe it's something genetic Girly fingers? Actually, I think it is a pretty ridiculous comment, as koreans outside of korea never made it pro either. Aren't Koreans the same genetically as Chinese, also? (I was told this somewhere, don't kill me if I'm wrong) No one foreign, I think I can safely say, ever put anywhere near the time and effort as the majority of the pros. Korea also has the largest Starcraft pool to find talent and culture. For cultural reasons, few people outside of Korea want to make this kind of effort at a computer game.
Okay, I worded that incorrectly. Koreans who have grown up in Korea. By the way, I continue in my original post to talk about the culture...
And please, don't compare Korean genetics to Chinese genetics, that is insulting.
On January 09 2005 15:52 Archon_Wing wrote:Show nested quote +On January 09 2005 15:28 Ack1027 wrote: Elky was successful. Yeah okay. Keep telling yourself that. 4th place in Starleague is not succesful enough for you?
4th place is nothing simply because he had no chance at #1.
Anyone who places top 4 in today's starleagues could easily be interchanged in positioning.
Example: Yellow, Reach, Oov, Boxer. EVER OSL
MURICA15980 Posts
Dan, that was a beautiful post man. Just beautiful.
MURICA15980 Posts
On January 09 2005 19:13 Ack1027 wrote: 4th place is nothing simply because he had no chance at #1. That's ridiculous. Are you even 4th best at anything in this world? Yeah... didn't think so. Being top 4 is very very good.
I liked reading your WCG thread, and this just makes it better, thanks a lot
Yeah, its something about the culture, you can't help but notice that Ack has a point...
However... there is absolutely nothing genetically that makes Koreans superior to others at this game. I'm almost certain of this lol... and yes, if you trace it back far enough, basically we all came from monkeys okay, and Asians are similiar, just like Europeans are similiar to each other, and Africans are similiar to each other. There is no denying that.
I think it comes down to the culture, or actually, most likely there are so few foreigners(compared to Koreans) that play the game at a professional level.
If you look at Korean amateurs, for every Boxer - level - progamer there are at least 10 Korean amateurs fighting to get enough money to live off, if not more, most of those will never make it big time... Its a fact of life, or should I say starcraft?
United States33097 Posts
On January 09 2005 19:10 Ack1027 wrote:Show nested quote +On January 09 2005 17:56 Servolisk wrote:On January 09 2005 11:19 Ack1027 wrote: I'm sure everyone knows [ anyone older than 12 ] that progaming is not for foreigners. Maybe it's something genetic Girly fingers? Actually, I think it is a pretty ridiculous comment, as koreans outside of korea never made it pro either. Aren't Koreans the same genetically as Chinese, also? (I was told this somewhere, don't kill me if I'm wrong) No one foreign, I think I can safely say, ever put anywhere near the time and effort as the majority of the pros. Korea also has the largest Starcraft pool to find talent and culture. For cultural reasons, few people outside of Korea want to make this kind of effort at a computer game. Okay, I worded that incorrectly. Koreans who have grown up in Korea. By the way, I continue in my original post to talk about the culture... And please, don't compare Korean genetics to Chinese genetics, that is insulting.
that kind of outspoken racism is pretty disgusting
can we ban for that?
d'uh we are mostly all the same genetic. we have like 98 % similar with monkey( i think) Imagine how much between two human.
But black are black cause they live in hot sunny place But asian are asian cause , same as black, the environnement. And like me white, same, cuz of environnent.
Omg i hope no nazi here :\
''dont compare Korean genetics to Chinese genetics, that insulting'''
wow... what did chinese did to you?
yo ack i heard your real dad is chinese :/
*bickity bam* !
I am Ack's real father, and yes I am Chinese. Do not let Ack fool you!
On January 09 2005 20:24 Waxangel wrote:Show nested quote +On January 09 2005 19:10 Ack1027 wrote:On January 09 2005 17:56 Servolisk wrote:On January 09 2005 11:19 Ack1027 wrote: I'm sure everyone knows [ anyone older than 12 ] that progaming is not for foreigners. Maybe it's something genetic Girly fingers? Actually, I think it is a pretty ridiculous comment, as koreans outside of korea never made it pro either. Aren't Koreans the same genetically as Chinese, also? (I was told this somewhere, don't kill me if I'm wrong) No one foreign, I think I can safely say, ever put anywhere near the time and effort as the majority of the pros. Korea also has the largest Starcraft pool to find talent and culture. For cultural reasons, few people outside of Korea want to make this kind of effort at a computer game. Okay, I worded that incorrectly. Koreans who have grown up in Korea. By the way, I continue in my original post to talk about the culture... And please, don't compare Korean genetics to Chinese genetics, that is insulting. that kind of outspoken racism is pretty disgusting can we ban for that?
I dunno man, Americans get bashed on a daily basis so we should ban half the members?
As well, Chinese/Korean = same race = different nationality.
uh, 9 pages already, damn, not going to comment on any of those though, Im glad you had a great experience in South Korea and im pleased to hear you're going to stay for a while. Sad to see u2 broke up. Guess she only dates the pros See if u can get in touch with elky's old girl friend, man she was so hot >_<. Anyways, GL and i hope ur investing the earnings from Poker, cause, honestly you're not always gonna win at poker, i know there are systems and ways to negate the losing aspect of you, but sometimes you just lose and lose. Never bet more than u can afford to lose, and i mean that. GL
Geesus christ, looks like our foreign gamers have been following Hollywood's model for long lasting relationships. Doesn't anyone stay together for long in Korea?
By the by, did ya nail her??
very good and interesting post indeed. You seem to be very mature and intelligent, and its good that you shed some light on how extremely hard it is to be a pro-gamer. Especially when you come from outside of Korea and perhaps are not aware of the extremely high skill level the korean pros AND amateurs have.
Then again, I think and extremely motivated and dedicated person could make it. But as you said, it would require endless practising, and not many ppl would do that. Sure, maybe in ther minds thinking its easy and all great fun. But I think actually doing it is truly a whole different thing. Playing 10+ hours every day. Living only for one thing, ONLY for starcraft. Think about it.
Good job. Good luck with your future and poker sucks
well good luck with everything rek, nothing much more to add after 9 pages
props to you rek; good read. live, learn and have fun.
On January 09 2005 21:16 gg_hertzz wrote: Geesus christ, looks like our foreign gamers have been following Hollywood's model for long lasting relationships. Doesn't anyone stay together for long in Korea?
By the by, did ya nail her??
yo reks a playa u dont need to ask that
(for real)
Good and informative story.. very nice GL~
china ruled korea for quite a long time if i am not mistaken, koreans are still pissed i'm assuming?
i really doubt genetics mean shit for gaming skill
Very interesting, was neat to hear about its like. Gl with poker and i think u made a good decision.
Best post I've ever read in my life. Nostalgic, in a way. Good luck Rek.
After reading that post I feel like I'm not so blind to the progaming scene in Korea anymore. It takes a pretty powerful post to open someone's eyes like that.
Ack you're just disgusting, I hope you will someday get molested by a Chinese man who has 10+ STDs on himself.
Rekrul: I guess the experience helped you to grow up a little bit. I think it was a hard way, but probably not the worst one (but a risky one?).
Nevertheless, if I were you I would be careful with this poker business. Don't get too addicted and don't forget about your afore mentioned goals. Getting educated is more important than you might imagine. Don't miss that path, you might regret it.
You probably won't give a d*** about my words here, but I write them anyways . I think you are an intelligent young fellow, but probably lack some guidance or goals. It - in a way - remembers me of myself (ten years ago). Take care.
Poker's god's gift to starcraft players.
i should say this again?
rekrul makes _on average_ _one thousand dollars per night_ at poker. most people can't make that in a week.
he'll turn that kind of money down for an education when he's good and ready
Norway28565 Posts
tress you're a loser
as for the whole life comments do whatever you feel will give you the ultimate amount of enjoyment without making other people feel bad.
it really is that simple. 
Netherlands4511 Posts
this ack guy is an idiot in about 40 years China will > Korea in just about every aspect. probably progaming too.
Good Post Rekrul, keep up the good work in life, you made the right decision.
Wow guys. I'm sorry I punctuated wrong or something. I was in no way implying that Koreans > Chinese. I am fully aware that in the region of asia most genetics are very similar. I meant it was insulting to him and me stating something obvious and I said ' Maybe it's genetics ' as a haha joke.
On January 09 2005 19:25 Klogon wrote:Show nested quote +On January 09 2005 19:13 Ack1027 wrote: 4th place is nothing simply because he had no chance at #1. That's ridiculous. Are you even 4th best at anything in this world? Yeah... didn't think so. Being top 4 is very very good.
Okay, and you have never said anyone who had placed 4th in things you pay attention to don't suck? And technically, I am not Elkys age therefore I haven't had enough time to ' become 4th best at anything in this world ' Now I'm not going to be ignorant and say I will be, but if you're going to ask...
I think it comes down to opinion. Elky was a one-hit wonder and I don't count that as successful if it doesn't allow the person to enjoy their winnings from that one event for a while. [ In starcraft time ] and yes we were talking about success in starcraft.
On January 10 2005 03:23 ret wrote: this ack guy is an idiot in about 40 years China will > Korea in just about every aspect. probably progaming too.
china is not a true communist country!!! ARGH! And true soon china will own korea, but i still think korea is better for a few other reason ^^
I'd wonder what it'd be like if Rekurl moved to China for progaming instead...
Strange... This post had a msg inside "its 99.9% impossible for YOU to succeed in progaming career", and that made me want it even more :/ Everything you wrote here fits me perfectly... I'm still practicing hard and still have ambhibition to play this game harder & harder and I still have some crazy dreams being a progamer... If I would get to be a progamer... I could finaly quit this fucking stupid school im going now which is just fucking useless (except the diplom you get from there :D) and I would be able to train 10+h a day... its a fact :/ I'm a true sc gamer and I surely would love an apportunity like you had rek :/ ... Well i gtg do some jobs now ... school sucks yO!
Goodluck rek, I think u made a vice decicion trough your feelings
very nice read rek, i'd just like to wish you goodluck with your future plans
For anyone getting crazy ideas of moving off to Korea on their own, all I have to say is remember KiD[ReD].
respect rekrul, you showed me the right way. i think i will play BW still until my university studying, but just for fun, BW is game that HAS to be play for fun. Like Nada said in one interview, he says that playing stacraft is not hobby, he said it is a JOB. And I never want to have a job like playing some game. games are for fun.
what happened to Kid[Red]?
He moved to Korea and ran out of money in about a month.
Best wishes with the rest of your stay Rekrul, and good read on the article.
if you want to be progamer, you must be freak ( like ArCNeON(TE)(??) huh). Rekrul, as we see now, was not so freaky. He is a simple guy, wanting to enjoy his youth and not to waste it to getting better at a game. He couldn't get top. It's good he understood that in time.
progaming takes too much and gives too less (just for now, I hope).
GoodLuck rekrul..
deep man... thats best post ever. Wish u the best dude
162 Posts
that article was pretty intense
yeah.. you open my eyes i don't wanna be progamer... i play just 4 fun..
Osaka27125 Posts
On January 10 2005 05:48 ObsoleteLogic wrote: For anyone getting crazy ideas of moving off to Korea on their own, all I have to say is remember KiD[ReD].
The reason Kid[RED] failed in Korea was because he was too immature to live on his own in another country. If I remember corresctly, he hadn't even travelled to a non english country? Seriously, in no way was his experience in travelling to Korea representative of how someone should do it.
Ah ah! Insightful, mature, and long, in direct contrast to the one-liners for which Rekrul is known on the forum.
On a different note, perhaps now that you don't need to keep your replays secret you could release a small reppack? I'm interested in seeing you in top form (that game vs stylist[gm] was neat)
On January 09 2005 15:28 Ack1027 wrote: Elky was successful. Yeah okay. Keep telling yourself that. And assem is progamer, wow so is mumyung.

On January 09 2005 19:10 Ack1027 wrote:Show nested quote +On January 09 2005 17:56 Servolisk wrote:On January 09 2005 11:19 Ack1027 wrote: I'm sure everyone knows [ anyone older than 12 ] that progaming is not for foreigners. Maybe it's something genetic Girly fingers? Actually, I think it is a pretty ridiculous comment, as koreans outside of korea never made it pro either. Aren't Koreans the same genetically as Chinese, also? (I was told this somewhere, don't kill me if I'm wrong) No one foreign, I think I can safely say, ever put anywhere near the time and effort as the majority of the pros. Korea also has the largest Starcraft pool to find talent and culture. For cultural reasons, few people outside of Korea want to make this kind of effort at a computer game. Okay, I worded that incorrectly. Koreans who have grown up in Korea. By the way, I continue in my original post to talk about the culture... And please, don't compare Korean genetics to Chinese genetics, that is insulting.
lol you fucked yourself you stupid
Mani, the thing I'm trying to point out is that the cost of living in Korea, housing in particular, is very high and that you do have to be careful, and it does a lot to have someone help you adjust.
I mean, if you're bound and determined to go to Korea, I say go for it. Most of the cool people I've met online are Koreans. But caution and planning are very much necessary.
This is probably getting old but I bet Ack is no older than 16, if he is, seriously that's some slow process of maturing this guy's going through.
Korea (South)1740 Posts
it still boggles my mind that there are such ignorant views of genetics being thrown around on a whim about koreans and progaming... but also, the proper response to such talk is not "koreans will get owned by chinese." neway, enough said about that nonsense.
moving to korea to pursue progaming is obviously a huge life decision, but just like going to any other country to live there on your own, you have to be quite ready mentally, emotionally, and materially to do so... but the cost of living in korea is NOT high... you could get by there on a thousand dollars a month easy. housing is NOT expensive compared to the U.S.-- there are boarding houses where you play around 400 USD and get meals as well. granted, it's no taj mahal but it's definitely livable. everything related to living (i.e. food) is less expensive and internet service and cell phone service is astronomically cheaper and higher quality than in the states. (high speed internet for around 15 dollars a month)
given that, the main thing to surviving is maturity and your mindset. if what you want to do is go out and party and go clubbing and drinking 3 times a week, that will get old real quick and will drain you of your money real fast. but if you want to actually experience another country and have a genuine interest in doing so, there are so many great things you can experience in korea-- lots of beautiful places and lots of things to do beyond playing sc --;;
i'm impressed by rekrul's apparent willingness to not only live in korea beyond progaming, but also to learn the culture and the language. not many foreigners actually put in that effort and i'm convinced that rek, or anyone for that matter, will really benefit in the long run from that effort.
Wow. Awesome Text. Thank you. I enjoyed reading very much. Good luck.
Thanks Rekrul... its good to get things from the inside... rather than what we see =]
Man this is a beautifull story you could do a great movie on this  it is very well written, you success to give me all yours sentiments oh shit i'm going to cry this is really my dream, not the programing, but just going to a country (Japan ) and living there, learning theirs language, theirs culture. it's really the best way to learn about yourself and grow.
On January 10 2005 14:04 GouKi-NRV wrote:Man this is a beautifull story you could do a great movie on this  it is very well written, you success to give me all yours sentiments oh shit i'm going to cry this is really my dream, not the programing, but just going to a country (Japan  ) and living there, learning theirs language, theirs culture. it's really the best way to learn about yourself and grow.
Gogogo who can i be in the moviE? :-D
Wow! You touched my heart pretty much there Rekrul. Not as much as I'm gonna start cry now or something, but you sure touched it. Gl and Hf in the rest of your life. ~love much ~laugh often ~live well

Youth only comes once so have all the fun you want while you can.
love ur story, rek. i skipped my lunch cuz of this ^^
did anyone mention you could be an english teacher in korea? think about it, like tutor/private instructor/ or even at one of those night classes. i know foreigners get better attention when they apply such position.
T_T! Much love always and forever Dan.SchitZ! Don't forget you always have a place to stay in Ohio if you ever feel like coming back for a bit. <3 <3 May SchitZ live on forever!
Germany / USA16648 Posts
On January 10 2005 11:45 ChApFoU wrote:Show nested quote +On January 09 2005 15:28 Ack1027 wrote: Elky was successful. Yeah okay. Keep telling yourself that. And assem is progamer, wow so is mumyung.  elky got 4th in an OSL, this is more than many korean progamer's ever achive so what about you stfu now and quit trolling?
On January 09 2005 15:28 Ack1027 wrote: Elky was successful. Yeah okay. Keep telling yourself that. And assem is progamer, wow so is mumyung.
you're begging for a temp ban
why is he begging for a tempban? he is stating his opinons and i dont see whats wrong with that. how would the world be if everyone agreed with everyone
very nice rekrul, i read all the comments as well as your post. very informative and i hope you live well in korea and are happy.
rek u are great guy, and stop poker LIFE ISNT GAME! ^^
On January 10 2005 15:13 Carnac wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2005 11:45 ChApFoU wrote:On January 09 2005 15:28 Ack1027 wrote: Elky was successful. Yeah okay. Keep telling yourself that. And assem is progamer, wow so is mumyung.  elky got 4th in an OSL, this is more than many korean progamer's ever achive so what about you stfu now and quit trolling?
Ack is a DIEHARD boxer fun nobody else is any NEAAAAAAR good as they should be and dont even start with foreigns he think they all sucks
If it's not to much to ask, rek or anyone else that might know, What happened to Giyom? Where is he now? is he still modeling? Thanks in advance...
wow nearly made me cry
gl with your shit. and yea pro gaming is the luxurious fun life that a lot of people expect.
On January 10 2005 17:06 inc wrote:why is he begging for a tempban? he is stating his opinons and i dont see whats wrong with that. how would the world be if everyone agreed with everyone  Because sometimes opinions are so wrong that they ruina healthy discussion.
Ehhhh I don't know what to say... I guess its your own decision and if you feel you should be doing something else then thats fine and a respectable decision just as it would have been if you choose never to go to Korea in the first place. I can understand how people are pissed though.... Look at it from a different perspective, many people would kill in front of their mothers to get a spot on a pro team. And you sorta just pissed it away by not caring enough which is your decision but you should understand how it looks to other people. Although anyone who says your a moron is also quick to judge because who are they to judge when they are far from the scene and have no clue what its like. I guess I am a little disappointed it didnt go as well I wanted to see you succed and try a little more but if you lost intrest, its your decision.
On January 11 2005 00:07 densetsup wrote: Ehhhh I don't know what to say... I guess its your own decision and if you feel you should be doing something else then thats fine and a respectable decision just as it would have been if you choose never to go to Korea in the first place. I can understand how people are pissed though.... Look at it from a different perspective, many people would kill in front of their mothers to get a spot on a pro team. And you sorta just pissed it away by not caring enough which is your decision but you should understand how it looks to other people. Although anyone who says your a moron is also quick to judge because who are they to judge when they are far from the scene and have no clue what its like. I guess I am a little disappointed it didnt go as well I wanted to see you succed and try a little more but if you lost intrest, its your decision.
I don't think it was a descision of his to lose interest. You just do. I also don't think he pissed his chance away. I believe this has been a very positive experience for him, he seems happier and isn't going to burn himself out on something he just doesn't want to do anymore.
Also Rek that post made me very nostalgic as if I were reading catcher in the rye all over again. Not to say you're a compulsive liar who turns psycho, But your story sorta had the same flow as with the novel. Very nice post indeed.
Sweden1225 Posts
Rekrul will get bent over in the stafftournament
hey rekrul. do you use any kind of messenger or something? is there any way i can get to know you? i perhaps can help u in some ways.. like learning the language?
uhjoo, there are places in the US where you can get by on 500 a month, and thats living with one other person. In a house. With a couple rooms. And a small yard.
edit: typo
United Kingdom10597 Posts
United Kingdom10597 Posts
Ah man, that was great to read. You should send that to a news paper or some shit. I think it really sucks that you never got a TV game. That'd be so great, to have a vod of you playing on TV.
Hexatron just doesn't seem focused enough. I was thinking that's why Gundam left, because he wasn't getting adequate practice from the players on the team, and he really couldn't get back to the top of his game. Hexatron should get some more koreans or something, and try to get the team really moving..I don't know why they stick with foreigners. I guess that brings in some publicity because they're not from korea, but they aren't winning either. It must suck being the manager.
who can decide what they dream?
Great post, Rek. As for the retard that said Elky wasn't succesful, can some1 ban him plz? Everyone who has played SC knows Elky! I'd say that's pretty damn succesful. I disagree with the one who says that Koreans and Chinese are genetically identical. They look similar, but so do Americans and Britons. I am sorta like Rekrul in that I have many dreams, but I'm lazy. I'm hoping I can become fluent in Mandarin Chinese, and live in China, working factory jobs maybe. China > all
and americans and brittons differ genetically in what way? =)
On January 11 2005 14:01 Dionyseus wrote: Great post, Rek. As for the retard that said Elky wasn't succesful, can some1 ban him plz? Everyone who has played SC knows Elky! I'd say that's pretty damn succesful. I disagree with the one who says that Koreans and Chinese are genetically identical. They look similar, but so do Americans and Britons. I am sorta like Rekrul in that I have many dreams, but I'm lazy. I'm hoping I can become fluent in Mandarin Chinese, and live in China, working factory jobs maybe. China > all
Elky wasn't successful in the sense he was only at the 'top' for about a month or two. Also really you should give up your dream. That's pretty sad if you live in usa and want to move to China and get paid jack working in a crappy factory getting bad treatment from your boss. Honestly...
On January 09 2005 07:58 Tress wrote:Show nested quote +the night life / social scene is INCREDIBLY good and too god damn easy for tall white boys So Rekrul, instead of making it big in the progaming scene, you've started "succeeding in life" by going into night clubs and getting an asian girlfriend? You've discovered your sexuality in Korea or something? What success is that? Were you perhaps a virgin going into Korea? You had never been in a city before? You make it sound like you've somehow grown up now, but the thing which still reveals you as a dreamer is your poker talk. How much money do you make from playing internet poker? If you'd never played Starcraft and just got an education quickly, become a lawyer or a succesful businessman you'd make 50 times that and you'd have a lot of experience and a career by now. You would meet a lot of interesting people and you could build a life for yourself. You went to Korea with the idea that your skills in a computer game would get you through life, and now that you know that you were naive to assume that you go into assuming that poker will get you somewhere? You sound like a street hustler who sells dope on a day by day basis and thinks he's going to have a pension or something when he's old. I'm sorry but you just seem to be afraid that people will make fun of your non-existent Starcraft skills. You never had any chance in progaming, like noone here does, but still you made it sound like you did. Now you're really disappointed that you in fact don't, and you want to explain everyone how cruel the real world is like. Well wake up kid and smell the coffee. After a while you'll realise that clubbing and partying takes you nowhere and you'll go back to USA with your tail between your legs and get back to school and everything starts from scratch once again. You can write another sorry post here then. What will you have gained? Experience from life for sure. You'll know what not to do in the future. What you should have done is go into a university and be an exchange student for 2-3 years in a country of your choosing, or even many countries. You can see the world and enjoy it while actually doing something useful, like making yourself a better man. I did that, and now I have a career in law while you try to explain a bunch of 13 year old kids that in real life you have to work to be able to live. Yeah you're the man.
you are hilarious.
i almost thought u were serious
On January 09 2005 09:41 Tomcat wrote:Show nested quote +On January 09 2005 09:06 Hautamaki wrote:
Let me tell you something. When you are old, and have money, you will realise that you would trade it all back in in a second to go back and relive your youth. The memories that Rekrul will have will be worth more than all of your money. The experiences that he's lived, in favour of rushing off to school, are priceless. And, he's 19 years old. He will probably go back to America with a fair amount of money, go to some school and get some good job, and when he's 50 and you're whatever, what will the difference be? Maybe your house will have 2 or 3 more rooms. Maybe your car will be worth $20,000 more. And you will look back on your boring ass life and only be able to wish that you had lived when you were young. And I guess it's better to be 50 years old, have 2 or 3 rooms less and a lot of memories about the tank that Boxer moved up the cliff overseeing Yellow's drones, to smash his mineral lines to bits. Not to mention being an ill little mutant, due to the thousands of nights that you lost watching replays and pursuing a goal that has no finality. I have wasted waaay to much time on computer games. They are addictive and will change your life forever. And after all that time, you will notice that it was not for the better. I wish I had spent a few years of my life differently, but those days are gone. The moment you get really serious about gaming, and not just SC, your social life goes straight to hell. Please don't tell me that you can play for 10 hours a day and still have a social life. Those who think that are really naive. It's all a matter of taste, of personality and style. What's a blast for many could be a real bore for others. He was expressing an opinion. OK, maybe he was a bit incisive, but he was just backing up a point. My 2 cents...
How is playing games not for the better?
My best friend is going to school fulltime to be an Engineer. He has hours of schoolwork every night, has very little to no social life because of it, has no spending money, and a large debt.
While i get paid 25$/hour to work out.
I can afford to buy the luxuries i want, have as much of a social life as i want, and both in addition to saving up enough of my money to avoid debt all together.
I can go to school at any time in my life. But i'm only young once.
btw rek, congrats on what you're doing.
it sounds like your having lots of fun.
i wish you the best ~
- your favourtie faggot, mora ~~~
Froz Elky wasn't on top for two months, he qualified for like 4 consecutive Starleagues. That's a huge fucking accomplishment, over a long period of time.
From the moment he got second at WCG till the momoent he came in fourth in OGN he was considered one of the best Terrans.
coool but i didnt read 99 %
On January 12 2005 01:41 Liquid`Nazgul wrote: Froz Elky wasn't on top for two months, he qualified for like 4 consecutive Starleagues. That's a huge fucking accomplishment, over a long period of time.
From the moment he got second at WCG till the momoent he came in fourth in OGN he was considered one of the best Terrans.
so true!
i think being at the top means placing well in a starleague, not just getting into it. You don't see Doggi or MuMyung considered being at the top even though they do qualify for leagues.
how much can you earn in a month with poker, rekrul??
very good article.thx rekrul
awesome post,
rek, can I get ur permission to translate ur post to another language??? actually I've translated half of it, but I think that I need ur permission to do so.
On January 13 2005 02:16 [G]Max_Power wrote: how much can you earn in a month with poker, rekrul??
it was mentioned that he makes 1k/day.
so 30 days... and 1k/day..
im guessing 30k/month.
On January 13 2005 11:34 Titanium wrote: awesome post,
rek, can I get ur permission to translate ur post to another language??? actually I've translated half of it, but I think that I need ur permission to do so.
private message him to get a faster response
Korea (South)17174 Posts
i dont make 1k a day i dont know where anyone pulled that outa there ass
titanium yes u can translate it
On January 13 2005 12:23 Teroru wrote:Show nested quote +On January 13 2005 02:16 [G]Max_Power wrote: how much can you earn in a month with poker, rekrul?? it was mentioned that he makes 1k/day. so 30 days... and 1k/day.. im guessing 30k/month. ~~
umm yeah, right. 30k plz think
man dan sad the progaming did not work out for you! i can see you had fun and you are still having fun living there and learning the korean langauge i have seen you talk in korean before on starcraft was pretty good ^_^ anyways have a fun life there with your job and poker
maybe i can visit you when i go there this summer im going to busan and seoul O.o
한국 > 중국 joke :D
I have to say (Like everyone else) that I enjoyed the read.
One thing that i have to take issue with is "...starcraft is the most complicated strategic game ever." that rekrul said. Now that your in Korea you can experience a game called GO or Badduk in korean.
This game is about 1000x harder than SC & is much better. I admire your enthusiasm and courage for staying in a new country, hope it works out well for you.
Also I must say that uhjoo is already a very wise man & I wish him the best in his SC career =)
Yeah rekrul i am glad u wrote that. I knew pro-gaming dreams were going nowhere in my(other's) life. That is why i quit playing bw competetevely and actually start doing some usefull stuff in my life. I still play sometimes for fun but i can say it is no fun when u play with somebody u beated 10 times easily before and now he kicked your ass badly;-)
I think you should really stay in Korea but maybe try to get some education there too and not just sit around, play poker and work-out ^^(working out isn't even said to be doing something > working out is mandatory- -)Yeah learn language and get a job or something, might be around bw u never know..
Well i wish you GOOD LUCK in everything u do in your life !! respect
Hey Dan, can I ask you a question? Did you not realize all that shit you wrote, about progaming success being unattainable, before you left for korea? No shit man. Of course it didn't work out. Not to be pessimistic, that is a child's dream. Foolhardy boy...
Starcraft is a game, not a profession....
sure is a nice post. had a dung load of replies. my posts never get that many responses.
Rekrul stumbled back to his new apartment after Mardi Gras celebrations..Only to face the famous GE on pokerstars..i am proud to say..I bankrupted REKRUL. He is out of commission. Time for him to go back to starcraft.
now i wanna do what u do Rek.
GEowns, wtf are u talking about? renob.
at least he gets to play reach
srry but rekrul havent enought skill to play in korea
Nice text, very interesting. GL in the future Rekrul.
good luck rekrul.... you have some guts to have gone to a foreign country and try out progaming heads up
Awww poor you.I wan't to be a pro, but.....Maybe I can't.I don't wan't to leave my girlfriend just like this....Well, I'm sorry for you.But good luck and I hope you will continue playing StarCraft.Bye!
wow wikipedia featured link!! nice read
Canada19447 Posts
You kids should read this one too.
Why in the hell does TL not have an archival topic history sub-forum?
Because only nerds would ever visit it.
These bumps are a great idea. Good work sir.
On September 15 2011 06:22 EtherealDeath wrote: Because only nerds would ever visit it.
Yeah man these nerds are hard to come by in a gaming community....
Did this get unlocked as a response to the influx of "I'm gonna be a pro gamer!" blogs?
Great read, I wonder what Rekrul is up to nowadays and how everything panned out.
On September 15 2011 06:13 Torte de Lini wrote: Why in the hell does TL not have an archival topic history sub-forum? it used to have a hall of fame section, but most of the threads were silly things like how do i download ram
i'm not sure why they got rid of it
Papua New Guinea1058 Posts
On September 15 2011 06:49 Poyo wrote: Great read, I wonder what Rekrul is up to nowadays and how everything panned out. He's still active on forums. You can send him a PM.
Good bump yo. Everyone needs to read this.
Such a great read. I read this years ago when I lurked on TL, just read it again.
Wow thanks for bumping this, was a really good read
thank you for bumping this.
Why not just have a hall-of-fame forum where people can visit to see links to old classic threads? That way you don't have to bump really old threads and it wouldn't be muddled with the current stuff.
Haha I wish something like this would happen to me one day... my life could sure use a change.
Perhaps something along the lines of the WCG line(s). ^^
I liked this. Some epic bumps here.
I wonder if the scene has changed at all with the advent of SC2 or if it's the same story different day.
United Kingdom16710 Posts
Nice to read this again. Where are you Rek? We need more stories like this!
oh my god i love this, thank you
On September 15 2011 06:01 Kennigit wrote: You kids should read this one too.
It's the first TL thread I've ever read when someone linked it on 2+2 like 4 years ago.
I actually read this a few months ago. Glad other people get the chance to see Rekrul's boss story.
On September 15 2011 06:50 Zanno wrote:Show nested quote +On September 15 2011 06:13 Torte de Lini wrote: Why in the hell does TL not have an archival topic history sub-forum? it used to have a hall of fame section, but most of the threads were silly things like how do i download ram i'm not sure why they got rid of it what? there is only 1 epic thread about asking how to download ram.
oh and how to forget about veg
On September 15 2011 06:01 Kennigit wrote: You kids should read this one too.
Kennigit your not that old in the community lol. Funny your opening super old threads
Great story. What is this Rekrul doing now then? Still in Korea?
On September 15 2011 08:24 Steamroller wrote: Great story. What is this Rekrul doing now then? Still in Korea?
I believe he commutes between Korea and California.
On September 15 2011 07:36 deth2munkies wrote: I wonder if the scene has changed at all with the advent of SC2 or if it's the same story different day. It's pretty much the same thing. SC2 isn't mature yet, so there is a lot of hype and easy money, but the life lessons are the same. Pro-gaming is one of the worst professions.
so many old memories/threads being resurrected recently
so awesome...hmm anyone remember the one epic post about some nerd's gf and his dog? i lol'd so hard at that but dont remember where it was posted
Why was this bumped?
Did something happen?
I read hits not too long ago such a great read, really sad and inspiring at the same time.
On September 15 2011 08:43 unit wrote: so many old memories/threads being resurrected recently
so awesome...hmm anyone remember the one epic post about some nerd's gf and his dog? i lol'd so hard at that but dont remember where it was posted
I'm pretty sure you have the most epic thread ever in mind:
She cheats on me!OMG!!
It's great to know things went EXTREMELY well for Rekrul as far as poker goes, Elky too :p. Thanks for the bump
On September 15 2011 08:35 Durak wrote:Show nested quote +On September 15 2011 07:36 deth2munkies wrote: I wonder if the scene has changed at all with the advent of SC2 or if it's the same story different day. It's pretty much the same thing. SC2 isn't mature yet, so there is a lot of hype and easy money, but the life lessons are the same. Pro-gaming is one of the worst professions.
For some it is great, for others it isnt, for some it may even be terrible. But you cant say that it is generally terrible.
When I read Rekrul's story I always had to imagine what Flash would have thought when he would have read this in 2005 when he was probably still a lot worse than Rekrul at that time...
...and ever since then Rekrul has been the bringer of bad omens, the bearer of dark secrets from the underworlds, and generally "He who is to be dreaded and believed" when he shows up in a thread.
awesome read rekrul, good to get some back story to someone so e-famous
I already did! Cause I was creepy enough to sift through Rekrul's blogs.
United States10328 Posts
oh wow i've never read this hmm.
I always enjoy reading this. It's funny that poker has played such in large role in some former BW players' lives.
Next best Rekrul thread: Foreigners Still Suck
-sorry error- meant to edit not quote
interesting read. i would love to see the five year update.
edit: i would also like to see idra's story for his sc1/sc2, and the other foreigners' experience for sc2. sc2 seems so much easier to get into the "pro" scene because the scene is still in the infant stages.
Remember when superdanielman casted with tastless?
Those were the days...
On September 15 2011 10:44 dAPhREAk wrote: interesting read. i would love to see the five year update.
edit: i would also like to see idra's story for his sc1/sc2, and the other foreigners' experience for sc2. sc2 seems so much easier to get into the "pro" scene because the scene is still in the infant stages.
I would love to see your perspective on this today! Is the gaming scene still top heavy, like the drug pushing business?
I also vote for a highly selective "archive" TL subforum where amazing threads (both insightful/awesome or humorous) can be highlighted and appreciated for eternity, with or without new comments.
On September 15 2011 10:07 SoLaR[i.C] wrote:I always enjoy reading this. It's funny that poker has played such in large role in some former BW players' lives. Next best Rekrul thread: Foreigners Still Suck
Hahaha idra fans would flip and kill Rekrul
very amazing story. my goal in life is to be a progamer or die trying. but this makes me think... what do i do after
On September 15 2011 12:04 windsupernova wrote:Show nested quote +On September 15 2011 10:07 SoLaR[i.C] wrote:I always enjoy reading this. It's funny that poker has played such in large role in some former BW players' lives. Next best Rekrul thread: Foreigners Still Suck Hahaha idra fans would flip and kill Rekrul Was such a true post.
Why can't anyone bump something I haven't read :/
OMG, here are my thoughts on this issue from 6 years ago!
"I agree partly with Tress, but mostly disagree with you Haut..
If you go to law school, and it's what you planned to do, and you weren't forced into it, I say that's an experience that's worth something. You worked hard. You studied. You graduated. School is an experience people want, and one that is almost always the fondest memory of an old man or woman. Lawyers don't live "boring-ass" lives compared to most jobs. And being a lawyer gives you the freedom to do things with the rest of your time you couldn't otherwise.
Plus, Tress was referring to Rekrul, and it sounds like overall, once "the shit hit the fan," this wasn't a memory he'll treasure like a first born son.
And guess what, I'm not jealous of Rekrul. Being good at computer games and poker is something I respect, but he's not better than me. I'm not jealous of him, and nobody but an aspiring SC gamer hoping to go to korea, or play the best people, or own up their friends, should be. Part of me does wish I could be that good, but another part says life is more than games (and I play plenty of 'em).
Edit: Oh yeah, I know progamers. In fact I know every one to ever live. And actually they are ALL awful communist Catholic priests who molest children. Their interests are slaughtering Jews, and they have declared a jihad on all religion and religious people. For that matter, they are Capitalists who both actively oppress and totally neglect the poor. "
My post is so fucking funny. Lolling at myself talking about lawschool. Don't think I was planning to go back in 05.
Btw, check out the bold. How fucking obvious is it that I'm crazy fucking jealous of Rek.
On September 15 2011 13:12 DamageControL wrote:Show nested quote +On September 15 2011 12:04 windsupernova wrote:On September 15 2011 10:07 SoLaR[i.C] wrote:I always enjoy reading this. It's funny that poker has played such in large role in some former BW players' lives. Next best Rekrul thread: Foreigners Still Suck Hahaha idra fans would flip and kill Rekrul Is such a true post.
Especially the last sentence. Well except that he went on to become the 2nd best English caster in Korea. :D
On September 15 2011 13:22 -_- wrote:Why can't anyone bump something I haven't read :/ OMG, here are my thoughts on this issue from 6 years ago! Show nested quote +"I agree partly with Tress, but mostly disagree with you Haut..
If you go to law school, and it's what you planned to do, and you weren't forced into it, I say that's an experience that's worth something. You worked hard. You studied. You graduated. School is an experience people want, and one that is almost always the fondest memory of an old man or woman. Lawyers don't live "boring-ass" lives compared to most jobs. And being a lawyer gives you the freedom to do things with the rest of your time you couldn't otherwise.
Plus, Tress was referring to Rekrul, and it sounds like overall, once "the shit hit the fan," this wasn't a memory he'll treasure like a first born son.
And guess what, I'm not jealous of Rekrul. Being good at computer games and poker is something I respect, but he's not better than me. I'm not jealous of him, and nobody but an aspiring SC gamer hoping to go to korea, or play the best people, or own up their friends, should be. Part of me does wish I could be that good, but another part says life is more than games (and I play plenty of 'em).
Edit: Oh yeah, I know progamers. In fact I know every one to ever live. And actually they are ALL awful communist Catholic priests who molest children. Their interests are slaughtering Jews, and they have declared a jihad on all religion and religious people. For that matter, they are Capitalists who both actively oppress and totally neglect the poor. " My post is so fucking funny. Lolling at myself talking about lawschool. Don't think I was planning to go back in 05. Btw, check out the bold. How fucking obvious is it that I'm crazy fucking jealous of Rek.
It's hard not to be jealous when he's posting blogs like this one. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=103509
I'm looking forward an SC2 version of "Foreigners still suck" !
This is really interesting. As someone who joined TL in early 2010, I agree that there should be a subforum for archived posts like this one. It's cool to read what some of the "legendary" posters and TL contributors were writing about before they achieved god-status.
I guess in some ways the legend effect has got to me too...I thought that Rekrul was already fluent in Korean by January 2005, but it turns out that's not the case. In some strange way it makes me feel a bit better about my own poor Korean, haha.
Korea (South)17174 Posts
On September 15 2011 14:14 FuRong wrote: This is really interesting. As someone who joined TL in early 2010, I agree that there should be a subforum for archived posts like this one. It's cool to read what some of the "legendary" posters and TL contributors were writing about before they achieved god-status.
I guess in some ways the legend effect has got to me too...I thought that Rekrul was already fluent in Korean by January 2005, but it turns out that's not the case. In some strange way it makes me feel a bit better about my own poor Korean, haha.
I was fluent in 06' ^^
Memories I remember reading that thread back in 2005. It was back in the days where we cheered for Assem and Legionnaire in their rare TV appearances. I realized at that time that it was impossible for a foreigner to break through. Giyom and Elky did because they were so talented but also because the scene was much softer back then.
History kinda repeats itself with SC2. The structure of the korean practice regime transferred to SC2 and recreated that gap between korea and the world. One positive thnig though is that small online tournaments and streams increased the salary of the average pro. Back in the days you'd have to be nuts to go into progaming :p
edit : xDDDDDDDD I just read the "Foreigners still sucks" opening post (took a break from TL at that time) and it's a pure gem
On October 12 2009 03:20 phosphorylation wrote: watch your mouth your use of "boji" reflects how much you "respect" korea and korean females in general why dont you man up and leave korea and play a fairer game? where some females arent stupid and compeltely blind over white males.. where the biggest nerd back in states cant so easily become the biggest pimp? alternately, just dont strut your exploits so proudly as you do now..cos you really dont deserve to rofl
noob is so jealous.
United States247 Posts
I remember reading this when it was originally posted and I've read it at least 4 or 5 times since. It even influenced me to write a lengthy term paper on internet culture, fandom and fantasy. This post wasn't even that popular when it was originally posted, though it changed everything about the way I looked at Korea and the progaming scene there. It brought my fantastical visions of korean programing to an end and I've appreciated having that happen to me when it did. An awesome OLD POST .
On September 15 2011 11:01 frogurt wrote: Remember when superdanielman casted with tastless?
Those were the days...
: ( . . . SDM was soooooooooo good. nick was the best so together it was like the first gigantic foreign casting storm ever laid down in starcraft history they weren't an archon either, no so it was like infinite storming from two of the coolest casters back then : (
I believe I cited this post as a primary source for a research paper on StarCraft. One of my first articles I read on TL as well (before I registered). Always worth a reread.
Kennigit should start a stream and show us newcomers the epic old threads of yesteryears. Of course, with epic Diablo music, qxc-style.
Also, epic story Rekrul, shame you didn't win an OSL, though
I like the other telling of this story better where rekrul tells it from like a fp perspective. I think that ones more focused on poker but a good read if someone digs it and posts it along side this
Read so much about rekrul today. Time to drop out of school and become a progamer/pro poker player lolz
I'm glad I found this, it certainly makes me think about my future
Im happy i found this aswell awesome post.
I've really come to enjoy these stories Rekrul....the human side of starcraft. Really great read. Thanks and good luck
you're a fuckin boss. Gl in your life man
Seriously i hope you write an autobiography. You have exceptionnal writing skills and you make simple stories so awesome.
@ Rekrul: you already stole over 2 h of my life...
Keep it up!
On November 02 2011 11:19 monx wrote: Seriously i hope you write an autobiography. You have exceptionnal writing skills and you make simple stories so awesome.
I'd get it. Haha.
what type of poker do you play?
On November 01 2011 06:07 mooshoo wrote: Read so much about rekrul today. Time to drop out of school and become a progamer/pro poker player lolz it's a bit late to start poker, esp if you live in the USA
On November 02 2011 12:27 liam33 wrote: what type of poker do you play? Usually when people don't specify, it's Texas No Limit Hold Em
On November 02 2011 12:29 ReignFayth wrote:Show nested quote +On November 01 2011 06:07 mooshoo wrote: Read so much about rekrul today. Time to drop out of school and become a progamer/pro poker player lolz it's a bit late to start poker, esp if you live in the USA
why is it too late to start in the US? the golden days of poker are over?
On December 20 2011 17:07 CrazyDragon wrote:Show nested quote +On November 02 2011 12:29 ReignFayth wrote:On November 01 2011 06:07 mooshoo wrote: Read so much about rekrul today. Time to drop out of school and become a progamer/pro poker player lolz it's a bit late to start poker, esp if you live in the USA why is it too late to start in the US? the golden days of poker are over? cuz online poker has been banned in the USA, hopefully it'll eventually be back, but until then, I don't think anybody in the USA shud really start poker, rather focus on something else
On December 20 2011 17:07 CrazyDragon wrote:Show nested quote +On November 02 2011 12:29 ReignFayth wrote:On November 01 2011 06:07 mooshoo wrote: Read so much about rekrul today. Time to drop out of school and become a progamer/pro poker player lolz it's a bit late to start poker, esp if you live in the USA why is it too late to start in the US? the golden days of poker are over? serious legal blackout on online poker in the US is why.
edit: ninja fayth
I'm super glad this was bumped. I hadn't seen it yet. Great thread. Rekrul is such a staple of this community.
wow, great thread
That is sad to hear. There's this korean girl at my school (and a korean guy) who I've both asked. They both used to live in Korea. This was 4 or 5 years ago, only a little after Rekrul's experiences. They confirmed it when I asked if it's true that there are starcraft commercials on TV and that everyone knows about it.
So I'm a little confused about it. Rekrul says that most have probably played it at least once in their lives, so although it's the size of wrestling, it's nothing more than that? Because for sure I do not think most americans, for example, have wrestled before ^^
So basically it's not the "football" of Korea is what I'm asking. But what is this about it being SK's national sport? (not officially) Is that foreigners hyping it up, or do koreans there consider it so because the only starcraft scene in the world belongs in korea? (at least back then)
So, 6 years later, what are you doing Rekrul? Your first post that I've read was about Idra vs F91, btw.
On December 20 2011 19:41 Yoshi Kirishima wrote: So basically it's not the "football" of Korea is what I'm asking. But what is this about it being SK's national sport? (not officially) Is that foreigners hyping it up
Yes. Soccer and Baseball are faaaaaar bigger than Starcraft in Korea.
On December 20 2011 17:13 ReignFayth wrote:Show nested quote +On December 20 2011 17:07 CrazyDragon wrote:On November 02 2011 12:29 ReignFayth wrote:On November 01 2011 06:07 mooshoo wrote: Read so much about rekrul today. Time to drop out of school and become a progamer/pro poker player lolz it's a bit late to start poker, esp if you live in the USA why is it too late to start in the US? the golden days of poker are over? cuz online poker has been banned in the USA, hopefully it'll eventually be back, but until then, I don't think anybody in the USA shud really start poker, rather focus on something else
is online poker really banned on US? I thought that only the companies that got caught doing illegal transactions were banned, like PokerStars and FTP.
On December 20 2011 23:22 ilbh wrote:Show nested quote +On December 20 2011 17:13 ReignFayth wrote:On December 20 2011 17:07 CrazyDragon wrote:On November 02 2011 12:29 ReignFayth wrote:On November 01 2011 06:07 mooshoo wrote: Read so much about rekrul today. Time to drop out of school and become a progamer/pro poker player lolz it's a bit late to start poker, esp if you live in the USA why is it too late to start in the US? the golden days of poker are over? cuz online poker has been banned in the USA, hopefully it'll eventually be back, but until then, I don't think anybody in the USA shud really start poker, rather focus on something else is online poker really banned on US? I thought that only the companies that got caught doing illegal transactions were banned, like PokerStars and FTP. Internet gambling is illegal, not online poker. You can play, but you can't play for money.
On December 20 2011 23:51 bonifaceviii wrote:Show nested quote +On December 20 2011 23:22 ilbh wrote:On December 20 2011 17:13 ReignFayth wrote:On December 20 2011 17:07 CrazyDragon wrote:On November 02 2011 12:29 ReignFayth wrote:On November 01 2011 06:07 mooshoo wrote: Read so much about rekrul today. Time to drop out of school and become a progamer/pro poker player lolz it's a bit late to start poker, esp if you live in the USA why is it too late to start in the US? the golden days of poker are over? cuz online poker has been banned in the USA, hopefully it'll eventually be back, but until then, I don't think anybody in the USA shud really start poker, rather focus on something else is online poker really banned on US? I thought that only the companies that got caught doing illegal transactions were banned, like PokerStars and FTP. Internet gambling is illegal, not online poker. You can play, but you can't play for money. Truth, yet I'm not sure this thread was meant to be a discussion about the ethics of competetive online poker gambling...
On December 20 2011 23:51 bonifaceviii wrote:Show nested quote +On December 20 2011 23:22 ilbh wrote:On December 20 2011 17:13 ReignFayth wrote:On December 20 2011 17:07 CrazyDragon wrote:On November 02 2011 12:29 ReignFayth wrote:On November 01 2011 06:07 mooshoo wrote: Read so much about rekrul today. Time to drop out of school and become a progamer/pro poker player lolz it's a bit late to start poker, esp if you live in the USA why is it too late to start in the US? the golden days of poker are over? cuz online poker has been banned in the USA, hopefully it'll eventually be back, but until then, I don't think anybody in the USA shud really start poker, rather focus on something else is online poker really banned on US? I thought that only the companies that got caught doing illegal transactions were banned, like PokerStars and FTP. Internet gambling is illegal, not online poker. You can play, but you can't play for money.
weird, cus my friend plays poker for money o.o (USA)
it isn't shutdown. there were a handful of companies (full tilt, pokerstars, i forget what else) that you can't play for money anymore, but you can still play online poker in the u.s. for money.
Wow, Rekrul your a god. Insightful article, Wish I had read this article when I was younger, surely switches up the image of Progaming I had :-) Thanks from the future! :p
i read it again but im not sure what was edited, even though it said it's been edited recently.
Really insightful read, thanks for sharing this Rekrul. you have excellent writing skills btw. how are you doing now/what are you up too?
As someone who just picked sc2 up as my first rts, I appreciate your candor. I want to do experience all the heartbreak that you talk about in this post, I want to feel the agony of defeat again and again, so that I can rise above it, and drink Soju from the skulls of my enemies!!! (sorry got a little melodramatic/weird there :0)
But seriously I think I sort of already thought that pro-gaming was a difficult thing to get into, this just cements that truth for me and makes me want it more...is that weird or masochistic you think?
Anyway, I need to experience this, because this is the only thing (sc2) that has ever truly been a challenge in my entire priveledged life. I've had it extremely easy, in school and the rest of my life (for the most part) and this game is HARD, and I love that. The challenge is what keeps bringing me back day after day night after night, playing until 2 in the morning because I know I'll be at work most of the next day. Yearning and striving first for gold then plat then diamond, and now that I am in Masters, trying to eclipse that last gap and make myself unstoppable, precise and relentless.
I have to do this, nothing has ever been more clear to me, nothing has ever seemed so pure and made me so focused. I can't imagine what my life would be like without Star Craft II at this juncture, I love this game, I love the community, and I love the challenges that I get to overcome everyday through this game, and with only my wits and a keyboard and mouse.
In short, I see your bet and I raise you everything I have, everything that I am, and I go ALL IN on the dream, the need, the hunger to be the best, ever....period.
I haven't ever articulated this to anyone except my current girlfriend, no one else seems to understand, even my friends who play the game, don't seem all that interested, but I have started streaming and trying to get input on my play, I joined a clan full of awesome helpful people and I am networking with others who share the same passion that I have for this game, I may seem like just another dime-a-dozen noob waiting to have his soul crushed by the enormity that is pro-gaming, but I am urgently awaiting that crushing weight with excitement.
I want to know how far I can be pushed, and how hard I can push back. E-sports I am coming for you, I will not be stopped, I will not be deterred, and I will NOT BE BROKEN!
On January 20 2012 01:42 Zren89 wrote:+ Show Spoiler +As someone who just picked sc2 up as my first rts, I appreciate your candor. I want to do experience all the heartbreak that you talk about in this post, I want to feel the agony of defeat again and again, so that I can rise above it, and drink Soju from the skulls of my enemies!!! (sorry got a little melodramatic/wierd there :0)
But seriously I think I sort of already thought that pro-gaming was a difficult thing to get into, this just cements that truth for me and makes me want it more...is that wierd or masochistic you think?
Anyway, I need to experience this, because this is the only thing (sc2) that has ever truly been a challenge in my entire priveledged life. I've had it extremely easy, in school and the rest of my life (for the most part) and this game is HARD, and I love that. The challenge is what keeps brining me back day after day night after night, playing until 2 in the morning because I know I'll be at work most of the next day. Yearning and striving first for gold then plat then diamond, and now that I am in Masters, trying to eclipse that last gap and make myself unstoppable, precise and relentless.
I have to do this, nothing has ever been more clear to me, nothing has ever seemed so pure and made me so focused. I can't imagine what my life would be like without Star Craft II at this juncture, I love this game, I love the community, and I love the challenges that I get to overcome everyday through this game, and with only my wits and a keyboard and mouse.
In short, I see your bet and I raise you everything I have, everything that I am, and I go ALL IN on the dream, the need, the hunger to be the best, ever....period.
I haven't ever articulated this to anyone except my current girlfriend, no one else seems to understand, even my friends who play the game, don't seem all that interested, but I have started streaming and trying to get input on my play, I joined a clan full of awesome helpful people and I am networking with others who share the same passion that I have for this game, I may seem like just another dime-a-dozen noob waiting to have his soul crushed by the enormity that is pro-gaming, but I am urgently awaiting that crushing weight with excitement.
I want to know how far I can be pushed, and how hard I can push back. E-sports I am coming for you, I will not be stopped, I will not be deterred, and I will NOT BE BROKEN!
BoxeR did not become the Emperor by writing about it beforehand on the internet (despite nobody else understanding), NaDa did not walk around Seoul shouting "I AM NADA", or if he did it certainly wasn't why he won a Golden Mouse. ThorZain didn't post on TL about how he was going to beat Naniwa, and I'm pretty sure MVP doesn't make "Going to win GSL" blogs on Playxp.
Just go do it, man, if Rekrul and other blogs from pros telling you how hard it is to become pro can't stop you then nothing will and you just have to try and see for yourself, whether you make the cut or not, for if you don't try yourself you'll forever regret it. + Show Spoiler +BTW it's spelled "weird", sorry.
Rekrul is a joke.
User was banned for this post.
Great read. I'm glad someone linked it in your most recent post and I'm glad I actually decided to read it even after scanning its length.
Brood war is not the most complicated strategy game ever. Good article though
Cant wait to read his next big story post. Love his stuff his got some awesome anecdotes.
great read in a long time. one of the best (and more useful) posts on TL.
Zren89 do you think you can do it? Then go for it.. it will be hard but good luck!
that or you are a big troll and i wasted 1 minute ;D
The OP was in a way and basicly the foundation of TL in my opinion, since TL is based around learning and diving into pro-gaming for amateurs easily. After reading everything thoroughly (and listening to some Huh Gak at the same time to unearth some emotion) I found this really straight to the point, essential and inspiring. And by the way, it's beautifully written.
+ Show Spoiler +On January 20 2012 01:53 Mobius_1 wrote:Show nested quote +On January 20 2012 01:42 Zren89 wrote:+ Show Spoiler +As someone who just picked sc2 up as my first rts, I appreciate your candor. I want to do experience all the heartbreak that you talk about in this post, I want to feel the agony of defeat again and again, so that I can rise above it, and drink Soju from the skulls of my enemies!!! (sorry got a little melodramatic/weird there :0)
But seriously I think I sort of already thought that pro-gaming was a difficult thing to get into, this just cements that truth for me and makes me want it more...is that weird or masochistic you think?
Anyway, I need to experience this, because this is the only thing (sc2) that has ever truly been a challenge in my entire priveledged life. I've had it extremely easy, in school and the rest of my life (for the most part) and this game is HARD, and I love that. The challenge is what keeps bringing me back day after day night after night, playing until 2 in the morning because I know I'll be at work most of the next day. Yearning and striving first for gold then plat then diamond, and now that I am in Masters, trying to eclipse that last gap and make myself unstoppable, precise and relentless.
I have to do this, nothing has ever been more clear to me, nothing has ever seemed so pure and made me so focused. I can't imagine what my life would be like without Star Craft II at this juncture, I love this game, I love the community, and I love the challenges that I get to overcome everyday through this game, and with only my wits and a keyboard and mouse.
In short, I see your bet and I raise you everything I have, everything that I am, and I go ALL IN on the dream, the need, the hunger to be the best, ever....period.
I haven't ever articulated this to anyone except my current girlfriend, no one else seems to understand, even my friends who play the game, don't seem all that interested, but I have started streaming and trying to get input on my play, I joined a clan full of awesome helpful people and I am networking with others who share the same passion that I have for this game, I may seem like just another dime-a-dozen noob waiting to have his soul crushed by the enormity that is pro-gaming, but I am urgently awaiting that crushing weight with excitement.
I want to know how far I can be pushed, and how hard I can push back. E-sports I am coming for you, I will not be stopped, I will not be deterred, and I will NOT BE BROKEN! BoxeR did not become the Emperor by writing about it beforehand on the internet (despite nobody else understanding), NaDa did not walk around Seoul shouting "I AM NADA", or if he did it certainly wasn't why he won a Golden Mouse. ThorZain didn't post on TL about how he was going to beat Naniwa, and I'm pretty sure MVP doesn't make "Going to win GSL" blogs on Playxp. Just go do it, man, if Rekrul and other blogs from pros telling you how hard it is to become pro can't stop you then nothing will and you just have to try and see for yourself, whether you make the cut or not, for if you don't try yourself you'll forever regret it. + Show Spoiler +BTW it's spelled "weird", sorry.
Think of it more as a war cry, not as self affirmation, or even an imploring of the community for support, it's more like I was trying to define my intentions to myself. I had to write it somewhere besides the inside of my own head, and when I read this Rekrul post, something inside me lit fire, every line was an affirmation of the difficulty of what I am attempting, what I am training my hands and my mind to do, every part of me screamed, every fiber of my being rallied as if to say you are going to bleed for this (not literally) you are going to want to quit, but it doesn't matter, as long as you don't actually quit. If this was easy everyone would want to do it, or no one would...but I'm sure that the players you mentioned said to themselves, and perhaps even to those that they were around, that they wanted this more than air.
They may not have gone through the streets, declaiming their future acts of glory (that was never my inention), and I'm not really doing that either, I just wanted to vett my goals in a place that I know has a higher probability of understanding what I am saying, and identifying with it too. Perhaps boxer never wrote a blog post about his dreams of setting up his own team (pretty sure he did thats how interest starts to be generated most times) but they are not me, and I am not they, what worked for boxer isn't going to work for me, we are different people, but I won't say it again, I will just do it.
Also wierd(weird) has been fixed thank you for your candor!
On January 20 2012 09:33 shell wrote: Zren89 do you think you can do it? Then go for it.. it will be hard but good luck!
that or you are a big troll and i wasted 1 minute ;D 'No i don't "think" I can do it I know I can!
Would be a pretty funny troll though now that I think about it haha.
Really insightful article, loved it.
On January 20 2012 04:34 MattBarry wrote: Brood war is not the most complicated strategy game ever. Good article though you're not educated enough to make such a call. Good post though.
On January 21 2012 05:18 rafaliusz wrote:Show nested quote +On January 20 2012 04:34 MattBarry wrote: Brood war is not the most complicated strategy game ever. Good article though you're not educated enough to make such a call. Good post though. Not that complexity can be measured very accurately, but an rts will never be be most complicated strategically. I'm not saying bw isn't the best. I'm not saying sc2 is more complex.
On January 23 2012 22:56 MattBarry wrote:Show nested quote +On January 21 2012 05:18 rafaliusz wrote:On January 20 2012 04:34 MattBarry wrote: Brood war is not the most complicated strategy game ever. Good article though you're not educated enough to make such a call. Good post though. Not that complexity can be measured very accurately, but an rts will never be be most complicated strategically. I'm not saying bw isn't the best. I'm not saying sc2 is more complex.
Why not? Are we talking about strategies or real time strategies. Because BW is the best real time strategy.
I would also argue it's probably the best strategy too. If you compare it to chess and go, BW has 2d freedom and more variables than chess and go, while the moves for chess and go are discrete so you can more or less figure out good moves for them.
With BW micro macro positioning etc. it's kinda hard to see what's the best move... also, consider that you don't have all the information on the situation on the map, so it's a game of incomplete information, whereas chess and go aren't. Plus, it's real time. I guess you could compare speed chess to it, but it's not the same, in BW you are tackling a way more vast field of information.
EDIT: sorry for the off-post, I really enjoyed reading this the first time and a few times after it. I might have even already commented, dunno. Thank you for the story Lurker.
On January 23 2012 22:56 MattBarry wrote:Show nested quote +On January 21 2012 05:18 rafaliusz wrote:On January 20 2012 04:34 MattBarry wrote: Brood war is not the most complicated strategy game ever. Good article though you're not educated enough to make such a call. Good post though. Not that complexity can be measured very accurately, but an rts will never be be most complicated strategically. I'm not saying bw isn't the best. I'm not saying sc2 is more complex. RTS are way more complicated than any turn based game. That's why AI are awful whereas in primitive game like chess they can do well vs the best players.
On January 23 2012 23:33 quirinus wrote:Show nested quote +On January 23 2012 22:56 MattBarry wrote:On January 21 2012 05:18 rafaliusz wrote:On January 20 2012 04:34 MattBarry wrote: Brood war is not the most complicated strategy game ever. Good article though you're not educated enough to make such a call. Good post though. Not that complexity can be measured very accurately, but an rts will never be be most complicated strategically. I'm not saying bw isn't the best. I'm not saying sc2 is more complex. Why not? Are we talking about strategies or real time strategies. Because BW is the best real time strategy. I would also argue it's probably the best strategy too. If you compare it to chess and go, BW has 2d freedom and more variables than chess and go, while the moves for chess and go are discrete so you can more or less figure out good moves for them. With BW micro macro positioning etc. it's kinda hard to see what's the best move... also, consider that you don't have all the information on the situation on the map, so it's a game of incomplete information, whereas chess and go aren't. Plus, it's real time. I guess you could compare speed chess to it, but it's not the same, in BW you are tackling a way more vast field of information. EDIT: sorry for the off-post, I really enjoyed reading this the first time and a few times after it. I might have even already commented, dunno. Thank you for the story Lurker.  I think the only absolute about BW you could say is that it is the most competitive rts ever.
I think most complex strategy ever is simply too bold of a claim. I haven't played every rts ever nor am I a professional rts veteran but it's more than likely some ridiculous niche indie game is miles ahead of bw in terms of strategic complexity.
fuck niggers bumping old threads
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beautiful story. i'm glad i got to read it again. friendships are what are important in life <3
TLADT24920 Posts
A nice read, well written. Even though this article is from 9 years back, the same still holds true now. There is nothing after progaming which is pretty sad but if you go into it knowing that fact, then I'm sure you will come out with no regrets It would be nice to have an update on how things have changed since then.