p.s. no offence, just wondering
User was temp banned for this post.
Forum Index > TL Community |
Don't post in this thread to say "gay gamers are like everyone else, why do they have a special thread?" It is something that has been posted numerous times, and this isn't the place for that discussion. For regular posters, don't quote the trolls. | ||
Russian Federation367 Posts
April 18 2012 22:54 GMT
p.s. no offence, just wondering User was temp banned for this post. | ||
Singapore61 Posts
April 21 2012 02:01 GMT
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Sweden233 Posts
April 21 2012 06:41 GMT
On April 21 2012 11:01 kentriarch wrote: This MLG Spring weekend is awesome! With Grubby casting, MKP and HuK playing, what more can a gaymer ask for? SaSe & Nani! Which makes this weekend even more awesome, since they are at Dreamhack! | ||
United States155 Posts
April 22 2012 15:18 GMT
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Canada29 Posts
April 25 2012 04:08 GMT
On another note, this thread is beginning to lack attention >> | ||
United States7435 Posts
April 25 2012 04:13 GMT
It's so interesting. [snip as requested] | ||
United States332 Posts
April 25 2012 15:48 GMT
and cute... oh so cute BUT CREEPY + Show Spoiler + **so cute** | ||
United States7435 Posts
April 25 2012 18:43 GMT
On April 26 2012 00:48 drshdwpuppet wrote: that is kinda creepy 0o and cute... oh so cute BUT CREEPY + Show Spoiler + **so cute** the cute outweighs the creepy at this point. <33333 omg I sound like a stalker. | ||
United States2458 Posts
April 25 2012 18:50 GMT
On April 17 2012 23:28 Aeres wrote: Show nested quote + On April 12 2012 06:16 jarrydesque wrote: In case anyone missed them - hot pics of Kennigit here. I'm not gay, but even I can't help but be attracted to Kennigit. Unfortunately, he's Canadian, which dampens the allure somewhat. ^_^ LOL, I'm so glad I came to this thread just to see that comment. It's kind of true. | ||
United States521 Posts
April 25 2012 19:58 GMT
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United States7435 Posts
April 25 2012 21:05 GMT
On April 26 2012 04:58 Xenocryst wrote: + Show Spoiler + On March 01 2011 13:36 humanimal wrote: Show nested quote + On March 01 2011 13:13 skypig wrote: On March 01 2011 13:05 chocopan wrote: Can I ask, genuine question, what is the origin/primary reason for your belief that homosexuality is sinful? Is it for biblical-type reasons? Or do you believe that homosexual love qua homosexual love is inferior to hetersexual love (eg. you believe it's inherently casual or exploitative or "carnal"-rather-than-spiritual love or something of that kind)? I'm trying not to de-rail the thread too much, so I'll keep it short: there are several mentions of homosexuality in the Bible, namely by apostle Paul, that describe it as arising from excessive amounts of lust; i.e. your uncontrolled lust leads you to choose members of the same sex as sex objects/partners, etc. = "homosexuality." This. Homosexually as a sin is Bibically founded, not a derivation of the human mind (if you believe the Bible to be divinely inspired at least). As for: Show nested quote + On March 01 2011 13:06 Alethios wrote: On March 01 2011 12:39 humanimal wrote: Hmmm, it seems like this thread is getting a lot of attention (not that that's a bad thing!) Anyways, I was reading through the first couple of pages of comments and I noticed you had a list of traits/characteristics of yourself. The first one (Fiercely Atheist?) caught my attention. I just wanted to ask you why you believe that and if it has anything to do with persecution from various religious groups shoving their beliefs down your (or other people's) throats. I, personally, am a Christian and it for a while, I had that "God hates fags" mentality. But the more I learned and grew, the more I realized that, people just took a more uncommon "sin" and tried to put more weight on it. And I think that's where all the hatred stems from. People always go off saying "You're going to hell because you're a perversion to God's creation" and stuff like that... Not going to say that that isn't true, but honestly, I don't think being homosexual is any worse (or any better) than other sins, most similarly lust. Anyways, I don't want to derail this thread into a religious argument or something on bigotry, I just was wondering why you take the stance on "There is no god," and to apologize for the "Christians" who may have driven you away because of your sexual orientation. Having been one of those kinds of people (although I never actively did anything, just cringed away at the people) I regret not having shown Christ's love better. To be honest here mate, I still feel like you're being bigoted. You obviously consider yourself to be a 'moderate' and clearly your views in this regard are far less extreme than many others. Yet you still consider homosexuality as a sin. Why? You might not take the stance that homosexual's are a perversion to God's creation / responsible for the Christchurch earthquake or 9/11 and yet you still dismiss an entire group of people as being less than you, or in need of help and direction away from a life of sin. I've had a number of flatmates over the years that have had a similar attitude to you. They're friendly, well intentioned people, who nonetheless see me and my gay friends as needing to be 'saved'. They might not have driven me away with pitchforks, but it doesn't change the fact that I was unable to have any meaningful relationship with them. Its the same with anybody who doesn't accept me for simply who I am, be they well intentioned Christians or pretentious wankers. I would actually say that I am not moderate and that my views are not less extreme than others. But I would say that my view is far more focused on the main point of Christianity - God's love and redemption. Bear in mind that nominal American Christianity is in a world of its own. A lot of times, there is too much focus on love (and thereby forgoing the holiness and wrath of God) or there is hatred and bigotry with regards to specific sins instead of sin as a whole. I do believe that homosexuality is a perversion of creation, but bear in mind that I also believe lust and any other sin is a perversion of creation simply based on the fact that sin is deviation from God and His original intentions for creation. I don't think that earthquakes and 9/11 and other tragedies are the fault of homosexuality. I think it's a fault of sin. As for the acceptance issue, I just want to say that it's hard to find a balance and I myself still struggle with it. If you had a treasure you believed to be worth giving up everything for, and you could share this with a friend, would you not? The idea of evangelism for me personally is that if I have something that will save a friend or peer from eternal damnation, should I out of love not share that information? Imagine a man burning on the side of the road. A bystander witnesses this, runs over and tackles the guy, putting out the fire but in the process, breaks his bones. Now, if someone criticized this act saying, "You broke his bones, where's the love in that?" we would likely disregard his comment, noticing that the bystander saved the burning man's life, even at the expense of his skeletal structure (something less important). Evangelism in the same sense should have the mindset of redefining a world (even at the cost of sounding bigoted when taken out of context) in hopes of preventing a worse fate from occurring (in this case hell). Unfortunately, this leads to a selling-point mentality where people say "Let's get them to believe in God, go to church, read the Bible, etc. and then move onto the next needy person." When in fact, what the Bible preaches is to love first God (and as an expression, to follow his commandments) and to love your neighbors. While the end result is ultimately the same, having this slight difference in mindset leads to a whole different tone and has resulted in the Christian faith being viewed in a multitude of negative ways. TL;DR: The public Christian belief has been skewed in so many different ways that it has become ineffective and in some ways false. I believe that God is a holy God and needs to deal with sin (whether it's sexual orientation, stealing, murder, or any of the numerous commandments) with justice in a large scale of things. The reason why people come off as "so-and-so needs to be save" is because, if we believe that sin is inherited, all people do need to be saved, so do not take it personally because you do/believe _________. As a final note, when has disagreeing with someone's beliefs become synonymous with being bigoted? It bugs me when people use this as a defense against others. Being bigoted is being intolerant. Tolerance is not agreement, it's acceptance. Which I have tried to stress here. Apologies to Mora, I just felt that this was relevant and needed to be posted here. I'll continue the rest of this discussion (if need be) in PMs. EDIT (missed some questions): Show nested quote + On March 01 2011 13:05 chocopan wrote: I've heard people say "love the sinner hate the sin", is that sort of what you are getting at? I can sort of understand how a person could think that way, although as you both pointed out that sort of thinking while it sounds benign slides so easily in many cases into just regular garden-variety homophobia/hate, if of a slightly more insideous kind. Kind of, although I dislike the saying "love the sinner hate the sin." God loves people, but remember that He hates sin and as sinners, He in a way did hate us. But because of his desire for well-deserved glory, He overcame darkness, sin, and alienation, to fix the broken relationship held between creation and the Creator. But my main point is not so much "love the sinner hate the sin" as so much as hatred for homosexuality (and those who practice it) simply because it is a sin is not a valid reason because that's nitpicking your sins. If a person hates homosexuality with such fervor, they ought to be fair in hating the rest of sin (including their own) with such fervor. Seek holiness all around, not just in less common sins. Therefore, all those who struggle with lust for the opposite gender... it's not any better than a different sexual orientation. I feel like the biggest problem with this is that "the man on fire" isnt actually on fire but you perceive him to be on fire, so you break his bones because you cant see that hes not really on fire Why did you have to bring up that ancient post? It was off topic, didactic and stupid in so many ways. Assuming that other people are damned forever without any evidence is so tribal and medieval that it rivals witch hunts. You can believe whatever you want, but don't impose it on others. I hope trash like that stays off this thread. | ||
Germany5113 Posts
April 25 2012 21:58 GMT
On April 26 2012 03:43 neoghaleon55 wrote: Show nested quote + On April 26 2012 00:48 drshdwpuppet wrote: that is kinda creepy 0o and cute... oh so cute BUT CREEPY + Show Spoiler + **so cute** the cute outweighs the creepy at this point. <33333 omg I sound like a stalker. LOL you guys haha... just when I saw this pic on the interwebs... ![]() + Show Spoiler + ![]() | ||
United States983 Posts
April 25 2012 23:33 GMT
On April 26 2012 06:58 Proseat wrote: Show nested quote + On April 26 2012 03:43 neoghaleon55 wrote: On April 26 2012 00:48 drshdwpuppet wrote: that is kinda creepy 0o and cute... oh so cute BUT CREEPY + Show Spoiler + **so cute** the cute outweighs the creepy at this point. <33333 omg I sound like a stalker. LOL you guys haha... just when I saw this pic on the interwebs... ![]() + Show Spoiler + ![]() If that were a movie, id watch it. Not gonna lie. | ||
United States15 Posts
April 25 2012 23:38 GMT
![]() | ||
United States155 Posts
April 26 2012 16:23 GMT
I'm most upset that I missed Apollo, Grubby, and Axslav casting. How did the Grub and Ax do? | ||
Canada6002 Posts
April 26 2012 16:43 GMT
![]() | ||
United States486 Posts
April 26 2012 17:03 GMT
On April 27 2012 01:23 Josketh wrote: I've felt so out of the loop when it comes to eSports news because of this whole being homeless and no internet thing. I'm most upset that I missed Apollo, Grubby, and Axslav casting. How did the Grub and Ax do? What were they castin'? And Grubby is always a good caster so I imagine whatever he was castin' he did a good job. | ||
United States7435 Posts
April 26 2012 20:53 GMT
On April 27 2012 01:23 Josketh wrote: I've felt so out of the loop when it comes to eSports news because of this whole being homeless and no internet thing. I'm most upset that I missed Apollo, Grubby, and Axslav casting. How did the Grub and Ax do? Grubby was freaking fantastic. I've never heard him cast before last weekend and was pleasantly surprised on how informative his analyses were. In addition, he was very funny, kept up with his jokes and English lingos. Grubby is just a natural showman and his talent was brimming through the entire MLG tournament. I hope to see more of him as a caster soon. Axlav is ok. He didn't seem very enthused when doing commentary. The whole time watching him I kept thinking "damn that guy looks like justin timberlake." That's about it, he left no notable impression. I didn't get to watch dreamhack because I was to busy cheering for my boy DongRaeGu at MLG that whole weekend. | ||
United States314 Posts
April 26 2012 21:03 GMT
On April 27 2012 01:43 Roe wrote: Just thought I'd leave this here.... ![]() wtf is hoejja doing? | ||
Germany5113 Posts
April 26 2012 23:04 GMT
On April 27 2012 06:03 RoMGraViTy wrote: wtf is hoejja doing? Pretending to be a Collossus. KT had a workshop about the impending switch to SC2, and they also had a segment where the players impersonated current SC2 units for fun. There's more here. | ||
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