![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/MTD7rKM.jpg)
WCS Interviews for this Week:
- (Clicking on the link will take you to that interview)
- 2013 WCS Korea Season 2 Up/Downs Group F Winners' Interview
- 2013 WCS Korea Season 2 Up/Downs Group E Winners' Interview
- 2013 WCS Korea Season 2 Up/Downs Group D Winners' Interview
- 2013 WCS Korea Season 1 Finals Ro16 Winners' Interview
- 2013 WCS Korea Season 1 Finals Ro8 Winners' Interview
- 2013 WCS Korea Season 1 Finals Winner Interview
Group A Winners:

Group B Winners:

Group C Winners:

Group D Winners:

![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/lFKiscH.jpg)
Source: This Is Game
Tell us how you feel about winning.
I had a feeling that getting to the quarter-finals was going to be inevitable. I wasn’t in good condition today so my performance was bad. This was my first time getting up at 6:00am since becoming a pro gamer. I am so tired (laughs).
How did you prepare for today’s matches?
I didn’t have a lot of time to prepare so I just focused on the basics. I also did some image training.
Any match that you specifically remember?
Overall, they were just very simple matches and I won rather easily. So there really isn’t a match that I specifically remember. But I’m going to have to do well for all my matches from here on out.
You met TLO in the winners’ round.
I thought Stephano was going to get through but I ended up meeting TLO. I saw that he like to play an aggressive style from his match against Stephano so I decided to respond to that kind of play style.
Was there any pressure?
Yes there was. Earlier this week, I got embarrassed by the MLG KR qualifiers because I got knocked out too easily. So I plan on redeeming myself through the WCS Season 1 Finals.
Any specific player that you’re conscious of?
I think the best players are fellow teammate sOs and STX’s INnoVation.
The championship is probably your goal so who would you like to face in the finals?
I just want to meet a good player and have a fun match. If possible, I’d like to face INnoVation. I am plenty confident and I am confident enough to put on a good performance.
You stated in your previous interview that you care more about prestige than the prize money. Is this still true for this tournament?
I’m not going to make getting the prize money my goal. Prestige is more important. I want to win the championship for the WCS Finals.
Anything else you would like to say?
I will put on a great performance since I’ve made it to the quarter-finals. I will make it to the semi-finals no matter what.

![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Erf3yo7.jpg)
Source: This Is Game
You advanced to the quarter-finals out of your group as second. How do you feel?
I had to take profile shots and wake up early to play my matches so I am really tired. I’m glad that I made it through but I feel bad that I had to beat KangHo to get here.
Were you satisfied with your performance today?
I haven’t been feeling well for a while now. My performance was really bad today. My hands did not move properly while I was playing today.
What are your goals for this tournament?
My goal was to make the quarter-finals. If I get the chance to, I’d like to face Soulkey during this tournament.
Was it just a condition issue or were you also nervous?
I wasn’t feeling nervous but I was having trouble when I was practicing because of my neck disk issues. I’m not sure if it’s because I had to wake up early today or what but I was feeling worse than usual.
You used mech a lot during WCS EU. As expected, you used a mech strategy for the final round.
It’s a build order that not a lot of players use so I think there are a lot of opportunities for development. But I feel like for TvZ, it’s still not as efficient as the marine/marauder/medivac/widowmine composition.
Were there any difficulties during WCS Europe?
If I had decided to stay in Korea to play in WCS, then I probably wouldn’t have been able to break Code A because I was a Code B player. I wanted to win the championship so I went for WCS Europe. I started off straight from the Premier League for WCS EU so I wanted to grab the opportunity to win the championship.
Do you have any plans to return to Korea?
If I wasn’t a Code B player, I probably wouldn’t have left for Europe. I have to live overseas for a long time so I think it’s better to be in Korea. But I’m really satisfied right now because I established a good result in Europe.
Your first time playing matches in a 5 man gaming booth.
It was really roomy. For individual booths, referees watch your games from outside but for a 5 man gaming booth, the referees are actually in the booth. It feels like I’m being watched from behind so personally I prefer the individual booths.
Anything else you would like to say?
If I had just won in the winners’ round, then KangHo and I both could have made it through but I wasn’t able to so it was disappointing. But KangHo is more than capable of making it through for the next season so I just need to make sure I cover myself thoroughly (laughs).

![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/0XjCw5n.jpg)
Source: This Is Game
Tell us how you feel about advancing out of your group as first.
I told myself that I had to make it to the quarter-finals no matter what because it was a 3 Zerg group. I am so glad that I was able to advance out as first.
Any specific match that you remember?
I got hit with a roach/ling/bling attack in game one. I’ve lost a lot of games because of roach/ling/bling attacks. So I really thought that I was going to block it this time around but I wasn’t able to. That hit me pretty hard.
Why do you think you keep showing a weak form against roach/ling/bling attacks?
I think I lack solid micro and the ability to decipher my opponent’s army composition.
What did you focus on for today’s matches?
I had no practice partners. So I prepared through ladder.
You went for a proxy rax build order for the winners’ round. You experienced a loss during the WCS Korea finals cause you went for a proxy rax build order.
I was looking at things from my opponent’s perspective. I figured he would expect me to go for a macro game for game three so I went for a proxy rax build on purpose.
You pulled off a comeback for game two.
I lost way too easily for game one. The match got a lot more difficult after that but somehow I was able to win (laughs).
You met RorO during last season of Code S.
He’s someone I’ve beaten before, and I figured I would win if I took him to macro games.
What are your goals for this season?
The goal is to win the championship. If possible, I would like to face sOs. If not sOs, then I’d like to face a Protoss player.
If you get to face Soulkey again, do you think you’d be confident?
I am confident. I will win no matter what.
ForGG stated that he wanted to face you.
These days, I feel like I can never lose in a TvT. I think I’m just going to flat out win.

![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/OIRbdS3.jpg)
Source: This Is Game
You advanced to the quarter-finals. How do you feel?
It was an entirely new feeling since I haven’t played in YongSan for a while. I am even more glad because I advanced out of my group as first.
You haven’t played in YongSan in four years.
I don’t know if it’s because I played there a lot during the BW days or what but I was less nervous than I get for overseas games.
How were today’s matches?
It always grabs my interest when I play against strong players. HerO won WCS AM and Symbol, sOs are really strong players. I was happy with my group because it was a group with all strong players.
During your WCS EU match vs Stephano, there was a game where your widowmine backfired and killed everything you had.
I loaded my army into my medivacs after I made sure that I took care of Stephano’s banelings but all of a sudden my army just disappeared. I even thought for a second there that a bug had occurred. After I realized what had happened I felt dead inside.
During WCS EU, you were seen utilizing hellions mostly. But you didn’t use any hellions today.
I don’t tend to use hellions for TvPs. I just didn’t use any hellions because there were no TvZs today.
For today’s matches, you used a strategy where you all of a sudden increased your number of barracks. Is there a reason as to why you excluded getting factories?
In my opinion, it is better to go for barracks than factories. That’s why.
You grabbed a lot of advantages for game two through engagements but you still ended up losing.
I was in such a good position that I decided not to grab any ghosts and just stayed with a marine/marauder/hellbat composition.
sOs attempted a really powerful push for game three but you blocked with ease.
I was expecting an attack to come. Whether it was an all-in at my base or harassment at my natural, I knew that some form of attack was heading my way.
What kind of result did you expect for today after seeing your group?
I was expecting to advance out as second. HerO is a really strong opponent and he was riding a powerful momentum because he won WCS AM. But I felt that I was going to advance out as first after taking him down in the first match.
With your advancement to the quarter-finals, there are now 5 players in the Ro8.
I want to face INnoVation. I am confident in my TvT so I would like to play against him.
You’re living overseas right now so practice must not be easy.
It’s true that I am rather at a disadvantage because I’m not living in a team house in Korea. I can’t even practice at the hotel. So I did a whole bunch of image training.
Anything else you would like to say?
I had no idea that I would be able to establish such good results like these after I got through the WCS EU preliminaries. I am riding a really good momentum right now so I will win tomorrow also and advance to the finals. Lastly, I want to thank my fans who cheered me on and team Millenium.

![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/FLuzJgX.jpg)
Source: This Is Game
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- Go to the TL.net search bar and type in [Interview] and then search. You will find the most recent interviews at the top
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- Go to the liquipedia page for that specific tournament and find this icon:
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