Idra Banned for 90 Days - Page 78
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Hello, all! It's become quite apparent that many of you are not reading the first post carefully. Failure to do so in the future will be met with swift punishment. And as always, remember to be civil. Thanks, Empyrean. Time stamp: 03:59 KST. | ||
Germany2 Posts
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Malaysia3262 Posts
On May 09 2011 00:54 Lassepetri wrote: How has Idra been a valuable asset to the community? He is a valuable asset to the COMMUNIITY in the form of streams, interviews, giving opinions, but i dont think he has contributed much at all to the WEBSITE (insults, one liner troll posts etc) | ||
United States157 Posts
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United States11681 Posts
On May 09 2011 00:30 ReeveR wrote: I'm aware of the "delay" feature offered by JTV... why should he have to? he shouldn't have to worry about BM kids sniping him.. What was he learning zerg off-race? not a chance. he was sniping him. Idra reacted like anyone knows he would (badly). I don't really care about this whole thing, he overreacted and was banned for it. end of story? You shouldn't have to use different passwords, either. Just because you shouldn't have to, doesn't mean you shouldn't. I don't watch a ton of SC2 streams but every now and then I'll be watching MrBitter (most recent example I can think of) or someone else, and they'll get the same guy like 6 times in a row. And like game three they will get cannon rushed. Does that mean the other player is cheating? no, not really. Does MrBitter go "SoandSo you're a waste of life" in a thread on TL? No... he either stops to get something to drink or w/e until either the person gets bored or he's cooled off. Stream sniping is really common, and if you're going to lose your mind because you are getting stream sniped, either integrate the delay, or don't stream. If Idra had put in a delay he could have potentially avoided being sniped, as well as preventing Cruncher from cheating (and in this case, it is unprovable if he did or didn't, I am not accusing) In the long run, I agree with you, but there was a bunch of people commenting on stream sniping being punishable or if Cruncher cheated and so forth. You just happened to be the last person before I posted about the delay, is all. | ||
United States139 Posts
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United States5003 Posts
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Netherlands7028 Posts
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United States21060 Posts
On May 09 2011 00:48 ampson wrote: Honestly, TL just needs to either perma-ban idra or let this stuff slide. Kill him for bad manner or keep him for being a progamer and a valuable asset to the community. All these small bans aren't doing anything but making fanboys rage and haters cheer, which isn't good for the community. The issue they have with Idra is that he encourages bad behavior from other posters. If not for the fact that Idra draws BM to a thread like moths to a flame, they'd probably tolerate whatever he says. You can't let Idra BM and then ban other posters, including those he attacks, from BMing back, yet to tolerate Idra's opponents BMing back means a rapid degeneration of civility and this has happened in the past. | ||
United States5003 Posts
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Canada306 Posts
On May 09 2011 00:50 thoradycus wrote: An insult is still an insult, and it is not allowed in TL, no matter whether you get offended by it or not Really? You think it has nothing to do with idra being who he is? If that is the case why wasn't Incontrol banned for trolling Demuslims thread, and flat out calling him dumb. It clearly offended Demuslim and it was verrry clear that it was an insult. Yet no 2 day ban for as you say insulting. Let's get that myth out of the water, you are allowed to insult people depending on your status and in fact it is right in the teamliquid commandments that you are allowed "to go medieval on someones ass" if it is deserved. In my opinion, suspecting someone of stream cheating is reason enough to go medieval on their ass; and calling them a waste of life in the context that he did wasn't even medieval as it was mildly insulting. Now with that being said, what occurred after the 2 day ban shouldn't be tolerated; and as we all know this ban was probably gonna happen. | ||
On May 09 2011 01:02 Barrin wrote: Uhh... dude... pretty sure the "be respectful about it" is the important part well that comes second,first you must realize if it bothers you and not doing it because you someone else tells you to. | ||
Denmark112 Posts
On May 09 2011 00:56 thoradycus wrote: He is a valuable asset to the COMMUNIITY in the form of streams, interviews, giving opinions, but i dont think he has contributed much at all to the WEBSITE (insults, one liner troll posts etc) I guess it would require a definition of how to be a valuable asset to said community, but semantics shmantics. Polarization has never been a valuable asset to any community. It is my belief that Idra has done nothing but polarizing. | ||
Belgium681 Posts
On May 08 2011 23:54 Nutro wrote: My life is literally ruined because this pro gamer is banned on a forum. I spent my whole night crying in my room with the lights turned off. My mother isn't even coming over today and I tore up her Mother's Day card because I am just so upset over the fact of the amazing Idra being banned for a longer period of time. I just checked in to a psychiatrist to hopefully find ways to deal with this post traumatic stress disorder. I simply can not function day to day knowing that Idra is banned for 90 days. This has got to be the highlight of the thread. lol On topic, I dont think this affects Idra at all. Why not just perm ban him, considering his history. As well as his stream. TL should put its foot down this time. | ||
Canada820 Posts
On May 09 2011 00:57 Klogbert wrote: Idra fanboys are becoming unbearable. They are the only ones who can honestly defend him. Too true....obviously a well deserved ban and anyone else would've gotten a perma ban instead. When the hell does Idra ever POST anything productive anyway? As long as his stream is still posted he could be banned permanently and the only thing missing would be the occasional sarcastic remark and balance whine. | ||
306 Posts
Can anyone honestly say they don't learn from his stream? Do people actually think the only reason he has fans is because hes BM and its funny?............ Is this real life? | ||
United States74 Posts
Here is a reason: No professional institution (such as TL) should take measures to influence an individual's behavior when that institution is not involved. This is true for numerous reasons, and I don't feel like explaining all of them, so go look up "manipulation" for further research if you so desire. I promise as a History major that, in 9/10 situations, this results in negative consequences. What is happening here with IdrA is exactly that; Team'Liquid has decided that they do not like they way this particular person is currently behaving (Telling his Twitter followers to PM IdrA) and are creating punishment (The 90 day ban) to attempt to change it. Here is another reason: If IdrA was anyone else, chances are he wouldn't have been banned for this. If I, for instance, went to my twitter and retweeted that, I wouldn't be banned. Taking that into account, we reduce the equality level greatly more than it already has been on Team'Liquid. In other words, IdrA was banned because he is IdrA and not solely because of his behavior. A third: Look at this thread. I read a lot of it, and man is this community divided. When you do something this controversial, any community will spend more time bickering about what their emotion tells them to believe than actually reasoning out a solution. When things like this happen, we degrade quality here and throughout the site. So many people bitch about bad posters, but in all honestly, there is plenty of incentive to flame around here (I.E. bad posts don't come from thin air). A Fourth: Did you look at the Tweet? IdrA didn't tell anyone to harass Chill, and he didn't insinuate it either. If you really care about punishing someone for this that much (and I assume you care a whole lot) give everyone who flamed chill (not just sent him a message) a two day ban or something. And really, I think that fourth thing is the biggest thing that was done wrong here. This After the ban, Idra encouraged his fans, through twitter, to harass and spam him on TL. Is quite obviously not true. The Tweet, wont be streaming for 2 days as i have been banned from tl for insulting cruncher, everyone pm Chill if this upsets you just doesn't tell people to flame Chill. It doesn't, and I think that it is therefore on the simplest level not OK to ban IdrA for telling people to flame chill. | ||
On May 09 2011 01:11 whiterabb1t wrote: This has got to be the highlight of the thread. lol On topic, I dont think this affects Idra at all. Why not just perm ban him, considering his history. As well as his stream. TL should put its foot down this time. hes been permd 3 times and his other accounts have also been permd. a perm gets reversed faster than a 90 day ban. On May 09 2011 01:16 bonerificus wrote: I think this is way over the line. Here is a reason: No professional institution (such as TL) should take measures to influence an individual's behavior when that institution is not involved. This is true for numerous reasons, and I don't feel like explaining all of them, so go look up "manipulation" for further research if you so desire. I promise as a History major that, in 9/10 situations, this results in negative consequences. What is happening here with IdrA is exactly that; Team'Liquid has decided that they do not like they way this particular person is currently behaving (Telling his Twitter followers to PM IdrA) and are creating punishment (The 90 day ban) to attempt to change it. Here is another reason: If IdrA was anyone else, chances are he wouldn't have been banned for this. If I, for instance, went to my twitter and retweeted that, I wouldn't be banned. Taking that into account, we reduce the equality level greatly more than it already has been on Team'Liquid. In other words, IdrA was banned because he is IdrA and not solely because of his behavior. A third: Look at this thread. I read a lot of it, and man is this community divided. When you do something this controversial, any community will spend more time bickering about what their emotion tells them to believe than actually reasoning out a solution. When things like this happen, we degrade quality here and throughout the site. So many people bitch about bad posters, but in all honestly, there is plenty of incentive to flame around here (I.E. bad posts don't come from thin air). A Fourth: Did you look at the Tweet? IdrA didn't tell anyone to harass Chill, and he didn't insinuate it either. If you really care about punishing someone for this that much (and I assume you care a whole lot) give everyone who flamed chill (not just sent him a message) a two day ban or something. And really, I think that fourth thing is the biggest thing that was done wrong here. This Is quite obviously not true. The Tweet, just doesn't tell people to flame Chill. It doesn't, and I think that it is therefore on the simplest level not OK to ban IdrA for telling people to flame chill. if idra was anyone else he'd be banned harder than tdot. | ||
United States578 Posts
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Canada78 Posts
Also if TL, and other big SC communities, wish to promote eSports this sort of banter should be tolerated to a certain extent (Especially within player fanclubs). It helps fuel competition and is within many sports today. I understand this is TL's website and they can make and enforce their own rules, but really the site has grown a lot from what it was 10 years ago and they arent a small private community any more. However, some people such as a certain TL member on last weeks "State of the Game" have an extreme sense of entitlement and believe that you must not make a post unless it directly contributes to the community. This type of thinking, and I realize this does not represent everyone on TL, doesnt really help the growth of eSports. | ||
Sweden3682 Posts
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