Don't post in this thread to say "gay gamers are like everyone else, why do they have a special thread?" It is something that has been posted numerous times, and this isn't the place for that discussion.
For your's a PM I made to kennigit asking who that cutie was
Original Message From Kennigit: His name is superiorwolf. He is a poster on TL who posted that image of himself waving to TL. i use it in my profile because when i ban people they often check to see a picture of me and get EXTREMELY angry that they have been banned by a 15 year old small asian boy :D
Original Message From neoghaleon55: Hi Sir... I've been thinking that you were an asian kid all these years because of that profile picture...and then I saw your interview with dustin bowder. Awesome job by the way!! Just wanted to know who the guy in your picture is. Looks like young IMMVP or something. Thanks!
How can we get him in a speedo? How about we bet him that if Huk builds a pylon in a tournament match, he'll have to post speedo pics? sounds like a plan?
On February 10 2012 17:58 Josketh wrote: How can we get him in a speedo? How about we bet him that if Huk builds a pylon in a tournament match, he'll have to post speedo pics? sounds like a plan?
What if Huk goes 10 Nexus, and gets 6 pooled? We'll be screwed!
And if its a bet there has to be another side. What would we wager?
On February 10 2012 18:15 VoirDire wrote: I'm just gonna leave this here: + Show Spoiler +
That was bullshit. Protoss is such a fucking joke! IdrA slammed his headphones on his table and tabbed out of his match in one swift motion, his veined, muscular arms shaking in fury.
Don't be like that, Greggors. You know it's just for training. HuK approached him from behind, having left his computer chair. Sweat from the intense game was still glistening on his forehead. - Besides, you shouldn't have thrown away your mutas like that, you had a lead and you lost it.
IdrA didn't reply, he let the beastial fury in his deep, complex eyes do the talking.
HuK just repelled the stare with one of his perfect smiles. Then noticed that his EG T-shirt had started clinging to his now moist chest Whoa is it getting hot in here or what? He said, still smiling as he started pulling it off his body.
IdrA kept his stare of bored disbelief affixed on his suddenly shirtless roommate. You're such a fucking faggot, you know that?
Save it for the laddering, Greggors. HuK said as he moved closer, his face now only a breath away from IdrA's. Also, if I'm a faggot. Then what does this make you?
Before IdrA could react, HuK had kissed him. French-kissed, even, as expected of a Canadian.
IdrA tensed, his nemesis' taste still on his lips as he spoke. If you ever tell anyone about us I will fucking kill you.
HuK giggled as he started to remove IdrA's T-shirt with one hand and reached inside his pants with the other. Oh no, are you going to do? Put your Nydus in my backdoor?
If you keep saying retarded things like that, I fucking might. IdrA said, moving in for another kiss.
On February 10 2012 10:17 leser wrote: i'm closing in on my 7-year-anniversary and i'm in love with someone else ((((((((((
to make matters worse
a) i don't personally know that someone b) there is practicaly no chance i will meet that someone
i feel like a braindead teenage girl, emotionally and my reasonable side has a lot of problems keeping things real & under control. I'm very upset with myself and can't even fathom how that shit is happening to me. I'm also very concerned about my relationship, and my boyfriend, as in is it a sign that something is very wrong? :S
i feel so fucking dumb :S
Being in love with someone else isn't necessarily a sign that the relationship you're in is wrong. The idea that we can only love one person at a time is a fallacy. You do need help though, trying to go through this by yourself will break your mind and, whether you realise it or not, your boyfriend will sense that something is wrong. Find someone you can explain this all to in a detailed fashion, and when you have it all sorted, talk to your boyfriend about it. Communication is the MOST important thing in a relationship and the longer you hide your feelings the worse it will be when they come out.
On February 10 2012 18:15 VoirDire wrote: I'm just gonna leave this here: + Show Spoiler +
That was bullshit. Protoss is such a fucking joke! IdrA slammed his headphones on his table and tabbed out of his match in one swift motion, his veined, muscular arms shaking in fury.
Don't be like that, Greggors. You know it's just for training. HuK approached him from behind, having left his computer chair. Sweat from the intense game was still glistening on his forehead. - Besides, you shouldn't have thrown away your mutas like that, you had a lead and you lost it.
IdrA didn't reply, he let the beastial fury in his deep, complex eyes do the talking.
HuK just repelled the stare with one of his perfect smiles. Then noticed that his EG T-shirt had started clinging to his now moist chest Whoa is it getting hot in here or what? He said, still smiling as he started pulling it off his body.
IdrA kept his stare of bored disbelief affixed on his suddenly shirtless roommate. You're such a fucking faggot, you know that?
Save it for the laddering, Greggors. HuK said as he moved closer, his face now only a breath away from IdrA's. Also, if I'm a faggot. Then what does this make you?
Before IdrA could react, HuK had kissed him. French-kissed, even, as expected of a Canadian.
IdrA tensed, his nemesis' taste still on his lips as he spoke. If you ever tell anyone about us I will fucking kill you.
HuK giggled as he started to remove IdrA's T-shirt with one hand and reached inside his pants with the other. Oh no, are you going to do? Put your Nydus in my backdoor?
If you keep saying retarded things like that, I fucking might. IdrA said, moving in for another kiss.
On February 10 2012 18:15 VoirDire wrote: I'm just gonna leave this here: + Show Spoiler +
That was bullshit. Protoss is such a fucking joke! IdrA slammed his headphones on his table and tabbed out of his match in one swift motion, his veined, muscular arms shaking in fury.
Don't be like that, Greggors. You know it's just for training. HuK approached him from behind, having left his computer chair. Sweat from the intense game was still glistening on his forehead. - Besides, you shouldn't have thrown away your mutas like that, you had a lead and you lost it.
IdrA didn't reply, he let the beastial fury in his deep, complex eyes do the talking.
HuK just repelled the stare with one of his perfect smiles. Then noticed that his EG T-shirt had started clinging to his now moist chest Whoa is it getting hot in here or what? He said, still smiling as he started pulling it off his body.
IdrA kept his stare of bored disbelief affixed on his suddenly shirtless roommate. You're such a fucking faggot, you know that?
Save it for the laddering, Greggors. HuK said as he moved closer, his face now only a breath away from IdrA's. Also, if I'm a faggot. Then what does this make you?
Before IdrA could react, HuK had kissed him. French-kissed, even, as expected of a Canadian.
IdrA tensed, his nemesis' taste still on his lips as he spoke. If you ever tell anyone about us I will fucking kill you.
HuK giggled as he started to remove IdrA's T-shirt with one hand and reached inside his pants with the other. Oh no, are you going to do? Put your Nydus in my backdoor?
If you keep saying retarded things like that, I fucking might. IdrA said, moving in for another kiss.
On February 10 2012 18:15 VoirDire wrote: I'm just gonna leave this here: + Show Spoiler +
That was bullshit. Protoss is such a fucking joke! IdrA slammed his headphones on his table and tabbed out of his match in one swift motion, his veined, muscular arms shaking in fury.
Don't be like that, Greggors. You know it's just for training. HuK approached him from behind, having left his computer chair. Sweat from the intense game was still glistening on his forehead. - Besides, you shouldn't have thrown away your mutas like that, you had a lead and you lost it.
IdrA didn't reply, he let the beastial fury in his deep, complex eyes do the talking.
HuK just repelled the stare with one of his perfect smiles. Then noticed that his EG T-shirt had started clinging to his now moist chest Whoa is it getting hot in here or what? He said, still smiling as he started pulling it off his body.
IdrA kept his stare of bored disbelief affixed on his suddenly shirtless roommate. You're such a fucking faggot, you know that?
Save it for the laddering, Greggors. HuK said as he moved closer, his face now only a breath away from IdrA's. Also, if I'm a faggot. Then what does this make you?
Before IdrA could react, HuK had kissed him. French-kissed, even, as expected of a Canadian.
IdrA tensed, his nemesis' taste still on his lips as he spoke. If you ever tell anyone about us I will fucking kill you.
HuK giggled as he started to remove IdrA's T-shirt with one hand and reached inside his pants with the other. Oh no, are you going to do? Put your Nydus in my backdoor?
If you keep saying retarded things like that, I fucking might. IdrA said, moving in for another kiss.
I just have a brief question. Whenever I hear anything homophobic or bigoted, I naturally want to speak out against it. However, I often find myself falling into the rut of pointing fingers, accusing people of being homophobes/bigots, etc. I would love to hear some thoughts on how best to respond various homophobic attitudes, as I believe that the way I currently handle it is not the most effective (calling someone a flaming bigot because they said that they don't believe in gay marriage tends to make people close their ears, I find).
How do you guys handle it when someone says "oh that's soo gay!", or when someone says that they are against gay marriage?
Hi TL, Whoever kept tuning into the IRC knows me already; im a german gold league SC2 noob and am bisexual for all i know. as im only 18, I am still not that sure about my sexuality, but those great people from gteamliquid have helped me so much. <3s to them and to Mora and any other earnest posters in this Thread.
i hope i can help to keep this Thread active, as it has been slopping a bit lately.
On February 12 2012 01:59 codonbyte wrote: Hello TL!
I just have a brief question. Whenever I hear anything homophobic or bigoted, I naturally want to speak out against it. However, I often find myself falling into the rut of pointing fingers, accusing people of being homophobes/bigots, etc. I would love to hear some thoughts on how best to respond various homophobic attitudes, as I believe that the way I currently handle it is not the most effective (calling someone a flaming bigot because they said that they don't believe in gay marriage tends to make people close their ears, I find).
How do you guys handle it when someone says "oh that's soo gay!", or when someone says that they are against gay marriage?
Try to avoid calling someone a homophobe or a bigot, because they'll become naturally defensive. Instead, if you want to convince them, try and explain why what they're saying is homophobic, or can be taken in a homophobic manner. The problem will lie in introducing them to several large concepts such as privilege and intent. If they're your friends, then explain why it hurts your feelings. If they're just randomers you're probably better off linking them to somewhere that explains it better than you could.
The IRC no like me! I try to log on from work and it tells me "This channel requires authentication." But when I log on from home I have no issues! Maybe it just hates my iPod and/or crappy connections...going to check for free iPod app...
And yeah, calling someone a homophobe does little, trying to reason with a sensible person is usually best, but a lot of times people are brick walls and maybe the only thing you'll get out of them is the potential they watch what they say some times. I've learned to suck it up and just accept it, and hell half the time I catch myself saying stuff like "That's so fucking gay." I just find it so common now a days that its not worth getting bent out of shape over.
On February 12 2012 06:34 Troxle wrote: The IRC no like me! I try to log on from work and it tells me "This channel requires authentication." But when I log on from home I have no issues! Maybe it just hates my iPod and/or crappy connections...going to check for free iPod app...