Oh god, poor MMA...Crank too but ESPECIALLY MMA...I feel obligated to be out for Jessica's blood over this but I don't have the heart to. Nobody deserves to be hurt anymore by this.
I hope MMA can go to Axiom with Crank and Ryung so they can start over together...
On October 23 2012 06:41 Shiori wrote: This community is incredibly biased against Jessica. It's kinda sad, honestly. I've no doubt that that she was to blame in some capacity for the Slayers drama, but to characterize her as malicious or evil or the sole problem is presumptive at best and dishonest otherwise. We don't have access to the truth here. It's in the best interests of the players to come up with a story that will allow them to continue to play Sc2 competitively. I don't mean to say that they're lying, but it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if they'd omitted details or put a positive spin on events in which they were more complicit than they'd care to admit.
Jessica may be overbearing, but it's clear that she really does care about her players in a sort of motherly fashion. While that may have been her downfall, her statement doesn't suddenly fly out the window because MMA released a different version. The intelligent thing to do would be to try and find out which of the statements is actually accurate, not presume the one from everyone's favourite Terran is correct just because he made a controversial comment about Boxer.
(On a side note, I'm amazed that all these people who have never been to Korea are suddenly talking as if MMA's accusation about Boxer quitting because of Jessica is some sort of infallible comment simply because of how important it is).
This. So much!
I don't know (and really, don't care) who is right in this case. Most likely, none, anyway. What I absolutely against Jessica for is how she threw her players under the bus (and taking swipes at Ganzi and Taeja, who left team quite sometime ago, while at it). No matter what difficulties they might had, no respectable organization would do something like this.
There are no swipes against Ganzi or Taeja. Native speakers have commented that the "he doesnt train much, but is a genius" comment about Taeja was a praise not a bash.
On October 23 2012 06:49 Subversive wrote: What a mess. The entire environment in that team sounded toxic. At the end of the day, seeing these two kids having to repeatedly apologise because of elder-worship makes me sick.
If there's a massive problem in a team-house, and you have two adults over 30 who have the purse-strings and all the authority, then I'm going to say that the bulk of the responsibility is there's. Who calls someone 'cancer' anyway? Jesus.
Mma is 23 and already served in the military. He is no kid he could be capable of anything
Because TL is full misogynist neckbeards who live on their parents basement
omg, look at the post right below you.
lol... I love it when people just prove me right.
*sigh* I love it when people like you categorize others for the words they use. Would you have preferred I said asshole? Or Jessica was a "bad girl". Grow up kid.
I didn't categorize you, I just thought it was hilarious that you did exactly what I said (someone like) you would do.
I didn't realize being grown up was calling someone you don't know a bitch for doing things that haven't been confirmed to have been done. guess I learn something new every day, right?
And "someone like you would do" isn't categorizing? Apparently you aren't one of the kids that are learning something new everyday.(psst categorizing... do you see it.. one of those kids)...
I said that there were a lot of people saying: "MMA said different, so that proves Jessica is a bitch."
than you come out, right after, and say, basically: "MMA says different, so that proves Jessica is a manipulative bitch."
so I lol'd at the irony and pointed it out, and then you got mad. well, I'm gonna give you a reason to be really mad, because I'm about to really categorize you:
people like you, who jump to conclusions based on nothing, are the problem. not Jessica, not MMA. You and all your ilk. have a nice day.
There have been literally hundreds of pages of drama surrounding this. We're way past the point of "jumping to conclusions based on nothing."
This is TL though, so I guess we need 3 different peer-reviewed sources before we can make a decision about anything.
jumping to conclusions based on the biased statement of one side is pretty much jumping to conclusions based on nothing. especially when this thread has become, basically, a discussion about Boxer and Jessica's love-life between people who have almost all: 1) never met either of them, and 2) don't even speak the same language as them...
anyone saying that Jessica is just a manipulative bitch is, in my opinion, jumping to conclusions.
I would have agreed, if it wasn't for the fact that she has a recorded phone call. That alone shifted my view of "having the best intentions, but not the most competent" to "malicious".
it's pretty common to record telephone calls if you are worried that the content of the call might be relevant later in some controversy. I'm not saying that Jessica did nothing wrong, but just her recording a call is not enough to suddenly label her as maliciously trying to hurt people.
it is assumptions like this that seem to have caused the whole controversy in the first place...
Actually, I don't think she can do that. It's definitely not common.
I actually can not follow all this drama, its just way too much, besides that...lets try to focus on the good things, these drama threads and stuff just gotten way too much, crisis there, drama here..T_T;;
the sad part is, everyone always wants someone to blame, why not just take the news as it is and move on to better things
Somehow every time Jessica threatens to pull out another ace from up her sleeve, it makes me thinks she's to blame. On a different note, I really wanna know what "unforgivable" thing alicia supposedly did, maybe I'd be more interested in this whole drama if he had an affair with boxer or something.
On October 23 2012 06:26 sc2superfan101 wrote: [quote] omg, look at the post right below you.
lol... I love it when people just prove me right.
*sigh* I love it when people like you categorize others for the words they use. Would you have preferred I said asshole? Or Jessica was a "bad girl". Grow up kid.
I didn't categorize you, I just thought it was hilarious that you did exactly what I said (someone like) you would do.
I didn't realize being grown up was calling someone you don't know a bitch for doing things that haven't been confirmed to have been done. guess I learn something new every day, right?
And "someone like you would do" isn't categorizing? Apparently you aren't one of the kids that are learning something new everyday.(psst categorizing... do you see it.. one of those kids)...
I said that there were a lot of people saying: "MMA said different, so that proves Jessica is a bitch."
than you come out, right after, and say, basically: "MMA says different, so that proves Jessica is a manipulative bitch."
so I lol'd at the irony and pointed it out, and then you got mad. well, I'm gonna give you a reason to be really mad, because I'm about to really categorize you:
people like you, who jump to conclusions based on nothing, are the problem. not Jessica, not MMA. You and all your ilk. have a nice day.
There have been literally hundreds of pages of drama surrounding this. We're way past the point of "jumping to conclusions based on nothing."
This is TL though, so I guess we need 3 different peer-reviewed sources before we can make a decision about anything.
jumping to conclusions based on the biased statement of one side is pretty much jumping to conclusions based on nothing. especially when this thread has become, basically, a discussion about Boxer and Jessica's love-life between people who have almost all: 1) never met either of them, and 2) don't even speak the same language as them...
anyone saying that Jessica is just a manipulative bitch is, in my opinion, jumping to conclusions.
I would have agreed, if it wasn't for the fact that she has a recorded phone call. That alone shifted my view of "having the best intentions, but not the most competent" to "malicious".
it's pretty common to record telephone calls if you are worried that the content of the call might be relevant later in some controversy. I'm not saying that Jessica did nothing wrong, but just her recording a call is not enough to suddenly label her as maliciously trying to hurt people.
it is assumptions like this that seem to have caused the whole controversy in the first place...
Actually, I don't think she can do that. It's definitely not common.
well, it is perfectly legal. and it is very, very common in the world of business to save emails, record phone-calls, etc. if you feel that a controversy may arise which concerns the content of those communications.
On October 23 2012 07:01 DarkLordOlli wrote: Somehow every time Jessica threatens to pull out another ace from up her sleeve, it makes me thinks she's to blame. On a different note, I really wanna know what "unforgivable" thing alicia supposedly did, maybe I'd be more interested in this whole drama if he had an affair with boxer or something.
Apparently, it's legal trouble, and that's why they're not revealing it. Apparently.
*sigh* I love it when people like you categorize others for the words they use. Would you have preferred I said asshole? Or Jessica was a "bad girl". Grow up kid.
I didn't categorize you, I just thought it was hilarious that you did exactly what I said (someone like) you would do.
I didn't realize being grown up was calling someone you don't know a bitch for doing things that haven't been confirmed to have been done. guess I learn something new every day, right?
And "someone like you would do" isn't categorizing? Apparently you aren't one of the kids that are learning something new everyday.(psst categorizing... do you see it.. one of those kids)...
I said that there were a lot of people saying: "MMA said different, so that proves Jessica is a bitch."
than you come out, right after, and say, basically: "MMA says different, so that proves Jessica is a manipulative bitch."
so I lol'd at the irony and pointed it out, and then you got mad. well, I'm gonna give you a reason to be really mad, because I'm about to really categorize you:
people like you, who jump to conclusions based on nothing, are the problem. not Jessica, not MMA. You and all your ilk. have a nice day.
There have been literally hundreds of pages of drama surrounding this. We're way past the point of "jumping to conclusions based on nothing."
This is TL though, so I guess we need 3 different peer-reviewed sources before we can make a decision about anything.
jumping to conclusions based on the biased statement of one side is pretty much jumping to conclusions based on nothing. especially when this thread has become, basically, a discussion about Boxer and Jessica's love-life between people who have almost all: 1) never met either of them, and 2) don't even speak the same language as them...
anyone saying that Jessica is just a manipulative bitch is, in my opinion, jumping to conclusions.
I would have agreed, if it wasn't for the fact that she has a recorded phone call. That alone shifted my view of "having the best intentions, but not the most competent" to "malicious".
it's pretty common to record telephone calls if you are worried that the content of the call might be relevant later in some controversy. I'm not saying that Jessica did nothing wrong, but just her recording a call is not enough to suddenly label her as maliciously trying to hurt people.
it is assumptions like this that seem to have caused the whole controversy in the first place...
Actually, I don't think she can do that. It's definitely not common.
well, it is perfectly legal. and it is very, very common in the world of business to save emails, record phone-calls, etc. if you feel that a controversy may arise which concerns the content of those communications.
Saving e-mails, yes. Recording I believe you need to have the other person's consent. I know of a case where it was thrown out of court because it wasn't.
normally i wouldn't bother replying to this, but especially MMA confirms my thoughts I had about Jessica over time. her behavior is very similar to a person I know, a friend even. she is a control freak, overly attached to her boyfriend, has the urge to manipulate, is addicted to social media and eager to get involved in drama to express her own opinion and forcing her opinion upon others. that doesn't make her a bad person to me, it is in her nature.. that is just the way she is and she is not going to change. I know how to deal with her and to be weary of her.. I don't mind. So anyway.. during the SlayerS era I recognized my friend in Jessica due to her twitter behavior and various articles I read. this post confirms my thoughts again.. and I am not surprised at all that BoxeR has been suffering from her actions. my friends boyfriend is also a friend of mine and he is in the same situation as BoxeR is. he has been living with a dilemma for a few years but eventually accepted the situation and lost some friends because of that.. others stopped caring as time went by.
Jessica should get her shit straight, she is 40 years old and acts like a teenager because she isn't viable as a PR person. since she can't handle criticism or accept opinions other than her own. she might be a good business person, but she should leave PR tasks to others.
my 2 cents so far.. please not that is my own opinion and I could be wrong about her since I don't know her at all. although when it comes to profiling someone.. I am rarely wrong.
On October 23 2012 06:41 Shiori wrote: This community is incredibly biased against Jessica. It's kinda sad, honestly. I've no doubt that that she was to blame in some capacity for the Slayers drama, but to characterize her as malicious or evil or the sole problem is presumptive at best and dishonest otherwise. We don't have access to the truth here. It's in the best interests of the players to come up with a story that will allow them to continue to play Sc2 competitively. I don't mean to say that they're lying, but it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if they'd omitted details or put a positive spin on events in which they were more complicit than they'd care to admit.
Jessica may be overbearing, but it's clear that she really does care about her players in a sort of motherly fashion. While that may have been her downfall, her statement doesn't suddenly fly out the window because MMA released a different version. The intelligent thing to do would be to try and find out which of the statements is actually accurate, not presume the one from everyone's favourite Terran is correct just because he made a controversial comment about Boxer.
(On a side note, I'm amazed that all these people who have never been to Korea are suddenly talking as if MMA's accusation about Boxer quitting because of Jessica is some sort of infallible comment simply because of how important it is).
This. So much!
I don't know (and really, don't care) who is right in this case. Most likely, none, anyway. What I absolutely against Jessica for is how she threw her players under the bus (and taking swipes at Ganzi and Taeja, who left team quite sometime ago, while at it). No matter what difficulties they might had, no respectable organization would do something like this (not to mention it's not exactly some "motherly" thing to do).
*sigh* I love it when people like you categorize others for the words they use. Would you have preferred I said asshole? Or Jessica was a "bad girl". Grow up kid.
I didn't categorize you, I just thought it was hilarious that you did exactly what I said (someone like) you would do.
I didn't realize being grown up was calling someone you don't know a bitch for doing things that haven't been confirmed to have been done. guess I learn something new every day, right?
And "someone like you would do" isn't categorizing? Apparently you aren't one of the kids that are learning something new everyday.(psst categorizing... do you see it.. one of those kids)...
I said that there were a lot of people saying: "MMA said different, so that proves Jessica is a bitch."
than you come out, right after, and say, basically: "MMA says different, so that proves Jessica is a manipulative bitch."
so I lol'd at the irony and pointed it out, and then you got mad. well, I'm gonna give you a reason to be really mad, because I'm about to really categorize you:
people like you, who jump to conclusions based on nothing, are the problem. not Jessica, not MMA. You and all your ilk. have a nice day.
There have been literally hundreds of pages of drama surrounding this. We're way past the point of "jumping to conclusions based on nothing."
This is TL though, so I guess we need 3 different peer-reviewed sources before we can make a decision about anything.
jumping to conclusions based on the biased statement of one side is pretty much jumping to conclusions based on nothing. especially when this thread has become, basically, a discussion about Boxer and Jessica's love-life between people who have almost all: 1) never met either of them, and 2) don't even speak the same language as them...
anyone saying that Jessica is just a manipulative bitch is, in my opinion, jumping to conclusions.
I would have agreed, if it wasn't for the fact that she has a recorded phone call. That alone shifted my view of "having the best intentions, but not the most competent" to "malicious".
it's pretty common to record telephone calls if you are worried that the content of the call might be relevant later in some controversy. I'm not saying that Jessica did nothing wrong, but just her recording a call is not enough to suddenly label her as maliciously trying to hurt people.
it is assumptions like this that seem to have caused the whole controversy in the first place...
Actually, I don't think she can do that. It's definitely not common.
well, it is perfectly legal. and it is very, very common in the world of business to save emails, record phone-calls, etc. if you feel that a controversy may arise which concerns the content of those communications.
I don't know from where you are, but I can tell you that recording phone calls is not legal everywhere and it is also regarded as a very bad practice at least where I live.
On October 23 2012 06:56 creamyturtle wrote: They should have let Cella run the team he is a genuine character who is smart and also great at SC2
Except Crank says the players didn't respect cella.
However after that Cella asked me "Would it be okay to let another player use a strategy I have planned for you." For the betterment of the team it was obvious but I was sad that there was no respect for me. But the reason why I understood him was because he had no respect and authority in the team. When I had a talk with Cella, we planned new rules and other things to change the team but when we presented it to the team there were a lot of players who disagreed and the people above us even knowing this didn't give us an advice to find a solution.
In hindsight its obvious that Slayers was making some incredibly bad decisions, but whats most amazing and scary to me is the extent that "fans" would defend them.
I'm no MMA fan, but when he was first demoted, I called bullshit and was virtually alone in that thread doing so.
So many fans just feel in line and thought MMA got in a fight or sexually harassed someone......
The degree to which people just blindly followed the corporate message from Slayers was scary... because that's how fascism takes hold. When people blindly follow, despite all evidence and logic pointing to it being wrong.
You "fans" just wanted to believe it was some idyllic situation... and you were willing to slice up MMA to cling to that belief.